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Becca Anne, glad your mom did well. That is, one worry off of your mind.  Hopefully she will run right through the cataract surgery. 


Jeepers, I am so sorry to hear that the sale of the house fell through. I was so hoping they would buy it. Talk with your real estate person to see where you stand. Some of the things might not be so bad where the windows and driveway will. Are the windows so bad that they need to even be mentioned in the sale of the house or is that just something you were willing to lower the price for. If no one notices the windows. I would hold off on windows if they are not that bad. Not sure on the structure of the basement unless it's that brick you said was missing. If they even noticed that. If you do hold off on the windows, don't say anything about them and make sure you real estate lady doesn't mention them either. 

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Please pray for my grandson, "S". He turns 5yo tomorrow.  He has been having fevers on and off for 2 weeks and has been on an antibiotic for a few days. His fever( 102 F) came back again today. His neck is still swollen, too. The doctors can't figure out what is wrong with him.  They think maybe it's an infection in his lymph nodes.  So he was admitted today for observation.

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Littlesister, the inspectors find everything. There is no "not disclosing" something. Everything is documented with pictures in the reports. They even went up in the house attic that has no stairs. They had to go up through the ceiling with a ladder. We have never been up there in the 35+ years we've owned the place. The attic fan is not working and the insulation is missing in spots. Mold us growing up there. The AC has a pipe missing and is rated as dangerous. The HVAC guy said the new furnace is too big and won't last long. The stair case to that basement needs reinforced and the sink in the basement has a leaky tap. The worst is one wall in the basement is bowing and also needs reinforced. The driveway is caving in and some of the windows won't latch. Those are just a few of the things I can remember. There was more. It's an old house with issues. Buyers never saw any of that. The inspectors are the ones who found the things. And now that it has been discovered, it will have to be declared to other potential buyers. I hate that basement. I'm glad my Indy house doesn't have one. Oh, and the garage door opener has an extension cord instead of being hard wired in. I didn't even know that was a thing to be aware of. Inspectors miss nothing. The one thing I was worried about, radon, passed. :rolleyes:


My realtor is going to talk to their realtor to see if they have any interest at all if I lower the price. The windows and driveway alone would be over $20,000. Who knows about the basement wall and everything else. I told my realtor that I will discuss a price reduction but I'm not interested in having the repairs done myself. It could take months and months to do them all. I would rather give them the money and let them take care of it. Other realtor said she doesn't think they would agree to that. They want a move in ready house. Who doesn't. 


Both realtors are busy through the weekend but will try to get back to me sometime over the weekend. Other realtor doesn't think it will work out though. 


It's getting harder and harder living in an empty house. At least in the hotel I had furniture, TV for background noise and internet. 


Just a lot think about. Wonder what a flipper would offer.  :( 

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:pray: for Blessed's GrSon.  Poor little guy.  :(  


Becca Anne - so glad things went well.  "Clear Margins" - those lovely words meaning: we got it all.  No more cutting.  :amen:    Will pray for her calm before cataract surgery.  :pray:  


Hope you clear up all your strain/bruise/etc, Miki!  Gotta get ready for your trip soon, right?


Jeepers..... :(   Dealing with some health issues BP, etc.  AND maybe not a house sale yet.  :pray:   For resolution of all things keeping you away from Indy!  You're sort of into your 2nd year of being "houseless"....  Nuff already!  :pray:  


Little Sister.... RE:  Lymes.  Interesting thot but I don't think so.  As Mother knows, I've been close to someone who was diagnosed with Lymes.  Saw her struggle and her test results and .....  One thing:  I've had whatever this is, for over 50 years.  With Lymes, too many other things happen, I think.  I get "kicked out of the MS category" too, cuz other than aging, I'm not progressing all that much.  And....of course that's a GOOD THING... but it does defy a solid diagnosis.  :shrug: 


Today I felt a lot more normal.  I did some things and didn't get the shakes.  :cheer:  <----- yeah, well I wasn't jumping around like that.  But I did do a brisk walk with dog down along the road, felt fine ......  UNTIL something triggered a horrible reaction in my sinus/etc!  :o   Good Grief!  I'm clear breathing one minute and then I begin to close up passageways...talk funny...   I'd just used the Flonase before going down there.  It was so aggravating!  :motz_6:  Sent me right back to Square One.  


