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Prayers for those in the path of the tropical storm.

Nothing too exciting here today. Dishes, floors, cooking, etc.

We have 1 short haired cat and a Blue Heeler dog. Since getting the dog, he sheds everywhere.  I'm tired of sweeping up fur. He gets groomed and there is still fur everywhere! He is an indoor dog which dh wants him to be. I would prefer that he would be outside except when it is super hot or super cold.

I just got a chenille bedspread recently. I love it! It reminds me of my Grandma's. So pretty and comfy. Got it in sage green. Does anyone else like chenille?

I am going to try to get some semblance of order in youngest child's bedroom by next week. It looks like a craft and toy explosion in there. She has paint on her carpet.  So, we will be getting rid of most toys, do what we can with the carpet, give the grandkids the books, move a desk in there, and get clothes in the dresser where they belong. I am so looking forward to the end result.I bought her 2 shirts on clearance at Walmart yesterday and of course she doesn't like them. I got her the bigger size so they will last 2 summers. If she doesn't wear them in public, at least she can wear them to bed. She is very moody and hot-headed llike my dh. Probably hormones. She went through precocious puberty, physical changes around age 5 and starting her period a few weeks after turning 8. There are injections she could have had to stop her period but we decided against it because the endocrinologist couldn't guarantee that she wouldn't have problems getting pregnant in the future and we didn't want to take that opportunity away from her. A few months before starting her period, I had a talk with her about it and when she did start she wasn't scared. She actually calmly came to me and said " Mom, I think I started my period." I am so glad she handles it well. In the last 15-20 years it seems that girls are starting younger and younger. Our other daughter started at 10 yo and I had the talk with her just in time, too.

Middle son (22) is a type 1 diabetic.He is on an insulin pump. His medical supply company called today to fill his next order. They always call a month + too early.With the way things ae going these days, I just let them fill it. Better too have too much than not enough. It scares me to think about running out of his meds or mine. I am constantly in prayer.

On the prepping front, I really /need to do an inventory of pantry, fridges, and freezers to see what "holes" we need to fill. As far as non foods go, I need to stock first aid/ medical supplies. What are some things thatyou may have forgotten? Foods or non-foods?





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Wow......we just had a ??? CAT fight ??? on our porch!  It's a nasty stormy/rainy night out there.  The yeeeoowwww / growl was a domestic cat.  Possibly getting chased by a raccoon or something else.  Of course the dog started barking so loud, I couldn't hear.  I was really concerned with what the "something else" might be that would corner a domestic cat.  :blink:  ON OUR 2nd story porch!!   I grabbed the spot light and by that time, the porch was deserted....as far as it's possible to see.  No window in the door.  (been meaning to install a peep hole thing...all these years....)  :buttercup:   But since it was quiet, me and spotlight went creeping out to the porch.  Clearing - shine up on that weird shelf above our heads....around the corner.....behind things on the porch...under things on the porch.  Whatever was in that cat-fight, gone now.  Probably when dog barked.  Hope the kitty made it.  Saw a black and white good looking domestic cat on a walk recently.  Just a bit down the road.  I certainly hope it hasn't been dumped here.  Poor thing!  Awful rainy night...our porch would be good shelter.  ....until our dog goes out with DH for his smokes.  She is so curious and boisterous! 


Sheeeesh....heart racing!  Been a long day but a good one.  Great talk with cognitive therapist!!  New insight on how to handle: WHERE do we keep the salt?   Glad I'm going again.  If I can't slow it down, I can change how I react and how to get around it.  


MtRider  ....heart still racing with YEEOOOWWW ing cat and BARKING dog.  :blink:   Never a dull moment...

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That is such a loud scary sound. So eerie.


Some guy I watch had a night video running on his porch last week to see which kitties were coming to eat at night. All at once, in the background, the noise coming from some cats was so loud. It sounded demonic! It was awful. I wasn't expecting it and it scared the stuffings out of me. Shudder. You are a brave soul to go out and look. I'd be, => :behindsofa:

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We had that happen to us when someone dropped a cat in our neighborhood. Just opened the car door and put it out and left. At that time my cats were indoor outdoor cats. And my male cat got in a fight with it. Yep, he got kitty aids from where that stray bit his ear. One of my neighbors caught it and took it to the vet and the stray had so much wrong with it they had to put it down. Sad situation.  Kitty aids, distemper and about 3 or 4 other illnesses. 


