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Jeepers, I need to do the same thing, but for me it is a case of I have cooking equipment in attic, both sheds and garage. I need to get everything into one place where I know where it all is. Only thing I really need to buy is a new fire pit. Mine was so old it rusted through. 


Been cleaning up all the baby items and getting those ready. DGD is coming over in about a week to take the clothes and a car seat. Not sure what else yet. So will have all that out of the way within a couple of weeks. I am keeping one of the playpens as I will be using them for a crib for naps. I have one now that I have been using for the baby since birth. So, second one will be great for 2 babies. And I thought my days of babysitting was over. After 5 grandkids I am starting round two. And yes, it is fun. But more tiring at my age now. 


went through a huge bag of old rags and got rid of over half of them. I just don't need that many rags. I know DH used a lot of rags for all kinds of things but now with him gone and I am not doing a lot of the things he did they are taking up way too much room. I now have just enough for dusting and cleaning car. That is about all I need them for. 


My trick must have worked on GS the other day. Start studying for the Asvab test or start packing. Yep, he has been studying now for 2 days and talked with his recruiting officer. Guess he just needed a fire lit under his lazy butt. 


Going out tomorrow with neighbor. Not sure yet what we are going to go do other than lunch but we will find some kind of trouble to get into. 

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Jeepers, my insulated/thermal cooker looks like this.  This one is a cheaper one at Amazon but it is still $60. Some are way more than that.  Mine was $6 new at an auction years and years ago and I wish I’d bought several more.  It has two stainless steel pans inside a larger and a smaller one to cook two things at once.   



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Thanks Mother. I'll look them up on Amazon. I didn't know what they were called. Or maybe Lehman's would have them. Lehman's would probably be twice the cost though.They are usually high on most things. 

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Hi All, you're making great progress!

Littlesister I think that's smart to make more space and downsize to a smaller table. I hope to get one for my "breakfast room" right now what I have isn't a real table and I want something round to fit better in the space. I'm super picky about the style though so I am still looking. Now that I have a truck I can even move one if needed. 

Jeepers I hope you find a good realtor and get that house sold quick

I've been busy scheduling apointments for my mom, she's got a lot on her dance card the next few month. Tooth extraction next week, then MOHS surgery for a skin cancer near her eye, then two cataract surgeries. So she's overwhelmed and I'm overwhelmed and then Ben has ear surgery in Oct the day after my mom's second cataract surgery. I sure hope all of this goes smoothly because between the two of them I have 6 days I have to take off work between now and the first week of Oct! Lucky I have an understanding boss. And I'm plumb tuckered out before we even have the first procedure. Also pre-planning my stepfather's cremation so that's in place before we have to think about it for more urgent reasons. Finding that really repulsive talking to people selling me the service. Just give me my options and let me ask questions don't try to upsell me on a service I don't need or a more expensive urn. :gaah: The place I will probably end up going with doesn't do pre-planning but they seem to be 1/3 the cost so that may decide it for me. Makes me think I need to start working on a pre-plan for myself and my hubby I don't want my kids to have to worry about this.

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I have a couple of very thick Styrofoam "coolers" .....meat was shipped in one.  Dunno the other(s).  Of COURSE I never got rid of them.  But wouldn't that make a good "hay box"....if I didn't let the hot pot touch the sides/bottom of the Styrofoam.  A couple of them are stacked up on top of the fridge.  Ought to try that sometime.  


Going to ride tomorrow instead of Sat.  Doesn't really matter so I can accommodate the stables.  They like to have at least 3 to take out a ride.  I can be the "gooseberry".  :lol:  For some reason, I was not walking very good today.  I was doing laundry so it was a bit busy - strip bed, down/up stairs, but I only did 2 loads.  Some hang on the new clothes line.  (plastic covered wire this time)   We also replaced the rope for the pulley - to hoist bags up to the 2nd floor porch from the car.  It's thick and spongy and stretches a bit.  Much nicer on the hands....cuz when that ole nylon rope was flaking off bits of plastic into your hands... We need new rope! 


Well, I really AM early for bed tonite.  It's just turned 11pm.  Not even into the AM hours yet. 