Thankfully, it didn't take too long to get clear again. :amen:   Dusty as this old cabin is....that is not what's triggering this.  :lois:   I'm now completely convinced that it's this year's over growth of weeds, plants, (probably those danged thistles that won the war with me!)  Soooooo.... what to do about getting out to walk.  1)  I already tried wearing N95 with exhalation valve.  I canNOT suck in enough air thru those!  And they make me overheat quickly.  2)  I think I just have to stay out of the low lying areas near the pond/creek/road.  That means climbing the steep hills above all that low land with LOTS of extra vegetation this year.  A lot harder than walking the flat road.  But it's the only way I can keep up walking - and I need to do that! 


lol  Dog says she doesn't care where we go - she's in!  :rolleyes:   All IN!  Oye!


MtRider  :offtobed:   .....  I'm still getting to bed earlier this week.  Ride tomorrow. 

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:pray: for Blessedhomemaker's grandson that he will get well soon. Hopefully the doctors will figure it out so they can get him on the right treatment. 


Jeepers, that house was a lot to take in. You could talk to those a flipper or two to see what they will offer. Just maybe that will be your way out. I do know they won't pay you as much as they need money to be able to flip the house and make money on it. But it would be worth talking to them to see what they will offer. You don't have to except that offer. Sometimes you can finagle the price with them. 


Mt. Rider, I know you don't think Lymes is what is causing your issues, but that disease is different in the way it does for many people.  My DD had systems like some of what you said you have. I know others that have it and it effected their walking and such. It would still be worth getting tested for that. And if it does come back negative at least you know for sure. Lymes has been around for many a year. They only learned about it and how to treat it over 30 years ago. Glad you are feeling more normal now. I hope that continues. Those weeds or whatever is causing your sinus issues need to go. Maybe time to spray with weed killer. 


I am up early this morning. Woke up and couldn't go back to sleep. So just decided it's time to get up and get the hamburger canned. That doesn't happen often but when it does there is no need to just lay in bed wide awake. 


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Praying for your GS @blessedhomemaker71!

Glad that your mom came through with flying colors @Becca_Anne!

I'm so sorry that the sale may not go through @Jeepers.  I know how hopeful you are!


Still hurts to breathe a bit, but otherwise, pretty (normal?) Except bruises. Lots of them and road rash. Sigh

Already walked.
Will stop and drop off some homemade hot sauce, habanero jelly, elderberry jelly and blueberry butter for a friend who is retiring from Probation dept. today. I will miss seeing her on my walks!
Will work at cafe for 3 hours.
Not sure what else is happening.
I did get my bedroom closet completely finished yesterday. Yay!

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Blessed homemaker, still have your GS in prayer. I am hoping he is feeling better today.


Canning all the hamburger this morning. Two canners going now and then the last of the hamburger will be done. I think maybe one more canner and that ends the canning for a while.  Will then clean up, mop kitchen floor and take a break for the rest of the day. Then tomorrow will start back on reorganizing the pantry and getting the canned food put away. Needs to be rotated to the back since it was all canned this week. Glad that is about over. That was a lot of beef and hamburger in that freezer that was put off getting done due to other things coming up that had to be done. And I just kept buying up sells till meat got out of hand. So, a good reason to do a do not go to store challenge. I still have a lot of butter beans, green beans, tomatoes and such from past garden and from farmers markets. So, I am done buying veggies as well. I will have a garden going again next spring. So, by the time it is time to harvest next summer and fall. I should be pretty low on veggies. I want to start everything fresh again. Meat will be fine for a long time. Maybe chicken as GS went through a lot of that but not going to worry about it for a couple of months. I think I can get by on that. 


Everyone please stay well, and safe travels for all that is traveling. And jeepers, I hope something good comes out of that Ohio house yet. That was just one potential buyer. So don't give up hope. There is still lots of people out there looking to buy. 

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Canning was finished a while ago. So got kitchen cleaned up and floor mopped. Going to take tomorrow off and do some fun things. Haven't been able to do that for a long while. Haven't had the baby this past week so was perfect timing to do the canning. Next week it will be back to decluttering and reorganizing the pantry. 


And yes, praying for everyone in need of prayer that those that are sick will get well soon, safe travels for those that are traveling and for Jeepers house to have a new potential buyer very soon that isn't afraid of a fixer upper. 

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On 9/13/2024 at 9:48 PM, Mt_Rider said:

falling asleep

Not sure what you can take, but Catnip tea is very good for a good sleep.  When I feel really "uptight"  I take Valerian....it always works!

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I wanted to go to Whole Foods Market today but I couldn't find it. I couldn't get my Google drive to work. I asked two people down there, and they didn't know either. It's a huge shopping district down there so all wasn't lost. It seems that W.F.M. has the safest cinnamon and I wanted to pick some up. That's all I wanted. 


I stopped in the Hobby Lobby. They have the biggest one I've ever seen. I didn't know it, but I think I needed some retail therapy. I put a bunch of sale stuff in my cart and came to my senses and put most of it all back. They were good sales though. I need about 6 little things for my DVD cabinets to seperate some of the DVD's from each other. My foreign and silent ones will fit on one shelf but I'd like to seperate them with something. I found 2 small fake plants that look real so there are 2 things. Then I remembered I have 3 small latch type canning jars with Amish dirt in them that I can use. One each from PA, OH and IN. I'll be close enough to IL to get some in Arthur and maybe MI. It's strange. I already know that. But it makes me happy. And collecting it all was an adventure. I found some lamp paint. I think we already know how that is going to turn out. :D


I ended up at Barnes and Noble. That place is dangerous to me. I got 4 jigsaw puzzles replaced from the epic flood. Four for me plus US and World ones. With those and a couple I got from Lehmans, I think I have all of my entertainment well supplied for Y3K. :grinning-smiley-044: 


I also found a crystal radio set that you make. It didn't get very good reviews but I'll try it. And one of those plastic invisible men where you can see their organs and take them out and put them together again. It's a really good learning tool and might help GS understand a little about what his dad is going through. I had one as a kid and really liked it. I painted the organs. 


Came home to corn on the cob and a tomato-onion-mayo sandwich. Today, life was good. 

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Today went well.  My ride was at 12:30pm and the weather was clear.  Had to keep M and I back from the dust - that area could use some rain...which they may get tomorrow and Sunday.  Which was why I took the Friday AM ride.  NEEDED the ride to "get my legs back".  :hapydancsmil:  It worked well. 


So tonite dog and I headed UP the hill behind the cabin.  Then what goes up must go down....into the mini-valley between the two HILLS on this property.  Then back UP again.  Visited the area where we buried my beloved horse.  No sign of anything...good, that it didn't erode.  Dog was happy to have new trails to sniff.  Did not go way up to the top of that hill.  I haven't been up there in years.  It's quite a climb so I can save that for when I'm not coming off being sick. 


Came back down to the little valley part and took the hill up to the house again from a slightly different angle.  Didn't make much distance but with the steep hills, one has to place your feet carefully.  What we have underfoot is called D.G.  .....as in: decomposing granite.  Bits that are a tad larger than usual grains of sand.  And angular - not smooth but sharp edged.  Whole mountains are granite around here and these are just bitty hills...relatively.  I actually didn't get winded.  But I paced us so I didn't.  Dog had goofy grin with tongue hanging out.  Got back to the house from the other side and up the stairs.  And HEY!  I was a bit wobbly but my hands were not shaking!  :amen:   And nothing hit my breathing cuz ....rain or no rain, this part of the property stays with the same vegetation.  Not like down by creek/pond/pasture/roadside.  :lois:   I think staying away from that till we get a good frost will help my "Hay Fever" symptoms.  'K...that's doable!  


Brought my suitcases out - time to begin throwing stuff in...to be organized later.  I like to start packing WAY ahead of time.  Not having shakes today was very encouraging! 


MtRider  :amen:  

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Mt. Rider and Jeepers, I am so glad you both had a great day both yesterday and today. Mt. Rider glad the shakes are gone, and you had a good ride on the horse yesterday morning. That does seem to help you a lot. Just stay away from what sets you off at the road. 


Miki, hope you are doing much better today from your fall. 


I have had a very relaxing day today. Slept in a bit late which is unusual for me, but it felt good.  Set outside in swing and had my coffee and the neighborhood is so quiet this morning which is very unusual for a Saturday.  Just very relaxing day after a week of canning. It is feeling good to just sit around and do nothing all day. Though I am thinking about heading out to T.J Max and maybe HomeGoods. Wish we had a Hobby Lobby here. Not going to try to head to Newport News to one as I don't think my knee will hold out that long. But now that I know it was a meniscus tear and not a bone-on-bone issue, hopefully I can get it to heal and not need surgery for it. The brace will be delivered today that is just for that. I have one on my knee now that is giving some support but not one for a meniscus tear. 


