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I don't know, OOTO.  She's had quite a few things - but she probably does not drink enough.  (MtR grabs her water for a few gulps )  I don't either but have been increasing rather well since the weeks of fighting off this ear infection...  Yeah, she could be "a quart low"....  I haven't heard yet.  Bro hasn't given me any more data...expecting I'll talk to Mom in a couple hrs.  He likely had to go to work with very little sleep...again. 


Jeepers....only your keys open safe deposit box - not???   Sheeesh, yeah!  I was under that impression too.  Bears asking...since we no longer "own" the money we deposit with the bank (checking/savings) cuz of the Dodd-Frank law of 2010.  But I thot stuff in the safe was mine!  :tapfoot:  Hmmmm.... 


OK folks.  YET ANOTHER ALERT.  Don't know if anyone is in this part of OHIO..... train wreck with toxic stuff caused EVAC.





Yanno?  It's getting to be that these really dang quick evacuation notices are not just for wildfire or floods anymore.  But I think ? MartianChick ?  Didn't you have to do a temporary EVAC from a train wreck quite a number of years ago?  Anyway, if anyone here does live near

Hamilton County.....Cleves and Whitewater Township ....Ohio


WOW... It would be good for all of us to have an Absolute Necessity Bag...even for these events that aren't related to national or global demise.  BOB up, folks!!


MtRider  :pc_coffee:

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1 hour ago, Mt_Rider said:


OK folks.  YET ANOTHER ALERT.  Don't know if anyone is in this part of OHIO..... train wreck with toxic stuff caused EVAC.





Yanno?  It's getting to be that these really dang quick evacuation notices are not just for wildfire or floods anymore.  But I think ? MartianChick ?  Didn't you have to do a temporary EVAC from a train wreck quite a number of years ago?  Anyway, if anyone here does live near

Hamilton County.....Cleves and Whitewater Township ....Ohio


WOW... It would be good for all of us to have an Absolute Necessity Bag...even for these events that aren't related to national or global demise.  BOB up, folks!!


MtRider  :pc_coffee:


We were a half block away from a mandatory evacuation zone that was imposed because a couple of chlorine cars rolled off the train tracks. Once I found out what was going on, I packed up the most important/useful things in an old double stroller. I did not have a vehicle that day. It was the middle of winter and extremely cold.


Our derailment happened just before the government and emergency folks had a good system in place for notifying folks who only use mobile phones. That reverse 911 calling and amber alert-type notification wasn't operational yet. Local news channels were airing the story as breaking news, but most people aren't watching local channels at 2pm in the middle of the week when cable tv is so much more appealing! The police and fire department were going door to door and the schools were notified to NOT return children to homes in the designated area. Our local public bus company sent buses to the affected area to pick people up and keep them warm while evacuating them to a community center in a safer neighborhood. 


We don't have an official phone tree, but my brother-in-law alerted me to the situation. He's kind of like a one-man phone tree! Then I reached out to my husband at work, followed by the kids.  I called a friend who knows everyone to help spread the word. I knew that my area was outside of the evacuation area, but does a half block really make a difference when chlorine gas gets released? I didn't want to take any chances. 


It really is important to have a bugout bag and to update the contents to reflect the current season.

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1 hour ago, Jeepers said:

Today was the first time I was ever in the safe. I had to go in with them to make sure the box was empty. She couldn't get the keys to work. She went and got some keys from the manager that did work. Three of us in that tiny safe was getting claustrophobic and hot. Even with a glass door that had an open space at the top and bottom. I'm not claustrophobic but I was glad to get out of there. I was always under the impression that my two keys were the only two keys that would open it. Not so. Hummm. 

It usually takes 2 keys to open a deposit box. One from you and one from the bank.  Your 2 keys should have been identical. It is possible that your box was so old that the newer bank keys don't work on your box. When I accessed my mom's box, they had a hard time identifying which of their keys would open the box. The box had been opened at another bank that had merged with other banks over the years and closed locations at least twice over the past 40+ years.

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A lot of people who think they never had covid, actually have. Sometimes it's very mild where they don't notice it. Happened to me once. I was in the ER and they tested me and I had it. I didn't even have a sniffle. I was in for B.P. 


Glad your FL home won't get the full impact of the storm! Supposed to get a lot of rain from this one thorough. 


GS was sent home from school yesterday. Pulled leg muscle (no wonder about that. He's a jumper.) upset stomach (threw up in the car) and the dreaded pink eye. He told me his eye was all red but no one hit him. Good to know. :rolleyes:   That stuff is very contagious I hear. 

