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Mt. Rider, I'm glad you are going to the doctor. You might have an ear infection and a kidney infection. If it ain't one end it's the other, huh. They will probably do a urinalysis. One time I was feeling like I was getting a UTI and used the AZO test strip. It came back positive. Doctor test came back negative. They sent it in and had it cultured. Sure enough it was a UTI. So now I keep the strips I'm my med arsenal. I was getting a UTI about every other month in the hotel. Haven't had any since I've been back at the house. I still blame their toilet paper.  :pout:


Keep us posted what the doctor says!  :hug3:

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I hope your doc appt. goes well @Mt_Rider!  You have a lot going on!

@Littlesister, I am so glad that GS will be out by middle of Nov. but wish it were sooner for your sake!


Yesterday was stock up at Walmart and Aldi for the month. Cost more. Sigh


Already walked this morning and walked dogs.
Taking Aninja to vet for nail trim and then Bible study this evening (not taking Aninja) LOL
Lots of misc. jobs for today. Will see how far I get.

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@Littlesister  What does Medicaid have to do with him getting into the Coast Guard? And seriously, how can a young healthy man with a job get on Medicaid? I'm 72 and only on Medicare and I have to pay through the nose for my medical care. Medicaid and food stamps? Is he lying to the government too? 

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Mt. Rider, I hope all goes well at the doctor's office, Kidney and ear that is getting a bit rough. 


Necie loved the doggie pictures; they look like they were having fun and then out for a nap. 


Jeepers, what it is, is that he got several wavers for medical. When he first told me about it, he said 15 and this morning when his sister was here, he said 5 so yes, he lied about the wavers as a way to play around and do nothing. One was physic which he passed. Then kidney because of the kidney stone and he said gastro and something else but can't remember now. So, he still has the kidney and gastro. Now instead of going in as a cook he wants to do marine science. He has to get a 63 on that test. His sister told him like it was. You need to study for 1 to 2 hours every day to pass that test. Hasn't happened yet. He doesn't have medical insurance and can't get it through his work till October. So, he was trying for Medicaid. They have not responded to him about it. The food stamps he started getting in Washington state when he was homeless. That continued after he moved here but changed to VA. They now only give him $20 a month and he will lose that soon as he just got a raise. So, he said he talked with his recruiter, and she said to not worry about the wavers and study for the test instead. I think the Coast Guard might pay for those tests if and when he passed the written test. He found out that by going in as a cook he could be out to sea for 6 months, yep, he has a girlfriend and doesn't want to do that now. I am thinking she is influencing him on things that might not be in his best interest. And yes, he is walking a tight rope for now. He's being very careful how he talks to me.


GD came over this morning with the baby. We had lunch together and then my neighbor and her GS came over. Her DD is having heart surgery in the morning. Her heart rhythm is off. She like my GS vapes and smokes a lot. This is what happens when you do things like that. 

The baby is now standing up without holding on to anything so won't be long before walking. DGD looked much better than she has in the last month. Her energy is returning now. 

I took the curtain and blind off the kitchen window and washed them. The blind is still drying. But at least it's clean.  Then GS told me there is something orange all over the walls in the main bathroom he uses. Not orange other than a few spots but very dirty walls from his feet and hands all over them. That bathroom was just painted less than 2 years ago. Now I have to scrub walls. It just never ends with him.  Yes, the middle of November can't come soon enough. As I said before, most of my time is spent cleaning up behind him before I can start my day. No wonder I stay so tired. 

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4 hours ago, Littlesister said:

Not orange other than a few spots but very dirty walls from his feet and hands all over them. That bathroom was just painted less than 2 years ago. Now I have to scrub walls.

Ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm........ HE has to scrub walls!!! :dusting:

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Okaaay.  I'm on Amoxicillin again.  Was in May too.  Definitely infected R ear but not in the L this time.  :amen:    Affects of ear problem drifts/drains?(?) down to throat which shows signs (drainage?)  Some name for that too....like last time.  As for the kidney pain, he believes it's (somehow) also being irritated by the infection going on.  DH understands how he gets there. 


