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I am struggling with a lot of things. but my eye is on the future and how I hope things to progress.  Kids do what they are want to do.  I can only influence things,  I  try my best to impart what I think is important.  

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Glad you got your paperwork done. I know what it is working over a kitchen sink. Realtor suggested I remove the kitchen/dining room curtains. Only problem was those curtains were hiding a lot of issues at the top. I had curtain rod brackets and old window blind brackets installed. Some screwed in and some nailed in. Plus one corner of the wood was badly chipped. It took me two days to get them all removed. I could only reach up there for so long. I was kneeling on one side of the countertop with my foot in the sink for balance, trying not to put too much pressure in the sink so it didn't fall through. I got it done though. You can't see it too much after I stained it. I'm keeping the light off over the sink just in case. 


ONE HINT: Old English furniture polish and scratch cover is fantastic. It covered a multitude of sins here. My wood here is medium brown so I got the kind for dark wood. It looks black in the bottle but it looks brown on wood. It's expensive IMO, at around $6.00-$9.00 a bottle, depending on where you get it. Wal-mart $6.00 Ace Hardware $9.00 so shop around. Lowes and Home Depot carry it too. But a little dab'll do ya. I just put a little on a folded paper towel and wiped it on. I used a Q-tip in the corners. Anyway it really covers nicks and scratches! I love that stuff. They make a lighter color for light oak that worked in the Indy house too. 


I got an estimate in an email yesterday of all the money I'm going to have to pay out when I sell the house. It's incredible. But what can you do? I don't ever plan to move again if I can help it. It did mention about the buyer paying half of something but can't remember what all it said right now. If it means losing the sale though, I'm likely to pay it all. 'Penny wise and pound foolish' and all of that. 


I did some touch up painting last night again. Just a little dot of paint here and there. Mostly on the doors where the movers made a little scratch. No big deal really. A little craft brush took care of it. 


I wanted to do some canning before the house hits the market, but with a broken sink, clean up would be a bigger mess. And I can't use the garbage disposal so that's out. I wanted to get it done so I wouldn't be interrupted with people looking at the house (Please let people come look at the house!) Maybe early morning hours would work whenever they get the sink done. I didn't pay for the other work they did so I'm not too worried about them not showing up soon. 


I'm not doing anything today. I'm bone tired. 


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I'm sorry you are struggling Euphrasyne. And yes, keep your eye on the future and plan ahead for what's best for you. Sooner or later kids will eventually leave the nest leaving you the future you have chosen for yourself. 


You are also right about the kids listening. You can only give them sound advise and hope they hear you. But they are going to do it their way regardless. Just like we did. I learned a long time ago to 'pick my battles.' Hopefully the ones I could win otherwise I would become too frustrated and depressed with worry. It isn't easy. BTDT.


Hang in there! :hug3:

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I have used colored markers to hide small scratches and nicks on both wood and on appliances, etc.  it works great.  😊 

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I used a marker on one room that has wallpaper on it. It's a dark burgundy color plaid and it had a couple of small areas where a corner of a bookcase touched it. Cheap paper. I just barely touched a marker on it and it hid it pretty well. If you didn't know it was there, you wouldn't notice it. 

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Jeepers, I have the Old English furniture polish you are talking about. That stuff works great. I also have those furniture pens as well. Both are great.


Watched a couple of movies this afternoon. Then we got a storm but not really bad. Good hard rain for a bit and it was over. 


Euphrosyne: raising kids in this day and age is not as easy as it once was.  Seems that once kids graduate high school and if they choose to go to college, they are going to find themselves having a hard time finding a good job or career. It is harder for them to get on their feet and start living their own lives and being on their own.  All you can do is give advice and hope they understand what you are saying. Apartments and houses are still on the high end and out of reach for most.  Hang in there and hopefully what you are trying to convey to the kids will sink in at some point. You might not see it now but in most cases it does happen. 

Sorry you are having a rough time right now.  Hang in there. You can get through it.  And yes, keep your eye on the future. We don't know what we will be enduring a few years down the line if not sooner. 


