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Walked before the rain, this morning.
Ended up going to town for a couple of things and can stay home, tomorrow during the worse weather.
Picked up snack cakes and took them to ladies at 2 nursing homes.
I'm tired today!

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I'm glad I started canning again. Since no one came to look at the house again, smell wasn't an issue. 


In the past two days I got 12 half pints of mild salsa, 26 pints of spaghetti sauce, 20 pints of pizza sauce and 36 half pints of Bar-B-Q sauce.


I decided to try my hand at pickled onions. Meijers had Vidalia onions and I never see them up here so I bought a couple of small bags. Both son and I like onions soaked in vinegar so I'm canning just onions and vinegar. I hope they turn out. I've never done them. I have the last canner load getting ready to be shut off. If they all seal I'll have 36 squatty half pints. 


I'm tired and the kitchen is a disaster..

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You did great on the canning Jeepers.  Vidalia onions are the only ones I ever buy. During the winter they are called sweet onions. I bought 2 bags of them and dehydrated them. I want to get more if they put them on sale again.  I would like to try canning the red onions and vinegar to see how they turn out. 


I worked in garage mostly this afternoon and then cleaned up a little in the kitchen. Sat down and watched the debate. Waste of time but I watched it. 

Tomorrow morning, I have to go to doctor for lab work and then coming home and getting back to work on the house again. If I have time, I am going to take up that brick boarder that DGS put around a small area for his little garden. He never took care of it, and I have to get the weeds out of it and get the area ready for the raised bed garden. I might plant a butterfly bush or something there that will draw pollinator bees. To many people having their yards sprayed with those fogger things and bushes sprayed as well for mosquitos and it is killing off the bees and other bugs. So going to try to combat that with flowers that will draw the bees for pollination. That may have been a factor in my garden not doing well the year before. Not to mention the rabbits.

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3 hours ago, Jeepers said:

I'm tired and the kitchen is a disaster..


Don't answer your phone - it will be the realtor with an eager client to show the house!  ;)  


Oye!  I do NOT feel well.  It's been a rough day - with spasms all over when I got up.  Not real bad spasms but achy.  I'm carefully taking everything as directed.  I'm one week into this "clear the sinus, etc" routine.  So far, I breathe better but my ear has begun to hurt just a bit...again.  (I may be repeating myself....I'm not getting out much. )   Yeah, in fact I'm not going to the first Women's Bible study tomorrow - ugh. 


I do have the Cognitive Therapy on Thurs.  I haven't done as much "homework" of that as I should have.  I had about 3 wks where one or the other of us couldn't make it.  Or rather, she was booked...  So beginning this week, I'll have 3 in a row and ride with the Sr vans. 


IF I'm feeling better.  Those bouncy vans .... I am feeling the sore lower back tonite too.  Didn't walk tonite...but did manage to shower/wash hair.  I now pin it back and sit in the sun to dry it.  That worked well today and then.....it clouded up and RAINED again.  Pasture grass is up to my waist.  Our long ago horses would have loved this year.....tho that grass would not be this high with them chomping it. 


This is a rather disjointed post.  :shrug:  Going to bed soon.  .......  :blink:   Did I just say that at .....9:53pm?  Not even 10pm???   :0327:    LOL  I didn't mean it.  Oh I will go to the adjustable bed cuz the chair is killing me.  But I'll read for a while.  But maybe a short while.  Dunno.  


Snow....let us know how you and yours are doing with the hurricane  :pray: 


MtRider   :wave: 

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Will walk first and walk dogs if not raining.
Will be pressure canning 2-#10 cans of green beans into about 15 pints of green beans.
Christmas cards, maybe.

More wind and rain tonight. Hopefully will be over tonight as tomorrow, we are supposed to go to a doc for dh about 40 miles away.

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Good Morning from Hurricane Alley!


