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Watcha doing today?

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Your post above is very well stated @Mother!  I agree!


Already walked.
Walked dogs.
Picked up trash in Church parking lot.
Got sweet potatoes dehydrating in the oven for pups.

And...turned off water to house as we have a leak underneath. Fellow won't be here til Monday and I don't want a huge bill.

That was all that was on my list, but you know how that goes.

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Oh my Mother, you said what I was thinking, only better.


The military is crying for recruits now. They have been for some time. When can GS take that test again? He might have to lower his expectations and look into the army if he wants a military career. It just might be that the Coast Guard doesn't want him. 


It isn't only GS using you. Your GD is too. Littlesister, you shouldn't feel obligated to provide all the home canned baby food for your GD's baby. She should learn to do that herself if that's the type of food she wants her baby to have. And now with another one on the way, you will be expected to keep canning baby food for the next couple of years. You mentioned how cutting the small pieces hurt your hands. She should be doing that. 


It really makes me angry that you have mentioned painting, moving furniture, putting raised bed boxes together, yard clean up etc. for well over a year and no one is stepping up to help you. You have 3 strapping young men that should be doing it, considering what all you do for them. I included your SIL. Those three could have knocked it all out over a weekend. Even with your shoulder and now your knee giving out, no one is still stepping up to help you. It was nice that your GS stacked your firewood for you though. Props for that!


You deserve to live your life anyway you choose. But catering to other people's wants at the detriment of your own health and well-being, is killing both your body and spirit. 


If they were disabled it would be a different situation. But they are young and healthy. You (we) aren't. 


Said with love! :hug3:



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Ugh Miki. Smart move turning the water off. I had one outrageous water bill one month from a 'leak'. I have a slow leak under my kitchen sink. They can't get to it until Friday. It's coming from pipes not being put together tightly enough. So at least it's coming from the sink and not the actual water supply. A pan under the sink is working until it gets fixed. Or just not use the sink. It's always something, huh. 

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Hope everyone has a relaxing weekend. I went to CarMax and sold my Rav4 to pay for the foundation repairs. We don't need 3 vehicles and my mom's truck is more useful so we made the decision to let it go. It was a very positive experience I was surprised by how well it worked and even though we could have gotten a bit more selling to a private person there wasn't the risk of being scammed so I felt really good about it. Now I just have to hope the cost isn't more than I have for the repairs. It would be nice to have a bit of a buffer left over for emergencies. Otherwise this weekend I'm just going to relax and read the rest of the weekend.


Miki I hope they can find the leak and good idea to turn off the water so you don't have a huge bill

Littlesister glad your GS got his car paid off! I agree maybe he needs to look at the army instead if he doesn't pass the CG exam. You shouldn't have to pick up by him.

Jeepers great idea to use Monopoly money for the envelopes. Never a good idea to have that much actual cash, if it's in a bank account it won't burn in a fire or walk off. I once lost over $1000 to it walking off from my house :( Never did figure out who took it 


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You are all right about my GS.  His drinking is now getting out of hand as well. while DD and I were out he texted me that he broke my rack that sits over part of the sink. He was on phone with girlfriend and beating you know what out of it. And he bent it up. I made him fix it, but it is weak compared to what it was.  His mother kicked him out of her house because he wouldn't go into the Army. So that's out. He wants the Coast Guard but has been just over a year. He can take the test at any time but still doesn't know enough to pass on bare minimum. He failed it twice already. And on his days off he is not studying. I am about to throw the book at him and tell him study or get to work. And have already told him if he fails it this time to pack up his stuff and move on. I don't believe he has any intention of going into Coast Guard. His mother and I both tried to get him to go to the shipyard and he said he doesn't want a job like that. So, I see what he is doing. It is coming as I told him he has till end of year to get out of my house. Will see where that leads me. 

Mother you are so right about my family. They have nothing but use me since my DH passed away. But DGD's DH is being transferred in December and I will no longer be babysitting nor canning baby food. So that ends that issue. She also got a job at the YMCA and takes the baby with her. So, I don't think I will be doing much babysitting now. DD kept her all week so GD can rest from the illness of this second baby. She is doing better but still gets tired easy. So hopefully dealing with that will soon be over. I love keeping her but not sure if I could handle a toddler and a newborn at my age. My DD and I talked a bit about how my GD and her DH wants me to come live with them. Yep, to babysit full time. Nope, not going to happen. They will need to depend on her mother for a lot of that. 


