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On 6/25/2024 at 10:33 AM, euphrasyne said:

The internet made the village idiot go global.  I am just done for the day.   FB idiot said that you can only make cultural dishes based on hand color.  I'm just over that.  OK I can only cook things that my neighbor cooks... not happening.   Get over this color/cultural appreciation BULLSHI!  I can cook/eat what i like and I can wear/decorate/worship what I prefer.  If we are ever to be truly nondiscrimination, then  we need to appreciate that.  

If I was an African American albino...What kind of food can I make without violating the rules?

Anyone is free to cook whatever the H-E-double-hockey-sticks they want and from whatever culture it originates from. The only stipulation is that you shouldn't declare it to authentically represent something from another culture, if it doesn't actually do that. Many years ago, TV "chef" Sandra Lee made a Kwanzaa cake. It was a hot mess and didn't authentically represent anything about the Kwanzaa holiday and couldn't possibly have tasted good. Lots of black people (myself included), roasted her on social media for creating this abomination for the purpose of saying that this was appropriate for a holiday that she knew nothing about. I am posting the video below. Be sure to read the comments!



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I'm with you on the authentic thing.   I love fusion food, but I know it is fusion food, and anything I create I do to push flavor over presentation or representation.  Occasionally, I'll make things 'look' good, but I prefer to sacrifice presentation to flavor rather than the other way around.  I've always enjoyed the history of certain foods, dishes, and spices.    


Funny story....I went to school k-12 with an albino who was darker than me.  We are still FB friends.  She mostly eats what I eat.  We use the same collard and cornbread recipes.  She outcooks me on everything seafood though and her cakes look so much more amazing than mine, but mine usually taste better.  

Edited by euphrasyne
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Well today was exciting...we had a small kitchen fire :runcirclsmiley2:Thankfully I had an extinguisher at hand and was able to put it out within 30 seconds. Just a lot of mess to clean up. My friend had moved her pot of water to the back burner and we never use that burner so I had missed that somehow there was grease building up in the drip pan and underneath where the oven vents. Until we moved into this house it had been so long since I had a regular electric stove that I forgot that's how the oven vented. So a new weekly maintenance item to make sure I do regularly. The scariest part to me though was my friend who was cooking when she alerted me to the fire wasn't sure what to do, and her tone of voice was so calm I had to ask her to repeat herself as I wasn't sure I heard her right. So her cognitive issues from her stroke means that I don't want her using the stove unless one of us is in the room so we can step in if needed. So my nerves have been a bit shot the rest of the day.

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It was bright and breezy this morning, and I spent an hour outside trimming back some of the trees at Dad's house. I knew that I wouldn't be able to get too in-depth with it, but hoped to get the low-hanging branches that get caught in our hair and clothes when we mow. I couldn't use a power saw because I was alone. (The family rule says that we don't use power tools or ladders unless someone else is available to perform first aid.) I got out a pair of tree loppers and went to work. I wasn't happy with the result because I wanted to give the trees a closer haircut, if you know what I mean. While most of the grass is cut, the yard doesn't look as neat as it should and there are some plants and trees that need care to ensure they are not choked out permanently. There are also dead trees and volunteers in odd places.


Hubby came by later and we figured out where a few saws were located. Two were electric and one was gas powered. We spent a half hour searching for chain oil. We discovered that all of Dad's extension cords are tangled, damaged and taped up. If they were being used on a job site, OSHA would have been called after the employees walked off the job. Hubby taped the best cord up, and tried the two electric saws. Both chains were too dull to cut. The gas saw also had a dull chain. It was ridiculous! Hubby finally brought out the DR trimmer and did a little bit of work on some overgrown areas of the property while I tried to put like tools together in the barn. I found 11 hammers scattered near the front of the barn. I have no idea as to what is in the back because I couldn't make my way to the rear of the structure. I was so disappointed that we weren't able to do something that would have made a bigger splash.


On a positive note: I picked another 2 pints of raspberries this evening and the patch at the rear of the property is almost ripe!

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That's a very good family rule. I think when I attempt the garage attic I'll have son on the phone listening in.  Multiple tools sound familiar. Lay one down, someplace, then have to buy another one. Repeat, repeat repeat.  LOL. It probably doesn't seem like it to you, but you really are getting stuff done. 