I went around for a bit this morning looking around to see what I need to do next. Can't finish the garage till I get the shelving unit out of front bedroom. Then I can get my appliances and canning jars set up on that in garage where I can get to them easier and free the bigger shelving unit that's on the other side of garage for other things. Looked around at the pantry to see how I can organize it to better work for me. Other than that, I am just setting up my plans for next week.   Today and tomorrow, I am just sitting back and relaxing and enjoying my newfound freedom again. I am loving not having to get up in the mornings and clean up behind GS before I can start my day. I can now just jump right into what I need to do. 

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:scratchhead:   Can't decide where to put this link.  To an article from Epoc Times....Dr Joseph Mercola.  One of the first to cry foul (fowl?)  on the demonization of the IVER.... and HYdrox..... products.  I think anyone can get in as 'guest' ... ??




The topic is The Quiet Epidemic  -- Lyme Disease


Here is synopsis:



Story at-a-glance

  • Lyme disease affects 500,000 Americans annually, with up to 20% experiencing long-term symptoms. The documentary "The Quiet Epidemic" explores why this prevalent illness remains controversial and challenging to diagnose and treat
  • The disease mimics various conditions, leading to misdiagnosis and delayed treatment. It can present symptoms similar to chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, multiple sclerosis and even Alzheimer's
  • Standard testing and treatment protocols are unreliable, sparking debate between those who believe Lyme is easily treatable and those who argue it can persist despite antibiotics
  • The film highlights patients' struggles, including Julia Bruzzese's journey, and showcases promising research in imaging techniques that could definitively detect Borrelia bacteria, which causes Lyme disease, in patients' bodies
  • Patient advocacy has been crucial in advancing understanding of Lyme disease. The documentary calls for a shift in medical approaches to complex, chronic illnesses and improved diagnostic tools





So yeah, Little Sister, it says Lyme can present with symptoms like MS....  But I still can't quite see the fit for me.  OTOH... I just don't fit!  :rolleyes:  


MtRider  :pc_coffee:

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...In Other News:  ;) 


It's raining quite a lot this afternoon/evening.  I did get out with the dog and due to all the rain, it was 'safe' to walk the road.  All that flies thru the air, was drowned for now.  Good too, cuz trying to take the route I took yesterday...or any other steep hillside, would not be good in wet conditions.  What we need is  :frozen:  a hard freeze to start the process of clearing pollen/stuff outta here!  So dog and I did a whole 5/10ths of a mile.  That counts one-tenth walking down the driveway. :lol:  But hey, anything to keep the lymphatic system pumping! 


I am wondering what my friend's corner of MO is going to be like.  If we haven't had a frost yet, they'll still be firmly in autumn.  My favorite time of year but I may get hit with pollen/stuff again.  I will be bringing N95s ... ( Heck, I'm going to be bringing Iver/hydro as well as Apple Pectin and an 'iodine' product in a pill form.)  I've carried those on my travels for the last couple years - JIC.  :pray:    ...that none of us EVER need those. 


DH and I got the small window A/C unit out today....before this chilly rain came in.  It's heavy and has to go down stairs into basement.  We took it down on my ever-handy old luggage 2-wheel dolly.  :0327:   We have enough trouble doing it with that.  Never happen without the dolly. 


DH is getting ready to Instant Pot some spaghetti.  I'll help chop onions, etc.


MtRider :cook: 

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Mt. Rider, I hope your DH didn't make his back issue worse taking the air conditioner out. I know that thing is very heavy. Hope with the rain it will help with your allergies for a while. 

That is good info about Lymes. I will have to fully read it when I have more time. I still wonder about you though. 

Spaghetti sounds good. I still need to make some spaghetti sauce and can it. But not this week coming up and the week after I am still canning from the freezer. 

I have a lot of chopped green peppers in freezer and wondering if they would work for dehydrating them. Not sure I want to chance it. 

When you go to visit your friend, I hope and pray you won't have any issues with allergies. And prayers for a safe trip both to and from.


Going to watch a movie and then head to bed after. Not sure about tomorrow yet. My brace came today for my knee and even with the old one I had it did help. But this one is for meniscus tear. It is lighter than my old one and has bands that go across the front of the knee for meniscus support, I guess. I was told it can take up to 6 months to heal or have surgery if it doesn't. It better heal. It has been months trying to find out just what was really going on. Just hope I didn't make it worse during all those months. with no support as the doctor said it was almost bone on bone. That was not the case, and he was just pushing those gel injections.  What happened to all the good doctors we used to have?