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Both of my keys went into the slots but I think they were too old. The 2 keys together were supposed to open the box. I've had that box about 30 years. Neither of my keys would open it. They had to use both of their keys. About 10 years ago the branch got a complete overhaul with a new safe. I don't know if that had anything to do with it or not. I think it was just too old with no usage in such a long time. I just wanted to get rid of it before I lost the keys.

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First off anyone in the line of the hurricane, be very careful. I think this one will not play out well. I heard the water will be 9 to 15 ft. That's a lot of water plus the rain. Keeping Darlene, and all that is in the line of this hurricane.  Where I am I will be fine. But will get rain from it. I am ready for whatever happens. 

Mt. Rider, I hope your mom is doing better now. 

Don't think my GD had covid but a sinus issue. As for the baby she is playing a lot and running all over the place but still sleeping more than usual and not eating well, but she is drinking a lot. She is a bit stuffy also. Could be the change in weather. But I am still taken my vitamins and not taken any chances. 

I got the shelving unit set up in garage and don't even ask how I got that thing out of the kitchen and down 3 flights of stairs. But I did it. All in one piece. 

Got most of the appliances set up on it and some of the canning jars. Still need to finish getting the canning jars moved to it. This will work out so much better for me. I now have a place for my pressure canners for the first time ever. They usually sat on the floor in a corner of the dining room. Tomorrow is house cleaning day. So will get that done in the morning and then hopefully I can finish up with the decluttering and organizing. 

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I rode with middle son today to find a new endocrinologist's office. His current one is retiring. They said he just needs a referral and they can get him an appointment.  He's a type 1 diabetic, diagnosed at age 5. He's in his 20s now.


On a whim, i decided that today was the day for me and dd to get haircuts. I got bangs again. We only went to a chain salon. One of these days I am going to go to a regular salon and get my hair cut short. Long, greying hair doesn't suit me at this age. I get compliments on the color all the time. ??? I don't see what they're seeing. 


After supper, I had to take nausea medication and lie down. I ended up taking a short nap and feel much better. I was going to make a dessert tonight but my body had other plans. Hoping to make dessert(s).tomorrow. I prefer homemade so we didn't buy any junk food at the store today.


A few weeks ago, we had the yellow jacket problem. Now we are having a stinkbug invasion. Some people said they are having a problem with spotted lantern flies, too.

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@blessedhomemaker71  hope your son likes his new doctor! Sometimes that's half the battle. I always go to a chain to get my hair cut. Mine grows so fast, if they mess up it won't be for long. Those spotted lantern flies have made it to North Eastern Ohio and there is a big hub-bub about them here. They are quarantining counties from taking plants from one county to another. Even common plants like mums. I guess it's a big deal here? 


@Littlesister you are doing great. Be careful of that knee. Don't want a set back. 


Prayers to all in the path of the hurricane!  🙏🤎🙏

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6 hours ago, themartianchick said:

I take a once a week vitamin D supplement because I have seasonal affective disorder and tend to be little low on D during the fall, winter and early spring without supplements.

Yeah, I have the Fall Fatigue Thing.  But so far this year..... :scratchhead:   mebbe last year too?......it hasn't hit me.  I started D3 gummies on order from my doc a few years ago.  I hadn't connected better fall energy to that.  :thumbs:  Good!  


MtRider  ...who doesn't yet have a RIDE this week.... :pray:   and scattered thunderstorms predicted both Fri/Sat. 

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Like LittleSister mentioned, this hurricane is carrying a LOAD of water...expected to be dumping out FEET of rain in some locations.  :o  Heavens!  :pray:  for anyone near any creek, stream, river, pond, ravine, or low spots.  Do Not Drive thru water!  Get where you need to be and stay put on high ground.  .... :(  with a whole lot of rain...trees will uproot if the soil gets soggy...  That's not even mentioning the wind that will come with H. Helene.  The winds spun up strong over very warm Gulf waters but will slow again over land but still ...  :smiley_shitfan:  


In other news, I talked to Mom tonite.  She's fine....  but doesn't really know why she hit to floor again.  She doesn't think she tripped over her own feet.  She just stayed down and REMEMBERED to push the alert button they wear around their necks.  According to her, no one came for a very long time.  She was a little afraid to try to move til her shoulder was getting sore.  So she did shift position.  Finally someone came and called for ambulance.  No one touched her or moved her before then.  Probably she could have just gotten up herself - but she keeps getting told not to push it if you fall.  ( I experienced a No Show when we pressed that life-line button while I was there too.... :mad:  )  So ambulance guys took her to ER...probably due to her age - mid 90's.  JIC  Poor Bro.  He didn't get home til....early morning so he wisely called off work today.  He....We are both getting up there too.  He's got the type of job  where mistakes can be serious....he supervises building things.  Big things. 


