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Euphrasyne. That girl was just plain rude. When I worked retail, we were taught to not say anything about anyone's purchases. Only exception was to occasionally say something like thats nice or pretty or soft. But not often. Never anything negative. That was back I the 1980's. I probably would have asked what kind of stuffiness she buys for her kids. Oh right, she's just a snot nosed kid herself. Yeah, that's why I don't out much any more too. 

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She was wrong to question anything rather it was too old for her or not. It was not any of her concern. We all know our kids and what they can or can't handle. Not everything has to be totally aged appropriate for a child. 

I haven't been in BJ's in about a year. I should make a trip there at some point. 

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I did NOT have a good night's sleep.  Always gets me....agitated when I know I have to get up and run somewhere in the morning.  Get to sleep...get to sleep...get to sleep -  <_<   That is not conducive to getting to sleep!!  :blink:  When I finally did get to sleep with two halves of Unisom, the dog woke me up at 5am.  DH's back wakes him up and he goes out on the porch for a while.  Then returns and goes right back to sleep.  (wish I could do that!)  Well, actually I did get up and go to the bathroom and DID (thank YOU, God!) go back to sleep until 7:30am.  :groooansmileyf:   Made real (not instant) oatmeal.  Ate.  Check email.  Check to see if we've blown up anywhere in the world.  Get ready for horse ride.  Out the door earlier!


I rode the Big M again this week.  I do like his gait.  I do prefer tall/large horses.  However - this big boy is giving me so much action - at a walk, mind you - that I'm exhausted when we're done.  I've been to the gym!!!  Which...is one more exercise that I can count for the week along with my road/dog walks.  I have skipped dog walking on the days I spend with Big M.  I lay in bed reading...nearly asleep.


If I wouldn't have gotten so FRUSTRATED at DuoLingo site tonite, I probably wouldn't have been able to do tonite's lesson - when they FINALLY let me in!  Kept saying my password didn't match.  It's automated....I'm not typing it in.  Two clicks and I begin every. single. evening!  STOP TELLING ME IT'S WRONG!  :sigh:  But there's absolutely no way to communicate with "them".  So I kept trying different things.  Typing in a "new" code - which is the same one I've been using.  Refresh it.  Didn't work.  I restarted my laptop twice....that may have worked the second time.  Dunno.  I was so tired and didn't need to have ILLOGICAL NON ISSUES as a barrier to my simple goal.  :motz_6:  {don't want to break my 178 day streak}  :rolleyes: 


OK...then I'm more awake.  <_<  However ...the lesson didn't go well at all.  I can usually figure out the answers cuz I've always copied ALL of the lessons.  Put lists of vocabulary up at the top of each page.  I've got a stack of these papers.  If they throw a new phrase at me, I can usually piece together the answer by using one or two or more other sentences.  Hmph...couldn't do anything right tonite.  Made a couple dumb errors but most of it was new grammar - word order.  OK...so I copied all of that down .....but the last one was tricky in a way I'm not getting.  There is multiple forms of saying this/that/those/these  + ours, theirs, mine, yours, his/hers, ...  I'm getting the distinction for a lot of that but the last question was one I haven't figured out the pattern yet.  :shrug:  They give you the correct answer then throw the question at you until you get it right. 


By the time I was done with that, I was awake, annoyed, and ...well, I'm ready for bed now.  We'll see if tomorrow I have the massive drop in energy like I did last week.  If I'm building muscle/stamina - I'm ok with it.  And I think that is what's happening.  And Big M does set my legs to function much better, and that's the primary goal.  


MtRider  - have a good night, y'all. 

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Mt. Rider, you will get there.  Just takes time and patience. 


Knee seems to be starting to do a bit better since I have started trying to stretch it out as far as possible and then started doing more deep knee bends. I still have a lot of pain if I overdo it but seems to be starting to straighten out a bit. I am going to try to start back walking again. I just hope this time I can make it all the way around the block. Before I was doing good to make it to the corner and back. When in the grocery store, I walk slow as my knee will tend to start giving out and starts hurting. 

I have a party to go to this afternoon, so trying to get a bit done around the house then party and then I will work around house a bit more or maybe just sit down and read. Will see how tired I am when I get back from the party. 

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Too funny, it was the stuffie she carries with her and not one we were buying.  We bought some dinosaurs that went roar and the cashier freaked out when River grabbed them and started going roar, roar, roar.  Apparently 3yo girls cannot like dinosaurs.  It took us more than 20 minutes to check out.  I'd have done a pick up order, but those are limited to 40 items and I needed more than that for this stock up trip.  