And I just realized I posted in the Indiana post thinking I was in What are you doing today. I think that makes about 3 times I've done that. Yep, I am tired. 

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@Becca_Anne  glad you got your car sold. And safely. I asked DIL and CarMax was who they sold her mom's car to. Maybe they could have gotten more and maybe they couldn't. But it was worth it to not have to deal with strangers coming to their house. And what if they wanted to test drive it. Let them take it out alone or one of them go along on the drive? Then dicker about the price saying something was wrong with the car that wasn't? And if something didn't go the buyers way, they know where you live.  No thanks. 


I had money and jewelry 'walk off' once too. Terrible feeling. Hopefully, you will get reimbursed for the cost of the foundation. Scoundrels. 


@Littlesister if I remember correctly, if he fails a third time, he will have to wait an entire year to take it again. I may not be remembering that correctly though. But that can't be an option.


I'm so glad to hear you aren't moving in with your GD. Were they the ones who lived with you for awhile before? I could see you paying half of their bills and raising their children. You are an independent woman who can take care of yourself. Hang on to your freedom for as long as you can.  




My realtor was going to come with the papers yesterday but called to cancel. Since the repair guys are coming next Friday, she said she'd come in the afternoon that day with the papers and to have a last look around. She also wants to bring a couple of things to stage the kitchen counters and maybe put a picture over the fireplace. Whatever. I did the bathrooms when I first came back, from things I already had here. She said they looked great. And the front porch area is done. Except I noticed the little sign with the house numbers on the light post, was peeling and badly faded. Forty-five years outside will do that. So I'm going to paint that. No big deal. Famous last words? I took the hose and a brush with a long handle on it to the garage floor. Another fine mess they left. There was white drywall compound splashed and globs all over it. It looked like white paint. Fortunately it wasn't and most of it came up with water and a little scrub.  Sheeesh. Everytime I turn around I see something else that needs done. Luckily little things now. 


Oh, and the next day, Saturday, the photographer will be here. I need to be invisible for about 90 minutes while he performs his magic. :rolleyes:


Hopefully this place will be on the market in about a week+. Let the bidding wars begin. :24:

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On 8/23/2024 at 7:37 PM, Ambergris said:

Have you tried hot black coffee to relax your bronchi and clear your head?


:groooansmileyf:    ....I'm one of those rare people that detests the flavor of coffee.  :yuk:  


However, I did ....no, DH did remember what he was trying to tell me.  I used Sudafed on the plane since clearing up the ear infection was a little iffy.  The 2nd emergency appt at my clinic (not ER) told me that.  Oh....I can do that before I get to the inhaler stage. 


Except I can't find the Sudafed.  :scratchhead: Where would I have put it?  I had to buy a second one while we were on Maui so I know there is some leftover.  I should have gone in the ocean to clear my sinuses while I had the chance!  Merely the salt air helps.  Anyway, I do have some Clariton so I've resorted to taking that.  This is my season for these issues.  I usually don't take anything but a couple of 'scripts and herbal/nutritional stuff from DH's expertise.  But we have been raining and growing a LOT this year so it does make sense.  And I've been tramping around the pasture grass/weeds- going after those dang thistle heads.  Hope to finish snipping them soon. 


Had another great ride on M today.  Beautiful day.  Walked dog and ignored the thistles.  :pout: 


Have a prayer request:  Both daughters and SIL, are taking GrS#2 on a plane to the east coast for college TOMORROW....  

Not sure how much effect "Tropical Storm Hone" is going to have on the islands.  Rain and treacherous surf, for sure.  But the winds? 
And it reminds us too much of long ago Hurricane Iniki.  We were living on Maui for that one.  Went to bed with assurances that it was well to the south of the islands.  But woke to find out that it had made a severe turn northwards.   Prayers would be appreciated. 
MtRider  ....TIRED  :offtobed: 
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Prayers going out for both DD's and SIL as well as your GS#2.  Praying for a safe and easy trip for all of them. 


Glad you had a good ride Mt. Rider. Glad that helps the way it should. 

Hopefully there won't be any damage done by that storm.


