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In other news....ear felt better late yesterday but was plugged this morning.  No hearing aid today in that ear.  DH said its red inside the ear.  Took Claritin again and it's not helping.  Was trying to buy Claritin-D before Maui but store didn't have it.  Calling for doc appt ...."yes, I agree to see anyone cuz my doc is always packed".  At some point I realized FINALLY :tapfoot:   WHERE I'd put the rest of the Sudafed after the Maui trip.  Took one and within half hour I was clearing up in head and ear!  :amen:  

So eventually clinic called me back for an appt (with the doc that saw me in May and gave me antibiotics Pre-Airplane to Maui.) On Thurs.  :thumbs:  He's already seen my ears!  I had to call for Senior Transport but they prioritize medical appt so they said they'd get me there.  (DH works on Thurs.)  :amen:  


Obviously with all the end-of-summer seeds and fluff and stuff coming off of all the lush plants (plenty rain) this year, some of it is torturing me!  :lois:   :sigh:   And I've been out walking dog and trying to stop the thistles from spreading ...right in the pasture too.  Explains why I had to do the inhaler last Thurs.  Why my voice keeps going hoarse.  It's the plants trying to do me in!  :darthduck:  Now it makes sense!  (....yeah, thinking it should have been obvious before this, right?)  :buttercup:   I really don't DO allergy/hay fever stuff at this magnitude.


Then I got so very tired  and went to lay down in bed.  I lay down for about a half hour but had to get up again.  I was laying on my right ear on the pillow and just that started it really hurting again.  :scratchhead:  Sheeesh.  Took second Sudafed.  -- You can take them 2 at a time but since I'd had the worthless Claritin earlier, I was being cautious.  It helped. 


I did walk dog and snip blossoms off some plants that were trying for at least the 3rd time - to propagate.  No!  BUT I was wearing one of our good N95 masks with an exhalation valve.  If the plants are 'getting me' ....I'd best take better care.  I haven't had trouble since the second Sudafed.  :amen:  


So.... (MtRider tries sneaking out the back door)  .....do I really HAVE to see the doc on Thurs?  Or will Sudafed be sufficient to survive this particularly strong "hay fever" season this year?  Dunno.  We're thinking it may have been the spring pollen - also very lush this year back in May - that caused the first episode of ear problems.  ??  Cuz I haven't had like this since I was a kid.  The steady rain really has given us a bountiful crop of all sorts of plant life in our little corner of the world.  :lois: 


Yeah, I'll probably go.  Maybe.  I'll have DH keep checking my ears.  If they go back to perfectly fine....why waste the doc's time and mine?  Just buy more Sudafed to get thru this .....?  Till it snows?  :rolleyes:  Dunno.   I do try to keep medical appts down to a minimum.  We're rarely sick or injured.  I'd like to keep it that way!


MtRider  ..... and I'm going to visit Missouri friend in Oct.  and might run into their fall season.  Just thot of that...  :0327:

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8 hours ago, Littlesister said:

Haven't heard from a notary to set up another date yet. Guess he has to straighten out his big mistake first. 

My bank does a free notary on a walk-in basis: as long as it is related to banking business. Yours?

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Mt. Rider, glad your kids are doing ok. Hawaii got a lot of rain but luckily it wasn't any worse. 


Miki, hope you were able to get your water back on.  