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Euphrasyne parenting is rough no matter how old your kids are. Hope everything turns out for the best. :hug3:

Mt Rider hope you feel 100% better soon

Jeepers not long now! If you can wait till you get moved probably best to do the canning in your new place. Less to move and you could use a rest! I hope it sells fast

Littlesister so glad you got that paperwork done! I'm sure that feels like a relief


I got my freezer defrosted today it is supposed to be self defrosting but it's building up ice so something is wonky there. I'm going to try to just keep ice in it and cold packs and use the big freezer for everything else. I noticed earlier this week the ice had melted and stuck together and though it was just doing the self defrost but something isn't working. I hope it was just a one time thing I can't replace it right now. I'm going to put a thermometer in there and make sure it's not too hot to be safe before I put food back in it. I also managed to repair my wallpaper "tin tile" ceiling in my breakfast room with the help of my tall son. He got up on a ladder and applied spray adhesive to the tiles that were coming unglued and that seemed to work. It's one of those tiny jobs that just annoys you when you keep putting it off so I'm super happy it's done. He doesn't want me up on a ladder that high, but it's hard when a lot of the repairs are 11 ft up! I'm trying to be good and let him help me even though I feel I am safe to be up there I don't want him to worry.

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Haven't done much today except watch 'church' on-line.  Real low energy so I didn't even walk dog.  A few more days of Amox...  Don't know if that's dragging me down?  I feel like going to bed right now ===== :blink:    It's only 8pm.  I'm the 2AM bedtime person. 


Closer and Closer to a CLOSING, Jeepers!!  :pray: 


Hope your freezer is only being temporarily cranky, Becca Anne. 


Littles Ssiter....you can take a break now and then....lol.  You're like the energizer bunny. 


Euphrasyne and family.... :pray:  


MtRider .... :pc_coffee:

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Becca Anne it sounds like the defrost cycle is getting stuck in defrost mode. I had that happen to an upright freezer a long time ago. They had to replace the thermostat and a switch and then it started working fine again. Weather is starting to cool down a bit so hoping to be able to defrost my chest freezer soon. I need to get it emptied and pull out all the chicken and green peppers. Need to can the chicken that's in there and dehydrate the green peppers. Never dehydrated them from the freezer before so hoping it will work out. Might only do half of them for now just to see what happens. 


Mt. Rider, hope you start feeling better soon.  Those antibiotics will make you tired and it doesn't help that you are already sick from the ear infection. Hopefully you will be well and back on your feet soon.

Edited by Littlesister
Mt. Rider
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Sorry about your freezer. I worry about mine while I'm away. I know my power out there goes off a lot because every time I go over, the clock on the stove is blinking. It could be for just a minute or longer. I keep Popsicles in both freezers. If they are still upright when I check them, then I figure the real food hasn't thawed and refrozen. High tech redneck here.  :D


It's nice that your son wants to help you. Let him. I'm sure it makes him feel good to help mom. 

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I did basically nothing today. I made a plate of spaghetti for supper and then didn't have any place to dump the water. Sink leak. So down the toilet it went. It'll probably stop up from the...what's ya call it? Pasty left over stuff. 


I have a very annoying earworm running through my head and I can't shake it. To make matters worse, it's an African song and the only word I can get is PoPo. Not the police but something about a river under a waterfall. It's a great song and very dance worthy. My soccer guy dances to it so there's that.  :wub:

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I use wax crayons on furniture to color in 'bad' spots.  You can buy them in 'furniture' colors for that purpose.  Then when the littles chew on the edges (every single one of them does it.  Kids, grandkids, random babysit kids... they all gnaw on the edges of tables) all they get is wax.  It works great and you can hardly tell.  

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Pets too.  I think they like the feel of the soft wood.


We have smoke in the air, and it's hard to catch my breath.  I'm fidgeting around the house doing nothing much and resting a lot today, probably.


Remember that line about "the great gray green greasy Limpopo River" from something or other?

Edited by Ambergris
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@Ambergris, I remember "great green gobs of greasy grimy gopher fat-sitting in a pool of blood..."  Kids song, don't remember the rest.


I'm glad that you finally got your refinance done @Littlesister!

@Mt_Rider, get some rest!


