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Yay @Jeepers for getting someone realistic to take care of your attic!


Busy days!
Sunday was Church and that's it.

Yesterday, walked and then walked dogs.
Pruned back roses and fertilized.
Did laundry.
Electrician came to wire up generator. He inadvertently cut a wire for internet. We had providers come out and reconnect it and upgrade our ancient modem.


Today, walked first.
Took my friend to local grocery and then brought her to my house and tried to get her medical marijuana card. Ran into a problem at the end processing payment so we are still waiting for a call back about that.
May re-can a #10 can of cheese sauce.
I have a caregiver's workshop for VA that I need to address.

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Finished canning the veggies and chicken.  Just waiting for the canners to get done so I can get all the beef canned. Then I am done for today.  Tomorrow is catch up day and then I will tackle those Boston butts. 


GS's finger is not broken. It is badly sprained. I checked it out really good today as he was calmer about it. it still hurts bad though. I pulled it out straight and it didn't hurt so not jammed either. I am still having him keep it in a splint for a couple of more days. No bruising or anything. All I can say is he will keep me up on my first aid skills. :gaah:


The spam calls are crazy. That one to get me to do that Medicare snap program or whatever it is has called 8 times today. I block the numbers and they use a new one. It was on the news that that one is a scam and nothing to do with that program for insurance. 


I am seriously thinking of taking a short nap after I get the beef into the canners. Basicly the only other thing I will can for the baby is carrots. I didn't have any and to tired to go buy any. That can be done later. She has enough to hold her for a while. 

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I thought I had an ear doctor appointment tomorrow.  It was today. So, I still have a hole in the eardrum but it's very small. More like a slit. She wanted to set me up with an ear surgeon. Possibly for a patch. I told her I wasn't interested right now. I'm going through stuff. :rolleyes:  She said it could get bigger. If I have any changes or drainage to come back in. If not, a follow-up in a year. I didn't want to tell her I'm moving. I'm trying to keep it on the down low so I can still get Rx from my doctor. One more Ambien refill and he's outta here. 


Guess what? That attic is D O N E! Oh happy days. Three guys came today and got it all done in 2+ hours. He only charged $600 but I gave each of them a tip so close to $700. Worth every penny. I would have paid $1,000 and been happy. I finally knew my limit in this house. That ladder was not going to be a happy ending for me. Could not have asked for nicer guys!


I didn't go through any of it. I told him D-ex wanted two old typewriters and if they found a blue bowl I wanted it. They didn't. But they did find FOUR typewriters. :rolleyes: I didn't want to go through any of it. It would have just held them up. They backed the big truck up to the garage and started pitching stuff to each other. He was nice enough to come the day after I called. I figured if I hadn't seen it in over 35 years then it wasn't that important to me. If it was something that good, then I would have taken better care of it. I'm done. One good thing is that I can throw stuff away. Some hoarders can't. Not that I was a hoarder but....the shoe was starting to fit. I'm also not lugging a bunch of crap to the other house. One very important thing I've learned is that junk is expensive. Very expensive!


I'd take a picture but I already closed the hatch. I had to use a ladder to do that. 


I'm canning chicken today. I went across town and bought some more. I think there are 38 half pints in the canner. I forget. 13 up and 13 down and I crammed 2 more in, I think. They either will or they won't seal. Possibly chicken for supper tomorrow. I found 14 pounds of grass fed hamburger in the freezer. I put it in the fridge and will see if it thaws fast enough for me to can in the next couple of days. I really want to get the meat done to take to Indy in the Jeep.


Movers are coming on Thursday. If that's the 25th. I'm going over to Indy on 26th to make sure that garage is as ready as I can make it. Then they arrive on the 27th. I only plan on staying a couple of days after that. 


When I get back, I have one more guy to call. My chimney cap needs repaired. It is just hanging. And my kitchen sink is leaking. I think it's just the connections and not an actual pipe leak. And my air conditioner either runs 24/7 or not at all.  Sigh.