I am keeping a close eye on GS. He wants to now start paying rent which he said will include food. No what it is that he wants me to be his savings account again and give him money from that to buy beer and cigarettes. I am already buying food but will not buy beer and cigarettes for him. Told him he is draining my account, and it has to stop. That I can't be spending $8 to $10 on cigarettes a pack and then beer on top of that. Then there is the door dash I won't do any longer. He needs to understand what his priorities are. If he can't make it from payday to payday then he needs to learn a lesson. He gets paid weekly and spends his money on wants and then when his money runs out, he wants to spend my money. I stopped that and he is not happy about it. He just got promoted to team lead which they have been telling him he is for weeks on end but not on paper sort of speak. He just got it the other day with a good size raise. So maybe now he will make it from payday to payday. His mother will not say anything to me, and I know he lies to her about these matters. I just figure that since she has been through it, she already knows he's lying about what happened. I don't really care anymore. Just want him out of here now. He used to smoke weed a lot when he first got here. He has stopped that due to Coast Guard and his jobs. So, we are passed those issues now. His father has smoked since he was 13 years old. His mother would buy him the cigarettes. He has tried to quit and is just like GS when he tries. He has used all the meds from doctors to try to quit but they didn't work on him, and he was evil. Guess you can say like father like son in this case. As for his so- called medical friend that he used to play online games with and never met, this guy was an EMT and got fired. GS said he wants to be a brain surgeon and now a phycologist.  Said you can learn a lot from google. Yes so, I have been diagnosed by a friend of GS's he has never met other than online, got fired as an EMP and now learning to be a medical doctor by way of Google.  Yes, I have a trust and a power of attorney. I am good. 

On the loan, they are out of CA and have a person come to your house from Richmond VA to sign the papers, but the big screw up they did is causing the delay. So now I am back into wait mode. Next time it will not be with them even if it does mean a slightly higher interest rate. I need to redo somethings I have, and this is nothing but a huge holdup from their end. I should be getting a call today about it but that remains to be seen. 


Going to start on the carrots in a couple of hours. Have some things to finish up after I finish my coffee.  GS does work today and off tomorrow. I need to send him away for the day tomorrow. Maybe he can go fishing or a park as he does need to start exercising for the coast guard. He needs to start running and with smoking that won't be easy. 



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You are going through too much with your GS.  You already know that he takes advantage of you, but I think you may not be real safe in your home, also.  The threats are what bother me more.


I did get our water fixed yesterday.  Handyman says it wasn't something they did, but he didn't charge me, so...


Already walked and walked dogs.
Did second load of laundry.
Set up DH's pills for the month.
Took some stuff out to shed.
Completed Caregiver workshop (6 lessons- 1 per week).
Will move an old couch out to road to be picked up. Friend will come help around 1 pm.
Will make Pizza bread again--that was so good yesterday! Helps to have worked at a pizza place for about 10 years.

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Miki, glad you got your water leak fixed. And at a reasonable price.  LOL. 


Littlesister, he wants to pay rent so he can officially move in and then you won't be able to get him out. If he pays you rent then he will have legal rights to be there. You might even have to go through an eviction process. Don't do it. He is an adult man with a job and gets more in food stamps than most families. He can afford to buy his own food. Ask him for a definite date as to when he is retaking that test. See how serious he is about getting in. Then hold him to that date. 


Can you cancel the re-fi loan with that company? I assume since you didn't sign the papers yet, you can. They messed up and didn't even give a courtesy call when they didn't show up. I'd tell them you changed your mind. If you can wait, interest rates are supposed to drop again next month so you might get a better deal somewhere else. It probably won't be by much but every dollar counts these days. 

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Jeepers, I am thinking hard about dropping the new loan. These people have never been like this before.  I have always had good service with them. But new people, I guess. 


And no, I am not going to take rent from GS. I have already been that route over a year ago. He would borrow from it all the time and then when I kicked him out, he wanted what was left. He blew through that money so fast he couldn't afford to live anywhere else. He has no savings to speak of even though he says he has saved a few hundred dollars. He would use that for beer, vape and cigarettes. So that has been long gone. Don't know how he got the money, but he now has cigarettes from somewhere. He did stay in his car to sleep last night but now he wants to come back into house tonight and talk. Nope talking is not going to happen till he puts down that phone as he keeps his girlfriend on there and she knows everything going on. If I was that girl I would run as far from my GS as possible. She is 18 and as dumb as he is. She can't hold a phone and work at the same time. GS props his phone up against a box and she can watch him work. They sleep together by way of face time. I can watch her sleeping. They even take showers together by way of facetime. It has gone beyond sickening. You can guess what is going on when the radio gets so loud the neighbors can hear it from the bathroom window. Need I say more.  It feels like my privacy is being invaded by this facetime garbage as he has taken her though my whole house including my bedroom. You might say I have no privacy any longer. My bedroom is off limits, but he still hasn't learned that yet but is about to. I haven't talked with his mother, but GS is looking into places near where his mother works. He mentioned a couple of places already. So, I think after he found out that again I don't play he realizes I am not joking about his moving out of here. It's a shame he is like that as he was doing so good for a while. I really think this girlfriend has a lot to do with his behavior right now. So, hoping his mother did say he can go back to living with her and his dad. They know that he is their responsibility and that as a grandmother I should not be going through what I am having to deal with. But we shall see what happens. 