So she's fine.  :amen:    THANK YOU ALL FOR PRAYERS!!  :grouphug: 


MtRider  :offtobed:  early...have cognitive therapy tomorrow.  Hawaiian has been giving me a workout lately!!! 

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Mt. Rider, glad your mom is ok. That's a good thing. I hope your brother can get some rest. He needs it. 


I haven't watched a report on the hurricane yet this morning. Been really busy cleaning. :pray: for everyone there to be safe though this one. It is packing a punch in the line of floods. And like Mt. Rider said never try to drive through water. Very dangerous. 

I am also taken Vit. D. My levels were low, and the doctor didn't even check it this last time when I had my lab work done. :angry: He's not doing a lot of things these days. I really need to find a good PCP. But hard to find any good ones any longer. 

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I take 5,000 units of Rx Vitamin D-3 every day. And 1,000 mcg of Rx Vitamin B-12.  :shrug:


I'm pooped. I went to Lehman's today. I spent over 2 hours in there. I'm afraid it might be one of my last trips down there. I'm really going to miss that part of Ohio. A lot. That place is like a museum. Seriously. They have all kinds of antiques all over the walls everywhere you look. Not for sale and not to touch. I took some pictures and if any turned out, I'll post them in another forum later. They have 3 walls of 3-D wood carving pictures that are unbelievable. True artistry. They have a big white board where you can sign your name or where you are from. I did. Again. 


I sort of panic bought because I don't know when I'll get back down there. I got an extra pressure gauge, weighted gauge and seals for the canners. A few canning books that I didn't have. Some more oil lamp wicks and two more gallons of lamp oil. 12 packs of sandwich mix of sprouting seeds. One more jigsaw puzzles that I didn't need. It is pretty and looks like folded quilts. I caved. 


I bought a small pressure cooker that I always used to want. After I bought it I remembered that I have an instant pot. I almost took it back but figured if I had to, I could use it over an open fire. Or a camp stove. It's small for tough meat. Not for canning. I probably should have returned it. It was around $50.00. 


As I was putting the stuff in the Jeep it dawned on me. I'm going to have to make room for this stuff, plus all the stuff I still have at the house, to take to Indiana. Oops. 


I hope some of the pictures turned out. 


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Hi, everyone!


I am still watching the path of the hurricane. I should be able to watch some of the rain and wind effects of the storm on my Florida Ring cameras. So far, it just looks a little breezy.


Today, I had an appointment with the neurologist that refused to give me a tilt table test back in June. He gave me the results of the bloodwork and requested a few more tests (not a tilt table, though). After that, I did some grocery shopping for Dad and then returned to his house for a few days. He did really well in my absence. It has been nice to be able to spend some time in my own home.

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Blessedhomemaker I hope your son likes his new Endocrinologist it's always an adjustment when you have to switch Drs.


Mt Rider seems like your mom may need a higher level of care than she's getting where she's at where she is watched/accompanied when she gets up so someone can keep her from falling. I'm glad she is ok :hug3:


Martianchick glad your dad did ok while you were home.


Jeepers I hope your photos turn out I'd love to see them.


Littlesister I hope you can get your D checked if you're taking it they should check once a year or if they change your dose a few weeks later to make sure you're not getting too much. Mine is always 30ish which is very low considering I take 5000 IU daily. I just don't absorb it well.


We're getting the leading edge of the storm even here, supposed to start raining at 8 pm and then through the night rain/wind. Glad I don't have to go anywhere tomorrow.

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For anyone that doesn't know about Florida yet. Helene is now a cat 4 with storm surges reaching 15-20 ft.  If not, already it should hit Florida tonight. :pray: for everyone that lives in the way of this hurricane that you will all be safe. And for Ambergris's house there as well as her sons to be safe also. This sounds like it will be a dangerous storm for sure.  Got this info on my cell phone from the Guardian.  Cat 4 is not good. 


Got a lot done today. Went through things in garage and got the canning jars on the shelf or rather most of them. Still pulling some out from another location. Got the appliances on there as well. