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6 hours ago, Jeepers said:

I have 2 more days of antibiotics left for my ear and it didn't get any better yet. Sigh.


Yeah.... I KNOW this story.  Have they decided that your ear infection is actually bacterial (therefore: antibiotic).  Even if it's viral, antibiotics have a "cooling affect"......inflammation/infection is Heat (Chinese herbal thot process).  So there's some validity for it's use even if it's viral.  Both of my 2024 episodes (in May and August-September)  were persistent.   But I didn't start out with an actual injury like you did, Jeepers. 


This one I'm just finishing, (as I've written before but I'll repeat)  I went from a week of antibiotics - then a week of OTC (Musinex, Alegra, Flonase).  Cleared my breathing - a lot.  Didn't help the L ear and the R ear began as well.  By week 3, I got steroid for 5 days and upgrade to Sudafed.  Eliminate Alegra but keep up the rest. 


Plus I was taking 2 herbal formula pills that we take with any illness.  One has antiviral affects.  I also was taking probiotics pills and yogurt...to ward off any other issues. 


After 5 days steroids with Sudafed, .....heck, after 24 hrs on steroids, I was feeling a lot less 'sick'.  And FINALLY, as of Wed/Thurs of this week, I'm OKAY, unless I get another "snoot full " of the dratted pollens/junk down in the creek/pond area. 


This all took nearly 5 weeks...... and a MD....a DO....and a PA.  And enough common sense to stay outta the weeds.  :busted: 


So soldier on, Jeepers.  Keep at this!  Ear infections are dangerous and not just for loss of hearing.  Loss of life!  :hug3: 


MtRider  ...never had a "hay fever" attack like this before!  :o 


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Today we listened to our church service early and later one.  I fell asleep during the 2nd one....an advantage of going to church at home.  Since it's rained a lot lately, I felt safe enough doing a brisk walk on the driveway and road this evening.  About 6/10ths of a mile.  Going out at 7pm is no longer early enough.  I'm wearing a headlamp and reflective blaze yellow vest on my back.....but....   Not only that vehicles on the road wouldn't see dog and me.  Dusk is the "hunting hour" for too many critters.  We'll have to start going out at 6:30pm....and keep moving that back til we hit winter solstice. 


Need to begin filling the suitcases.  I don't DO last minute packing.  Too stressful.  And.....there is that dark cloud over 'traveling while the world is in such a snit everywhere!'  :buttercup:  What to bring that wouldn't normally be considered?  TEOTWAWKI.... nah.  That better wait till I get back to CO and DH!!!  :tapfoot: 


MtRider  :offtobed: 

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Busy Monday at home. Already out of the shower and will walk next and then walk the dogs.
Hardware store for copies of a key.
Dollar General for smallish food containers to freeze for dh dinners while I'm gone.
Laundry- 2 loads, 1 already started.
Make out and address Christmas cards.
Set up DH's pills for the month.
Finish laundry.


I probably need to start thinking about packing also @Mt_Rider.  I leave next Tuesday.  Already working on stocking up dinners, etc. for DH while I'm gone.

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Everyone seems doing a bit better health wise keep healing up! :hug3: Took mom to her new cardiologist today and got her clearance for her cataract surgery tomorrow. I'm really exhausted but we're just doing the next thing on the list.  She's holding up well.  I took the day off today and tomorrow but I don't think I'll be feeling very rested when i go back. I want to hibernate like a bear until spring. :offtobed: I am going to bed early tonight hoping that will help since I have to get up early in the morning to take her to the next town over for the surgery. I did get 3 quarts of applesauce made yesterday and water bath canned so that felt like an accomplishment. I need to do the rest but my crockpot only holds 6 lbs of apples at a time so I have about 3 more batches to make. I can do one tomorrow after we get home but the rest will have to wait until next weekend

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@blessedhomemaker71  So glad to hear your GS is doing better! Hope that made his birthday a little happier. 


I had a lazy day today. I thought about getting the last of the salsa canned but that's as far as I got. Thinking about it. I have enough for one more case of half pints. I think I only have the one case. So this one will make enough for 1-2 years. I have plenty more mix. I'd just have to buy more tomatoes. I don't want to have to haul the huge cans to Indy right now. I'm thinking of making one more trip to Lehmans this week or next. The leaves up here are getting so pretty now. Fall here. 