Hurricane should be making landfall today. I made a list of last minute house chores to do and I do plan to DELEGATE them out. LOL. Everyone has just been doing their thing while I get it all together and I'm ready to just sit back for a while. My kindle is charged along with everything else and I have a fresh pair of PJ's to put on for the day :D

Put a pot of gumbo on last night and made up a batch of potato salad. Our microwave went out for the second time so DH ran and grabbed one last night and will install today before things get bad. We are hearing it may be a CAT 2 when it arrives or strong 1. Haven't really looked at it too much this morning as I need to sit and sip on my coffee and just get it together. Not too worried about the storm...pretty sure we will loose power and have the back door sandbagged. I drained some water out of DD's pool. If that thing "burst" it would all come rushing to my house and the drainage back there is bad enough as is. We rode Ida out a couple years ago and it was a CAT 4 and it came pretty much right over us. I do, however, worry about my boy (DS2). He's a lineman and will be going out as soon as it passes. He also works in New Orleans East which is a HORRIBLE and VERY UNSAFE place on a good day. During IDA some ladies started a group called Feed the Lineman on Facebook that really took off. We had so many here and there were not enough accommodations for them all. I organized and started a group to cover our area in conjunction with the big main group as did many others in different areas. We found linemen and workers who were literally sleeping in tents and their vehicles. We found housing through a Church to keep them and get them in out of a parking lot. We then were able to organize food trains to keep as many fed as possible. We literally drove through staging areas and parking lots handing out pizzas to anyone working to help the community. I'm getting prepared to reactivate that group if needed now that my house is in order but hopefully it won't be that bad. 


Jeepers...so glad you got an offer. I will be praying for the best outcome. 

Littlesister...praying for your DD

Mt. Rider....praying you start feeling better. In regards to your ear...not sure if it would be an option or if it even works but what about those ear candles? Ear pain is the worst. 

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@Simply~A~Snow  Thank you! Sending prayers your way too!  

:pray:   :hug3:   :pray:


Ryan Hall Y'all is a great source for live weather coverage if you still have internet. He often has storm chasers on the ground giving live updates. I can highly recommend him. I always watch him when I know of severe weather. He has his own charity organization too. Stay safe. 


Ryan Hall Y'all.

He's on YouTube.

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Simply a snow, will be keeping you in prayer for this hurricane to not do any damage and you come out of it with no issues.  And think you for the prayers for my DD. She still hasn't said anything to me but maybe she's waiting till the appointment for the second opinion happens. I wouldn't have known anything if it wasn't for GD letting me know. 


Jeepers, still keeping you in prayer for the house to sell. 


Went to doctor for lab work this morning. They took forever. 45 minutes past my appointment time to be called back and then had to wait because she couldn't get her computer to work. But finally got that over with.  Then stopped by McDonalds for a cup of coffee and came home. I really needed that coffee. 

Need to head out and get started on the garage again. Getting down to the part of now what do I do with this situation. But it is getting there.  I have old computers, DVD players, and other electronics I am not sure what to do with yet. They all work other than the old computer which is the old one I had that DH connected to the TV for his music. I have all that music on CDs now and don't really need all of that anymore. So just need to figure it all out. That is a very old computer, and I don't know if I can hook it up to a screen to see what is on it or not. Can't just trash it if something is on it that someone can get info from and wipe me out. I'll get it figured out. 


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I have about 5 laptops that I had moved to Indy just because I don't know what's on them. I'm not even sure I can get them to work long enough to get the info off of them and trash them.


I also have a very heavy desktop computer that has a floppy disc drive. I have a bunch of floppy discs, somewhere. I'd like to see what's on them too. I think its my old Gateway computer. Probably 1990's. I'm thinking it was my first computer because it is a big tower with a flat screen monitor. I remember the flat screens came out about the time I bought it and I had to really think about spending the extra money for it. I bought that one because it came in a box printed like a cow. Don't say it, I already know. :sEm_blush:. If I ever find them all again, I'm sure I'll pitch them. If I haven't needed the info by now, I'm sure it's nothing I want. But what if...:rolleyes:

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I heard from the realtor. She said the buyers had a couple of concerns but she didn't know what they were. Crimony. That's even before the inspection.


They are bringing the radon detector device this Sunday and will pick it up and do the inspection on Wednesday. 


I'm going to Indiana tomorrow to get the Jeep unloaded and probably back on Saturday. I have to be here to let the radon guy in Sunday. I also have stuff coming in the mail from the title company that I need to sign and send in. It will probably be here Saturday or Monday. 


I'm scared witless. It reminds me of the days I was waiting for insurance to make decisions. I'll be glad to be in control of my life again. 

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Hang in there Jeepers, it could just be the things you already knew about. The driveway and the windows. So that you already had plans for that in the price. 

Jeepers, don't worry about that with my DD. She still hasn't bothered to let me know. I only found out through my DGD.  I know that she is getting a second opinion so maybe she is just waiting till after that happens. The first doctor said precancer polyps, but they should have removed those then and the small mass they said they saw was also pre cancer and I don't think they would remove that doing a colonoscopy. But he wanted to go in a do radical surgery for something that is not full-blown cancer yet. I think she is seeing the doctor for the second opinion next month. As I said she never calls me unless she wants something. 