I'm going to start loading the Jeep tonight to get a head start on Friday. It's 7:00 PM and I'm ready for bed...when the canner shuts off. 

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The guys left one box that they said were pictures. It was two pictures of me. One at about 5 yrs and one at 13 yrs. The others were of scenery that I didn't recognize. All framed. As I got toward the bottom I saw a nest of dead mice. A big cluster of them amid chewed box and yet more mouse poop. Original thought confirmed.  Nothing up there, not even grannies bowl, was worth digging into that mess. 


Another lesson learned. I will never store anything up an an attic in a box. It will have to be in a tote. I'm not sure how mice could climb up there but they did. A lot of them. 



Probably mouse stuff in those  %^#%$# typewriters too. :gaah:



Edited by Jeepers
After Thought
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Jeepers I'm so happy for you that the attic is done! Great job on letting go. :hapydancsmil:


I'm assigning myself the project of going through my memory boxes by the end of the year. I haven't gone through two whole closets since we moved in and it's time to cut that down in about 1/4 or less. One tote for each kid and one for me and my hubby, whatever doesn't fit doesn't stay. Then I'll scan in photos and only keep the very best physical copies. 35 years of photos + my childhood ones. So really 50 yrs of stuff. I've moved it all over so many times and yes stuff does cost a lot of $$$!

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Jeepers, you are almost to Indy for good.  You did really well. Soon you can relax and enjoy your family. I know one thing it cost a fortune to hire people to do things you can't. Been there done that and is about to start again soon. I can't depend on DD and SIL. She keeps saying they are going to help me, but I have been hearing that for months. I need to get it all finished up.

GS has driven me up a wall today with his finger. It did swell up and I made him keep an ice pack on it.  Swelling is down and I rewrapped it for the 9th time. It is starting to bruise on the underneath side of the pinky. I think it is just a bad sprain. But he acts like it is going to fall off.  Yes, he has always been a drama queen when he gets hurt or sick. 

Didn't get to bed till 4am this morning and I am really tired. 

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5 hours ago, Littlesister said:

I am seriously thinking of taking a short nap after I get the beef into the canners.

I hpe you mean AFTER they are done processing and not while they are processing!  :huh: :canning: :scratchhead:

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@Becca_Anne  letting go is a good way to describe it. But ya know, if it wasn't for the fact that I'm moving, I never would have done it. I would have just kept on ignoring it. And I did the tote thing with son's and D-exes stuff when I first started clearing out the house. Each one has a tote that I saved things they might like to have. They each have one tote that I said I'd keep in my spare garage for them. Son already took his. D-ex lives out west, so I don't mind keeping one. But the most important thing was, I told them that if it isn't in their tote, then don't ask me where it is. I don't have it and I don't know where you put it. That was a big load off of my shoulders. I also have a smaller one for things my GS did. That one can stay in the house.  :D

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1 hour ago, Jeepers said:

I'm ready for bed...when the canner shuts off.

Please wait until it depressurizes and you can remove the jars. You do not want to lose any of the time, energy, and expense of canning the meat to "flat sour!"

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MNM, I laid on the couch and slept while the canner was going. GS woke me to let me know the timer just went off, but I heard it go off.  I don't go into a deep sleep when I nap so could hear the canners the whole time. It was more like a power nap. 


Jeepers, you did really well to get rid of a lot of stuff.  I am still working on it. I think I have everything gone that was in every room other than office and garage. I am stuck till I get that furniture moved around. Then I can get things where they belong and the rest trashed or to Goodwill.  Once I can get the rooms like I want then I will be going through everything again, but it won't be as bad. Just some things I had not really thought about getting rid of yet. 

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Late again tonite.  Got distracted....  But I'm not waking up until 10:30am so I'm getting adequate sleep.  Just kinda still on Maui time. 


We have SMOKE HAZE from Canada, apparently.  Thick enough that I wouldn't walk tonite.  I don't have a good breathing response to particulates - like smoke.  We looked like the pictures of the Blue Ridge Mts - smokey.  Hope we get a wind to blow it ways.


