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The exterminator was just here again. We have a new nest on the opposite side of the chimney that he treated last week. So, he will be here on Monday to hopefully completely take care of the problem. DH is on vacation next week so he will be available if the guy wants to discuss anything with him. 

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Blessed homemaker, I hope they can get rid of the bees this time around. I am getting ready to call the chimney guy to recap my fireplace. The ones that put in the wood stove that I thought was going to do it didn't and now I need to have my normal chimney guy come do it. 


I went out to where I am going to set up the raised beds and started marking the area for how I want to lay out the boxes. That was about as far as I got. Decided I better take it easy with my knee as it was so painful last night that if I gave it a number from 1 to 10 it would be 11. Kept me up most of the night. So, I am tired today. GS should be leaving for work soon so I will have peace and quiet for the rest of the day. Might work on pantry in a couple of hours. Not sure yet on that. But need to get that finished. I need to give it a good cleaning again as well as the reorganizing. Used a lot of things out of there and just need to tighten up and make more room for what I have. 

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Littlesister. I discussed my leaning chimney cap with the handyman when he was here. It's a company that specializes in basic handyman home repair jobs, that my realtor suggested. Anyway, he said it should probably cost around $100. to make it straight and resecure it back in place. And less than $100. more if it needs a new cap. It's just a basic chimney that services the furnace and not the fireplace. A handyman service could be less expensive than a chimney company. I'm just telling you what my experience was so you can have a ballpark idea. 


Take it easy on that knee! Everything will still be there when you feel better. Maybe you need a couple of days staying off of it as much as you can. :hug3:


I know the feeling of needing stuff done, yesterday. You've seen my pictures.  :0327:

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Jeepers, I have seen your pictures, and you had a lot on your plate. My chimney is the one that serviced the fireplace and now has the pipe in it for the wood stove. It only needs to be recapped but not leaning or anything.  So, I had already gotten a price from the chimney guy before the wood stove went in. We were waiting to see if the guys putting in the wood stove was going to do it as they were told to do it. Nope, they didn't do it and more of it hit the ground in a storm. So, my chimney guy told me about $75 to $100 if they don't do it. It could be less but will find out. I got him about 3 extra jobs in the neighborhood when he was here to inspect and cap both chimneys and he gave me a huge discount for the extra jobs he got. Seems that my neighbors needed a chimney guy, and no one would come out. So, he did all three jobs plus mine. 

Haven't done much of anything today. I am really tired from not getting much sleep last night. Knee isn't hurting as bad but every now and then I get a sharp pain in it and then it goes away for a while. I am over this. 

But hopefully tomorrow will be a better day. I babied it today but not tomorrow. 

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Littlesister, good. That sounds reasonable. 


I'm sitting in the Wal-Mart parking lot again. Sigh. I only have one looker today. I think the rush is over now. Everyone who was in the market for a house has already looked.


I was going to bring cleaning supplies to get the front part of it cleaned up. Jeep is a mess too. But it's pouring down rain so I can't have the doors or window open. It's gone this long so, whatever. 


I'm thinking of going across the parking lot to GFS. Last time I was there they had some nice strawberries. I really wanted some to can for strawberry pie and the season is winding down. They shouldn't stink up the house too bad. :shrug:


I never know what to do anymore. 

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Jeepers, hang in there. Hopefully it won't be much longer before the house sales. You've made it this far so don't give up hope. It will happen. 


Ran up to the Food Lion a bit ago to pick up a sale paper and picked up a few sale items that I wasn't able to get when in Ledil's. So good on everything now. But just that less than 3-minute drive and walking through the store and back home has my knee hurting again. Need to really give it a rest with the heating pad and a couple of Advil. Going to go get off of it and watch some TV for a while.

Edited by Littlesister
Hit it again.
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Ugh. 10 people came through and not one offer. And no one scheduled for the weekend. Dang.


