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Jeepers, I wish my GS was 7 years old again. Don't know what happened but he is now 22 and didn't turn out to be what he used to be in his younger years. I guess those were the good old days. Just wish I knew what changed him for the worse. I keep hoping he will turn around, but I fear that is not going to happen as he gets older. I've done all I can for him and now it is up to him. I need my life back and my house.

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3 hours ago, Littlesister said:

but all I hear is we will come and help you get some things done and then I end up hiring someone to do it. 

Try sending them the bill (or the receipt, anyway)as a gentle reminder that they didn't fulfill the promise that they made. I doubt they will pay it, but it does give some insight into your GS's behavior.


I'm not sure I would wait until the end of the year for him to "straighten out and fly right," though. I can "hear" the sympathy pleas already; "It's cold outside," etc. BTW, have the neighbors raised any concerns during this whole time that he has been sleeping in the car? Maybe he should start sleeping in his parents' driveway instead of yours??? Or, if he likes your couch so much, maybe you should move it into the garage and tell him to sleep there! 

(I am not unsympathetic to your plight. If you remember waaaaaaaaaay back at the beginning of this saga I shared a similar situation I was in with my son. Yes, he was on the street for a while, but he finally sought help and is now sober.)


BTW - if he spends so much time on the phone with his "GF" perhaps it's time to suggest that he moves in with her! 

Edited by Midnightmom
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Littlesister, you do need your life back without all the aggravation. Lifes too short for that mess. I'm enjoying my GS so much. We have a lot in common and the same sense if humor.  But I'm not naive. I raised a boy. When they hit their teen years all bets are off. Testosterone will rear its ugly head. I'm just trying to keep him sweet as long as I can because I know it probably won't last. He calls or texts me nearly every day. We are like two peas in a pod right now, as long as I can speak soccer-ese. It's really helping his dad that I can help  keep him engaged. He has a great mom but she doesnt get sports.  He is turning out to be pretty good basketball player too. I can play soccer with him but I'm lousy at basketball. I can't hit the broad side of a barn. But for right now we are having a lot of fun even if I'm not there a lot. 

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Sorry to hear you're sick, Jeepers.  Timed better than the day of the Attic Purge tho.  :pray:   Get well fast!


Little Sister  .... :sigh:  sorry to hear The Young Man is sliding into his old ways.  Tighten the reins again.  :pray:  If you can't lead that horse to water - throw him in the tank!!!


Midnight.... LOVED the pic of "the middle drawer" !!!  :24:   Oh how I wish I could unload like that!  Some day....  I've got to show DH that pic!!!


OOTO ....so you're spinning wheels like me, huh?  :hug3:   Taking it bit by bit while it falls apart load by load.....  :sigh: 


Well....CO wants to give the smoke back to Canada!  I hadn't even gone outside and I had to use my inhaler today.  Usually, I ONLY use that for bronchitis.  :busted:  or that time of the overcooked frying pan.  THAT was a bad one.  But today, I was talking on phone and everything got irritated and I could hardly speak....breathe.  Inhaler worked.  I do keep it handy tho I don't have asthma (I don't think I do)  Comes in very handy every couple-three years.  Today was that day. 


Later I did go walk the dog but I was wearing N95 mask.  Man...they really tore up our road.  Dug down deep!  Maybe the rough spots will take a while to reappear???


Scheduled ...well, I for sure got the first 2 cognitive therapy appts scheduled.  [ but I forgot if I need to do the next step in calling for rides or I already called them back with the O.T. dates/times.....]  :sigh:  THESE are the type of things I can't keep straight!  :gaah:  Just BLANK  :blink:   :sigh:


DH decided to go out with a :scratchhead:   ....{word search}  ...the sharp thing  ..... not bayonet...."cane knife" in Hawai'i.....  Well anyway, the long knife things to whack down some of the same territorial thistles I've been lobbing the flower heads off in the ditch.  But ...he'd never find the knife things.  They live in the back of my truck so I put on the mask and went down to pull them out.  He got quite a ways into that bunch when a bee took offense.  He doesn't do well with bees so he made a fast exit.  Had a horrible reaction a long time ago in Europe to a bee sting.  Has had a couple stings since but no big reaction, thankfully.  We've had hornets in the hay shed. 