MtRider  ..... 'course I'm not actually in bed yet either.  :lol: 

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Neighbor and I went out this morning. Took her to pick up an RX and then off to Roses as she wanted some things from there. And I picked up a few things as well. Then next-door to The Dollar Tree and then off to lunch and home. She couldn't last out the whole day but that was fine with me. Had to take the long way home as traffic is the worst. Just sitting on Rt. 17 due to road work so made a turn onto another street and took off towards Nansemond Pkw. And home the back way. I wasn't going to just sit in traffic forever again like last time. 

So will be working in garage in a little while. 

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@Necie. How did the rest of your sons pups do? 


@Becca_Anne. I hope things settle down for you soon! 


@snapshotmiki. I hope you are enjoying your churches anniversary! 



Not much going on here. I have more cleaning to do. Everytime I turn around I see more spackle dust and sawdust. I also just noticed the track where the sliding door is, is filthy. I still need to do the window casing in the kitchen. It's filthy too and I need to get some window covering of some sort up there. It's over the kitchen sink so that should be fun. I got side tracked with that filthy garage. I'm sick and tired of filthy. Oh lawsy, I just noticed my bedroom fan. You guessed it...filthy. The unassembled vacuum cleaner is still laughing at me.


The lawn guy in Indy texted me today. I was afraid he was blowing me off since I hadn't heard from him in a couple of months. He wants to start clearing out the property the end of next week! He wanted to know if he could leave his truck and trailer in my driveway while he works out there. Oh heck yeah! Make yourself at home. What my neighbors are doing => :hapydancsmil:


A realtor, that the one that is retiring recommended, called. The first one said this one only likes to work with sellers. Not sure why. Probably more of a sure commission than just lookie loos. If she's looking for a seller, that would be me. She sounded interested and would like to meet up sometime next week. She said her schedule is still packed. I hope that means people are still buying. I'm counting on this house selling well. I have no idea what price she will suggest. I have to at least make enough to pay her commission, pay off the mortgage and recoup some of that moving expense. Any left over will go to Indy home repairs, paying down the Indy mortgage and setting some aside for another car that I know I'm going to be needing soon. It never ends, huh? I'm never moving again. They're going to have to carry me out. 


I was going to take some trash away but it looks like rain. The wind has really picked up too. My hanging baskets on the porch are swinging like crazy. Hope they don't go flying off. My luck they'll land on crazy Jimbo's property. :D


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5 hours ago, Jeepers said:

@Necie. How did the rest of your sons pups do? 

They lost a second one. 😔 But the last one seems to be doing fine. He never went off his milk like the others did. And he bounced right back after the antibiotic/steroid. DS2 said that the vet thought that they had some kind of bacterial infection.

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Had a really nice ride today.  The weather was grande and the air was almost our usual clear.  I was the tail end (drag rider....meaning the last one, eating dust, and picking up any strays - cattle or whatever) .  I do have a mask I keep pulling up or down - some areas being dusty and some rocky.  But also which way the wind is blowing.  Since M has a coughing issue, I held him back from the main dust being stirred up from 6 riders ahead of us. 


And  I finally figured out why, after riding M for an hour....go home and eat lunch..... :0327:  zapp out for a nap!!!  I know his motion is strong but it doesn't seem bad while I'm riding....  :scratchhead:    Oh....it's cuz the motion is WORKING my core muscles.  All of them, I think.  I was only thinking: legs.  So while he's resetting my ability to "know where my feet are"  (so to speak..it's hard to explain)  he's also working all the other muscles a lot!  Well, hopefully I'll get all that up to speed and get outta Boot Camp!  Not going to give up...it's a good ride for me.  Just gotta hang on til I'm more fit.  I did take a nap today and that's going to work out better than feeling like I need a nap.  Wonder how I'll feel tomorrow.  


I was able to do the road walk with dog and better scissors.....  I'm snipping off the heads of the nodding thistles/musk thistles.   This is in the ditch.  If I can get to the ones in our pasture - other side of the fence - I'll drop those thistle heads into a bag for disposal.  The ditch ones, I'm just dropping.  We'll see how next year goes.  I'm totally horrified at the amount that have sprung up just this year!!  :blink:   Anyway, the scissors snipping is not wrenching my neck out of place like whacking them down with my ski pole.  Much better plan and I'm catching them before they've gone to white fluff with seed. 