A couple thought it was too high. It is, but not for today's market. The price is posted. I am expecting to negotiate. I don't expect anyone to offer full price They all mentioned the driveway. Yes, it's bad, but I fully expected to allow for that and take off from the selling price in negotiations. The kicker is that everyone thought the basement has water in it. It doesn't. It's dry. We had a horrible rain storm with buckets of rain coming down today. Not a drop in the basement. There was a little puddle but it was from the AC. I cleaned it up and no more water. 


Realtor suggested I might get a dehumidifier and put it down there. A little late now, but I'll see what I can come up with tomorrow. 


The people who came in today said they couldn't afford it. Sigh. Realtors always do that stuff. They did it to us when we were looking to buy this place. They take you to places they know is out of their clients range. Anyway, I'm bummed out.


I'm canning strawberry pie filling. It looked horrible in the pot cooking. It wasn't even really pink. Very unappetizing. I got a 'bright idea.' I ran over to the store for some food dye. I know, I know. The last time I bought that stuff it came out of the bottle a drop at a time. I went to put a drop in and it just poured out. I only wanted a couple of drops. Well, at least it looks pretty. It's red. :rolleyes:


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Well my day WASN'T exciting  :hapydancsmil:    In my life, that's a GOOD thing!  Y'know what I mean? 


Was supposed to have a horse ride but the wrangler gal "had a disagreement" with her own horse and was injured enough that she couldn't take a ride out.  But not in the hospital or anything.  :pray:   Don't have details yet....  Tomorrow the other wrangler gal will have 2 rides so I'm on the later one.  Hoping to miss any lightning if storms come in.  Today was gorgeous - perfect CO autumn weather.  Aspens are turning golden - if it doesn't rain too much at this point, it gets gorgeous - gold against the dark green pines. 


I've been having fun watching different breeds of squirrels up in the VERY tall pine trees, harvesting pine cones for winter.  Little red squirrel was running his pinecones back and forth - one at a time.  The larger grey squirrel just snaps off the pine cones (from a different type of pine tree) and lets them drop.  I assume he'll be 'round to pick them up.  Hope he gets the ones that dropped all over the lid of my truck topper.  :lol:   Quite entertaining.


With the three OTC meds I'm now taking, I have very clear breathing!! :blink:   Wow...is this how breathing is supposed to feel like?  ( only slightly kidding )  Might even be getting a full whiff of O2 now.  :rolleyes:   The ear....it's um, better but still not quite normal.  I'm supposed to do this stuff for 2 wks.  OK...  Not even 'scripts but expensive!  


MtRider :pc_coffee:

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Glad you can breathe easier @Mt_Rider.  That is a relief!

I am praying that your house sells soon @Jeepers.  I know you are, too!


Will walk in a few minutes and then walk dogs.
Pick up trash by road at Church.
Take ebay photos for DH.
Put out the faux Fall flowers.
Mess with Christmas cards for a little bit--slow but sure.

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Mt. Rider, glad you are breathing much better now. Hopefully you will be all cleared up soon. 


Jeepers, don't give up hope, the house just went on the market. The economy is not in the best shape and though people are buying houses, it will take one out of the many that can still afford the house payment. The interest rates are still coming down so that will help a lot. It could be the first ones to come look at them are just wanting to see what all is out there before making a decision to buy. Give it some time. And I am sure we all will be praying for you to get the house sold. Might be a good time to let your realtor know you need to make a trip to Indy so you can unload the Jeep. You can't be at the house anyway when it is being shown. And if they need an answer about anything they can reach you on your cell phone. 

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Was raining all day this morning. So can't work outside today nor in garage as I need to pull a lot of things out of the garage onto the sidewalk to get to other things. So, working in pantry today and doing a few other things in house. It's supposed to start raining again before 2pm and then around 5 thunderstorms. So just staying in the house working on things today. 