It was morning...... :mornincoffee: .... I wasn't as 'with it' as I would be later in the day.  Gonna drive me to COFFEE one of these MORNINGS.  <_<     :yuk:  


Anyway, there is definite spasticity going on in my lower back.  It kinda comes and goes.  .  But doc noted that with MS, I'm a lot more prone to spasticity anyway.  :shrug:  I wasn't hurting there when he pushed on it...  Maybe when I sit too long?  Cuz I'm feeling it right now.  Going to bed soon.  But so far, didn't think it was kidney cuz it's kinda all over lower back and he said the muscles are tight.  (yeah, I know) 


Did check for UTI but that was all negative.  I agree. 


Ugh!  Last nite was bad...cuz I never can get to sleep/stay asleep when I have to get up EARLY.  Six Thirty A.M.   I'd forgotten such a time existed!  :groooansmileyf:    LOL


But I really did have trouble cuz my usual temp is 97.6*  but it was 99.3* and just that much higher - couldn't get comfortable, hot/cold.... <_<  But I survived and it was definitely worth all the effort.  The driver who picked me up (I was feeling really rotten by that time...but while waiting, was sitting in the sun on a bench to get warm!!!)  had time to take me to pick up the 'script.  Good thing I remembered that.  Started on them and will continue with Sudafed and lots of fluids.  That should get rid of this! 


Forgot to pick up more Sudafed...but we'll get that IF I can ride horse by Sat.  :o  ....hmmm? 


So I got home and ate and crawled back into bed for a long nap.  Mom called......moms have to KNOW...y'know?   


OK....I'm going to bed.  Back hurts and ...ear isn't too bad right now.  And yeah, I think all the FALL STUFF in the air triggered this.  :sigh:  Those purple flowers are seeding thistles all over!  :(  


Thanks for all the prayers and well wishes.  :grouphug:


MtRider  :offtobed: 

Edited by Mt_Rider
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That's good that you are on antibiotics for the ear issues @Mt_Rider!


Already walked.

Paid bills and car insurance.

Listed a few items on Ebay.

Will be going to work at the cafe.

Then giving dog baths when I get home.

That's enough!

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Mt. Rider, glad you were able to get on the antibiotics and hopefully will be feeling better soon.  


Today has been one of those days where everything I touch goes wrong. So, I am done for the day. Still need to get the blind back up on kitchen window but at the rate I am going tomorrow is another day. Maybe I am just overtired but don't realize it yet. Got me out a diet Pepsi thinking the caffeine in it would get me going. Yep, it even exploded. It was a cold one and no it wasn't shaken up or anything. Just decided to be a pain and explode. 

GS left the house real early today. Said he was heading to work early so was gone just after 12 today. He goes into work at 3:30 but just glad he is out of my hair today. Hopefully he is thinking about getting his butt in gear to move on. 


Tomorrow I am going out with GD and her DH and the baby to have pictures made of us together. That will be fun and maybe dinner after. Right now, I think I just need to get out and relax a bit doing something besides shopping with my neighbor. Though this week she hasn't called me. She's had some other things going on this week. 


Tried to change out the garden hose as it is worn out. GS got the nozzle off as it also was no good. The hose is fine other than when he got the nozzle off, he cracked the end of the hose and water spirts out all over the place. I remember my DH buying something to replace the hose ends. I remember him cutting the end of the hose off and putting a new one on but not sure how he did that. Guess I will have to go to Lowe's and look around to see what it was or just move some hoses around and roll that one up for the time being till I figure it out. 

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Blinds are one of those things you don't touch unless things are going perfectly.  Look at them cross-eyed, and they crimp up with marks you see forever.