Hoping to get the carrots dehydrated tomorrow. Will see how things go in the morning. My neck is killing me right now. Thinking I might need to take a muscle relaxer. The muscles are tight for some reason. 


Jeepers, yes, she is the one that she and her DH moved in with me for a while. She is the one with the baby and baby 2 on the way. 


Edited by Littlesister
Added about GD.
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Prayers to the Hawaiian family as they travel to and from the east coast. Sheeesh, could GS have chosen a college any farther away!  LOL.  Maybe his uncle and cousin can visit with him often. And maybe his grandma great too.


I hadn't heard about the tropical storm out there. 

 :pray: :hug3: :pray:

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I found two more medium size boxes of DVD's.  Sigh. I thought I had emptied out that closet of everything. I'll bet I have over 300 movies now. Gonna need another bookcase to put them in. Maybe two. They are small. I should have bought the bigger DVD bookcases but I wanted to go cheap. So there ya go. Some of the DVD's that are already in Indy are sets so they take up a lot of room. Atleast I have experience putting the shelves together. :rolleyes:


Some of them I copied from the library (shhh, don't tell) so I'd like to make an insert and put them in a case instead of just folders. Like I have nothing else to do. :grinning-smiley-044:  I can't believe I had all of those stashed in the bottom of that hall closet. I'm going to have to store them in the Jeep until the big photo shoot takes place.


I got the address sign painted that goes on the light post. Not great, but better. Garage floor dried pretty well. It looks a lot better without all of that spilled drywall mud all over it. I bought some garage door spray and lubed the rollers. Its still really loud but it doesn't squeal anymore. I also found some shelf liner stuff in that closet. If I have time, I want to line all the kitchen cabinets. No big deal but it would look nice. And I already have the stuff. I wanted to go buy one more small plant for the yard. There is a bare spot out there. But I didn't keep track of the time and it being Sunday, the place is already closed. Tomorrow. I've worked my butt off in this house. The day it goes on the market is the day I'm done.... Except for that chimney cap. I'm still thinking about that. No one might notice but I'll bet the inspector will. :sigh:


GS called. He made his first soccer goal yesterday. We are excited. Just thought you'd like to know.  :24:

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Back in 2018, I did Weight Watchers for the first time. I lost 20# in 2 months. I really need to take charge of my health.  I have 100# to lose. I have so many problems and I'm only 53yo.

So on Thursday, I recommitted and have already lost over 3# in 4 days!


Did dishes and changed litter box today. 

I need to help youngest clean her room because that is where oldest daughter will be sleeping when she visits next weekend. Youngest doesn't really want to be compliant about cleaning her room.

She and I can go round and round. I believe she has misophonia and she rages. DS#3 said she has some holes in her walls. We can't even be in a different room than her just talking. She can't handle the sound. We need to get her in to see the doctor and see what they think and how to help her. It's going to be hot this week, so we need to work on her room today or tomorrow. 

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Still don't know when Maui 'ohana flew out.  Assume if something happened ....flying with a now Cat 1 Hurricane ....it would have been on Hawai'i News.  Both DH and I have kept an eye on the HI news.  H. Hone....did lots of rain damage on Big Island.  (if you didn't know, it's called that cuz it's really "Hawai'i" but that's too confusing with the whole state being the same name.  They sometimes distinguish by saying: the island of Hawai'i. )  Anyway the leeward (east, mostly) side gets hit first and H. Hone gave a lot of rain.  What did I read?  Over a foot of rain, I think? 


Sorry but I was just checking to see any mention of airplanes having trouble.  Esp from Maui.  Didn't see anything so I'm assuming they're fine.  I've texted to DD1 a few times yesterday and today.  No response which would be normal with their super long flights.  I'll hear eventually.  But the news about Maui's encounter with H. Hone was merely about rain totals.  And HUGE surf, which is expected. 


I have another ear problem.  Not sure if it's infected again...??  But woke at 5 with R side of neck hurting badly.  Got up and ate something.  Read book/news on laptop.  It eased off but then was centered in the ear...again.  DH checked it, after charging the light's battery again.  That thing they look into ears - throat - etc.  Yeah, something is going on in there again.  Left my hearing aid out of that ear today and it feels ok.  Maybe I'll have to use alcohol to clean the plastic cover of the hearing aid. ??  That piece has to be changed once in a while too.  I hate doing it cuz it's TINY and I have tremors in my hands.  :buttercup:   Not a good combination.  Takes me forever.  So I'm only wearing the L one.  :shrug:  Feels much better tonite.  