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Prayers for all. 🧎 I’ve been trying to keep up with reading, even though not having much time to post. :grouphug:


I’m home. Got a bazillion things to do. No ambition to do them. <sigh> I thought maybe making a list would help. HA! I haven’t written down one thing. Don’t know where to start. Seems everything I need to do needs something else done first before I can do that thing. Clear as mud? 

More coffee might help. ️ 

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Hauled 2 totes of crocheted towels to the trailer.

Hauled 3 boxes of junk from van (loaded from the farm) to barn. 
Went to DG and got pop, milk, 2 small totes for salt/pepper shakers to take to market, lighters. 

Still no energy. More ️ needed... or a nap. 😴 

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I have a showing tomorrow. 🤞


I went to Menards this morning and bought a dehumidifier. It's just a small one but it was so heavy I struggled getting it down the stairs. I hate those basement stairs.  I have a feeling it's going to stay with the house. I couldn't believe how heavy it was. 


Funny you said that Littlesister. I talked to the realtor today and told her I need to make a trip to Indy soon. She said as long as I have my phone with me, it shouldn't be an issue. Last night I told son to not tell GS when I'm going to be there so I can sneak in and out quickly. He understood. 


I stopped in a different GFS by Menards and picked up some blueberries. They look nice. So I'm getting ready to make some blueberry pie filling. I want 6 jars each of strawberry, blueberry, apple and peach. Cherry if I can still find them.


GFS had Surperb jars and lids. They are supposed to be really good lids. Made in Ohio not China. I didn't price them though. I was in a hurry to get home. 


I peeked in on the dehumidifier and I could already see a little bit of water in the hose. Box says cancer and reproductive harm. I hate that basement. 

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Blessedhomaker hope the exterminator gets rid of the issue for you!

Thanks Miki :) It's improving a little every day. I'm trying not to overdo it. 

Mt Rider glad the OTC meds are helping a bit.

Jeepers don't get discouraged sometimes it takes a bit to sell. :hug3:

Necie you got a bit done let me know when you find that store of energy I need some too!

Littlesister hope your knee feels better soon and good job of the sales and pantry stock up.


Our 4H meeting today went well. Weather is beautiful. I swept the steps and porch and unfortunately it's starting to crumble in some places around the edges. I am going to try to make some temporary repairs and there is a product I'm going to try to use for this winter to get us through until I can figure out what can be done to replace the boards. I am starting to feel like I bought the money pit :( but all you can do is just fix the next thing that needs fixing I guess.  

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Becca Anne, wasn't that a very old house you bought?  If so, I just hope, there isn't to many issues with it. I am thinking about trying to find a farmhouse whenever I can get things going to sell this house. But with those older type homes I know there will be a few issues. 


Jeepers, if everyone is complaining about the driveway being in bad shape, there is that chance you might have to have it replaced. Is it a cement one? I know you said you would negotiate the price down for that but some people these days don't want to take the time nor the initiative to fix it themselves. Just keep up with how many are backing out because of that and then talk to the realtor about what you should do. Just hope you don't have to put in the expense to replace it. I have already been down that road. But I had 2 huge sink holes that was just waiting for me to drive up and fall in. 


I have been working on the pantry today and as usual one thing led to another, and I am having to redo 2 of the shelving units. So much was used off of those shelves that I am having to just rearrange everything on there and tighten up. But I will have much more room when done.

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Jeepers, people may be looking now, but waiting til feds lower the interest rate before making an offer and taking on a mortgage. Hoping that you end up with a bidding war by the end of the month. 😀


I hauled 4 more boxes from the house to the barn. I really should transfer stuff to totes first... 