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DGD came over with the baby and yep, she is now walking all over the place. Guess she is now considered a toddler.  And into everything. Really have to watch her a lot now. She is a mess.  Her DH is on duty through tomorrow, I think. So, we might go furniture shopping tomorrow if she is not working. I forgot to ask her about it. I am looking for a farmhouse table and a small island for the kitchen. But if she is working, I will just go look at a couple of places tomorrow morning. Been working on the pantry still. It is in one huge mess. But it's almost done, and I can then move on to the next project. 

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I went back to the big shopping district today to try to find the Whole Foods Market that I couldnt find yesterday. I found it. Boy was I was off yesterday. It's all the way to Akron. Sheesh. I am on the hunt for safer cinnamon. They had a whopping 2 bottles. I also discovered Whole Foods is not for me. I ain't fancy enuff.  Live and learn. At least I can stop thinking about it now. BTDT. 


Then I went to Costco to pick up some OTC meds for son. Their generic Imodium is a fraction of the cost compared to anyone else. But, you can only buy 3 boxes at a time. Anyway, Costco pharmacy is closed on Sunday. Who knew. 


So I did a lot of driving for basically nothing today. I didn't really mind too much because traffic was very light and it was good to get out and just drive around. 


I have 2 more days of antibiotics left for my ear and it didn't get any better yet. Sigh. 

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Jeepers, I would have thought that would have helped your ear by now. Wonder if you will have to do a second round or if that was not the one to kill the infection?  I know when I had my ear infection months ago, the only thing that cleared it up was cipro drops for the ear. 


Finishing up on the pantry. Took to many breaks and got a late start. I have made so much more room in there. So tomorrow when I get home, I will put the jars of food I canned away in there. DGD's DH wants to start hunting again. He wants to go deer hunting, and they bought a new freezer. I have two or three fishing rods in the shed, I am going to find out if he likes to fish. I know he doesn't have any fishing gear but if he likes fishing, I might give him the rods and things and just keep one for me to go fishing. I do know my DGD used to love going fishing. The oldest one loves to go camping. 


DGD, baby and I are going furniture shopping together, and then out to lunch. I'm not buying anything yet but just looking to get an idea of what I am looking for. Farmhouse table, living room suit and a small kitchen island. I'm not ready to buy till I can get that dining room suit sold. Getting ready to drop the price again. I feel like I am giving it away, but with this economy like it is, I don't think people are looking to buy anything other than trying to put food on the table and keep gas in the car. But I am hoping someone will come along and take it off my hands. Otherwise, I will call Samaritan's purse as I don't know of anyone else that will take furniture at this point. 


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Facetimed with son and grandkids. Grandson is doing much better.


We went to church today and had our church picnic afterwards. We only have about 20 "regulars" and that includes the pastor and his wife! I love our little church where we can get to know everyone. The church itself is about 150 years old.

It was almost 90 degrees outside and I don't do well in the heat so we left kinda early. 


I made time for a nap today. Probably a little exhausted from the heat. 


We started our new homeschool year on Monday. The first week went well. I like the curriculum that I chose. I am looking forward to a great year of learning!


It's supposed to be cooler and rainy tomorrow so I am making chili for supper for dh and middle ds. The rest of us don't like it.


Happy Fall, everyone! The leaves are already changing here.

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Jeepers, I think it will come to giving it away at some point. But it's only been on Market place about 3 weeks so giving it a bit more time. 


Blessedhomemaker, you church sounds like mine. We have maybe 100 or so now. But have lost a few members through death this year. So might be less than that now. We now start Sunday School at 8:45 and Church at 10:00. So, we are out by 11:00. That time started after the church opened back up from covid. They don't want to go back to the old time. So, it remains this new time. 


Finished up on the pantry and tomorrow I am going furniture shopping or should say looking around. Then coming back and going to finish getting the sewing and craft things off of the shelving unit in front bedroom and get that out to garage to use for canning jars and appliances. I have other places for my sewing and craft things if I can get that dining room set sold. 


The leaves are starting to change here but not a lot yet. But it is coming. I would love to take a trip down Skyline drive toward the mountains to see the leaves changing. Last time I went it was beautiful and very colorful. 

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