Yesterday was Church and then cooked out.  Grilled hamburgers, bacon wrapped hot dogs, bacon wrapped chicken tenders and some regular grilled chicken tenders. Found a 9x9 pan of macaroni and cheese that I froze after a Church event in July, so baked that. And made a carrot raisin salad to go with coleslaw that was purchased.


Already walked this morning.
Walked dogs.
2 loads of laundry almost done.
Cleaned up grill and will order new grease tray liner.
Pretty much done for the day!

Edited by snapshotmiki
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One year my D-ex got power tools. His first project was a really nice coffee table. I don't know where he learned to do it, this was before internet, but he made 4 pieces of wood and beveled each side and then glued them together to make each of the legs. Then he bought a piece of smoky tinted beveled glass for the top. It really turned out nice. About two years later, we bought a puppy. She chewed up the corner of that table. Luckily I caught her before she did too much damage. I was afraid to tell D-ex. That was when I discovered the magic of Old English. It covered it so well that all you could see were some indents from puppy teeth marks. Old English saved Muffins life. And probably mine too.  :D

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Limpopo! That's the word. I think I was wrong about the song being about the river under a waterfall. I'm not sure. I didn't find the translation but it appeared to be about dancing and having fun. And something about December being a good time to do it. Limpopo is a river in Africa though. Nothing to do with guts. :D


Anyway, I found it and loaded it in my phone. Although, watching Lucas Paqueta dance to it, to be able to hear the song, is certainly no hardship. Dang that guy is purdy! He makes soccer worth watching.  :sEm_blush:


The song is on Youtube at: 

Master KG- Di Boya Limpopo Ft Zanda Zakuza and Makhadzi - Youtube


Still can't do links on my phone. 

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On 9/1/2024 at 8:22 PM, Jeepers said:

High tech redneck here.  :D

Exactly my principle for wildfire EVAC situations.  We leave ice cream in both up and downstairs freezers.  That reveals a power outage long enough to make meat, etc unsafe.  The ice cream actually, like the Popsicles , might be safe on a refreeze.   Maybe. 


So today.....blech!  It has not been good.  Day 5 of 7 on Amoxicillin (finally learned how to spell it)  I'm out of Sudafed and DH's back NEEDS a rest from being bounced in vehicles.  (as in: not driving all the way to 'town'. )  So we dug around in our (lots and lots ) of med stuff.  Found some Sambucol (Elderberry) melt-under-tongue tabs.  So I'm trying them.  But something didn't agree with my stomach - whole GI.  Really can't be those cuz they're homeopathic.  Has settled now, thankfully.  Spent time laying on adjustable bed - reading. 


I've been getting to bed and sleep between 12:30am and 1:30am......without Unisom.  :o  I'm sleeping well and apparently NEED a lot right now.  So.....I'd like to get over this bundle of whatever is plaguing me.  Ears.  GI.  Fatigue. 


This too shall pass.  I did get shower/hair wash-dried in the warm sunshine today.  That probably wore me out.  :0327: 


BeccaAnne - Ouch!  You have been having a lot of "I don't need this right now" events!  :(  :pray:  Take care!


MtRider ....we had a version of 'greasy grimy gopher guts song' on the school bus...."and I forgot my spoon!"   Kids stuff is SO bizarre! 

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Hope you start to feel better soon Mt.Rider! Antibiotics can really mess up the system. Especially the stomach. I'm that way with Cipro. It's worth it to get rid of an infection though. I can't take any of the "cillin" drugs. Horrible hives and itching rashes. 


Hope your back gets better fast too Becca-Anne! Sometimes one little simple move you don't even think of sets it off. Nice to get some book time in though. :reading:

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Becca Anne, hope your back is feeling better soon. 