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Oh my Becca-Anne, that is scary! Glad it wasn't any worse than it was though. Scary that your friend didn't think it was an emergency too. I have little fire extinguishers in every room, except the bathroom, but they aren't handy. I need to correct that situation. I've been thinking about one of those fire blankets. Maybe one for the stove and one for the grill? 

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Jeepers, I have 4 of those fire blankets. I had 5 but gave one to GD.  I also have 3 fire extinguishers. One being the big one that I need to have checked. My yard man is a retired fireman, might get him to check it for me. The other two are use and trash when empty. 


ThemartinChick that is a really good rule about having someone around when using power tools such as chain saws and things. 


Becca-Anne, glad you were able to get the fire out and not have any real damage from it. I agree someone needs to be with your friend when she is cooking. Doesn't take but one time. 

We had a neighbor that has since moved that told their teenage son that the only thing, he is allowed to use in the kitchen is the microwave. He burned down the kitchen and garage twice. A lot of damage was done.


Got the bills paid and all the first of month stuff out of the way. Few days early but nothing else is due. Need to make a couple of phone calls sometime tomorrow.  Will be taking next-door neighbor to her doctor appointment early in the morning. Then we are going to breakfast. She said she is getting on her son about not getting his car fixed so she can have her's back. She's tired of not having a car and having to depend on people for doctor appts, or grocery store. Said she's starting to feel like a shut in. He has had the car now for over a year. I think it is past time for him to get his car fixed and give her car back. 

GS is feeling much better today. He went back to work. So, all is good. Guess the Pepcid is working. Now to get him to start eating like he should. And to get off the fast food. 

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7 hours ago, themartianchick said:

The family rule says that we don't use power tools or ladders unless someone else is available to perform first aid.


As others have noted, that's a good family rule, Martian!   :whistling:   At one time in life, I'm not sure I'd ever remember to follow 'rules' cuz when I'm doing.....then don't slow me down! 


HOWEVER.....MS + Aging have honestly now opened my eyes to new realities.  Grudgingly I have actually adopted some "rules" similar to that. 


--Can't go outside if the heat is high - for anything short of saving a life.  Cuz I might be losing mine in the heat. 

--I usually wait to even take a shower/wash hair til DH is home.  Tho I do wear a medic-alert around my neck. 

Hmmm there is something I began a long time ago...Yeah, NEVER go further than the porch without carrying the phone.  I know where the reception is/is not.  (we're not talking cell phone/towers out here in the mts.) 


Those of us who are alone for hours at a time, really do need to consider some safety rules.  :thumbs:  Yeah.....thinking of you, Jeepers!  I think your idea of having someone on the phone is a wise choice.  With those fainting spells of yours.... we worry!   :hug3: 


Becca Ann - so glad you had enough time to get a small fire out before it really got out of control.  You're working so hard to organize and enjoy your new place...  But now that you have seen friend in an emergency, what to do about prevention of other crisis?  :pray: 


Case in point about backup people:  Every night I walk with dog towing me down the driveway and on the road.  DH started taking care of the ducks/goose at the same time (get inside pen from pond; feed; lock inside the duckhouse; change water in their kiddie pool if necessary.)  He waits for dog and I to return and we ride UP the steep driveway.  I certainly have walked that driveway a thousand times in the past decades.  But....tonite, I could have been in trouble.  Only one horse ride since we left for Maui and returned.  So dog and I get down to the N end of property and coming back....legs began to do The THING.  Malfunction.  R one stiff and swinging wide to plonk forward.  L one gimping due to R one's odd motion.  I've got the ski pole for balance besides the dog on other side.  I tried to focus on walking more normally but failed.  Just kept getting worse.  Short heat meltdown yesterday in town might have precipitated this too.  :sigh:    I hate feeling "fragile".  :pout:  

I give over and signal DH (sitting in the car where he can watch)  to come fetch us.  No problem.  But I used to be alone for much longer periods of time.  THIS hasn't happened in a while...a long while.  But I'm recovering from a lotta output and not enough horse input.  And I overheated yesterday!!!!   :shrug:  This Is Life Now.  