I did make it back to Costco for sons OTC meds. I find it strange that they ration generic Imodium, of all things, and you have to ask a pharmacist for them. They only cost a dollar a box. :scratchhead:  I'll go one more time to make it a dozen boxes for him to either take over or send to him. 


Applesauce sounds so good. I wouldn't mind making some this fall too. I want to try my hand at making some chunky applesauce. :yum3:

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It doesn't look like we will be impacted by this. But things can change. I am always on the lookout for whatever happens. I am basically ready anyway for one. We again have been very fortunate with the hurricanes here. We get the rain out of a lot of them and some wind but nothing major. Though low laying areas are prone to flooding. All I can say is thank you Lord for not bringing those hurricanes my way. 


GD, GGD and I went to 3 furniture stores. I found the couch, end tables and coffee table that I want but they are not on sale. So, waiting on that. The Farmhouse table I want I didn't find but did find a very rustic one that we both liked. But no benches, just chairs but I did like it. That also was not on sale. But I have also just started looking around so not really ready to buy yet. Went to Carrollton Furniture also and talked to the owner as he will sometimes buy furniture from you depending on what it is. He said what I have will be very difficult to sell as people no longer want China hutches. He told us about a place in Newport News that might take it and do a 50/50 split to sell it but they would be the ones to have to pick it up and I don't know till I talk to them if they would take it. The guy in Carrollton Furniture was very honest about it and I have delt with him many times on furniture. DH and I have bought a lot of pieces from him. He has loads of antique furniture. We love walking through that store and looking around. It's not your usual type of furniture store.  GD and I talked it over and we decided to lower the price again. Several people have saved it and the guy from the furniture store said that sometimes they will save it and use that price as a guide to price what they are selling. I hope this won't be the case, but we knocked it down in price anyway so will see what happens. 

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Jeepers....have you seen the Jeep Wrangler Rubicon?  Whoooo....  That would climb these mountains!  :happy0203: 


Dog and I had to stay on top of our hills for tonite's walk.  Staying outta the weeds and such.  These 'hills' are extremely steep, heavy with pine trees of various types.  Moss on the ground that doesn't get sun.  Dog doesn't care where we go exploring...nose to ground but will wait for me.  She pulls on DH but doesn't with me.  Huge boulders up at the top.  Didn't go far and still was a bit winded.  Exercise!! 


Began filling up my suitcases.  I start with emergency stuff....like a bivy sack ...in case like last year- I nearly had to stay at the airport overnight since they couldn't get a working plane in the air. We travel a long way to get to an airport!   FOUR boarding passes from early morning til Shut Down.  But they gave me a hotel room/supper/shuttle.  :thumbs:  That's all in my carry on. Meds too!  


Other things in checked bag...that I never am without.  Cuz....in this odd time when people are just crazy, ya just never know WHAT might happen.  Certain things I can't really bring.... :sigh:   Adapt.


Am thankful to be feeling normal, even with the R ear getting plugged and then open ...plugged...open again.  ??  But it's not making me sick so...  I'll use the OTC decongestants day before and day of my flight.  Sudafed!  Should be ok.  If not, I plug my ear(s) with my fingers on the descent...and wait for landing.  Did that on  the Maui flight.  


How was your mom's appt, Becca Anne?   :pray: 

Glad Blessed's little one is better!  :amen: 


Some of our many issues are getting resolved.  :amen: 


So Jeeper's ear and house still needs resolution!  :pray: 

And we haven't heard from A New Me /Snow yet......??


I'm later tonite so ...


MtRider  :offtobed:  

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I have seen the Wrangler Rubicon. They look really nice. The Sport Utility looks similar to my Liberty. I've been eyeing a Bronco Sport Big Ben too. But I've had such good luck with the Jeep I'm half afraid to switch. Glad you are feeling better!  


