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Here is some info to share with your grandson. Maybe he knows this stuff, maybe he doesn't. It would be an interesting experience to see how he reacts to it though.





Aug. 4, 2024

Happy 234th Birthday, Coast Guard!

By ADM Linda Fagan, Commandant

This year marks the 234th birthday of the United States Coast Guard, honoring more than two centuries of dedicated service, resilience, and excellence that has defined our proud history. Since our founding, the Coast Guard has grown from its origins as the Revenue Cutter Service into a multi-faceted service with a critical role in safeguarding our nation’s maritime interests.


Earlier this summer, our nation commemorated the 80th anniversary of D-Day, when brave U.S. and Allied military personnel went into harm’s way and often made the ultimate sacrifice in Operation Overlord. On that fateful day, scores of Coast Guard 83 footers plied the waters of the English Channel and landed our courageous forces who stormed the beaches at Normandy, ensuring a world safe for democracy. Indeed, the iconic photo “Jaws of Death” was shot by Coast Guard Chief Photographer Robert Sargent as the door of his landing craft opened on the deadly sands of Omaha Beach. 


As we reflect on our storied past, we also celebrate the remarkable achievements and unwavering commitment of each and every member of our service. The Coast Guard has evolved into an international force: a force for peace in a sometimes hostile world; a force for stability in uncertain times; a force for protection against agents that would do harm; a force of recovery in the wake of global threats. Today, Coast Guard personnel are deployed throughout the world, and the demand for our capabilities and skills only grows.        


234 years ago, President George Washington signed the bill drafted by Treasury Secretary Alexander Hamilton which authorized the construction of 10 cutters, a small fleet that would grow to become today’s Coast Guard. This milestone serves as a powerful reminder of our enduring mission and values. It also provides an opportunity to emphasize a key priority for our future: strengthening our culture. This year, we celebrate the 30th anniversary of our core values of Honor, Respect, and Devotion to Duty. They remain the bedrock of our success, and the foundation for nurturing a positive, inclusive, and supportive culture is essential to our continued excellence.


On behalf of the entire Coast Guard leadership team: Thank you. Your hard work, dedication, and spirit are what make our service extraordinary. As we celebrate this 234th birthday, let us renew our commitment to our mission and to one another, embracing the opportunities and challenges ahead with unity and resolve.


Happy 234th Birthday, Coast Guard! Here’s to many more years of service, honor, and a strengthened culture of excellence.

You and yours are the best our country has to offer.  Semper Paratus!






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Thank you, Midnight Mom. Not sure if he knows or not yet. He hasn't gotten home from N.C. yet. I don't even know if he has left there yet. He's a night owl. Never goes to bed before 4am. Just praying he gets home safe. 

I am still washing up stuff from the garage. Here it is after 10pm. I think I should give it up for the night but want my car back into the garage. Hoping for cooler weather tomorrow so I can work out there some more. Got a lot done today. Had to wash up every appliance I had that was in that huge box. So now trying to figure out what I need to keep and what will go. I will deal with that tomorrow. 

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I remember you - ANewMe (Snow) .  Long time tho.  Glad you're doing well.  Grandbabies!! 


Well....today is a severely LOW energy day....again.  When I went in for the cognitive appt last Thurs, I had this same severe reaction.  It wasn't that strenuous!  :tapfoot:  Yesterday was riding M...with a strong gait but...  :scratchhead:   Really????   I got 8.5 hrs of sleep!  All day I've been pushing thru SLUDGE!  :0327:   


So....heat does slay me.  I haven't gotten hot enough to call anything a Heat Emergency.  Just hot and need to get cool.  But it does have a cumulative effect and it's August.  Don't know but I haven't had this degree of FATIGUE in a while.  {and I don't like it}   :pout:  This is often how I felt before neurologist started me on the "fatigue med".  I'm taking it regularly!!!  So THIS fatigue is crawling right over the med's benefit.  Worst is, I really can't walk the dog down the road.  AND today, she got startled and must have jumped down off the bed - landed wrong.  {Boisterous Energetic Nutcase that she is!}  :buttercup:  Now she's limping with her R foreleg. But she can put weight on it.   Sheesh...DH had no company while getting ducks/goose in off the pond tonite.  We're both "out of order"... :rolleyes:  


I think I'm going to try to fry burgers.  No grande plans beyond that. 