MtRider  :offtobed: 

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Necie, sorry to hear about the 2nd pup but at least the other one will make it.


Let neighbor's dog out this morning and later back into the house. Then got some things done in house and left to head to store. Picked up mostly fresh veggies and fruit. Finally found some that was worth bringing home. Celery was on sale at a good price, so I am getting ready to dehydrate that. I am hoping the peaches and apples will be good ones. They look good but haven't had the taste test yet. Also found some beef that was on a manager's special. So fairly good haul compared to other trips. Most of the time I can't find good fresh produce. The farm market is tomorrow so going there in hopes to get enough squash to can. 

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I got some pretty nice fruit and veg the other day too. Our Meijer has the best around here but they have been slipping lately too. I was in Wal-Mart today and, surprisingly, their produce looked really good. Especially their cucumbers. We have had issues with cucumbers up here for a few years now. Not sure why. 


I fought thistles for a couple of years here. I used loppers or rather hedge clippers on them. You can trim a lot of them at one time with their long nose. Or blade or whatever they are. Mine are buried under landscape cloth, 2 loads of mulch and I still see them trying to come up. I used to try to pull them but, OUCH. Now when I see one I just spray it with Round Up and it's dead the next day. I know. I know about Round Up. I don't care. I'm done fighting them. :pout:


I ran to the dumpster and over to Wally World to get another window blind. I swear I followed the directions on the one I had but something went haywire. Basically, I tore it from the wrong side. I did what the instructions said though. Anyway, off to buy another one. I need something up to the kitchen window. 


I got the bathrooms all cleaned and most of the kitchen. I need to mop yet. It dawned on me that I haven't tried either shower so I need to see if they work. Sheeesh. I've been so in love with that big tub that I haven't thought about the showers. This house is an albatross. Hopefully I can get in touch with a realtor next week. 



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Yeah, we rarely find good fresh veggies at Walmart.  I'm thinking of getting more onions ...peppers?.....carrots? ...to put thru the dehydrator.  I got rhubarb put back. 


I felt 'better' the 'day after riding M' than I have the previous weeks.  So...am I getting stronger?  I hope so.  But I think taking a short nap yesterday after the ride helped too.  You know when you're draggin' anchor but don't really stop to catch up?  That's fast becoming a no-go for me.  Aging.  :pout: 


So today I was out with the dog and monster musk thistles again.  Mother mentioned that their seeds, like the milk thistle, may have beneficial effect???  I'd be willing to catch some seed heads in a bag to dry and stay contained!  If I get into our pasture, I'm going to be collecting the flowers/seed heads anyway - so they don't spread.  But only today did I realize the seed heads I've already dropped in the ditch, will wash down the slight hill....into our pasture.  Road is higher than our pasture.  Forgot about that!  :groooansmileyf:  Am I going to slog thru weeds and the still-standing stalks of those monster thistles to pick up the dropped seed heads?  :sigh:  Maybe.  But I'll need gloves and maybe a pair of tongs to reach better.  AND....I'm counting all this maneuvering/bending/stretching to be EXERCISE!  :woohoo:


One hand still holds the dog's retractable leash during this exercise too...but she finds something to sniff or dig while I'm messing with thistles.  :lol: 


Also thinking of collecting some of the dock seeds - tho I'll need boots for that boggy area.  Anyone ever processed and used wild sour dock seeds in the fall?  I have some I collected a couple years ago.  :scratchhead:  Have NO idea where that is...or kinda what to do to use it.  Isn't really a grain but used like one, I think.  Like buckwheat. 


MtRider  :pc_coffee:   :reading:    ...gonna check my wild herbal books to see if these thistles are good for anything! 

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Had a hard time waking up this morning.  My lack of sleep is getting to me. DGS comes in from work at midnight and wakes me up to talk. This has been going on for a long while. He just has to tell me all about his day at work. That is good but can't it wait till morning? How he can be a rotten brat and then be a nice little brat is beyond me.  He has those anger moments and next he is a little gentleman. Go figure. 

Got the dehydrated celery jarred up and looking at starting some onions soon. Maybe carrots if I can find a good sale. I have a few Veldia onions, and they are also on sale so wanting to get more for dehydrating. Maybe pick up some red onions in the mix as well. Need to get back to store before the sale ends on Tuesday. Might go this afternoon. 