Edited by euphrasyne
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Wow, Euphrosyne. Rather it was one she carried with her or not. It still isn't any of that cashier's business. Girls can like dinosaurs if they want and any other stuffed animal they like. That is not a girl or boy thing. 


I am being lazy today. I think after all the rain we have had off and on for a week, the sun is finally out, and I just can't get into anything today. Tomorrow is another day. I need to make some phone calls tomorrow about insurance and my financial planner about something I got in the mail. He should have received a copy but never called me. So, I will call him about it. I think my health insurance is at the very end of the $50,000 limit so going to call another insurance and start getting prices for a new one. 

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DD16 called and told us we have to pick her up next weekend with the truck.  Her dad bought her a car and we need to tow it home.  I'm annoyed at having to take the truck on such a long trip, but overjoyed that I don't  have to pay for a car.  Its a used 2024 Buick escalade gx fwd white color with under 5K miles so it really is the perfect car for her. It should last her at least 10 years.  My last van lasted me 19 years.  She has her permit, but not her license yet.  I'll license it here and pay for insurance, but not to have to fund it is great.  My ex and I are not on good terms, so it is rare I can say good things about him.  He did really good in this instance.  Still not looking forward to a 1200 mile road trip in the truck (Ford F150 Lariat extended cab).  It is comfortable, but has no extras like the van.  I'll need to do a phone or ipad for the baby to watch stuff and not scream.  It is not optimal for long road trips.  :(

Edited by euphrasyne
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Just shut up and mind your own d*mn business and hurry up and scan my crap. I have better things to do than stand here and listen to you b..ch about my daughters toys. Or would you rather I call your manager to light a fire under your a$$ to get this show on the road? I'd say......in my mind. Yeah I don't play well with rude people. Those days I'm best at staying home. 


The effect would probably be lost because hillbilly Jeepers would come out and I'd end up saying my usual 'far' instead of fire. Light a farrrrr under that a$$.  



Well dang Euphrasyne, we were posting at the same time and I saw your great news. You got over Rivers 'assault' faster than I did. I was stewing over it. :24:

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21 hours ago, euphrasyne said:

School here always starts the Tuesday after Labor Day.  

When I was little (and lived on the East coast) that's when our school year started. Here in California school starts on August 14th!

For a state that is so worried about "climate change" and all other kinds of silly nonsense, it baffles me!!!

WHY start school during the hottest month of the year??? Don't "they" realize how hypocritical that is? They will have to have the air conditioning running all day in all of the classrooms in the whole state to make it possible.

What about the "energy shortage?"

What about the increased cost to the school districts who have to pay the power bills?

I am sooooooooooooo glad that I don't have any relatives with children living here who have to deal with this cr@p. 

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21 hours ago, euphrasyne said:

The cashier was a teenager who was slow as molasses and had a comment on every single thing.  She stopped scanning and freaked out about my kid's favorite stuffed animal...................


I have been known to seek out a manager and suggest that they have a "talk" with that type of employee. Sometimes even something as minor as chewing gum while at the checkout register. It's "gross," and especially off-putting if they are chewing that gum like a cow chews cud! :yuk:

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15 hours ago, Mt_Rider said:

.....but the last one was tricky in a way I'm not getting. 

I'm a grammer geek. Maybe I can help - if you post an example or two. :thumbs:



6 hours ago, Littlesister said:

Before I was doing good to make it to the corner and back.

Sometimes I'm doing good just to make it from my apt door to the car door! Especially when it is HOT outside!


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I am really anti-contrition. I'd rather avoid you forever than talk about the bullying.  So many people are bullying than are not. Attack the philosophy, not the person.  It seems harder than it should be.  

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GS school starts on the 15th. I think that's too early. It's still summer. 


Ours always started a couple of days after Labor Day and ran until the first week in June. It was cool when it let out on my birthday the 6th. or the day before. 

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All I can say is that is nice to not have to deal with school any longer. First my kids and then helping with grandkids. Picking them up from school early if they were sick. Going to the school lunches for grandma and grandpa lunches together. And helping with school clothes and supplies as well. It was all fun at the time but just glad now I don't have to do all that running around any longer. I even took them to their doctor visits. Grandson was the funniest though. He hated the dentist when he was young. And every time his mother or father took him, he would scream and throw a Tantum. Well, the day came that granddaddy and I took him. He was fussing about it and we both took him in the bathroom, and I took out some dental tools I had and explained what they were for. One was the mirror, and one was I can't think of what you call them, but the one they use to scrape tarter off your teeth. Showed him how they use the little mirror to look at the back side of his teeth and how they clean your teeth with the other one. So, when we went to the dentist. He climbed into the chair and let the dentist check his teeth. No crying, no tantum or nothing. Had to explain to DD that all she had to do was sit him down and explain things to him. That is the way he is even to this day. Yep, those were the good old days. 