OK...getting late again. 


MtRider   :pc_coffee:

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When my DD and her dad (my DX) flew to Europe, she text me a link that I could track their flight. 

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DH is home with a headache.   DD16 and I are cleaning and making a shopping list as school starts next Tuesday.  


Yesterday, we cleaned the living room and DH built a blanket fort over the couch and some chairs.  We had a picknick and watched The Last Unicorn as a family.  DD3 ate two donuts (Krispy Kreme plain glazed) and went sugar crazy towards the end.  

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Hopefully, handyman will come over soon and fix water leak. We have had it off all weekend.

Already walked.
If I have water, I will do laundry.
Making French bread pizzas for dinner.
Will set up DH's pills for the month.
Water roses tonight.

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Still waiting to hear back from the bank on the refinance. They are ticking me off now. Closing was Saturday and she never showed. Left messages with several people and no call backs. 

Need to run to Harris Teeter to pick up prescriptions.  Deep cleaning bathrooms this morning and thinking about trying to get the window over kitchen sink cleaned. Knee is not as bad today so going to give it a try. 

GS got promoted yesterday to team lead and a $1.50 an hour more in pay. Now to get him to pay all of his bills off and study for his test. I talked with him the other day about the shipyard, but he said he really has his heart sunk into the Coast Guard. Well, how about showing that and pick up your book and study for it. He knows his time is limited. But he can't get off the facetime and put the phone down to study. She is on there now watching him sleep. How dumb can you get. Might be the reason she got fired from her job. You can't hold a cell phone and work your job at the same time when you are bathing dogs and such. 

Need to go through my first aid kit as GS used a lot of bandages and such from it. So, need to replenish some things. He did finally find his first aid kit in the trunk of his car. I made one up for each of the Gchildren a few years ago for them to keep in the cars. 

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@blessedhomemaker71  good luck on your weight loss journey. You are off to a great start.  :cheer:   


I lost quite a bit of weight, thanks to covid messing with my taste buds. And even though my taste still hasn't returned to normal, I'm eating more and slowly gaining it back again. Not something I wanted to do. Somewhere along the line I developed a taste for chocolate and vanilla ice cream. I don't have a sweet tooth so I don't know where that came from. Those darn Bryers sell it in a carton with vanilla on one side and chocolate on the other side. Enablers. I could stand to lose 30 pounds. I'm short. 



Sorry your DD is having issues! That's a tough one. We don't have that but...if you want to set my son off, start crunching while you eat. Chips will make him leave the room angrily. Me? I can't tolerate hearing someone kissing on TV. It really unnerves me. Badly. If i see someone going in for a lip lock, I immediately hit the mute button or change the channel. Ugh. I know it's not the same but I do know that feeling just a little bit. Of feeling angry because of a sound.  :hug3:



Edited by Jeepers
Hit the send button too soon.
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I also need to lose some weight. Going to start just eating salads like I did before. Though I will miss my garden for that one. But next year will be better. 


My day didn't go as planned. Found out that when you lose a spouse, you are supposed to report it to the credit bureaus. I didn't know that. After the news came out about the breach on millions of SS numbers. I checked and both mine and DHs were involved. I froze mine but then when I went to do DH's I had to call and talk to them. They need a copy of the death cert. his SS, my SS and a cover letter. She gave me the address. Once they get it, Transunion will report it to the other 2 bureaus. That will protect me even more or so she said. The house is already just in my name, but it was at one point in both our names. Just not going to take any chances. I did get my charge card paid off today so that is a plus. When I got the bill, I saw they went up on the interest rates. From 7.9% to 23.4%. Though I always pay them off each month, I was thinking of just putting a smaller amount on it since the loan company screwed up. They sent my info for the closing to somewhere in Hawaii to notary. He mixed things up and told me I owe money for a rental in Hawaii. Needless to say, that got corrected fast. He used the wrong e-mail and someone else that had my first name. Won't be using them again. So now I am playing the waiting game again. Haven't heard from a notary to set up another date yet. Guess he has to straighten out his big mistake first. 