OK....going to bed.  Looks like I'll be there by 2am....again.  Maybe I'll just be consistent with 2 to 10am sleep time.  :shrug:   Except I have a 10am RIDE coming up.  Sure hope the Canadian Smoke goes away by then.  Hate to ride with N95...but I will.  I do always carry the inhaler too.  Overkill, probably.  It's been ? 2 ? years since I've used it.  But if I need it - I really need it.  :shrug:   Boy Scout Rules.  


MtRider  ...y'all stay safe

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@Mt_Rider, machete?  I hope you have a good ride!


Bo and I will walk in a few minutes.
Next, pick up my friend and go to town.
First thrift store, Dollar tree, Walmart and Aldi.
I think I will stock up today instead of waiting until the 30th. Just feeling a little unsure so I'm better getting ahead than procrastinating!

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Miki I feel that way about the end of the year unease too. I'm trying the best I can to get my pantry stocked up this summer/fall too. I'm doing a lot of home canning because I was down to zero jars. Not a good feeling. 


I'm not feeling great. My stomach is sick and it feels like there is a lead balloon in it. I've spent the past 2 days trying to not pass out. I was doing so well for a time. At least I feel it coming on now. I get really hot. Forehead starts to sweat. Get dizzy and then I'd better hit the ground before it's lights out.


Movers are a half hour late and I want to get to the store and back. Also some nausea meds. And one small trip to the Salvation Army. Hopefully, I'll have time to make a dumpster run. The chicken trays are starting to smell. Bad. Dudes are holding me back. There goes their tip. :grinning-smiley-044:

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Actually movers were about 45 minutes late. Any other day I wouldn't have noticed but I had things to do. It poured down rain most of the time they were here.


They were great. They weren't supposed to take any fluids but they did anyway. I told them that I didn't really care about any of the stuff except the books. They asked if I just wanted them to move some of the stuff in the bags I had already packed, and save on boxes? Oh heck yeah. Most of it was just clothes anyway and nothing breakable. The fw breakables they boxed. I had forgotten about some winter coats in a closet. No problem, they took them.


Last night I went out and tried to clean and shake out the typewriters so I could put them in my car. I couldn't even lift one of them. They are heavier than cast iron. So I asked the guys for help today. They put all four of them on the truck. 💙


I'm trying to get two canners going but they are so slow. Even the little one. I think I have 12 pints of hamburger and the 2 half pints of chicken that didn't seal yesterday, in the big one and I think 10 pints of taco meat in the small one. I'm so unbelievably tired right now. It wasn't a good day for trying to stay upright either. It's cool here but I was burning up. Hot under the collar, hairline soaked then boom. I'm gone.  Better news is the intestinal issue seems to be better. 


I would love to sleep all day tomorrow but I have to go to Indiana to get that garage ready. Ugh. 

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At the farm. In the camper. Munching on sunflower seeds. Again. Repeat of last Thursday. 😂 

Saturday weenie roast and Sunday Fun Day at the farm went well last week. We had quite the crowd and went through 20# of chicken leg quarters on Sunday (4 leg quarters left over). I’ll post some pics. 
Market was pretty normal this week. A bit slow. What was abnormal was NO rain during market hours!! 😳 Well... it started raining at 3:45 on Tuesday, but we close at 4:00, so I say that doesn’t count!! :pout:

Was going to pick up DS1 and come to the farm yesterday after market, but found out my niece, her DH, 10 yr old son and 2 of his friends were going to be here camping for the night. THREE 10 yr old boys???— no thanks!! 😂😂 So I stayed at the cabin and we came up today. I did figure out at the cabin that my Bluetti power station will not run the little kurig I have there. But it will run the little regular coffee pot that I have here. So... gonna switch them. DS1 got potatoes weeded/hoed today. I cleaned out a section of the back room (market storage) in the farmhouse to make room for a freezer that my mom wants to put in there. She got a new 24cf, so we’re going to use her old smaller one here. 
I might see if DGD(13) wants to spend the night in the cabin tomorrow and work on the loft. Weather should be perfect for it. Last time we tried, it was wayyyyy to hot! 🥵 If not, I’ll probably just go home and see what I can get done this weekend. 😀


:hug3:and :kissy:











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:pray:  for Jeepers - to feel better, a LOT better for her trip to Indy.  :hug3:  


Your family doings look like a lot of fun, Necie. 