I came in office and turned on computer and took a fast look at the e-mail. Ok now don't laugh. But it was funny. I got an e-mail that said will Suffolk go dark as in lights out. I haven't read it yet, just the headline of it.  So, then I left to go to Food Lion to buy some gentle and free detergent to wash the baby clothes in. Thank you so much Euphrosyne I so apricate it. It will be a huge help.  But while there they lost current and not on a backup generator. Yep, it was dark in there. But came back on in a couple of minutes. The timing of reading that headline of will Suffolk go dark and then the store losing current was really poor timing. 


We had a lot of heavy rain yesterday morning and the heavy early afternoon and some wind but overall, it was not that bad. It's getting dark and cloudy outside now, so more rain is coming.  The good thing is that the temps are down to a comfortable level but the humidly keeps rising. I think this storm should be out of here sometime tonight. I hope. 


Blessedhomemaker, I love the chenille bedspreads. They are so pretty. But the ones I had shed so bad, I gave them to CHKD a few years ago. My grandmothers didn't shed so not sure where to buy the ones that don't shed.  Sounds like you are going to have a busy week of house cleaning. 

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@blessedhomemaker71   Sorry i missed seeing your post. That happens to me a lot for some reason. My aunt always had a chenille bedspread,  and I loved it too.  When she made her bed she always rolled her pillows into half moons when she covered them over with the bedspread. I've never seen anyone but her do that. Back then pillows weren't as fluffy as they are now. They were feather pillows. But hers were always rolled. 


I would take all the insulin they give you. I've heard there has been a shortage on some of it. :pray:


I think you did the right thing by not giving her puberty blockers. A lot of that going on now. Sigh. We had a girl in the 5th grade start her period too. She must have been 10 years old. Around 1962. I can remember that we all thought she wasn't 'allowed' to wear white. Most of the rest of us were 13 when the big day happened.   🎶 I am woman hear me roar...🎶  Until the cramps start. Mommy!  :D



Littlesister, do you mean to tell us it actually got dark when the lights went out!? Who'd a thunk it. That's just crazy talk.  :008Laughing:


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Jeepers, only in the store. Walking to the front of store the huge windows put light on the front of the store. I as well as others got caught in the back of store. The isles were pitch black as well as all of the back of the store with no lights on. The ceiling lights, the lights in the freezers and all went dark. It was fine outside. That caption on the E-mail turned out to be patriot selling solar generators. Maybe I should have clicked on it before leaving for store. I thought it was funny though. Only lasted 2 minutes and then the current came back on. Could have been someone hit a light pole or something. Around here it is hard to tell. I think these stores should all have some sort of backup generator. I know Harris Teeter does but not sure about Kroger or Walmart. I thought Food Lion would have learned that when the tornado came through and everyone lost current for 2 weeks. Food Lion was dumping all their meats and frozen foods and such in the dumpster. They didn't open for those 2 weeks. even the produce got thrown out. The Harris Teeter moved from Harborview into the Farm Fresh store a few months after Farm Fresh closed down. They had the generator, and I guess that Harris Teeter kept that. Smart move on their part. 

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I got up this morning and saw a text from my doctor saying my appointment was at 10:00 today. I swear I didn't remember that appointment. I always make appointments after noon. It said "for a proceedure" Huh? I thought it might be my random drug test for ambien. I still have never had one of those yet. I hurried up and showered and got there in time. Sheeesh. 


They couldn't find me listed for an appointment. After investigating, it turned out that I didn't need to go in after all. They just had to put on my record that I had lab work done today because, since my first fecal test was a dud, they had to show that they needed more information because without it, Medicare will only pay for one test a year. Sigh. I didn't have any lab work done. I never got out of the waiting room. If they hadn't messed up and told me I needed to come in at 10:00, I would have never known what they were doing. But the hoops were jumped through. 


Because it was early, the mail hadn't gone out yet, and they still had my test kit in the office. So she handed it to me. 


I told her that I did do the test and I took it inside the post office the same day I got the sample, yet they said it was old. She told me that they have been having all kinds of trouble lately and it's the post office's fault. They wait until they have 5-6 samples there before they send them off. I assume to save money. She said all of their patients are now instructed to return the sample to the doctors office and they will mail them in. There is a note inside the packet instructing people to not send them in the mail. That's sad. Someone (medical) should turn that post office in. Tampering with the mail? The she I'm talking about was the receptionist. I never saw anyone medical for my "proceedure" :rolleyes:


I stopped in Joann Fabric just to see if they were still in business. They are. The store still looked pretty good. A few holes and a lot of things are on sale. It might just be me but it seemed like things were more expensive than I remembered. I noticed the sewing machines were on sale. I don't need one but if I did I'd check them out. Fabric and yarn are both on sale. I didn't need anything. I was just nosey. 