MtRider  :offtobed:   

Edited by Mt_Rider
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There is a hobby lobby in Angola that I guess is large. It’s the only one I’ve ever been in, so I don’t have anything else to compare it to. But it’s in the old Walmart/Kmart (don’t recall which was there... it’s been awhile). I don’t go in very often... it’s a time suck. lol 


(I typed this out a couple nights ago and it wouldn’t post because my internet sux. <_< )

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Mt Rider that's part of why she lives with me as we didn't feel completely safe for her to be on her own. Now we'll just take more precautions and I'll be sure to monitor the state of the stoved daily with weekly deep cleans. New pans under the burners and disposable foil liners that I will change when they get anything on them, and clean under the whole top weekly. So hopefully no more issues and I won't leave her at the house by herself. Just knowing for sure the situation changes a lot but we'll make it work.

Glad your DH was there to give you a ride and hope that with a few more rides under your belt you'll be back at baseline. 

Littlesister do you think it's possible your neighbors son is using the car being 'out of service' as an excuse to keep her from driving? How old is she could he have concerns about her safety driving? He should at least be the one providing the alternate transportation if he's using her car. Otherwise yes he should give her the car back!


Not much on the schedule today, thankful it's going to be a bit cooler. Yesterday was miserably hot. Garden is getting weedy but honestly I'm not going to worry about it I'll get what I get out of it. A few flowers are blooming I have a sunflower and cosmos, statice and snapdragons in bloom :wub:

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DS1 is schizophrenic. When he would be off his meds, he couldn’t be allowed to use a stove as he’d forget to turn it off. If he had his own place, we would disconnect the stove and he was only allowed to use the microwave or crockpot. If he was living with me or his dad, he could only use the stove when we were home. He loves to cook and is really good at it. If he stays on his meds, he’s perfectly fine with the stove. 

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@Becca_Anne I could see that it wasn't totally her fault. Not that she left it unattended. But her calm demeanor would have been a danger.


That's a good thought about why her son still has the neighbor's car. I wouldn't have thought of that. If that isn't the reason, I can't imagine someone borrowing a car for a year leaving the other person basically stranded or at the mercy of others. Not to mention the wear and tear and mileage added to it. 


@Necie. I've been having internet issues too. Mostly last night with Verizon phone. I couldn't get on and sometimes when I did, I got booted off or the circle of doom. 



I got a notice from my doctors office that I'm overdue for my colon sample test. Just the cologuard thing. This is the second message that they have sent me concerning the test kit. Both messages said they sent the kit. I have never received the kits. Guess I'm going to have to go in and pick one up. They have them in the office. They also said I didn't do the last one. Yes, I did. I remember doing it when I was in the hotel and I remember taking it inside the post office and mailing it the next day. :rolleyes:


I got another message saying I need a mammogram. I thought it was every other year? Did that change to every year? Don't know. Maybe because of Medicare provides them. But I remember having that because I was still in the hotel then too. Anyway, there are 2 places near me that I can choose. Equal distance, about 4 miles, in opposit directions. One has the first appointment in mid August. The other mid July. I'll do the July when I see when I'm coming back from G-sons birthday party. It's getting longer and longer waiting to get tests done. Hope i can find a decent doctor in Indy. I have my doubts. It's a smaller town with only one hospital to choose from. I became spoiled over here and didn't even know it. 

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So... I keep thinking about updating what’s up around here, but then I get busy and seems I don’t have time and think ‘well, I’ll do it later’, then I get more behind and it seems overwhelming to try and update. Make sense? Clear as mud, huh? :/ 

So now I’m thinking maybe if I post less, but more often..?? I mean, I do pop on here multiple times a day to read and keep up. So I’m gonna try that. 
Last time I updated was last Tuesday, I think. The heat wave week. Wednesday was worse. 95+ temps, high humidity and miserable. 
Thursday I never stepped outside. Stayed inside in the AC and sat in my chair. Did a little crocheting. But mostly just tried not to sweat and get cooled down from Tue/Wed. 


Gotta fold some laundry and wrap soap. More later... 


Thinking about everyone and praying for all. 

:hug3:and :kissy:


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Yes, Necie, I do hope your son's shoulder is much better. 


My neighbor's son is just plain lazy. He won't work on his car and doesn't want to get off his duff on his day off to have his fixed. His last excuse was the tires keep going flat and neighbor told him to take it to a garage. He won't do it. I think he is making up excuses.  She is 3 years younger than I am. Her DH passed away 6 months ago, and she is still struggling with it. I know what she is going through, and it is very rough those first several months. But she is trying. She is able to drive with no issues so that is not the problem. Just a lazy butt son that would rather leave his mom stranded instead of fixing his car. Guess it is cheaper for him that way. But if her car has an issue, he will bring it to her to fix. She pays the insurance and everything. Her son has it made. 


Took neighbor to doctor and then we went to Walmart and other places after we had breakfast. Her appointment was just for lab, and she was hungry. Didn't really do a lot today though. Came home and finished cleaning kitchen. Then the generic people called and wanted to know if they could come out this afternoon to chance the oil and do all the other maintenance on the generator. Was fine with me. All was good. So now fully set up for hurricane season.  Having a generator is like magic. Once you have one you Rarely lose power. Worked like a charm. 

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It is so easy and so hard to care for those who need it most.   Of course we care, but it wears on us and we need replenishing also.   Don't forget to do something nice for yourself after doing something nice to others.  

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4 hours ago, Jeepers said:

@Necie How is your son's shoulder? 

He is doing good. Not following the doc’s instructions, of course, and doing more than he should. If he overdoes something and it hurts, then he lays off. He does know he has limitations. He is getting antsy and hoping to be back to work by mid-July (trailer factory).

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Glad he is healing but should be following doctor's orders. But then who am I to say that. I'm not fully following doctor's orders for my knee either. And yes, it has been really hurting today. I could barely bend my knee. Too much walking and doing too much around the house.  Isn't not doing a garden this year enough resting it. Though I am doing yard work when I can weather permitting. 

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It didn’t help that at his first checkup after surgery that the doc told him to not lift more than a pound, and that he didn’t need to wear his sling inside, but to wear it outside. And they moved his arm to check his range of motion... and he let them without saying anything that he could move it himself any which way he wanted to. After x-rays, they said “Looking great!! Keep up exactly what you’ve been doing.” :buttercup: Well, he hadn’t been wearing his sling at all. He’d been lifting more than a pound and moving his arm more than he should... but they said to keep it up. 😂 


Last Friday morning I picked up DGD(13) and we went to the cabin. The intention was to at least get *her* loft cleaned and maybe even the bigger one. Well, it was still in the 90s and even though the cabin was more comfortable being in the woods, the lofts were sweltering. So no cleaning got done. She had fun running around on DS1’s golf cart and moped. She fished and we went swimming a few times to cool off. The lake was like bath water. DS1 got the campfire going and we were going to do weenie roast, but mom made spaghetti and ya can’t pass that up!! :feedme: Blew up the air mattress in the living room part for her to sleep on and she stayed up half the night on her phone... and then slept in til I woke her up at noon. Teenagers!! 
More later... 


Got laundry folded and 90 bars of soap wrapped yesterday. Even managed to hill potatoes after it cooled off a bit in the evening. 

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Having a hard time getting it together this morning. Just can't seem to wake up good. Sitting here right now drinking a cup of coffee hoping it will wake me up. Not the first time this has happened, but the timing is bad. I have a lot to get done today.  Going to put the canning jars in dishwasher that I bought yesterday and get them ready to start canning in the morning.  Still need to go to store to buy the chicken, salmon and lamb. Lamb if I can find it. Might just be the time of year or something.  

Today the weather is a bit cooler this morning but not sure of what will happen later. I should be outside cleaning out flower beds. Now I am thinking maybe of just using roundup on the weeds since I won't be using those for veggies. Will be using pots in there for herbs that need to be controlled so they don't take over. Also need to trim up the rosemary plant. It is taking over the flower bed on other side and going into the yard. Hope I have neighbors that like rosemary as I will have way too much for me to use after I trim the bush back. 


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I’m feeling kinda the same, LS. I think the cool weather just makes me want to take a nap. 😴 

Been sitting here crocheting this morning and trying to figure out what I want to get done today. Yesterday morning I managed to stuff everything that was left in the chest freezer into the stand up and 2 fridge freezers and got the chest freezer defrosted—finally!! :cele: Now I gotta get stuff organized and some put back. I think I’m gonna use some small totes in the chest freezer to try and organize stuff. I also need to fit a whole (small) hog in it. DS2 took them (5) in Tuesday and they were ready yesterday. He picked them up and took them to mom’s to put in her new chest freezer (25 cu ft). Then he and DDIL went back last night to get 2 to take to his house. So mine is at mom’s and I’m picking it up on Monday. 
Saw a couple yard sale signs yesterday. DH is out riding his bike. I think when he gets back, I’ll see if he wants to go check them out. Then figure out what to get done this afternoon when we get back. 