Yes, machete, Miki!  :cheer:    I am studying some brain games on Internet.  Some I do quite well.....some of them. 


MtRider  ...morning ride tomorrow ( ahem, later today)  Have to avoid thunderstorms incoming....  :offtobed: 



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Necie, those pictures match some I have tucked away somewhere.  They bring back wonderful memories of when my extended family (our kids, my siblings and their families, mom and dad, and often cousins and friends) used to have camping weekends at my parents twenty acre wooded property.  It didn’t have a lake but it had a beautiful spring fed creek running through it and was only a short walk from the Mississippi River.  The fire pit with its big oversized grill is exactly like one my Dad made (My Dad was a welder and had a welding shop) and even the bean bag toss was there along with a volleyball net, horseshoes, and more. We didn’t have a four wheeler but instead had several dirt bikes and a pony or two.

Thank you so much for sharing the pictures.  :hug3:


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Love the photos @Necie!  Some of them remind me of my childhood, also.

Drive safely @Jeepers!  Glad everything is packed up and gone.


Bo and I already walked.
Walked dogs.
Going to help out at the little cafe in town for a couple of hours.
Label and put away jars canned on Wednesday.
Get out ingredients to can 3 bean salad, tomorrow.

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Thanks ladies I'm getting to head out now. I had to wait for a locksmith. SIGH. 


Movers broke my door and it wouldn't latch all night. I made a quick run to Lowes (15 min. before closing time) for a wedge to hold it shut. 


It's a double door and they didn't know how to work it so they just forced it open. I didn't notice until last night when I went to lock up for the night. They also opened the dinning room  window and left it open. With the air conditioner on. I didn't find that until bed time too. 




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I hope you are having things unloaded today without it all being you!  @Jeepers


Bo and I already walked.
Went to local grocery and got chicken thighs for .99 a pound to grill tomorrow or Monday.
Need to do some ebay photos of vintage leaflets I was given by a retired cake decorator.
Might make and can 3 bean salad, might not get to it.
Trying to take it a little easy. 4 hours 45 minutes sleep. Hope to do better tonight.


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Home and worked around the house today. Sorted, packed and hauled 3 totes to the barn, 2 boxes to the trailer, 1 box in the van, 1 box to the front porch. All market stuff. That made a pretty good dent in the kitchen. But there’s still more. <_< 

Got half the laundry done. 
Wrapped soap. 
Worked in the garden. 
Ran up to DG— Mt Dew. $5 coupon day. 

Working around here again tomorrow. Maybe I’ll find one of my kitchen tables. :pout:


:hug3:and :kissy:


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I've noticed a pattern ....since I've come back from HI.  I seem to have lost stamina again...  <_<  The day following horse rides, I'm wiped out :0327:   Sheeesh!  As a lifetime rider, I just don't consider sitting on a horse - who is doing all the work - to be exercise.  But yes, I'm definitely using my muscles too - changing positions as we go UP and DOWN and turning this way and that - and ducking a branch or lifting my foot-in-stirrup to avoid scraping on a tree.  These are purposefully not exactly GROOMED trails....cuz it's a Colorado experience!  I have been snapping off DEAD ends of branches - small ones - especially ones that could catch someone at eye level.  From TALL to kids size.... any sticking out.  I just quickly reach and snap and toss the bit behind us (me and horse).  Since I've been on this same trail for several years, I've gotten a lot of it cleared.  They do saw off or bend back obvious safety threats but I'm getting the small stuff that probably would only endanger eyes or scratch a cheek/arm.  With the heavy snow this year, followed by WIND....there are a lot of trees down/uprooted.  They've had to detour around a few places.  And one long-leaning tree is finally down so far we can't duck under it anymore.  So the trail now goes around that. 