IF, the house appraisal goes through (meaning the other people can get a loan for what the house is worth), they might be open to negotiations. Meaning, I leave the price and fix everything OR I don't fix anything but lower the price. At this point, I'm really not willing to have all that work done. Just the driveway, windows and basement wall will be a massive undertaking. Not counting all the other things.


I'm tired and I don't want to mess with contractors and more people in here. I want out of here. Plus, if I have the work done, it could be many months before workers could get to it and finish it all. Heck, maybe even another year. 


They were the only people interested in the house. I only had one offer. I knew all along I would negotiate, I just don't know how much. So, if they are still interested, I will negotiate the price. But I won't do the work for them.  I have a set price that I'd like to walk away with after closing costs, realtor and paying off the mortgage. 


I'll be fair but I'm not going to give it away. I'm prepared to walk away from them. To be totally honest, I think my realtor might have priced the house a little to high to begin with. 


I still need to hear from the appraisal and if Jimbo stayed within the property lines. Sigh. Pray nothing else goes wrong. :pray:


My ear isn't any better. I think I might need some meds to dry up the inner ear. I can't remember what I took before. Afrin and Flonase I think. :sigh:


Good luck selling your hutch Littlesister! 


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Today, I will walk first.
We have a video appt. with DH's rheumatologist this morning.
Then, work on throwing out a lot in pantry. I have tiny black bugs all over. I think they came from some cake mixes I was given and didn't think to freeze first. Will leave pantry mostly empty while I am gone to visit for a week and then stock up when I get back. Taking a chance by waiting, but there are too many little bugs to ignore.
That's my big ambition! I did complete all Christmas cards, yesterday. That is such a big thing done!

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Working on the office today and mopping the kitchen floor later. I need to move the fridge out to clean under that also. 

I am hoping to get the shelving unit out of bedroom today if possible and into garage. Once that is done, I will be on my way to getting things back together. 

I keep thinking about that couch I want. It is a sectional couch that can be turned into a bed if needed. DD and SIL when they come in. But it is ouch! $4000 and not on sale. So just watching it. I was able to sit on it as it has where the back moves up for support and didn't hurt my neck at all. Very comfortable for me and being short it's hard to find a couch that fits me and my neck issues. Just not willing to pay the price. So just watching. 

Today is a very gloomy day as it looks like rain. I think we have a 50/50 chance today. We can use the rain though. I hate when I have to use lights during the day because of cloud cover. But it is what it is. 

I was watching the news last night and it looks like Helena is going to hit Florida as maybe a cat 1 at this point and go up into SC and NC. Then go up into I think they said Georgia. So, we will get rain from it and more than likely some wind. Of course, it is subject to change but hoping and praying it won't be a strong hurricane. 

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DGD texted me this morning.  She said she has covid. I know that yesterday while we were out and about, she was doing a lot of sneezing, and she took it to be allergies. No other symptoms and she said the baby spit up yesterday morning shortly after she woke up. Baby is now sleeping a lot and DGD said she is feeling better. I started back up on my vitamins that I took all through covid in 2020 through 2023. I started back on all of them this morning. Neither of them has had any fever nor other symptoms and she won't take a covid test to be sure. So, I am just playing it by ear in hopes she doesn't have it. But I am on call if anything develops. So, I am going to have everything ready just in case. Though I don't think it is like it used to be. More of a cold type thing now. But since flu season is coming up anyway, I should be starting back up on my vitamins and taking precautions against that as well. I guess the season has begun though it is still too early for flu season here yet. 


Got a lot done this morning and took a break for lunch. Going to get back to it shortly. 

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The "flu" season has arrived.  Build up immune systems, folks.  Really helps to fight off a variety of things ....{that are sometimes put under ONE label....just sayin'}  But immune system works well in most folks if you feed it healthy. 


:pray:   that the Little Sister Clan only has one of the MILD varieties of illness and gets rid of it easily. 


I'm plugged and breathing thru mouth again.  Gotta work on that in a minute.  Can't walk well this morning either but this will pass.  Hard to get anything done tho.  I did walk the upper hills last nite - not the low land/water way.  :gaah:  We're close to frost which will eventually give me relief. 


Weather Watchers....Florida Panhandle and western coast is the predicted landfall.  Today they are saying it will come ashore as Cat 3 ...?? 