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No crimps so far. So, all is good. But all the other ones I will be just dusting them.  The one over the kitchen sink does tend to get dirty and needs more than just dusting. If my windows were standard size, I would just throw them away and replace them, but I have oversized windows in every room, and they have to be special made. 


Took a short nap this afternoon and now doing better. I think I was just tired and wasn't functioning with anything I tried to do today. 


Neighbor wants me to come to her house on Monday for a cookout. Can't give her an answer yet. DD said something about being here but not sure if she is going to be yet so keeping my options open for now. And now another neighbor wants me to keep her dog for her Sat. and Sun. So will be doing that.  She is one spoiled dog. Full blooded pit bull and the biggest baby you ever saw. She thinks she is supposed to protect my house as well as hers. Yep, she is one spoiled dog. 


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Laying low today.  Ear feels better but the Amox is slightly bothering my stomach.  Ginger ale!  I canceled the horse ride tomorrow.  The ear has my balance off more than it usually is.  :imoksmiley: And fatigue is heavy.  I don't think I'm harboring any germs that are contagious.  This is all just "in-house" malady.  We planned to get more Sudafed tomorrow when we went in for me to ride...   Not.  So DH ran up to the "corner market" for milk and surprisingly they had it.  Good.  I'm set.  He'll be 'in town'  again on Monday, assisting client in grocery store.  It's a good thing that we've never set certain chores for him to do and other ones that I do.  We've both been able to take over anything when the other isn't here or can't do it.  Except the bank accounts/bills/ NUMBERS.  :runcirclsmiley2:We agree long ago that I'm not cut out for that.  And I do deep cleaning much better than he does.  :lol: 


Take it easy, Little Sister.  Relax while GS is off to work.  No need to be 'on guard' for what he's going to do/say next.  That's stressful!  And it sounds like you'll be busy for the next few days.  :)


MtRider :pc_coffee:

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Mt. Rider, glad Dr got you on some meds 


Littlesister you did have an awful day.


My car insurance went up again. I really shouldn't complain too much I have full coverage and now pay $230.11 for 6 months. It went up about $15.00.  Old car, squeaky clean record and mature :24: driver helps. 


Was a little perturbed at the handyman today. He was supposed to come between 8-9. But yesterday the office called and asked if he could come beteeen 12-1. I guess. Then around noon another call wanting between 2-3.  I told them I'm getting pictures of the house tomorrow and I need stuff done per my appointment. So the guy comes around 3. First thing he said was he'd have to look at the sink and go to Home Depot for pipe parts. Oh no you don't!  I told him to change out the 14 registers and the entry way light now and I'll worry about the sink later. The sink won't show in the pictures. Sigh. So because of Labor Day, they will come Tuesday. It's just a slow leak and I have a pan under it. But it's just the principal. No one is reliable anymore. 


The guy was super nice though. He is around 30. I helped him with the light by handing him things. He moved a VERY heavy 5 gal. bucket of paint from a closet to the garage. I couldnt even budge it. Much appreciated!  


Realtor stopped by and I signed the papers. It's official now. She raised the price just a little. Her idea not mine. I don't want to price it too high and scare people away. She said there are still buyers out there. Hope they stop by over here!  She brought some artificial plants for the kitchen. Not my taste but I don't care. Sell it. She hates my kitchen/dining room curtains. LOL.  So I'm going to take them down. Which means I need to repair (paint) where the brackets are. She left a list of things to do tonight before tomorrow.  I'm so tired and my back is breaking but I'll get it done. They don't film inside closets so I can cram stuff in there. She said if the photographer works on Labor Day she should have the pictures by Wednesday If he doesn't then Thursday. So it looks like the house is going on the market a week sooner than I thought. Either the 4th or the 5th.  I am ready!


I can't believe how tired I am. I got one plant planted to fill in an empty spot and the address sign put back up. Vacuumed all the floors and touched up a scuffed up door. Plus lined all the kitchen cabinets. I took all the registers to the dumpster. They charge for disposal so I did it myself. I'm no stranger to dumpsters!