I am going with DGD and DGSIL to have pictures made with the baby in Windsor. It will be fun. Just hope that DGS will be working on that day. I am starting to get a bit uneasy about him being in house by himself.  He is destructive and I will be locking my bedroom door just in case before I leave. 


I now have the carrots spread out over a couple of dishtowels with paper towels over top to dry them out a bit more before putting them into the dehydrator. The dehydrator will remove a lot of the moisture, but I like to have as much as possible out of them first. I think the blue ball book said something about 88% moisture. Been a long time since I have done carrots so hoping these do well. 

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It's so hot here heat index of 108 today just very thankful we have power and air conditioning! 

Littlesister I hope your GS does move on with his life and give you your space back. Everyone is really concerned about your situation :hug3:

Miki you're getting a lot done!

MtRider glad you have some improvement with your ear but I think probably a good idea to keep the Dr apt just in case so they can look and make sure it's all cleared up. Allergies can be a beast! I have to take Zyrtec every day and use a nasal spray to keep mine under control. Thankful they're better here than they were in OR. Probably more adapted since I grew up in the midwest but still have itchy eyes a lot and ear issues too sometimes.

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1 hour ago, Littlesister said:

They know that he is their responsibility

Actually he is NOT their responsibility nor is he yours,  . He is an adult. 

30 minutes ago, Becca_Anne said:

Everyone is really concerned about your situation :hug3:

 Yes, what Becca said.  

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I thank all of you for your concern about my GS.  I talked with his mother, and they are going to let him move back home. I think his father finally stepped up to the plate which he should have a long time ago. GS is not going to like the rules but that is their issue.  No drinking, no door dash and he must either transfer to the Food Lion there or find a job where he can support himself and pay his bills. That was the reason for the October date. He did lie to his mother which I figured that as he always lies about so much. I wish him the best when he moves there and hope he will at some point straighten out. He was off again today and never studied for the Coast Guard test today. Not my issues any longer. I am done and have now washed my hands of it. So, hoping he will be out by the end of September. I will give him a chance to either transfer or go to NC and find a job. If it doesn't work out this time with his parents and his mother kicks him out again, he will be living on the street as none of his sisters will take him back and I know I won't. I really need to be able to move on with my life since my DH passed, and I haven't had that time to reflect and think about things and what I need to be doing.  His moving back home makes me wonder if now I want to move to NC or not. I would be closer to DD but it's just a feeling I guess with all I have been through. After GS has moved out, I will have the time to think about things. My DH and I got married in this house, raised our kids and grandkids here. But due to the way this world is going and how this area has grown and now way overpopulated, it might be time to move on. DH and I talked about moving to the country before he had that stroke in 1993. I just might make that dream a reality if I can find the right place be it in VA or NC. Though NC is so much cheaper on taxes, and I would get more house for the buck. Lots of country in that area. And I will no longer have family around here after DGD is transferred. So, need to keep that in mind. Maybe my blood pressure will stabilize back to normal, and I can get off the meds once GS moves out. 


Becca Anne it has been really hot and humid here today also. I wanted to do some work outside but can't take the humidity. 


Mt. Rider glad your ear is doing better but please keep the Dr. Appt. just to be sure all is well. 


The carrots have been in the dehydrator for a few hours now and will run all night. I put them on low first and now have them at 125 as the instructions stated in the ball blue book. I am doing these a bit different to see if they will do much better like the ones you buy are. 


I just thought about something.  I said I was not buying a new living room suit till after GS moved out.  Can I say Merry Christmas to me and get one then?  I am hoping. 