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The bank just called me about my loan.  Now they are saying they have to do something about the title trust. No, they are cleaning up their mess and that was their way of saying they are working on the trust and will call me tomorrow. They already had that done before the big mess up on their end. I am so over these people. Town Bank is looking for really good right now. 

Went to pick up my prescriptions and something isn't right. Might be having to change pharmacies. Might use either Kroger or the Harborview one. Everyone that used to work at Harris Teeter Pharmacy has left and all new people and all of a sudden, my prescriptions are either double in price or triple. Need to call BC/BS as I am still in tier 2 and my Synthroid that I was paying $45 for a 90-day supply suddenly jumped to $$139. Same with Farxiga as it was $145 for a 90 day and now it is $435 or something like that for a 3-month supply. They told me 2 weeks ago a 30 day would be $47 and when I picked it up it was $69. Time to move on. 


GS is having his withdrawal fits again. I wouldn't buy him cigarettes nor beer. So, he had a hissy fit. He went down my throat for the last time. He called his mother which I know he lied to her about what happened, but I don't care. He is moving in with mommy and daddy in October or so he says.  He has threatened me with having his cyber friends hack me and saying I have dementia and don't remember anything as he said his medical friend told him that. I am like Wow, really. Well, I didn't forget this. You are sleeping in your car tonight. Said he had a friend that owed him money so he will get that to buy cigarettes with. He found my change and took $10 from it to buy cig. and beer. He doesn't know I know what he did. So, the change is now locked up in safe also. I am just over his F words and a lot of other words he likes to throw around and get in my face with when he has withdrawals from not smoking every 2 hours or so.  So, he and his dad can take turns buying cigarettes. Mom kicked him out once and if he starts that mess again with her, he will be on the street in NC so fast it will make his head swim.  He has calmed down for now. But will see how he is tomorrow. He hasn't gone to the gas station for cigarettes yet. So, guess he couldn't get any money. Payday is Thursday. I have the garage door on lock so he can't get in house at all tonight. I told him before what will happen, and I guess he didn't believe me. He did apologize a little while ago. That was a good start, but he still has to sleep in his car tonight. I told him I don't play. 

He is so funny. He keeps texting me trying to worm his way out of this one. 



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Have you identified someone to make medical decisions for you in case you are incapacitated?  This is a good self-defense move.

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As a senior, everytime I go to any doctor, one of their first questions is, "Do you feel safe at home?" Littlesister, I don't think you are safe at your home. One of these days he is going to turn on you and hurt you. He is a grown man and you won't have a chance against his rage. Please be careful around him. 

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14 minutes ago, Jeepers said:

Please be careful around him. 

I get that same impression LS.  Please be careful.  

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Oye, Little Sister.  Seems like all the progress you made with him flies out the window when he doesn't have his pacifier items.  Is he doing any drugs?  Not sure Oct is soon enough!  He gets comfortable and decides he's King.  Nope!  :pray: 


Well today DH was 'in town' with his client.  He takes the cell phone so when he finally opened it, a text from DD1 was finally there.  She'd sent it at 4pm yesterday.....meaning that our cell phone using our WiFi is NOT reliable.  I could get text out to her but we sure didn't see hers to us.  <_<  

HOWEVER...yes, they're fine.  Were able to fly out of Maui yesterday.  Maui didn't get hit as hard but the overflow of rain has them thankful but ...too much!  So many steeeep places with those mts.  Haven't heard of anything drastic happening to folks.  :pray:   There will be a lot of clean up.  I hope their garage doesn't flood.  No one wants to come home to a mess.  They may have installed a drain to fix that problem...don't remember.  There are two more storms heading in that general direction but H. Gilma ? is supposed to wind down before going north of the islands.  Likely more rain.  And the H--?--- named storm hasn't developed much and may spin out before getting that far.  All the islands will appreciate the rain...tho a "garden hose" instead of this "fire hose" application of rain would be preferred. 


Thanks for the vid, Midnight. 

Hope you get your water back on, Miki!!!!!  :(  That's annoying and just a real pain! 

A 3 yo with a Two Crispie Cream sugar high...... that might be fun!  :lol:  :bounce::hapydancsmil::woohoo:


MtRider  :pc_coffee:

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