Started making the stuffing for the Anaheim’s. LOTS of stuffing. I’m so out of it that I doubled the rice. :0327: And, dummy me, instead of just halving it after it was done, figured I’d just double the whole *recipe* and freeze whatever’s left over. So had to get my biggish stockpot out to mix everything in. <sigh>
I really need to get out on the front porch and do some organizing. I brought home some kid’s books, teenie beanies, and small toys (like McDonald’s/action figures) from mom’s barn cuz I’m in charge of any kid stuff at market. I keep the extra inventory on the front porch and it’s getting kinda stacked up. 
Made simple deep fried chicken nuggets and cheese curds (from frozen) for dinner. Tried to put a few things back in their place in the kitchen while working on stuffing and making dinner. My kitchen is chaos. And not the good organized chaos that I prefer. Too much stuff, not enough places to put it. 
Is it winter yet? I’m having the urge to hibernate.

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1 hour ago, Necie said:

Too much stuff, not enough places to put it. 

...singing THAT song right along with you!!!!  :gaah:  The things that have a home, generally get put back in their place.  It's the ORPHANS that we're tripping over! 


Today I rode M and had the same :0327:  reaction.  But in a good way.  Walked better but I'm already on the edge of fatigue due to "hay fever" .  Taking all that doc directed.  (trying not to get mixed up.... 2 of these and one of these and...)  :scratchhead: 


One reason I was so tired tho....I went to bed at one and planned to get up at 9.  Eight hours of sleep!  Nope.  Woke up at 6:30AM.  Wha...??  I think it's cuz the sun is getting into the window that early.  I sleep with a kind of eye mask (maybe should try a real one?)  The window is covered with a quilt....but it's kinda thin.  Sooooo....I put some of the shipping envelopes - mylar outside and bubbles inside.  I use those for insulation in winter. (single pane windows) :frozen:    I'll see if I can sleep later.  ??   If the grey squirrel isn't throwing his pine cones to BANG on my truck topper!  :rolleyes:


Kinda draggin' today but the ride was beautiful weather.  Tonite a THUNDERSTORM sneaked in for a while.  More rain.  Wash the particulates out of the air??  One can hope.


And the wrangler that got injured..  :blink:  She's ok but she told me that her own horse (training) didn't want to stop and ended up flipping over backwards on her!  Good heavens!  But there she was in the office -- with a "boot".  Sprained her ankle.  I'm betting she's sore/bruised in other places but wow....coulda been SO BAD.  :amen:   But the 'boot' doesn't fit into a stirrup so she's off the rides for a while.  


MtRider  :wave: 

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Mt. Rider, glad she didn't get seriously hurt. That could have been much worse. 

Glad your ride went well. 


Jeepers, hang in there. That house will sell.


Neice, I think a lot of people are ready to hibernate. I have been tired for a while now. knee is better today but a bit sore. But it won't stop me from doing things today. It is so nice outside today. I should be out there working but need to finish the pantry today. So been working on that since early this morning.  My blood pressure was way up there last night and then when I finally get it back down to almost normal, GS comes in from work with his disrespectful altitude. I think he was drinking before he came home. Started his mess and then his threats. Yes, when he found out where his car is and that when he went outside to smoke, I was locking the door, and he won't get back into house. He calmed down and changed that altitude. I might be moving the date to move to moms from middle of November to end of October. And yes, my blood pressure went right back up and I had to get myself settled down from him and it did go back down. Usually, it doesn't go up like that and I don't know why it did then, but it started with a headache. It is normal this morning. 

GS is leaving to visit his girlfriend on the 20th and won't be back till the evening of 23ed. So, I will have much needed break from him.  Don't know what happened with him as the other grandkids are not like that. I guess mom and dad just dropped the ball on him being the youngest. He got away with a lot when he was growing up. 

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@Becca_Anne Money Pit. I'm afraid I'm going to fall down that hole with the Indy house. I already know there are a number of things that need repaired and replaced. But when they start to open up things, more issues can resurface. It's funny you mentioned those words because when I found some more of my DVD's, I found the movie 'Money Pit' with Tom Hanks. I wanted to watch it for some comradery, but I don't have a way to watch a DVD. I can't even stream it without internet here. I always said my next husband (Never gonna happen. Last thing on planet earth I want) would be a handyman by profession. He would be worth his weight in gold. 