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9 hours ago, Midnightmom said:
On 8/10/2024 at 11:28 PM, Mt_Rider said:

.....but the last one was tricky in a way I'm not getting. 

I'm a grammer geek. Maybe I can help - if you post an example or two. :thumbs:


 Thanks Midnight but ...did you catch that it's Hawaiian grammar?   :blink: 


A vs O Rules like: 

for 'my' ...if the item/person/whatever was yours at birth, it's "ko'u.  (parents, older sibs, Grparents, etc.)  or if it's very personal (my purse, my blanket/room/land) ko'uKo'u 'aina!!!  My land!!!     Follows the same rules for your, his/hers.  If they had it at birth or "its personal". 


Now if it's" my children" it's ka'u.  Note the same word but A and O difference.  So since I certainly didn't have my dd's there at my birth (nor at their birth either in my case, lol ) it's an "A" word.  So it's ka'u keiki, my child..... ka'u mo'opuna, my grandchild.  ka'u lolouila - my computer. 


I was getting that.  But then there are o'u - my/mine and a'u - my/mine  :scratchhead:   WHY? ......... 


--------just to confuse, au - no glottal stop mark means "I"...  and 'au'au means bathe  so you get:  'au'au au = I bathe  :lol:   (sounds like one has stubbed their toe!)  


So far the tally is 4 different "my" words.  Duolingo offers no explanations.  If I could find the discussion area again, I might get answers from others taking 'Olelo Hawai'i.



THEN there is keia (accent over the e) = this    kela (accent over the e and a ) = that


Which for some reason morphs into   kena (accent over e and a) = that


Hmm.....I think I just saw my scribbled note:  kena (accent over e and a) is if speaker is near the object : that thing right here

                                                                           kela  (accent over e and a) is if speaker is far from the object: that thing over there


Vaguely remember that from before I took a break from 'Olelo Hawai'i to do elder care.  Hmmmmmm......  




:lol:    I know none of you is interested in this mess but ....trying to convey this actually helped me remember and catch one clue. 

For o'u and a'u.... vs ko'u and ka'u.........I'm still clueless.  :shrug:  



  ...yeah, that's what I'm doing today.  Jeepers, did you say you had quite a start on Chinese while in Taiwan?  That's tonal, right?  Whew!  I struggle to spit out the 'glottal stops' and the elongated vowels with the horizontal line (accent) over them!


MtRider  :pc_coffee:

Edited by Mt_Rider
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I couldn't even pronounce those words much less figure them out. :bow:


Yes, Chinese has four tones, rising, falling, flat, rise and fall then a fifth no tone at all. That's why Chinese has a sing-song sound to it. I'm lucky to get the words right, much less the tones.


The tones cause the words to have different meanings. Most people know what you are talking about regardless of the tone by the context of the sentence. In English if I use the word stable when talking about a person's health, you assume I'm not talking about a barn. There are some Chinese words that you had better get the tone correct though. :sEm_blush:


You can't really properly type the words on a regular keyboard unless you have a set of fonts with tones. Forget about characters. I'm not even going to attempt those. 

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I've been told Swedish is the only Germanic tonal language.  Which means I will never be able to learn it.  Any of it.  See my bucket?  :whistling:

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No idea where I left off... 🥴


I think I mentioned working in the barn last weekend. Setting up for ‘yard sales’. The rest of the week was pretty normal. 
Tue/Wed flea market. Rained on Tuesday. 
Wednesday night through Friday—went to the farm. Not much to do in the gardens. Wellll... not much that I wanted  to do. DS1 weeded potatoes, mowed/trimmed the yard. I worked in the house and back room. Loaded some tables and racks to bring home to put in the barn for sales.

Stopped at a couple yard sales on the way home Friday. Big US12 sales this weekend. They sucked. Too many *vendors*. The best sales were off us12. And I still spent less than $3 stopping at ~10 different sales. 😳

Stopped at DS2’s after sales. Puppies aren’t doing well. 😔 They’d been to the vet that day. Antibiotics, steroids, tube feeding 2 of them. They lost one Saturday. 😢 

Saturday, I worked in the barn unpacking and setting up stuff. We got a lot of JUNK!! I might just start trashing some of it. 
Went to mom’s for Sunday dinner yesterday. 
Plan for today is: crochet this morning, make a batch of lotion, then work in barn. Hoping to have the barn ready to have a sale next weekend. 