Harris Teeter called me about my Farxiga. How prices change is something else.  They told me it will now cost $487 for a 3-month supply. Last time I paid $141 for a month's supply. Asked them how much for a one-month supply, said $47. Ok that means a 3-month supply should be $141 dollars.  Which is what I paid for a 3-month supply. So, question is are they milking the cow or did someone mess up with that 3-month quote. Calling the insurance company tomorrow morning to ask about what I should be paying, then will call the pharmacy to see what they say. 

Giving the kitchen a good cleaning to hopefully get ready to start canning from freezer again. Had to order a couple of coolers as I just don't have enough to empty the chest freezer into in order to defrost it. And 2 of my coolers were coming apart. So, it was time for new ones. While the freezer is empty, I will be moving it down to make room for the shelving unit to be moved out of my office as well as getting the fold up table out of there as well. Then I will be able to get to my sewing machine and move it out of the office. Hopefully then I will be able to get that start on organizing the rest of the house. GS is off today so might get him to help me move the couch and love seat into the living room later today. Right now, he is still sleeping. 

Decided to sell the dining room suit and just go ahead and get the farm table I want. Also going to look for a small island for the kitchen. I miss my old kitchen table as I used that for an island but that wasn't very practical as it was really a bit too big for the kitchen. But was better than nothing. 

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We had to pick up DD16 from her summer visit yesterday.  We left at 6am and got home at 4am.    It was a miserable trip.  We had to take the truck because DD16 got her first car and we had to tow it home--through the mountains of northern VA down to SE VA.  It was a very uncomfortable 1400 mile round trip.  I drove the midnight to 4am shift so I died when we got home. 


DD16 is over the moon.  Her dad got her a 2024 Buick Encore.  She doesn't even have her license yet, just a permit.  I have to do the plates/property taxes/insurance, but her dad is paying for the car itself.  I am good with this turn of events. If she drives safely, this car should last her a very long time.   I tend to keep my cars 10-20 years each.    

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Congrats to your DD getting her first car! I'll bet she is very excited. That was nice of her dad. I could have done without that trip though. I keep my cars until the wheels fall off too. My Jeep will be 20 years old next year. I've had it about 18 years. 


I'm still cleaning this house. I did get the vacuum cleaner put together so now I have to run it. It's always something. I hung up some curtains at the kitchen window. I think I'm the only one in the free world who didn't know that shear curtains actually meant invisible. They look awful. 


Back to the drawing board.  :grinning-smiley-044:


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Congratulations for your daughter euphrasyne.  I know she is excited. But yes, that trip was not good. Long drive and to have to go through mountainous areas didn't help hauling it back home. That was really nice of her dad to do that.  I would rather pay the insurance and tags and things than have a car payment. 


Been sorting through things today. Got the dehydrated celery put away. Three big stalks gave me a pint of dehydrated celery. So, I guess that wasn't bad. Onions will be next, but I will but the dehydrator in garage to do those. Last time I dehydrated onions it was in the house and the smell was all over the house. Not doing that again.  Need to put the new covers over the last 3 stacks of wood before the rain comes. Guess I should be outside doing that now. But I am out of energy. Got the kitchen cleaned up after lunch and mopped floor. 


Have an eye doctor appointment in the morning early. So might do some things while I am out that way depending on how my eyes do. They will be dilating my eyes. I hate that. Hopefully it will be cloudy in the morning. 

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Euphrasyne, your daughter is very lucky.  That trip sounded brutal though.  Maybe next year she will be making the trip by herself. 

Jeepers, You might want to leave the curtains.  They add just enough to look finished but allow the buyer to envision their own color.  If you want them dressed a little add a few stick on flower or butterfly appliqués..   When selling less is better. :happy0203:

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And now....in more TEOTWAWKI news:




QUOTE -==-=--==================================

Oarfish are an omen of impending disaster, Japanese folklore says

The belief that the sight of an oarfish in shallow waters is an omen of an impending earthquake dates back to 17th century Japan, according to reporting by Atlas Obscura.

The fish, also know as “ryugu no tsukai,” were believed to be servants of the sea god Ryūjin, according to Japanese folklore.

It’s believed that “Ryugu no tsukai,” which translates to “messenger from the sea god’s palace,” were sent from the palace toward the surface to warn people of earthquakes, USA TODAY reported.