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Slow day today... I had a 2-hour Zoom meeting and Dad decided to sleep in until I finished. I planted some ginger in pots and planted 2 more mango seeds. Laundry is done. Dinner was quick, though it has been a bit of a drag to have to cook 2 different menus for every meal. Dishes will be washed in the next hour and then I will be relaxing for the rest of the evening.


Tomorrow, I'm giving Dad a bit of freedom and will leave him alone for a few hours. He has been doing so well that the physical therapist has him working with a cane or walking stick. He is still supposed to use the walker for everyday tasks, but might transition to a cane in a few days! I am going to color my hair and do a mani-pedi...My nails are a wreck!

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Mani/pedi I wish. I'm lucky to get a bath these days. LOL.  Actually I really love my bathtub. It's deep and wide. Unlike the one in Indy. I barely fit in that one. And I'm not a very big person. I didn't know they made them that small. Sheeesh. Funny though, I'm more steady getting in and out of the deep one than I am the shallow one. :shrug:


I hope it's true about having to make a mess to clean a mess because my garage is awful. I worked out there most of this evening and long into the night. To keep from becoming too dizzy, I pull everything out onto the floor area so I can sit on the floor in front of the fan and go through stuff.


Oh My Gosh, everything is soooo dirty and covered in mouse/chipmunk poop. It is a disgusting mess out there. Poop and acorns galore! And dust and dirt. I went to Wal-Mart and bought a huge 3 pack of disinfectant wipes and I'm wiping everything I touch. I've already used one container. One problem is the fan dries them out fast while I'm using them. I don't care. I'll buy more. I'm not skimping on them. It's going to take me forever at the rate I'm going. I did get the whole top of the shelf unit done, except for sweeping it off, and one of the four shelves done. I still need to decide whether to keep my wet tile saw and which router to keep. Oh yeah, I have big power tools out there. Electric routers, circular saws, jig saws, drills, sanders, paint sprayer, work bench etc. I had plans. Big plans. I even have a log splitter out there.  :o


There is a huge contractor bag full of something. I started to look in it and decided to just walk away. I've had enough for one day. It's heavy though. I can't get the Jeep out of the garage because of the stuff surrounding it. Hopefully I'll be able to make a run to the dumpster tomorrow.  


I should be able to get that shelving unit done this weekend then start on the stuff stacked on the floor beside it. It's going to be awful too because the construction crew used the garage to saw and sand the baseboards for the house. There is sawdust mixed with regular dust all over everything. And most of it isn't packed in boxes. It's just loose. Then start on the other side of the garage. 35 years worth of stuff. I'm not even thinking about that attic yet. :sigh:


Moral of the story is, don't be like me. Get things in covered totes to keep the mess off of them. Easy to just wipe them off....often! Get organized now before you have to. I bought a set of shoebox size totes really cheaply so I can pack them up ready to be moved. One for a variety of tapes, one for electrical things, one for lighting, one for safety gear etc. Even if the top won't fit on, it will be organized. And look nicer too. 


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You’ll get there Jeepers. Slow and steady. Sometimes it seems that life is one big battle of organization. I think if I ever get everything organized and life perfectly set up... I’d die of boredom! 😂 


We did go to yard sales yesterday. I think we stopped at 4 or 5 and then it started to sprinkle and everyone closed up. I got 2 gallons of ant/spider spray ($1 each), 3 Pullman bread pans- no lids ($1 each).. I have an *everything-kitchen* obsession :buttercup:, 2 camp chairs and a camp stand ($3 each), a couple things for flea market— am being extremely picky since this year is so slow, and... a complete ice hockey set for DGS(7)—all the pads, gloves, helmet, skates, 3 jerseys/2 legging things, carry bag... everything except a stick and pucks ($100). He wants to play hockey, but DS2/DDIL aren’t sure that he has an aggressive enough personality for it. I figure buying used equipment is good in case he ends up not caring for it. 😉 

Ended up running up and paying DS2 for the pork and going to mom’s to pick it up. So that’s in the chest freezer and I can start sorting and organizing the rest of the freezer stuff. I think I’m gonna like using the little totes. I might even use some for the stand up freezer so I can just pull them out to find what I want instead of having to dig to the back. 

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