Oye, Miki!  Black bugs..... :(   That is SO annoying.  Freezer probably would have been a good idea but...just not thinking about it being necessary.  Hope you can get them all eliminated!  :dusting:  


:pray: for Jeepers to get her OH house "eliminated" from her ownership - quickly and without much more time/effort/$$ on her part!!  And her ear issue...  :hug3:  


MtRider  ...off to take precautions and meds... 

Edited by Mt_Rider
type ONE instead of 'on'... Clarifying a sentence
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2 hours ago, Mt_Rider said:

Build up immune systems

We've started taking our home made Elderberry Syrup in  our morning juice. We grow our own Elderberries, so I make the syrup but also just the juice...which can be made into jelly or syrups later...as needed.

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Littlesister glad you know what you want and hopefully you can order it on sale when that happens. It would be so nice for you to have some new things. I've been looking at recliners for my office and a new desk that has a hutch but want to buy an antique so have to keep looking in person. I am also looking for a large oval dining table for what will be the dining room (currently being used for the living room)


Jeepers I hope you can get the buyers to agree to a deal that would be great if you can get it off your hands I know it has to be hard waiting for so long to be able to get moved.

Miki so sorry you found bugs! I hope you can find the source and get that all cleared up I hate bug infestations such a pain.

WE2 glad you have your own elderberries. I made a tincture years ago but I ordered mine. 


Thanks for asking Mt Rider everything went smoothly, and thankfully mom waited until we were home to have her panic attack, was able to talk her down she was concerned eye was blurry. After I reminded her that it was still dilated from the surgery she calmed down. I'm 100% exhausted though as I had to get up at 5:30 am for the cataract surgery and yesterday drove to St Louis and back. We see the local office tomorrow to check on her eye pressure since it was a bit high when we left. Then the 2nd one next Thursday. I keep reminding myself we are getting through this and once Ben's surgery is done we won't have anything big hopefully hanging over us anymore just the follow ups. Thankful too the weather has cooled off and we have gotten some rain which we really needed. I hope your ear continues to improve and isn't clogged for your trip :hug3:

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Becca Anne, glad your mom's eye surgery went well.  Praying that the second eye surgery will as well. Hope the eye pressure will have gone back down to normal when she goes back to check it. 

Mt. Rider don't forget to take some gum to chew on the plane. That usually helps for most people. Hoping and praying it will clear up before your trip. 


Jeepers, that house needs to sell. I hope that the ones wanting it will be happy with a reduction in price and take it off your hands.  And you also need to get those ears cleared up. 


Wish we could get elderberries around here. I haven't found anywhere that sells them I did buy a vitamin that is elderberries and zinc so am taken that plus some other vitamins. 


My office looks like the city dump right now. Moved what material I had off the shelving unit along with all my craft things. But didn't get the shelving unit moved out of the bedroom yet. So, first thing tomorrow I will do that. I forgot I still have all the coolers sitting against the wall where the shelving unit is going so need to put those back in the shed. Hope it won't be raining in the morning. Otherwise, I will move them to other side of garage for the time being. I am thinking about going ahead and moving the sewing machine table back into the dining room. Though I still have the dining room set I can put it under the window in there to use it. I still need to make my bathroom curtains. So, getting it in there and set up will help to get that done. Just can't put anything else in there yet and my DD and SIL needs to bring me that craft table after I get the table out of there for all my craft things. I really want to get back to my scrap booking also. 

Becca Anne I am going to be keeping an eye out for that couch to be on sale. I am doing that by way of internet. It had better be a good sale. I still have a kitchen table to buy also. And I would like to find a small kitchen island if I can find one that will work for my needs. 





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5 hours ago, Littlesister said:

take some gum to chew on the plane

You can say that again!  I'm chewing gum constantly to keep that ear open when I'm sitting in my own house at 8,500'.  :buttercup: 


Waited til you got home to panic?  Yeah, better than during the procedure, Becca Anne.  Glad it when pretty well...since you've got the 2nd one to go. 