Just showing TMC and Mt. Rider the difference in test kits. They get a cute bucket. All I get is a cardboard envelope. Notice at the top of the envelope it says:




Edited by Jeepers
Added picture of the fecal test...kit.
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Jeepers, I am trying to be a good girl right now and staying out of JoAnne Fabrics. I did make another bunch of baby blankets and took those to church for the pregnancy crises center. Our church collects baby items for them. So, we donate a lot of stuff. It did empty a lot of the material that I kept but now that is getting down a bit as that is what I am now trying to do. JoAnne's has had a lot of great sales lately. 

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They are having good sales. All I bought was some stitch witchery and some needles and thread. I have tons of needles and thread but I'll never find them. I hate to keep buying things I don't need but GS has a lot of cub scout patches he needs sewn on and DIL don't know how to do it. In her defense she does have rheumatoid arthritis bad in her hands. So while I was there I picked it up. I'll do it the next time I go over. 

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36 minutes ago, Jeepers said:

Just showing TMC and Mt. Rider the difference in test kits. They get a cute bucket. All I get is a cardboard envelope. Notice at the top of the envelope it says:




Hmmm... I think that I remember my kit having that little tube, too. However, I had to ship the bucket and tube back to them.



Edited by themartianchick
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3 hours ago, Littlesister said:

Jeepers, only in the store. Walking to the front of store the huge windows put light on the front of the store. I as well as others got caught in the back of store. The isles were pitch black as well as all of the back of the store with no lights on. The ceiling lights, the lights in the freezers and all went dark. It was fine outside. That caption on the E-mail turned out to be patriot selling solar generators. Maybe I should have clicked on it before leaving for store. I thought it was funny though. Only lasted 2 minutes and then the current came back on. Could have been someone hit a light pole or something. Around here it is hard to tell. I think these stores should all have some sort of backup generator. I know Harris Teeter does but not sure about Kroger or Walmart. I thought Food Lion would have learned that when the tornado came through and everyone lost current for 2 weeks. Food Lion was dumping all their meats and frozen foods and such in the dumpster. They didn't open for those 2 weeks. even the produce got thrown out. The Harris Teeter moved from Harborview into the Farm Fresh store a few months after Farm Fresh closed down. They had the generator, and I guess that Harris Teeter kept that. Smart move on their part. 


When the refrigerators in our local Wmart went out they put everything into 18 wheelers until it was fixed. But I don't think that happened during any kind of crisis/emergency, it was just an electrical problem.

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Hi!  Too busy to catch up or even get on laptop. We're ok. Having a  198th anniversary service  at Church and  there is a lot of work to do. I'll be  back  more often after the 18th. Have a great weekend!

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Home safe just have to say not a fan of Denver airport. It was hot and dirty and crowded and they changed my gate 4 times in the 6 hrs I had the layover. But I made it home and that's the most important thing. Of course as soon as I get home all HE double hocky sticks breaks loose. Someone broke into our carriage house and stole my friend's bike, and the foundation crack issue caused by the fiber optic company they are denying it's their fault and we'll probably not be able to prove it because we didn't take any photos of that area right before they started working. Since they didn't notify us they were coming and just started working and vibrating my house for hours it wouldn't exactly be possible to do that. I'm spitting mad about it and not quite sure what to do next other than call a lawyer. Then I had to talk to the VA and they need a form signed which turned out to be a permission to disclose to a 3rd party form but sounded like they wanted me to re-do the POA on the VA form, but when I looked up the form it doesn't require a notary so might be easy to get his facility to get him to sign...sigh. And then I twisted my ankle carrying tools down the stairs to put them in the basement in case the thief comes back to the carriage house, but just thankful I didn't fall down the steps and hurt myself worse. So not a great day!:gaah:

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Becca Anne, I hope you notified the police on the stolen bike and things. I don't know if insurance would cover the loss or if it would be worth it since there more than likely would be a deductible.  Sorry that that happened to you. Wish I knew what to tell you about the foundation crack but that might be very hard to proof. Hope your ankle isn't sprained to bad and heals fast. Be careful going up and down those steps. 

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Dang Becca-Anne. Hope your ankle feels better soon. Steps are the bane of my existence these days. I think they have it in for me. 


I know what it's like to be robbed. First you are stunned then scared they will come back and then not sure what to do about it. All the while seething mad. They usually get away with it and move on to the next place. What gives them the right to violate someone like that. I'm sorry.  :baseballbat:


I don't like Denver airport too. I always seemed to get stuck there for hours and hours. I don't like Atlanta's Hartsfield either. It's so massive. 