MtRider  :cook:  

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Thursday- mom/sis/DS1 stopped and dropped off little mutt on the way to Georgia. I don’t really remember what I did all day. 
Friday/Saturday had flea market. Friday was nice... it rained... a LOT of rain. Sales sucked, but the weather was perfect!! 😂 I got a lot of sorting/stocking/cleaning done in the building. Saturday was MISERABLE hot!! 🥵 But sales were better. I think I heard sirens come in twice. 😞 🙏  I just don’t understand people coming to market in that kind of heat. 
Today, I didn’t do much. Hauled some stuff from the van to the barn. Played with the little mutt. Pulled soaps/lotions for market next week and wrapped soap. Mom/sis/DS1 got home tonight. Mom/DS1 are coming in the morning to get dog. It’s still miserable hot/muggy and more of the same tomorrow. I think it’s supposed to rain Tuesday... market. :buttercup:

I think I might try to work in the barn tomorrow. Gonna try to set it up for some *barn sales*. That way I can just leave it set up instead of having to tear it down and put stuff away like when I have a garage sale. 

:hug3:and :kissy:



pics of spoiled, pampered, $hithead, little mutt. 




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We are currently looking for a dog.  Pound or buy.  Must be large dog, smart, preferably German Shepphard or Husky. Indoor/Outdoor we are good pet owners. The cats are spoiled rotten.  Dog needs to be good with kids and cats.  Recommendations welcome.  Willing to travel within reason.  I'm currently in south east VA.  

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Euphrasyne, I'd love it if we were related! Absolutely love it. Wouldn't that be cool if we were. Warning though, we come from a long line of Kentuckians. Family. :cloud9:


Ohhhh, we, uh I mean you, are getting a dog. So exciting. Glad you are going big. Less of a tripping hazard! All I know is Labs and Goldens are good family dogs. Shepherds need a firm hand in training or else they can be a little grumpy around children. And you have to watch for hip dysplasia. I don't know much about huskies. They can pull a sled. Good mode of transportation in case of an EMP. In the winter you can hitch it up and climb aboard for a quick run to the store. There's a photo op we need! LOL. 

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Euphrasyne, I hope you find the right dog that fits with your family and cat's needs. I am going to maybe down the line start looking into fencing in the back yard. Maybe just part of it. I want to get another dog somewhere down the line, but I can't handle walking one in really cold or really hot weather. So would need a place for it to run and get exercise during those days. 

Working on garage again today. I have been doing a lot of organizing out there. Hoping to have the garage finished by end of week. But will depend on the weather. Debating rather I will move the rack from my office and put out there or leave that where it is. It will be a while before I get to the office, so not sure that that rack will be needed or not. But time will tell. 

DGS got home just after 3 this morning. He came in and talked with me for a few minutes and then went straight to bed. He's not used to driving 3 hours straight anymore. So, he was tired. He is still asleep and has to work this afternoon.  I guess I will hear about his adventure tonight when he gets home from work. 

I refinanced my home equity loan after the 6-month period so I wouldn't have to go through all that mess again. The interest rates came down and it saved me a small fortune. If the rates go down again in 6 months, I will do it again. It makes it much easier to have a lower monthly payment and then throw more money on the principle to get it paid off fast. 

Well break is over and back to work. 


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Aw Necie, the little shi...I mean pupper is cute. S/he  looks like an energetic yapper. I recognize the look. Son's have a pom that I'm not crazy about. I fake it though. I've even been known to snuggle with it. If they are looking. It's a great alarm when anyone, and I mean anyone, approaches the door though. Including leaves. 

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Littlesister, I plan on doing a re-fi too. I'm not as concerned about paying it off sooner as I am about getting the monthly payment down. I like a little mortgage so my insurance and taxes are paid monthly. I already have a good rate. I can't remember right off now. I think it's 4.5%. I might not be able to get that now though. I'm going to take a big hunk of the money I get from this house to put down on the other one. In theory. I need to save some back for some repairs and I'm probably going to need a different car soon. I've saved up for a generator but the lawn guy needs to get rid of the weeds first. 

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Walked early.
Picked up my friend. Finally got her medical card paid for- had to use my credit card as hers had a problem with address at the bank.
Went to Dollar General, then bank and then Aldi.
Home and made an appointment online to get a passport- mine is way expired.
Have laundry for the week almost done!