Well, I'm up at my usual LATE time.  But as I would have gone to bed, I got an email from Bro - mom's in hospital again..  WHAT?  I just talked to her at 7 Mt time....9pm her time.  She was fine.  But she appears to have passed out and hit her head.  Again.  She's been doing the passing out thing.  A while back she passed out in her bathroom and woke up later to go back to bed.  The nurse who woke her for meds the next morning was horrified to see her very bruised face.  Why didn't you call someone - not safe to sleep with a concussion!!!  :runcirclsmiley2:    Yeah, that's what I told her to but after the fact... :shrug: 


Speaking of After The Fact....this is the 2nd time she's done this ....THIS WEEK!  Bro told me and assumed I hadn't heard of the first one.  Noooooo.  Not a peep about blacking out/ER.....  :sigh:  Poor Bro - he took a sleep aid and was called at 1 AM  to come to the ER again.  They'd better check her meds!!! 


I hope she's eating enough....got a recent pic and she's awfully thin.  But in her mid 90's and still zipping around everywhere with her rollator. 

Hmph!  I should have taught her how to fall CORRECTLY  waaaaaaay back 30 yrs ago.  She obviously does not have good reflexes when she goes down.  :sigh: 


MtRider  ...prayers would be appreciated....again.... :pray:   (and for Bro not to be a hazard while he's driving too!  )



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Mt. Rider, could it be her blood pressure is dropping to low causing black outs? I have her in my prayers that they figure this out.  Also have you and your brother in prayer that you both have the strength to take care of her. Although I know your brother is doing the caring right now, but you are doing the worrying and checking up on her in your nightly calls. 


Congratulations Necie, now you will have more time for more fun things.


Been working on a lot of stuff today. I have the shelving unit sitting in kitchen ready to go out to garage. Thought I would have it in garage yesterday, but things weren't quite ready for it yet. So will be moving it out of kitchen in just a little while. Then I can start getting my appliances on it and canning jars as well. That will be all this shelving unit will be used for. I need to find my old sheets that I use to cover the shelves up with to help keep dust off of everything. I think I know where they are so just need to look. I have a table in the office that I am not sure yet if I will keep it in here or not. It is a fold up table that I use when doing craft work and such, but it doesn't need to be set up in office any longer. Will deal with that later. I think I better take tomorrow off from decluttering and clean bathroom and catch up on laundry and such. I need to wash the covers from the pillows on couch and some blankets as well. I am going to start moving the living room furniture into the living room from the den within the next couple of days. I am surprised my knee is holding out so far. But I have a brace on it very tight and it seems to be helping it a lot.  It's getting much more stable each day. So, the brace is helping a lot. 

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Becca-Anne. Glad your mom did so well. And that she held it together until she got home. 


Mt. Rider, sorry your mom fell again. Sounds like it could be meds being too strong dropping her BP  :pray:


Yeah, Necie. Now you can get back to leading a life of leisure.  :24:


Littlesister, so glad to hear the brace is holding your knee together! 


I had banking to do but the rain is coming down in buckets, that probably won't get done today. So, I'm eating peaches and watching the rain come down. I could do other things like get that last batch of salsa canned. But....:shrug:

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OK folks in SE US........Apparently H. Helene is gonna be very WET!  An obscene amount of rain/flooding.  Take a look at this ESPECIALLY if you live where flooding has EVER been an issue!  NOT JUST FLORIDA... Georgia, N and S. Caroline, Alabama, Tennessee, southern bits of Virginia and Kentucky, lessor amounts in the southern tips of Missouri, Illinois, mebbe Indy, a NE corner of Arkansas and Mississippi.   





:runcirclsmiley2:.....yeah, well...  All our MrsS folks are Ready and Waitin' for any emergencies, right?  :whistling:   But seriously, if you're in those areas, get somewhere with some elevation and no channeling of precipitation! 


So a LOT of water coming down but none fit to drink.......this was posted:


The Tampa Bay Bay Times reported that many grocery stores in the Tampa area sold out of water Tuesday as hurricane shoppers stocked up on supplies.



OK...if you have CONTAINERS, pour your water now!  In times past, no one got water from grocery stores.  We all just filled bathtubs for sanitation, and other containers for drinking water.   :shrug:  Before losing electricity (maybe) or any contamination from flood waters. 