I am so tired right now I don't know what end is up.  After getting back from the doctor for the Labs and then sitting here on computer this morning for a bit, I went out to garage and tore it up. I moved half of the mess onto the driveway to clean up and sweep floor. Moved that monster toolbox to middle of the floor so I can tackle the window tomorrow. Those windows haven't been cleaned since I think in 2018. Everything was going downhill and there was no getting it done. After that one I have 2 more to do. Yep, to many windows in that garage. Once the window is clean then I can start on the freezer and get that defrosted. I need to move that down and I can't move it while full. I need it to be emptied first. But not sure how far I will get as DGD is coming over around 10am with the baby. She is picking up all of DGS food and the baby things both she and her mom are taking to get that out of my garage. That leaves me with the playpen and the rocker thing that the baby loves. She bounces all over the place in that thing. GD is leaving Sat. morning to head to her mom's house for the weekend. Hoping I can get the freezer cleaned out tomorrow after she leaves, and that one window washed before she gets here. I also need to start looking into buying a birthday gift for the baby. It's hard to believe she will be one year old next month. They grow up to fast. 

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I feel you about being tired. I slept most of the afternoon and into the evening. I hate when I do that. I'll be up all night now.


I have 3 garage windows and a window on the pedestrian door. I wish I had made curtains or a blind or something to cover them when I could have gotten to them. As it is now, it's too much of a temptation to look in there and see what all is in there. Heck. I don't even have curtains or blinds up to the windows in the house. Never enough time. 

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Jeepers, at this stage of the game I would not worry about it. They have been showing the house without it and it didn't deter the one that put an offer on the house. 


DGD texted me a bit ago as she was coming over between 10am and 10:30. She forgot she's taking the baby to story time at the library. So, coming over after that. That is better for me as I have more time to get that window washed.

I am done for. Took out a lot of bulk trash and 2 heavy trash cans from both refrigerators and GS's mess he left in there and the garage. But glad it is all out of the house now. I still need to clean out the fridge as he has spilled stuff everywhere in there. I will have to pull out the drawers and the shelves to get everything cleaned up. Hope his mom enjoys his company because he has done nothing but create a lot of extra work for me. Had some things in yard I needed to put out on street. So, all that mess from yard is now out. I think I have enough bricks to make a firepit instead of buying one. Just wonder if I can do it. I have seen them do it on U-Tube, but they seem to make everything look easy. I will think about it. How many jars of jelly do you need? I dumped 5 jars of jelly that looked like it had been in the fridge a long while. Still haven't figured out what to do with 3 open bottles of veg. oil. I will never use all that before it goes rancid. Yep, I got tired of going behind GS and let it all go. Now it is clean up time. I'm on a roll but right now I am done. The heavy lifting got me. My neck was strained doing that and I hope I didn't mess anything up. 

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On 9/10/2024 at 3:13 PM, Littlesister said:


Martin, you have really been a huge help to your dad. I know you would like to head back home to your own home at some point, but I am sure your dad apricates all you and your DH are doing for him. I hope you have someone keeping an eye on your house for you also. 



Thanks, @Littlesister! My Dad is very appreciative and thanks me every night before he goes to bed. The biggest stressor is the fact that DH is staying in our house.. and I am with Dad. Hubby comes out to visit or help when I need him to , but he is essentially living alone in our house. This is the second time that he has done this. The first time lasted nearly 5 years when I was taking care of my Mom. This can be is hard on a marriage. He underfstands why I do what I do, but we'd both like to get back to the retirement plan that we made before he retired nearly 10 years ago. We've spent almost 6 years of the past decade essentially living apart and spending odd weekends and vacations together. From my perspective, I feel kind of homeless. 


I am back in my house this evening and plan to be here for the next few days. This place doesn't exactly feel like home anymore. I think that is why I am pushing to get some projects done so that we can rent this house out and find a new home that suits our status as empty nester retirees.

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9 hours ago, Littlesister said:

I have old computers, DVD players, and other electronics I am not sure what to do with yet. They all work other than the old computer which is the old one I had that DH connected to the TV for his music. I have all that music on CDs now and don't really need all of that anymore. So just need to figure it all out. That is a very old computer, and I don't know if I can hook it up to a screen to see what is on it or not. Can't just trash it if something is on it that someone can get info from and wipe me out. I'll get it figured out. 