It is so hot here. It looked like it was going to storm all day but nary a drop. All I want to do is take a cool bath and eat ice cream. 

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Jeepers, it's getting really close to the end now. Just hang in there, you are almost to Indy.


Just walked around this afternoon talking with neighbors and just relaxing. GS has been gone since just after 12 today and just got home. I heard him go into bathroom just now. Going to go back to reading my book in a few minutes. He can go do whatever. He doesn't need me for anything. 


Mt. Rider, hope you feel better soon. That antibiotic will also make you a bit on the tired side but worth it to get well. 

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A couple days ago we had our home treated for yellow jackets.They were around the chimney, under the shingles and getting in one of the kid's rooms. $1400 later!!


Middle son was sick today but he ate some toast, drank some ginger ale and ate supper. He feels better now.


This dog of ours is driving me mad! We have a Blue Heeler. He is almost a year old. He doesn't want to listen.I hope that DH will get him obedience training if we are to keep him.He chases the cat( cat hates him). He is destroying everything. He chewed up a corner of the area rug, tries to pull the stuffing out of the couch, and finds something (s) to put in his mouth everyday and runs from us. It tzkes 2 of us to catch him. DH bought him 3 new dog toys .. 1 was destroyed in 20 minutes. I never wanted a dog and I am the main one taking care of him. DH said he got him because our.10 yo wanted him. She barely pays attention to him. This dog stresses me out everyday. For my trouble, I had DH bring me a bag of chocolate and I placed an Amazon order. He doesn't know about that yet but will when it arrives tomorrow! Lol!!


Oldest son and his wife closed on their first home today. They have 3 little ones until 4 1/2  yo. It's a besutiful home on an acre, I think. Can't wait to visit them in their new home.


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Picked up the littles yesterday after school and came to the cabin for the weekend. I got them til 6:00 Sunday evening. 😀 We’ll stay here and play and have fun til we have to leave to meet up with their @sshole dad at that time. 
Today was HOT!! 🥵 Small storm blew through about 6pm and cooled things down for a short time... then it got hot again. 
Oh... and we also have the puppy with us. He was 4 wks old on Wednesday. 
I’m exhausted!


My day in pictures:










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Adorable photos, pups and kids @Necie!

@blessedhomemaker71, your dog and my cat!  Pretty sure the cat has destroyed about $100 worth of wifi cables and oxygen hoses.  Sigh   Not my cat!

@Jeepers, I'm really glad your house will be on the market sooner rather than later!


Walked early and got rained on anyway.
Walked dogs and got sprinkled on.
Cleaned baths, dusted and swept house.
Washed sheets and blankets- replaced.
Have burgers, hot dogs, bacon, macaroni and cheese and chicken thawing.
Will marinate the chicken in buttermilk to grill tomorrow.
I hope everyone has a relaxing Holiday!

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Looks like the kiddos are having fun. Fishing, relaxing and playing with pups. Good day. 


Blessedhomemaker, it does sound like some obedience training is in order. Dogs and cats both can be so destructive at times. Hope he/she gets some good training. 


Just taken it easy today. Need to finish cleaning windows, just messing around and going through a few things. Need to pull out another box to load up for good will. DGD and her DH are picking me up about 5 pm to go have family pictures taken. Then maybe go get dinner somewhere.  I need to let the neighbor's dog out again around 3 pm and she will be good till Neighbor's DH gets home from work. 


Put my dining room set up for sale on marketplace. Six days and no bites yet. Might have to come down on the price but will wait a couple of weeks before making that decision. It's in excellent condition and is antique vintage. So, hoping it will sell within the month, but will see how things go. Have a lot of nick knacks to sell as well but maybe just do a small yard sale or something. Will get with my DGD on that one to see what the best way to go on that is. Last time I had a yard sale it was more of a 5 fingered discount. amazing how things just sprout legs and walk off. Lots of people complaining about that. It's one of the reasons I stopped doing yard sales.  But will see what happens. Maybe things will have gotten better in that department by now. 