Nothing very exciting ....or even aggravating happened today.  Wow - :blink:   That's a headline!  


MtRider  :lol: 

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Yay, Jeepers!  So glad The Guys got the attic cleared.  4 typewriters - hey they might be worth money as antiques!  My dad (in his dementia) thru mine out.  :buttercup:  He kept throwing out computers too.  He couldn't figure them out - so he threw them out.  :sigh:  


Not that I need any more STUFF either! 


:cheer:   Y'all are clearing and downsizing STUFF.  :yar:   I'm really not getting anywhere with that.  Not getting far with anything right now.  I had my leg twist with spasms today while I was trying to walk down a hall.  Didn't last long but...I hope it doesn't start that!  


MtRider  .... now I'm going to bed....

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Good morning, everyone!

I have been looking for a way to get some exercise in and focus on myself. I haven't found anything that I am inclined to do at Dad's house other than housework. At home, I have a treadmill. In the condo, I have an exercise bike that was designed without a seat. It provides a wicked workout and I love feeling as though I accomplished something at the end of a ride. Dad has an old, creaky exercycle, but it is nothing like mine and I won't use it. While the house is huge, it isn't conducive to having a good space to work out with a video and there is always a tv blasting. I don't like to listen to music when I work out. I joke that I listen to the voices in my head, but I do like to ponder various issues or scenarios while I work out. It is like therapy! In theory, I could take a walk or jog on a country road, but a lot has changed here since I left home at 18. The road has become a thoroughfare for big rigs, lots of fast-moving farm equipment and commuters from the next county. It is easy to imagine being struck by a fast-moving vehicle and getting knocked into a cornfield, the woods or a swamp. I don't know the neighbors here and neither does my dad.


Last night, I had an idea. I am going to walk or jog in the backyard. Hubby and I have a good portion of it mowed and there are some hills and slopes. it is also private and secluded enough for me to be able to just allow my mind to wander. I won't have to speak to another living soul. I can also take Dad's cordless phone outside in case an important spammer decides to call. 


Today, I am going to walk and then work on my client's project. Then, I might walk again. I really need a break from taking care of Dad...

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I'm glad that you found a place to walk @themartianchick!  I dislike exercising in the house.

So glad you have the attic done @Jeepers!  I hope you get all your planned canning done before you go over!  Also, glad that your ear is seeming to heal on it's own.


Walked early before the rain, this morning. Supposed to rain most of the day.
Will be re-canning the cheese sauce and canning some blackberry lemonade concentrate, today.
Also, doing my caregivers workshop that I didn't get to yesterday.

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I woke up sick. Both ends exploding. I sort of knew it was coming. I just hope it's gone by Friday before I go to Indy. Depends. :rolleyes:


Then I noticed a text message on my phone. Now what!!!



O. M. G. 



I have the best cousin in the world! She lives in Branson, MO. and works concessions at the big venues there. She's seen them all.  She invited me to her house this summer because she was working the concessions at the..gasp. ROLLING STONES concert. Of course I couldn't go. So, she took a video of Mick and Keith for me. Close up. Doing, "You Got Me Rocking" Did I mention O.M.G. 


I just got off of the phone with her. Her daughter got a video of Keith singing and some pictures. She is going to send them to me when she gets them. Sigh.


My very own videos of Mick and Keef. It's been a rough couple of years but this....this has really lifted my spirits. I know, it don't take much. But y'all know me and the Stones go way back. I love em. Big love. :D


My morning went from, oh crap :gaah:

To oh crap. :hapydancsmil:


I haz a happy today. My house is rocking the Stones right now. 🎸

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Mt. Rider, the typewriters probably are worth something, but he will probably never see them again. Last night son said for me to bring them to his house. The next time D-ex comes to visit them, he will confront him with them to see if he really wants them. If so, he can UPS the things out to his house. That will cost him. Those things are heavy. Son might want one and do what with it? Store it. Sigh. Good luck finding ribbons for them. 