:scratchhead:    Hmmmm....just describing all that, I guess I'm not exactly just sitting on a Merry-Go-Round horsie, am I?  :shrug:   


I did manage to walk about 7/10ths of a mile with dog tonite.  I actually did cook supper too.....  It was kinda fast.  Slap a steak on hot cast iron..... follow up with sliced yellow squash and onion after steak is medium rare.  (have to turn ceiling fan on high and open front/back doors for cooking steak on HOT. This cabin is too rustic to have a vent above the stove. ) Some pre-made potato salad and :feedme:  


DH's back has been going into spasm so it's good when I can cook - quickly before my energy tanks.  :cook:  And my BRAIN cooperated!  Remembered what to do for the steak.....came up with idea for the veggies that need to be used....potato salad was from the store.  :shrug:  


I was commiserating with a friend from church who is 8 yrs older.  She and her dh are having memory issues.  Sheeesh....this thing called Old Age is contagious or something!  Hmph.  :wacko:


I start cognitive therapy again this coming week - IF I remembered to schedule rides....can't remember so I'll call Monday. :gaah:    I realllly hope it helps.  I plan to be proactive for as long as I can.  Exercise, brain games, eat well, and ...... sleep regular hours.  :busted:    I'm workin' on it!  


MtRider  :whistling: 

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Those pictures remind me of the family gatherings we had when I was young at my grandparents' house. Granddaddy would bring up the truck with the long bed on it, No sides on the back of truck. Grandma would put tablecloths over the back of the truck and all my aunts would bring all kinds of food and set it all up on the truck. The truck bed was low so made it easy to do. Then they would start bringing out all the food that Grandma had made. I had 11 aunts all involved in the food prep along with my grandmother. All my cousins would be there also. Those were the good old days. We used to do things like that when my kids were younger. But so many changes when your family starts dying off and kids' grownup and start moving away. Maybe if my DD does move to Lake Gaskin like she is talking about, we can all get together there and do things again. 


Today I have been getting the kitchen cleaned to start canning again. I took the last canner of food out of canner at 11 pm last night. So am a bit tired this morning. Need to run to store for some more 1/4 oz jars and some half pint jars. Might pick up some more pint jars while I am at it. I have 10lbs of carrots to can. So, might just get them prepared today and can them in the morning. Will see how the rest of the day goes.  I don't want to stay up late again canning. So tomorrow might just be a canning day and today just getting things reorganized and ready for tomorrow. 

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I hope you get your canning done today @Littlesister!


Doing a walking video this morning. Stomach not feeling real good-best not to be far away from home.
Thawing chicken and burger to cook out tomorrow.
Set up DH pills for the month.
Do 2 loads of laundry.
Take Bo to vet for ear meds.
Marinade chicken overnight.
Go with friend to a revival.
Longer day.

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Canning is done. Just need to get it all put away and get DGD's baby food to her this week. 

Today I am cleaning up the mess in kitchen and getting everything put away again. Canners and such. Plus cleaned up the mess GS made when he got home last night. 

GS is going to see his girlfriend in NC this weekend. His hotel room is like a small apartment. It has a kitchen, small living room and the bedroom all separate rooms. Close to $300 for 2 nights. He has to be crazy.  So, I will have some peace and quiet and not have to clean up behind him for 2 days. I am going to enjoy the quiet time. No middle of the night waking me up at all hours of the night. No in and out of the house going outside to smoke and such. Just peace and quiet. Maybe I will be able to sleep through the whole night for both of those nights. Some much-needed rest. 

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Miki, he does and if he even so much as thinks about pulling that one off they will both be on the street.  I have been tightening the rope on him a lot lately. There are words he says that almost got him kicked out after telling him those words are not nice and he best grow up. Haven't heard that talk now in several days. He busted another air mattress from throwing himself on it, yes, he is very rough on things, so now he is sleeping on his blankets on the floor. Not my issue as I will not buy him a bed, nor another blow up mattress. Not going to make him comfortable. 

It seems funny, as I was talking with my next-door neighbor today and her grandson moved in on her 24 years ago and still there. Mine has now been here 3 years and best get his new know what in gear and get in coast guard or find a job that pays enough to afford a cheap apartment. Told him he has till the end of year, and I haven't seen him crack that book to study since his sister was here helping him a week ago. He has no incentive to study. But he will which he had come the end of the year. 

Finished all the canning and got everything cleaned up and put away. Very low on canning jars now. So, looking for sales. Going out with next door neighbor tomorrow and hoping to find some jars on sale in my travels tomorrow. Not sure yet where we are going but we always end up somewhere fun and then lunch. 