I had a huge mess in the kitchen to clean up behind GS cooking and making a huge mess. I now have 3 bottles of veg. oil opened because he doesn't look at what is in the cabinet. So, I have now found a new hiding place just for oil and such. He needs to learn to come ask and stay out of my pantry. I have had that talk with him before about not looking before opening a new one. But as usual it just goes over his head. But the middle of November is coming. I just need to hang in there a while longer.  I really am beginning to think my being tired and not wanting to get into cleaning the garage, sheds or work in yard is my GS. He just puts both a physical and mental strain on me. But this to will pass come November.  Yes, I should celebrate once he is on his way to live with his mom. And I already know he will behave for her in the first 3 or 4 months and then it starts for her. She will kick him out again and he will start calling me again and I am thinking when mom tells me about it, I am going to block his number. I'm not going through those middle of the night phone calls again. And he will NOT move back here again. My sanity depends on his not coming back. Hoping he will be going to work this afternoon. I seem to get more done when he is not here. 

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Got a kitchen full of canning equipment that still needs to be washed and dried...roaster, stainless steel water bath pots etc...not to mention other household catch us...

Also need to give Abby girl her cbd...forgot to add it to her breakfast...

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Edited by The WE2's
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Littlesister, you had better not let him move in on you again! You are liable to have a whole caravan of Mrs. Survival sisters pull up. And we can get ugly if we have to. That boy won't know hit him. Speaking for myself. :D


I got a phone call at 8:30 this morning. Sink repair guy, Jeff, was downstairs at my door. I was still in bed. No warning! I must have looked like it too. He asked if he woke me up. LOL. He looked at the sink and once again, decided he needed to go to Home Depot for pipes. It's about 30 min away. An hour later...H.D. didn't have the pipes he needed. Seriously? They are just PVC tubes. And Home Depot, Wal-Mart and Lowes all share a parking lot over here. Lowes was right there. So he said he was sending a different guy out in the afternoon. The guy who has the truck with all the equipment in it. Two hours later, Adam has the sink fixed. I'm not mad because the guys were very nice and they did get the job done. But sheeesh. He apologized for the delay but they had to fire two guys last week and were short staffed. Seems like they didn't want to work. I asked if they do chimney cap repair. They do. Yeah! So if that becomes an issue, I know who to call. One more less problem. More-less. :D


In a different forum we were talking about house odor when it comes to selling a house. For supper I microwaved a steam bag of brussel sprouts. Oh my, when I walked back in the kitchen the smell was pretty bad. Any other time I wouldn't have noticed. I have to go grocery shopping tomorrow and I'm going to buy some emergency bags of microwave popcorn to have on hand. If I get someone who wants to give me only a half hour notice, I'm going to be ready with a quick popcorn smell. 


I'm trying to keep the house 'look in' ready. Before the photographer came I stuffed things in the closets to get them out of sight. Last night I realized that people will want to look in the closets to see how much room they have. So today, I'm going to go through and organize them better. That way, if a realtor calls, I can grab the little box of my personal papers, raise all the window blinds, put the lids down on the toilets, grab the trash and head out.  The whole closet job will take about an hour. The pantry is pretty haphazard. I wanted to leave the toilet lids up because they are all new and sparkly clean, but was advised to keep them down. Pfffft. I wanted to show off my toilets. :008Laughing: I've seen some pretty bad pictures, on the realtor websites, of dirty toilets and dirty laundry and unmade beds and all kinds of stuff of people trying to sell their house. I'm lucky mine is nearly empty and I'm the only one here...I tell myself. 


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Jeepers, glad the kitchen sink leak is now fixed.  And I promise not to let my GS move back in with me once he is out of the house.  I don't look for him to visit in the beginning as he will be too busy running back and forth to his girlfriend's house on every possible day off, he gets. 


Got the kitchen cleaned up again. Took a while to do it but it's done.  And I am tired. He best not leave it in that condition again for me to wake up to or I will drag him out of bed by his hair and force him to clean it up. And the fight would be on again as he would just get mad and still not clean up behind him. 


Got bills paid today and mailed. So that is out of the way for a while. Need to move some money to the credit union account soon. That is my savings for emergencies only. 

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Jeepers popcorn might sell the house but don’t forget rolls of refrigerator cookies are easy too and you can’t beat that homey smell.  

Our Grandson finally got their house on the market late last week after two months of waiting around on electricians.  It sold over the weekend!!!  They got an immediate check with earnest money and sale was finalized today. Not even an inspection needed though it would have passed.   The buyers want to move in YESTERDAY !!!   

Praying yours goes that fat and easily.  🙏🤞🍀


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