The thing about antiques is if they are valuable (never as much as you think) then you want to hold onto them because, well, they are valuable so you don't want to get rid of them. :twister3:


We used to go to estate sales and that is how I got stuck with a bunch of stuff. 

Don't mind me. I'm still salty about being left holding the bag...and paying for it. And I'm tired.


Downsizing is really helping me purge. But wait till I see the mess at the other house. I'll take pictures. It will help y'all to not feel so bad about your stuff. Kinda like when you (me) watch "Hoarders" just to feel better about yourself. Many times I've said, "Atleast I'm not that bad..."  :008Laughing:


It's raining today. Yeah, I don't have to water the shrubs. Little victories. 

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Jeepers, I heard there is a stomach virus going around.  DGSIL got it and so did my SIL. Two different states. So might be going around in several states.  Hope you get over it fast. It's not the time to be sick. 

I know you got excited about the Rolling Stones.


Themartinchick, glad you found a place to be able to just walk and relax. That does help a lot when you can do that. 


Today, I cleaned the jars of food and labeled them, then got them into boxes to take to DGD's house. 

Then I cleaned the kitchen up really good as GS, yep, he cooked again and left me a huge mess right after I got the last of the food out of the canners.  I cleaned out the fridge from all the food he has cooked and is now no good because he eats it at the time and puts the rest in fridge and never touches it again. I am really getting tired of that. So wasteful and destructive.  Told him since he wasn't going to work yesterday, to sit down and study. That didn't go anywhere. He picked up the book and started complaining that DGD didn't explain dismals to him. They haven't even gotten into them yet. I was going to show him, but he put the book down or more or less threw it into a chair and that was the end of his studying.  His leash is getting shorter. 

Got the clothes washed and cleaned bathrooms.  I am tired now. But still some small things I want to get done. 

I guess things are basically back to normal.  Airplanes flying overhead and the spam calls are back. 



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1 hour ago, Littlesister said:

Told him since he wasn't going to work yesterday, to sit down and study. That didn't go anywhere. He picked up the book and started complaining that DGD didn't explain dismals to him. They haven't even gotten into them yet. I was going to show him, but he put the book down or more or less threw it into a chair and that was the end of his studying. 

Methinks he doesn't REALLY want to go into the the military, and while you have made progress with him, it seems to be too little, too late. I don't know what you are going to do, but you've GOT to DO something! I hope you figure it out. :hug3:

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Wow, I threw out more than that. I must have cleaned out 2 middle drawers. 


I need to sit my GS down and have a talk with him. But I need to pry him away from his facetime girlfriend to do it.  I am thinking of putting him out of the house by end of year. I am starting to think that his parents are right he is not going into coast guard like he keeps saying. So, time to go. We are going to talk about those issues, and I know he will lie about it. But unless I see some things happening to get into the coast guard then end of year he is out. I need to clean out my garage and he has crap everywhere. So, I am going to take things he isn't using of his and put it in the trunk of his car. My garage is not his personal storage unit. 


I am tired of my house looking like a dump because of him. He is extremely wasteful and destructive. And when I say destructive, I am not joking.  The patio door was locked when he was outside smoking, and he was too lazy to go to his car and use the button to get into the garage. So, he tried to break into the patio door by pushing it back and forth so hard he broke the lock. The door still locks but is so lose that I won't let him use that door. he's not happy about it but I best not catch him trying to use it. I have the bar in door now. My DD said that my SIL will replace it when they are in town next time. I won't get my hopes up on that one. They mean well I guess but all I hear is we will come and help you get some things done and then I end up hiring someone to do it. 


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My GS learned to voice text today. He said his voice sounds funny over text. I told him didn't think so. It sounds very manly to me. I lied. He is practicing his deep voice now. He can't wait for me to come over. I told him I have tons of YouTube soccer videos to share and some soccer stories. I also come bearing a gift. A soccer ball from MY favorite team. :24:. We have a rivalry going on. I love that kid.


Keith Mick and GS all in the same day. Just sharing. 

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