There were multiple sightings of the fish reported ahead of the 2011 Tohoku earthquake and Fukishima nuclear disaster, but there is no scientific evidence to suggest that the two events are connected, Hiroyuki Motomura, a professor of ichthyology at Kagoshima University, told the New York Post.

“I believe these fish tend to rise to the surface when their physical condition is poor, rising on water currents, which is why they are so often dead when they are found,” Motomura told the Post.

The “connection” between the two might have to do with the fact that the shimmery creature typically lives in the deep sea, dwelling anywhere between 700 and 3,280 feet below the surface, according to USA TODAY reporting. And it rarely comes up to the surface.

These majestic creatures have been spotted in waters all over the world, with sightings reported in California, Maine, New Jersey, Taiwan and Japan, of course.


END QUOTE  ======================================


Well......  :shrug: 


MtRider  :pc_coffee:

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The creature in this ? trail cam? is quite neat tho:




  ....pretty kitty!  :) 


So what am I doing today?  Watching church on line.  Talking on phone.  Clearing my email inbox.  (can ya tell?) 

MtRider :pc_coffee:

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Yeah,  I haven't had a lot of energy today.  I'll go walk dog/snip thistles in a bit. 


Jeepers, I agree with Mother.  They're fine - especially cuz the window looks out to that forest.  That's a view worth looking at!! 


Glad all went well on your towing trip, Euphrasyne.  Everyone home, safe and sound.  Sounds like you'll all need a good rest in a nice bed tho.


Little Sister, it's been a while since I stocked up on onions, celery, etc by dehydrating.  I've been thinking of onions in particular cuz we use them a lot.  Maybe mushrooms if DH can catch a sale. 


MtRider  hmmm.....  :shopping:

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It's been a long while for me as well.  I was almost out of the last celery I dehydrated and maybe a 1/2 pint of onions left. I use a lot of both of those. thinking about dehydrating carrots for soups and things later on. Not sure yet what else I will dehydrate yet but those 3 are the most used. 

Went out to cover the other 3 wood racks as the covers finally came in. They were supposed to be 12-foot ones, and they sent me 8 feet. I checked and ordered the right size, but they didn't look before sending the right size, I guess.  So, will return those tomorrow and have already reordered the 12-foot-long ones.  

Been looking at the smokeless firepits and thinking about maybe getting one of those for the patio. Not sure about them yet as I want one, I can roast marshmallows and maybe hotdogs and such over. So just looking at what's out there right now. I want one by next spring if possible. But might just wait till I can get moved to NC as I don't need extra stuff to move right now. still trying to get rid of a lot of stuff. 

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Mt. Rider, forgot.  I have heard about the oarfish but didn't know about the folk lore. They do keep saying that CA is set for the big one and they have had a couple of recent earthquakes. Maybe that will be the end of the earthquakes for now. 

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Littlesister so annoying that they sent you the wrong ones hope your re-order goes smoothly!

Mt Rider glad you got a good ride in.  It's probably best not to try going after the thistle heads that sounds like a good way to get stuck and get hurt. 

Jeepers since you're selling the house those curtains are fine the new owner will just put up their own. I am sure the realtor would advise you not to spend much on those types of things because the buyers will really just be looking at the space and since so much is new I think it will show really well. 

Euphrasyne glad you made it safe. Such a great thing for your daughter to have her own vehicle I hope it lasts her many years.


I'm actually getting ready to sell my Rav4. We don't need 3 vehicles and I'm going to need the money to fix my foundation. So I vacuumed it out today and we'll get the title from our safe deposit box this week and get a quote from one of the services that buys vehicles. I don't want to sell to a person directly too many scammers in this area. I also took some time today and unwrapped a few of the paintings we brought back from my moms. They were mostly painted by my grandmother but I did find one I did at age 5 which was fun. She taught me to paint in oils. The one of the Rocky Mountains is the one I painted. The bowl of plums doesn't photograph well the gold is too reflective but it really is lovely in person. It was chalk on a gold leaf wallpaper. I did a floral one on the same paper but I have to get it framed. I also went out and picked a few flowers from my garden. I managed to grow a few dahlias from seed and they are in bloom so that was fun. 






Edited by Becca_Anne
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