And shame on the fiber optic company. No one wants to take responsibility for anything now. I wouldn't know what to do in that situation. Other than to sit down and have a good cry. I'm glad you are safely home though.   :hug3:

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Littlesister the bike wasn't worth enough to worry about a claim with insurance, the deductible would be more than it's worth and we will notify the police that we had a break in but I doubt they can do much about it. I am not confident the fiber optic people will cough up anything. I think what is most upsetting is there is no way to stop a utility company from doing whatever they want to your property the first 25 feet from the middle of the street is a utility easement with the laws these days they can just dig up your lawn anytime they want and do whatever they want and you don't have many rights when it comes to this. Trying to figure out what government office has oversight over this and who to complain to/request arbitration or whatever process gets us a "case" to evaluate it at all other than small claims court which I don't want to have to litigate it I just wanted them to inspect it with us and they said they would and then showed up and didn't let us know they came out and decided they weren't at fault. The mortar is clearly displaced in a way that indicates it vibrated out and apart, not just knocked loose the mortar. Yes places had been repaired/re-tuckpointed at some point in the past, but it was not cracked or displaced like that. Now the brick is not even with the surface. It was NOT that way when I walked past it earlier in the day. There are at least 4 places with cracks that weren't there that morning. :imoksmiley: I'm trying not to freak out but I do not have the budget to fix this right now and I'm concerned if it isn't fixed before winter my porch will collapse. I may have to learn how to do it myself....:scratchhead: The photo below shows how it displaced the brick 20240724_200607.jpg

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I would definitely tell the police. I doubt it will do any good, but they will probably do more drive-bys in your neighborhood. That's what happened with me. They will be a little bit of a deterrent against future burglaries. Plus, you will have a record on file in case it happens again. You will have some proof that you were targeted before if they catch the person. 

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I'm SO late tonite.  Y'all have me trying to read fast but it's too interesting here!  :pc_coffee:


Rained most of the day.  DH thot we'd lost the goose but she was just in the TALL grass around the pond.  Probably hiding from "Boisterous and Energetic" who likes to jump in the pond and swim around and then dig a hole in the dirt.  Hmph.  If she'd dig and then wash off in the pond.....  It does get some of her energy out but we're washing her and her collar off every day. 


Had low fog ceiling this morning.  Even at this altitude, we were just under it...like a grey puffy ceiling with stray "cotton candy" being blown down the valley at the road.  Weird and moist!  My hair is sticking out as if IT is cotton candy.  Hmph!  But it's long enough to batten down with a rubber band!


Rider early tomorrow so as to avoid thunder/lightning....hopefully.  :pray:   I'd sure hate to get up at ...7:30am and have the ride cancelled. 


Sorry your arrival back home went SO badly, BeccaAnne.  :(   Sheesh!  :hug3:  


MtRider  :offtobed:  

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Have a good ride @Mt_Rider!  

Glad you found your goose!

Sorry that you have so much to deal with upon homecoming @Becca_Anne!


Already walked and watered roses, next will walk dogs.
Estate sale.
Go out to small store I worked at and visit for awhile.
Stop at friend's house and deliver boiled peanuts.
Stop at Church and prune and water flowers.
Stop at local grocery for DH.
Write letter for friend in military.
Several small misc. projects this afternoon.
This is the slowest day, this week.



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We are having rain on and off today. The first one passed, and sun came out and now we are about to get hit again. Getting dark out already and fixing to rain again. Thundering and lightening now. So, rain not far behind.


Got all the baby clothes washed, folded and boxed up for GD to go through. For the GB and the rest will be put up for the new one coming either end of Feb or first of March. Then she will go through those.  Not sure when DD will be down to take what she needs of the other things. But at least we won't be stuck home when we need to run to store or something with each of us having a car seat now. Since I am babysitting a lot, I will be keeping the stroller at least till the new baby comes. Then it will go to GD. The playpens both myself and my DD will each keep one. We have to use those for a crib for overnight stays and it will take two of them. We each have the one, so this helps with not having to go buy another new one. The swing will go to GD as she gave the one, she had away to a friend to use when her baby comes. 

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We just did a big BJs trip.  We have not been since the beginning of summer and I do not want to go again until Thanksgiving. So it is a like once in 5/6 months trip. It was half again as expensive as the last school stock up trip we made.  The cashier was a teenager who was slow as molasses and had a comment on every single thing.  She stopped scanning and freaked out about my kid's favorite stuffed animal saying it was too old for  her. It was an just a crazy animatronic bunny that she likes because my 16 likes it  I know exactly where it is from.  This is why I don't leave the house much.  Nunja Bidnez what I have.  Especially when I'm dropping $1K on all the [ ]...stuff.


School here always starts the Tuesday after Labor Day.  

Edited by euphrasyne
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