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Mother we must have been typing at the same time.  You are right he is an adult but he sure isn't very mature for his age. He will be 23 years old in November. His mom said he has mental issues. All I can say is he is lazy, demanding and only cares about himself. He hated school and had no education to speak of and is why he is struggling with the coast guard test. He can't add 2 and 2 together and doesn't know much about science or anything else. He can't comprehend and will not read. In many ways I feel sorry for him but also at the same time I blame his parents for not helping him when he needed it growing up and teaching him better manners and how to be respectful. He has no respect for anyone. So, he is better off living with them as I really don't think he can live on his own. Or at least I don't see it happening. 

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7 minutes ago, Littlesister said:

His mom said he has mental issues

Does he, really?  It is interesting how he is capable of manipulating you and probably others.  Mental, psychological, personality disorder, or just plain learned at an early age how to get out of doing things and getting others to do them for him.  You tried but you are not qualified to handle his deeper issues.  

I am glad to hear he will be moving on and giving you a much needed time to contemplate what YOU want.  Remember though, he hasn’t actually changed that much.  Until he is actually moved he will continue to do what he has been doing.  Procrastinating.   


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So glad your GS is moving on. Whew! My gosh, you did your best for him a number of times. About moving to N.C. by then GS will hopefully be in the Coast Guard or on his own someplace and not be around down there. Yes on the new furniture! You have been trying to get your house in order longer than I have. You deserve a house you like after all the work you've done. BUT, if you still have furniture you need moved, get GS to move any furniture you want moved right away while he's still there. Get your GD husband over on GS day off and tell them where you want it. Badda Boom, Dadda Bing it's done. Offer a cookout if that's what it takes.  :pout:


Mother, you are right. I think for him it's learned behavior. He knows how to get what he wants by using people. I hate to say it but he isn't going to change. He doesn't have to. He manipulates and gives lip service. It seems to work for him. 


Sheeesh, I missed some posts. Glad your ear is starting to feel better Mt. Rider. Frolicking amongst the thistles probably didn't help.  Mt. Rider => :lois:


Midnightmom, my Indy bank does free walk in notaries but not my Ohio bank. Unless that changed. Our UPS store does them but not for free. Indy UPS doesn't do them at all. Everyplace is different I guess. 


Wow Becca-Anne. That's hot! Weather here is going to be strange this week. 90's one day then in the high 70's a couple of days then back to a 90 degree and back down to the 70's again. We are getting a storm right now then rain for the weekend and Labor Day. I've been lucky with the first year of my shrubs. I rarely had to water them.


I remember I had to take generic Zertec for something but I can't remember what for. Either ears, bronchitis or when I had the reaction to ampicillin. I do remember the Zyrtec was expensive though. 

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I think you might be right about the learned behavior. He does not except responsibility for his actions and he is always right. He thinks he knows it all and anyone that thinks otherwise is considered opinionated according to him. He got home from work a while ago and he ate dinner and is in his car. He asked if he could sleep in house tonight and I told him flat out that if he does, he is to keep his mouth shut and not be disrespectful. If he can't handle that then he sleeps in the car. So, he is in the car. Fine with me. Never in my wildest dreams would I have believed I would have a grandchild like this one. I think Mother is right, it is a learned behavior from childhood that should have been nipped in the bud from the very start and his parents just sat back and did nothing.  His issues are not mental in my opinion, it is manipulation if he thinks he can get away with it. Maybe that is why I have so many issues with him. I get him going in the right direction and he takes 2 steps back and starts again. He knows I will not stand for his behavior and is why he hasn't given me the full issues his parents and sister in Washington had with him. I will stomp him through the floor if he is not careful. I have been tightening up on him and getting him to study for the test for coast guard and it is more than likely why we butted heads again. I keep pushing him to do better and act like an adult and not a 2-year-old. Nope he can't handle it. So off to mommy and daddy he will go. Though he doesn't want to give up this job with Food Lion and transfer because he feels he will put those people in a hard way. No, he won't. They will be just fine. He just made a couple of friends and doesn't want to leave. I look at it as an excuse to stay here. Nope he is leaving and the sooner the better. 