Edited by Littlesister
canning and such.
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I spent a lot of time detail cleaning our shower.  It's a tiny cubicle (no tub) but I hadn't noticed how much soap scuz there was.  Not even finished but my neck (that's been flared up cuz I can't help but whack the heads off the thistle plants as dog and I walk)... is giving me fits tonite.  :busted:   Everything you try to do involves the neck - my weak spot.  :shrug:   Will get adjusted again tomorrow.  Tonite:  Nuprin and Flexeril....and maybe that gel stuff that I can't remember name of....  :buttercup:    {psst, 'arnica gel' )  


Our main car is with the neighborhood car repair man.  He looked at it and found that a lot of the problems relate to one or two fuses.  INCLUDING the car locking in park!  Who knew???  AND losing cruise control!  That's an easy (cheap) fix.  But also needs a whole brake job which isn't cheap.  But altogether, the bill won't be too bad.  Maintaining an old car you know - better than buying a different old car with mystery.  And this guy lives so close to us, we just run over with car and truck and come back with truck.


Called today and I do have a ride for the cognitive sessions again.  (couldn't remember if I'd called for the ride.... )  :sigh:   Finally relocated the site you can go to practice cognitive stuff.  It's a free site.   Did one session to see how I'm doing now- a year later.  Verbal memory has declined on that test somewhat.  The rest are about the same.  I'd completely lost this site and finally found the notebook I'd recorded my scores...and my user name/password.  Meant to do it again today but ...I was busy cleaning and cooking and walked down to the barnyard and walked back up.  :0327: I was just too run out of energy to even attempt the road tonite.


(Gaaaah, I use that fainting guy all the time and tonite - didn't remember the code.  Got the right numbers but scrambled the order.  :gaah:  Had to look it up!!   :(      I want my brain back! )


MtRider  ...actually ahead of time for bed..... Nite!

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Already walked.
Next, will walk dogs.
Do Building better caregivers VA lesson on laptop.
Grill chicken and burgers.
Revival again, this evening.

Easy day!

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Hi all… found my way back here as I have here and there in the past. My circumstances have changed tremendously. I quit my job to stay home due to ongoing health issues and extended family issues. I could think of no better place to come and visit while I learn to embrace this new adventure and lifestyle change full-time. So much to read up on and learn.


So today I have been getting my house in order.
I reorganized my main pantry and I’m working on creating an overflow pantry. 

I am DETERMINED to decrease our electric bill. I put together a portable clothes line I ordered during Prime Days and it’s perfect! Power company states that they will be increasing prices 30%. I started washing dishes by hand and trying to do laundry after 8. I did this for 3 weeks and my bill went UP $100. I added curtains to my French Doors today and can feel an instant difference. Hoping to see a change this next cycle. Im tracking my meter every day myself. If anyone has any tips I’d love to hear them! 

Tonight I’ll be looking up info on how to make my backyard work for us to be more self-sufficient. Now that I’m home full time I’m determined to become as self-sufficient as possible


Edited by ANewMe
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Nice to see you on here ANewMe.  


I heard about the electric bills going up 30% but not sure if it is only a certain utility company or all of them. I have Dominion Energy VA. And it has been high for a while. 

Things I have done is keep my thermostat up at 75* for the air conditioner. I do hang out clothes though my dryer is a gas dryer. But I like the fresh smell of clothes that has dried on the line. I keep my curtains closed during the day and only open the ones that have no sun coming in. I do have to change those around at times. I do use my dishwasher but also have washed dishes by hand many times. I keep the lights off in rooms I am not using also. So far, my bill has been under $200. So, guessing what I do is helping. But I also have 2 refrigerators and a monster chest freezer. This hot weather we have had is coming back in a few days. So that will keep the air conditioner going more but still at 75* I can handle it. 


Went off shopping and out to lunch with my next-door neighbor. Got a bit of Christmas shopping done but not a lot. Figure if I do a little at a time it would be easier on the pocketbook.  Next week we are going to go out on an exploration to check out some new areas. So not a shopping trip but just checking out all the areas around here that have been building up. And then lunch and out exploring again after. All the canning is done for now till I can get some more jars and start back on the freezers. 

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