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My ex-H was born 8 months after his brother was adopted.  They were married 8 years no kid (priest/psych), adopted Jack when he was 4 and then ex came along recently after.  Jack connected to his biological family, but they had addiction issues.  

Edited by euphrasyne
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8 hours ago, Jeepers said:

I don't know much about huskies.

Huskies are beautiful, but they are a lot of work. They are escape artists and they need a lot of activity to keep them from getting bored and they "sing" (howl).

They "blow" their coat twice a year. They have to be trained to pull a sled/toboggan/whatever you are desiring to use. (YOU have to be trained too.)

You have to know what you're in for before adopting a Husky. Lots of people don't know and that is why shelters are full of the breed. :(

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I grew up with a German Sheppard named Jake.  One Halloween, papaw put a sheet over his head and tried to scare Jake as if he was a ghost.  Jake responded by running him up a tree.  I Love me some German Sheppards.  

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We just want a big, friendly, protective dog.  I have no plans to train it beyond protective/friendly.  I've had big dogs in the past.  Max was a 75lb lab/chow mix and Poly was a 60lb Scottish terrier/chow mix (take a terrier and blow it up that is what she looked like.) I've had some others in the past, but those were the most recent as an adult.  Max was awesome.  Pre digital pics, but I have scrapbook pages of my cat sleeping on top of him while he 'grinned.'

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That is so sweet Euphrasyne. I miss having a dog. I love em. I'm torn between a Lab and a Beagle. But I know I'll end up with a Beagle.  They have stolen my heart. I know how stubborn they are to train. And their nose is their whole world.


But I love a singing Beagle. Ahh-roooo-rooo-roo. Roo. I speak Beagle-ese. 

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9 hours ago, Jeepers said:

Aw Necie, the little shi...I mean pupper is cute. S/he  looks like an energetic yapper. I recognize the look. Son's have a pom that I'm not crazy about. I fake it though. I've even been known to snuggle with it. If they are looking. It's a great alarm when anyone, and I mean anyone, approaches the door though. Including leaves. 

She (Polly) is definitely energetic. I have no idea how anything so small (5# at 2 yrs old) can move so fast. And she is very much an excellent alarm system. 🚨 She loves to lay on the back of the couch and watch out the window... and bark at anything that moves. It’s hilarious, when she’s outside, to watch her chase a butterfly, barking at it the whole time!! :008Laughing:When my mom got her (I was there) and said she was going to name this cute, little, adorable thing Pollyanna... I said: If you do, I’m gonna make her MEAN!! And I HAVE!! :happy0203: We fight!! *I* am her favorite toy! 

We don’t have a dog right now. (No animals.) And we really have no urge to get another. I prefer BIG dogs. Raised Rottweilers for 20 yrs. (Loved training.) Then had the Kangal/Anatolians for 15 yrs when we had chickens and goats. (Loved the lack of training.) DS2 has the Mastiff and the Corso. DD has 2 Pitty mix that I ADORE. They were both shelter puppies where she volunteered. One is 8 and the other is 5. (I get to doggy sit at her house for a weekend at the end of the month... will get pics.) DS1 always had Beagles. Mom shares Polly with him. He gets to watch her when we’re at market and anytime mom has to go anywhere. Polly adores him. 🥰 

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I want a dog but I'm torn. First I'd need a fence. I plan on one anyway but not right now. $$$ I really don't want to deal with a mess in the house. And I'm often gone a few hours at a time and they can be destructive when lonely.


Maybe two sisters? I read a study about adopting siblings. I don't rember what all it said but something about how even after a few years they can turn on each other. Or something strange like that. I just remember it wasn't advisable. :shrug:

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I'd like to get my doggy fix puppy sitting...if I liked sons dog better.  :008Laughing:It's that high pitched yap I don't like. Her name is Carly but we call her Charlene. I don't know why. They love her so...whatever. 

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It is very difficult to train siblings. ANY two puppies at the same time, IMO. 