MtRider ....Your Weather Prepper Information Service.  ( I already emailed to Darlene cuz she's in the middle of this! )

Edited by Mt_Rider
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:happy0203:  Yay for Necie - more free time.....  er, maybe more time for other things one has to do.  Like harvest gardens.  Get prepped for winter.  :puzzledsmile:


Thank you for your prayers/concern for Mom, Little Sister and Jeepers.  Her meds were the first thing I thot of too.  One would hope they're checking that - and she is on BP meds.  Has been since long long ago.  DH was just starting chiro school and he was practicing with his 'doctor toys'.  We went down to Iowa to see my folks, and he took everyone's BP.   Probably saved her life.  He took it several times and advised her to GO SEE YOUR DOCTOR ON MONDAY!  Yeah, she's been on them since then. 


I think all y'all need permission to Take A Break!  LilSister, Jeepers, Necie.....most of us on here.  Taking a break for physical and mental health is a good 'script to write yourself!!  But..yeah.  I know how enticing it is to get things accomplished and Off The List!  :lol: 


MtRider  ....I need to get things crossed off the list - wash hair before tomorrow's cognitive session!  And packing  :runcirclsmiley2:

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2 hours ago, Mt_Rider said:

MtRider  ....I need to get things crossed off the list - wash hair before tomorrow's cognitive session! 

LOL. I had to take a bath and wash my hair before I could go to the bank today. Some days I'm not fit to be seen in public. 


It stopped raining long enough to get to the bank. It wasn't necessary to go today. I just wanted to return my safety deposit box keys before I lost them. That box was part of one of my enrollment accounts decades ago. It was free so I took it. Today was the first time I was ever in the safe. I had to go in with them to make sure the box was empty. She couldn't get the keys to work. She went and got some keys from the manager that did work. Three of us in that tiny safe was getting claustrophobic and hot. Even with a glass door that had an open space at the top and bottom. I'm not claustrophobic but I was glad to get out of there. I was always under the impression that my two keys were the only two keys that would open it. Not so. Hummm. 

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Never a dull moment around here...


Where do I start?

COVID is running rampant in NY and other places. This newer variant is highly contagious, but not really deadly except to those at high-risk due to pre-existing conditions. Most people who get it don't bother testing for it until someone else around them tests positive. In the past 2 weeks, my son-in-law and grandson tested positive, despite residing in separate houses. Our son-in-law said his illness has been like a bad head cold. We believe that our grandson caught it at school. We are quite concerned because he is at high risk due to a pulmonary illness as an infant. He is vaccinated, but lives with his dad who does not believe in giving him his daily meds. Today, we received confirmation that he has not been given his medications in 3 weeks. That is exactly how long he has been staying with his dad.


On a related note, I had an appointment with a nurse paractitioner yesterday. She advises people (in general) to pay attention to their stress and vitamin D levels and make sure that vitamin D is above 50 (unless there is some medical reason why you shouldn't). She said that it helps to boost your immune system and also helps the body to be more resilient against cancer. I take a once a week vitamin D supplement because I have seasonal affective disorder and tend to be little low on D during the fall, winter and early spring without supplements. I don't know if it is related, but I don't really get sick. 24 hours after a COVID shot, I feel awful as a side effect. I do get the ocassional headache, motion sickness and certain scents can make me nauseous, but I don't get colds or flu-like symptoms. (I should probably knock on some wood after announcing  that to the universe!)


@snapshotmiki Those black bugs can be tenacious. Be sure to sprinkle some diatomaceous earth around and (maybe) use a bug bomb to eliminate them.


Hurricane Helene will be incredibly wet... and that is probably the most dangerous aspect of a hurricane. The cone of uncertainty has been drifting further and further west. Originally, my county in Florida was within the impact zone. Right now, it isn't and will only receive the outer bands of the storm. I really hope that everyone in the path stays safe and that the storm has been hyped up.


@Mt_Rider I hope that they are able to figure out what is happening to your mom and get it resolved. 


I spent today researching a project and bingewatching a few tv shows on Amazon Prime. I should probably do a load of laundry tonight while I walk on the treadmill. 



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