You might try Googling how to remove the hard drive from an old computer. Then, you can trash the computer and just hold onto the hard drive. That wouldn't take up too much space.  I have heard that you can microwave a hard drive to wipe it clean, but don't know if that is actually true.

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Jeepers, that makes more sense being the Indy house. it will get done. Have patience. 

Yeah, leave it to me to say have patience. It's going to kill me if I don't get this house back together soon.


Martinchick, I know that has to be hard on you and your DH. Is there any other relatives that can step up to the plate for a while so you can be home with your DH for a while?  That would take some of the burden off of you. 


I will check on google on how to take the hard drive out. Though if there is any medal in it that would not work in a microwave. Could start a fire. 


I got the call this evening that my friend passed away late this afternoon. So just waiting now about the funeral arrangements. I am thinking that will be taken care of tomorrow.  I really hate this I keep losing friends. And still 2 more with one in hospice now and another that really doesn't seem to know what is going on and in a nursing home. She can barely talk and it's hard to understand her. 


Here it is almost 10pm and I am too tired to sleep. I hate that. 


Edited by Littlesister
I really messed up hit other media then save at same time
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The exterminator came out again yesterday and sprayed more. We found an area in son's closet where they are getting inside. The Bees slimed the wall so that needs cut out and dead bees need to be removed.  He is supposed to come back this week to finish the job.


Please pray for our almost 5yo grandson, "S". He has been ill since Saturday and DIL is with him at the ER now. He has pain and swelling in his neck and tested negative for strep the other day. His temp is a little over 103. He needs healing. Thank you for any and all prayers.

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:pray:  for Blessed's Grandson!!!  God help this little guy!  Give the medical folks wisdom and compassion.  :pray:  And also....those bees/hornets/stinging critters!!  They need them gone!  Yikes!


You GO! Little Sister ..... :unsure: but go with wisdom!  The Mess is not going anywhere.  I know what it feels like to RUN towards making your house your own again but your body is your own right now and it will likely complain.  :hug3:  And so sorry you are losing friends.  So hard to see good friends and family deteriorate.  You've been thru that up close and very personal with your late dh so :pray:  for God's comfort.  And hope that your daughter's colon issue is the type that can be fixed with surgery or whatever.  My friend I will be visiting in Oct is cancer free from colon cancer for ...7-10 yrs now?  I've lost count but I'm sure she hasn't.  


:pray:  for Jeepers house(s) and the burden she's carried for over a year.  Almost there..... hang on girl!!!  :thumbs:  


Martian...my DH and I can relate to the lifestyle when Elder Care can really only be done with one of you staying there.  We even offered to move in when my dad went to the care home.  Instead we live within half hour but it was difficult to keep watch and help cuz I don't drive that far and DH was still working part time.  Then after dad died, I really had to move in with mom to sort, clear, pack up the entire house....30 years there; 73 yrs of marriage = STUFF.  And neither of us could do too much without resting.  Took us 2 full months.  Trying to catch that wonderful time period in 2022 when houses were selling fast and high.  We didn't quite make it but it sold within 6 months.   IT'S JUST HARD!!!!  :hug3:  &  :pray:  


Everyone else with needs this day - the hurricane affecting Snow/ANewMe and family.  And somewhat Miki.  :pray:  Last I checked it had gone back down to Cat 1....but it's still a hurricane.  Maybe by morning it will slow further.


MtRider  ....but wait - there's Part 2.  Oye, what a day I've had.  But nothing earth-shattering.  Just wearying.  :0327: 

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4 minutes ago, Mt_Rider said:

:pray:  for Blessed's Grandson!!!  God help this little guy!  Give the medical folks wisdom and compassion.  :pray:  And also....those bees/hornets/stinging critters!!  They need them gone!  Yikes!


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6 minutes ago, Mt_Rider said:

You GO! Little Sister ..... :unsure: but go with wisdom!  The Mess is not going anywhere.  I know what it feels like to RUN towards making your house your own again but your body is your own right now and it will likely complain.  :hug3:  And so sorry you are losing friends.  So hard to see good friends and family deteriorate.  You've been thru that up close and very personal with your late dh so :pray:  for God's comfort.  And hope that your daughter's colon issue is the type that can be fixed with surgery or whatever.  My friend I will be visiting in Oct is cancer free from colon cancer for ...7-10 yrs now?  I've lost count but I'm sure she hasn't.  


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