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18 hours ago, Littlesister said:

I am keeping a close eye on GS. He wants to now start paying rent which he said will include food. No what it is that he wants me to be his savings account again and give him money from that to buy beer and cigarettes.

Don't let him pay "Rent." If it works in VA the way it works here, he will then have legal status/rights to live there and you will need to go to court to evict him.

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Midnightmom, I am not going to charge him rent. That was what he wanted to do. No, he is leaving as soon as he gets things straight with his job and packs up his mess from all over the house. Though I might just start boxing up some of his mess now. Maybe when he sees it packed, he will know for sure I mean business. 

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1 hour ago, Littlesister said:

Though I might just start boxing up some of his mess now. Maybe when he sees it packed, he will know for sure I mean business. 

Boxing and putting them in the garage or even in his car might make a bigger statement. And give you a cleaner house too.:happy0203: :kissy:

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Mother, all I can say to that is Amen.  He has a few loose ends to tie up here before going to NC. I am so ready for him to move on. I am tired and worn out and just don't have the energy to deal with him any longer.  He is constantly cooking and messing up the kitchen now and doesn't clean up. So, mom is going to love that. Those kids would be in very hot water if she found a crumb anywhere. They were all scared to cook anything. But then it's all going to be on her to teach him. I just can't do it any longer. His plan is to be gone by the end of Oct. or first part of November. That time can't get here fast enough. I can promise him one thing. He will never come back here to live again after what he has put me through. 


Today I cleaned baseboards and such. Then cleaned the dehydrator and kitchen up. Not much more than that. Just don't have the energy today. Hopefully tomorrow will be a better day. 

Edited by Littlesister
computer froze up.
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39 minutes ago, Littlesister said:

His plan is to be gone by the end of Oct. or first part of November.

Why so long?  It certainly can’t take that long to get a transfer, can it?  He should know shortly after applying for it if there is an opening. I have seen people put in for transfers and they were moving within a week.  Is there a reason he can’t ask for a transfer immediately?  Does he think he has until November to APPLY.  Please make sure he knows he has to apply NOW!   If he doesn’t get the transfer and has to find a job he (and you) would be so much better off with him being with his parents in the area he needs to look.  They can help him find one.  

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He applied for Medicaid so he can get the last 2 test for coast guard out of the way. He is waiting for that to come in. Then he will be transferring his job near his mom in NC. Though I think his girlfriend might have something to do with it. She lives in NC, and he plans a 3- or 4-day trip to go see her before moving. So, thinking it might have something to do with vacation and such. That is not going to transfer over with him. So, he is supposed to be saving up money for that. The Medicaid is for VA., and he would have to start over again in NC and he doesn't want to do that. Either way he will be out of here within 2 and a half months if not sooner. 

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LittleSister, what is your line in the sand with him?  For him to be out of your home TODAY?   


He has stolen from you repeatedly, lied, threatened you, destroyed your home and  property,  and continues to freeload off of you.  He's not going to change the situation for the better.  He has no intention of it.   Sure, he'll allow you to scold and maybe rant at him,  yell at bit.   Sure, he'll pout and maybe act remorseful.    But he is not going to change because what he is doing is working for him.    Just like he has no intention of going to the Coast Guard.  Why would he,  he has a sweet deal at Grandma's.  Sure, he has to keep up a story about his plans for the future and pretend to agree to imaginary deadlines, but that is not a problem. 


And you are enabling him.   Yes, it sounds like he unfortunately had a screwed up childhood.  Many people do,  and some overcome that.   Now he is an adult.  Now you are teaching him to know that stealing, manipulating,  destroying, and threatening people is acceptable behavior...because he is allowed to continue to do that to you, to an elderly* person, every day.   And it is working for him. 


I know we sort of have a rule here at MrsS about if you have nothing nice to say, keep quiet, so I understand if a mod feels the need to delete my post.   


*I mean no disrespect towards anyone's age.