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@blessedhomemaker71. Ouch on the exterminator! Hope it solves the problem. Oh dear, a problem dog. Better get obedience training sooner rather than later. Animals in the house can be so destructive. I know! I've always had beagles and will probably get another one. I'm a slow learner too.  :D  But they are sooo cute.  :rolleyes:  Congrats on your son buying their first home! That is exciting and scary at the same time. Especially the first one.  



@Necie. Really cute pictures Necie! Thanks for sharing your kiddos with us. Both 2 and 4 legged. And I suppose a couple of 0 legged ones too.  :laughkick:


I'm as ready for the photographer as I'm ever going to be. Everything I care about has been taken care of on my end. I forgot to sweep the basement steps. I have time but I'm not going to. I wondered why my back was hurting so bad. It's from all the vacuuming. I went out and swept the front porch and saw a little green snake on a bush. Hope it isn't photogenic. And of course someone ate my new plant I planted yesterday. Deer. I should have known better than to plant hosta in this neighborhood. But it was so pretty in the garden center. Now it's a nub. 


Photo guy is on his way. I have to go find some errands to run. Wish us luck.  🤞



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7 hours ago, Jeepers said:

And I suppose a couple of 0 legged ones too.  :laughkick:

I was hoping they wouldn’t give you the heeby-jeebies too bad since they were so itty bitty. And kinda cute in their own baby fishy way too. :happy0203:

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Well....it's kinda been a long day.  Had canceled the horse ride, thankfully.  Just had very low energy today.  And cramping legs so bad I had to just lay on the adjustable bed and catch up on vids of our pastor in Kaneohe, HI.  Not sure where cramping came from??


Yes, I eat some yogurt almost daily anyway, OOTO, but thanks.  Even the docs know to tell us now.  AMOX can upset stomach which I had the first two days.  Been okay today but my appetite is down - :gaah: - except sugar craving UP!  <_<  I'm eating food but have to admit a cookie fell into my mouth - one half at a time tho.  :lol:  Cuz they're big.  DH is no help.  Forgets to put the cover over them and when I SEE THEM.....  :sigh:  Good tho!  :yum3:


I was able to walk the dog tonite....once I got going.  Maybe that will settle my restless legs tho the adjustable bed is comfortable.  Ear...?  I'm not feeling anything weird anymore.  Not plugged or pain.  Not sure we're done tho.  Still have a few more days of AMOX to finish. 


:pray:  for Jeepers and her two houses!  :pray:  


MtRider  :pc_coffee:

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:pray: For Jeepers, house to go really well and the sale goes fast. 


:pray: For Mt. Rider to get much better real soon. 


Blessedhomemaker  Congratulations on your son's first home. I am sure he is excited about it. 


Right now, I am just waiting for the lady to come so I can sign the papers on the refinance. I got a text this morning so this time I am sure she will be here. Should be here at 11 this morning.  

Once she is gone, I am going to try to get some things done outside after I watch my church service on FB. Then outside to do a bit of work if it is still cool outside. Otherwise, I will work in house going through a few things. I need to step up the pace a bit though. Took 2 days to get that kitchen window over the sink cleaned. Trying to stand over a sink to do it got me. But blinds are back up and all is good. Now on to the next windows which won't take near as long. 

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The lady showed up this morning for me to sign the paperwork. So, all is now done. Glad that is out of the way. I saw where the price of my house has gone up in value again. Guess that means so will my real estate taxes. It never fails. Another lazy day today. Just can't get with the program. So been reading and just messing around the house not really getting much accomplished. Tomorrow, I am going to spend the day with DGD and the baby. Her DH will be on duty so just the 3 of us. We will find something to get into. 

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