Mom and DS1 picked up the little mutt this morning. Loved having her for a couple of days, and DH loves her too, but.... it’s like having a toddler around. :faint3:

This afternoon I decided to work in the barn to do a *permanent* garage sale set up. Worked for about 3 hrs. Rearranged things, hung one tarp to start to separate areas, got 5 tables put up, moved ~50 totes. I should have took before/after pics. By the time I was *done*, I was completely soaked... drenched!! It got to 93* and I don’t even want to know the heat index!! Dew point was 75– oppressive. ‘Feel like’ had to be WELL over 100. Worse in the barn. It’s a small barn. Probably 20’x30’. It was the old chicken coop when DH’s grandparents lived here. And the goat barn when we had the goats. It’s low in the back. I’m using across the front— 10’x25’. I’ll hopefully be able to work on it more next weekend. 

Flea market tomorrow and Wednesday. Then to the farm Wednesday night. And back home Friday evening. DH may want me to go pick up a bike 🚲 for him next weekend... in SOUTHERN ILLINOIS!! :0327:12 hour round trip. <_<

:hug3:and :kissy:


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18 minutes ago, Jeepers said:

I'd like to get my doggy fix puppy sitting...if I liked sons dog better.  :008Laughing:It's that high pitched yap I don't like. Her name is Carly but we call her Charlene. I don't know why. They love her so...whatever. 

OMG!! This is HILARIOUS! My mom’s name is Charlene. Her grandpa’s (and dad’s) name was Carlton, but everyone called her grandpa Carly. “High pitched yap”... fits!! :24:


Polly is Pomeranian/Poodle. She doesn’t really yap. She has a growly bark. It is more yappy when she’s playing. But I taught her NOT to bark when playing with her. Instead, she has to hold it to a growly *talk*. It is hilarious! 😂 Mom has taught her NOTHING. If I didn’t teach her things, she’d have no manners whatsoever. She can sit, down, stand/spin, rollover, sit pretty, shake, high 5, fetch. The problem is that she doesn’t mind... except for me. :icon19:

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Ex-DH was a chemist by trade who specialized in rubber/plastic.  Poly was short for Polymer as she was a molted grey/white color that reminded him of that.  She looked like the Scottish terrier from Lady and the Tramp but on a huge scale.  Max basically looked like a cinnamon lab with a chow tail.  

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I'll add our Husky tail....er, tale!  neighbors on the ridge above us somewhere, adopted a young pup / teen Husky.  They brought him home and let him out of the car - to go into the yard/house/whatever.  He took off.  ( what?  No leash when he's just meeting you and house and ..... )  :banghead:   


Well, he ended up at our place and before the ice had quite melted on the pond. 


:blink:   I've just told this tale before recently....  :sigh:   If I told it here, ignore the rest.  It was his soggy butt that I threw into the back of my car to stop his killing/injuring multiple birds.  He was having FUN.  They had to rehome him.  


I would not vote for Husky...he was not trying to be mean/vicious.  Young thing playing with the "TOYS"....  <_<   


MtRider  :buttercup:  



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Today CO has had lots of storms marching across our state.  We got a nice rain for about an hour.  Didn't cut the driveway with a downpour!  :cheer:   Love to not be "crispy" since CO now has several wildfires :pray:  Nothing close to us to worry and I'm always welcoming rain if we're dry.  :amen:  


DH finally decided to drive himself to the town instead of riding in the senior vehicles with his home health aide client.  Those rough ridin' vehicles have been tearing up his back.  When he got home, he said it was much better.  More gas and wear/tear on car but...better than tearing up his back every Monday!!!  :thumbs:  


I began reading the cognitive therapist's notes and did another round of the on-line exercises.  They kinda make me hyper - cuz you try to press the right buttons and remember if you've seen that word before.  Sequence ...which squares did they light up, in what order?  Copy that.  They flash 1...2...3...4...etc digit numbers and you have to type in the number you saw.  I can get up to 8 digits on that one.  Then I can't see/put-in-memory fast enough to type them out.  It can be kinda fun but...I think I'm too anxious about the REASON I'm doing this.  I'm not really one for FAST game challenges.  Puzzles appeal to me!  I do those on line too. 

If anyone wants to try these, it's open for anyone.  Actually a lot of these sites.  Free too.  Just register a user name and password.  They keep your records for you.  I'm not too far off from last year.      But....today.......In Real Life......  :(  :sigh:  :sSig_help2:     I could NOT find the butter.  WHERE is it??  ....... Hmph, finally remembered the meat/cheese drawer of fridge.  :gaah:  So I'm doing homework...




MtRider  ....I'm going to bed....only 12:30am.  (course I'm not actually IN bed yet) 

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