Edited by out_of_the_ordinary
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GS knows that he is being kicked out by the middle of November. That is the deadline either out or the police will take him out of here. Whichever way he wants it. Not the first time the police has been called in on him. Even his mother had to do that. If he doesn't have it all together by the middle of November, his time here is up. I'm tired and this mess with him is the last straw. He did study for a whole 10 minutes which I already know that is just for show. I will let him get things together for those last 2 test and get things going for the transfer. But that is the end of it. Middle of November he will be gone. He already knows I am not playing around. I won this last argument as he didn't think I would make him sleep in his car. Yes, he slept in his car for 2 nights. So now he is walking a tight rope. He knows I don't play but still tries me. I literally almost pushed him out the kitchen door. He wasn't expecting that. I wouldn't back off of his threats this time around. Not that I took any of his treats seriously. He is more mouth than bite. 

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I spent last weekend doggie sitting at DD’s. I slept a lot. I even took a 2 hour nap on Saturday. You’d think I’d be well rested... but it’s not real good sleep with two 60# dogs sleeping ON TOP of you. 😂 I love them though. They’re FUN!! Very high energy, but also the sweetest, cuddliest girls. Pics- Maize (black) is 7 and Ellie (brown) is 5. 

Monday was too hot to fish. 
Yesterday was too hot to do anything. Flea market. 98* and I don’t even want to think about the heat index. Today wasn’t much better- 93*. 🥵 Eight hours a day of “sit and sweat”.


 I finally finished sorting salt and pepper shakers after 3 weeks. There were 4 totes and 5 (small) boxes under tables at the market. Crazy! There’s one tote and 2 small boxes under *my* table that I work out of. The rest were under a different table and just taking up space that could be better used. So I brought them home and sorted them into the 2 different prices that we sell. Out of 3 totes and 3 boxes, I ended up with 2 totes of each and one box of overflow of the more expensive ones, plus one small tote of ones missing their mate. Now they need to go to the barn and I can pull what I need, when I need them. Pics for fun. 😀










Edited by Necie
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Thank you all for concerns on my ear thing.  It's "better"...not outright pain exactly.  Plugged tho Sudafed helps.  But YES I'm going to doc tomorrow morning.  Have ride with the senior van cuz DH works Thursdays.  I have to get up earlier than him tomorrow.  :sigh: 


Had a second thing happen on...Tuesday.  Woke up with definite 'dull' pain in the kidney area.  :o  I've never had that before.  Yes...Doc tomorrow.  And due to memory (lack there of) I've been writing everything down.  Was able to fit concise rendition on the electronic sign-in for tomorrow so he can read thru that quickly. 


Anyway, I immediately started to figure out how much fluids I was getting daily.  Never knew cuz I drink from various water bottles stationed all over the house.  But now I'm using a big mug that's calibrated for fl oz on the side.  And I added cranberry juice right after the morning Gatorade ( I don't feel like passing out when I stand up with a cup or so of Gatorade).  I've increased to about 62 fl oz.....tho I'm not sure if that's adequate - considering our altitude and arid climate??


The ear is still looking red...possible bulge in tympanic membrane...as of this morning.  But not as bad as Sunday.  Sudafed has definitely been helping.  And I've stayed inside (or on porch) instead of picking off those danged thistle seed-spreaders!  Kidney tenderness is reduced from Tuesday but still there so he'll be looking into that too. 


I have NO idea if the ear....kidney .....and feeling like I'm getting a "head cold" today are all related.  My hands, nose and toes were freezing today.  I finally went out to sit in the sun for a bit!  Vit D!  I'm running about a degree or more higher than my normal temperature tonite.  SOME thing is going on.  :scratchhead:  


Thanks for support.  I'll let you know what I find out.

MtRider ....on the way to bed early...cuz alarm will ring way toooo early tomorrow! 

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@Necie  Oh squeee. Those girls are adorable. Maize mugging for the camera and the two poopd pups! Thanks for the smile. Much appreciated!  :D


I guess I can expect some hot weather over here in a day or two. Ugh. I usually get your left overs. 


Looks like you have a "whole lotta shakin' goin' on"  there sister.  :24:

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