@Littlesister after 45 years, the driveway needs a total tear out. Repairing it would be a waste of money and probably look worse. It's a two car cement driveway. I'm sure it would be around $10,000 if not more. I'm willing to deduct some money from the sale of the house and I told the realtor that from the beginning. Driveway and windows I'm willing to negotiate on. I'm just not in a position to lay out that kind of money upfront. I'm not getting a loan to do it on a house I'm trying to get rid of. Thank goodness I did the landscaping. Realtor said it did have great curb appeal, except for the driveway. They replaced a section of the Indy driveway and it looks pretty bad. The replaced part is a lot whiter than the rest. Its a 2 1/2 car driveway and it's going to cost a fortune to replace. But it's not in bad shape. It can wait a few years yet. All of the trim needs painted and repaired first. I was hoping to do that this year but I wasn't over there to tell them what I want done. All of it white, but if I'm not there to watch in the beginning, then stuff gets done half-a$$ed. BTDT. I'm starting to get leary of workers close to the house with no curtains. Anyone can look right in and see what's in there. IE. Amish crap. :grinning-smiley-044:


@Necie I'm hopeful about the interest rate going down too. Hope it happens soon. Supposed to be this month. 


I bought a new huge graniteware stock pot yesterday. I have nothing here. I immediately burned a huge saucer size area on the bottom while making blueberry pie filling. Actually, it was the Teflon spoon that melted inside the pot and stuck to the bottom. New pot is in the trash now. I'm going to feel like a queen if I ever get moved. I'll actually have stuff again. Good stuff not covered in sawdust, spackle dust and the dreaded mouse poop. 


Good luck with your organizing! You have a lot of different areas to deal with though. Houses, barn, flea market. At least my madness was contained to 2 houses and a garage.

I'd be like this.  :runcirclsmiley2:


@Mt_Rider  I know about that med confusion. I had to take 3 different kinds with my ear and they were staggered out too. The prednisone was the worst. It kept decreasing the amout each day and the nose spray was take 1 squirt of one and 2 of another and one of them every other day. Sheeesh. I had to actually graft a chart. 


My goodness, that wrangler could have been crushed to death. Wow. Hope your M is an old gray mare. That would be my speed. 


Well, I'm at the Wal-Mart parking lot again. Only one hour this time. I had to come this way to dump my brand new stock pot. Think I'll go in and try it again. And buy a stainless spoon. :sigh:

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Blessedhomemaker, we have a yellow jacket problem, too.  We were getting them in the house everyday.      DH put out the reusable traps.   The bait for them really works as he was having yellow jackets climbing on the traps as we was trying to hang them up!  The disposalable trap that he put out hasn't worked at all.   He also wiped down the window a/c's panel  and the bathroom exhaust fan cover with peppermint oil (from the grocery store spice aisle; he put the peppermint oil on a cotton ball to wipe it on the a/c and fan cover).   We read that wasps don't like the smell of peppermint oil and figured it was worth a try.  So far, we thankfully haven't had anymore in the house.  


MtRider,  can you take Quercetin?  I can't, but DH takes it.  It has helped his pollen allergies so much that he didn't need to take allergy med most of the summer. 



Edited by out_of_the_ordinary
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Taken the day off today and doing nothing else all day.  Will explain things in the blue couch section I think that might be better.  

I am just going to relax and think about all the things I want to get done in this house and yard and make all new plans.

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OOTO, I hope that works. Might just have to keep applying it for a while. Do you know where they are getting in at. Might be a hole or something that they are getting in though around a window or something. 

Seems strange that you mention yellow jackets. I haven't seen a yellow jacket around here in over 2 years. But some people are using that yard company that comes and sprays the yard with a fog for mosquitos and I think it might be killing off the bee population. I am thinking about trying to plant flower that will attract the pollinating bees. Need them for the gardens. 

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