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I enjoy Norwegian and Korean films with subtext.  Also Chinese.  I'll never speak any of them, but I understand a few words.  It is easier to understand than to speak.  

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Sorry about the pups @Necie!  So sad and expensive, probably with the surviving ones.


Already walked.
Second load of laundry is started.
Next will clean bathrooms and dust house.
Make gummies.

I think this is the calm before the storm in my week!

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Took neighbor to bank early this morning and then came home after she was finished there. She also is refinancing her house to a lower interest rate. Seems she is really hurting money wise since her DH passed away 8 months ago. But then she is also so unorganized and not used to doing billing and other things on her own. So that is hindering her in many ways. Makes me so glad that my DH taught me how to do so many things. On the last car we bought he refused to have his name on it to make it easier on me where DMV is concerned. He put the house in my name about 2 or 3 years before he passed. And I was already doing all the bills and such as after his stroke he just didn't want to deal with it any longer. We replaced the roof, air conditioner, and furnace so I won't have to deal with any of that and in 2019 the last big thing was replacing the driveway.  The sink holes got really bad and was only a matter of time before having to call a wreaker to get me out of that hole. The only thing I had to deal with after he passed was a new well pump and calling the generator people and getting put on a yearly oil change and checking everything as that is something DH was doing himself. My neighbor had it all to do and she is at a total loss as to what to do. But she is learning. I help her when I can. We have been neighbors for well over 45 years. And used to take trips together. DH and her DH would go to Florida fishing and such. 


The hopefully new mayor that is running for office came by to bring me some signs. We are all tired of the way things are going. Our schools and how things are not improving, or infrastructure is getting worse due to all the building they are doing. And the crime rate is rising around here now.  Yep, again my GS comes home from work and the 7-11 again had something go down. 6 police cars all blocking off the 7-11 and lights were flashing bright he said. Not sure yet if it was a robbery or another shooting in the parking lot there. More theft and vandalism in the neighborhood right next to us. It's only a matter of time before something really bad happens out this way. 


Was going to take the baby items out on patio to clean up but looking like we might get rain again. It is getting muggy and humid outside again. 

So will just clean them up in the kitchen.  It would have just been easier to clean up on patio. But we can't control the weather. 

I don't know if GS if off work or not today as I forgot to ask him, and he is still asleep. I really need to make those phone calls I keep putting off. Maybe I will get to that this afternoon if nothing else comes up. 

We have another storm brewing and by tonight at the speed it is moving will become a tropical storm by tonight. It is heading toward the US Virgin Islands. It will then be named Ernesto.  Not sure if it has the potential to become a hurricane yet. Might not know that until Wednesday or Thursday. 

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@euphrasyne. I love all kinds of foreign movies. I like the Chinese ones too. Raise the Red Lantern is my favorite. Nothing Gold Can Stay is a very good series that I saw on Prime. I like the really old black and white Japanese ones. I have a couple of Mongolian movies that are good. And Indian (Hindi) movies that aren't Bollywood. An excellent series I bought, a couple of years ago, is a murder mystery from Iceland called Trapped. It's in Icelandic but, oddly enough, the main character is from the US. I'll have to check out more Scandinavian movies. I only know the old Ingrid Bergman ones. I'm also into silent movies. I recently rewatched The Wind with Lilian Gish.   :sEm_blush:



I'm just the opposit with languages. I can speak them better than I can understand them. I can get by in Chinese making myself understood. I can shop and bargain and eat and make very simple small talk but I have a hard time understanding other people. I know basic Japanese pleasantries from living in Japan. Once, in Germany, I walked in a shop and said, "Gute Morgan" (good morning) and the shop keeper started speaking to me in German. I had to tell her I was American, and that was the only thing I knew other than Danke (thank you). She laughed and said Danke for trying. I was going to say Danke Schoen but it would have come out Donkey Shane so I thought better of it. :unsure:  Germany was the only place other than Canada, where my appearance didn't give me away. 


@Necie. Awww. Sorry about the sick puppies Necie. And it's so hard when they are 'born asleep' :(

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Making braised chicken with onions for lunch and caramelizing onions to dry.  This is the season (although not the day) for drying, so today is great for prepping a project to start drying tomorrow.

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I absolutely loved Riase the red Lantern.  Korean Crash course in Romance is close second. Chinese Love between fairly and devil is tied for second,  

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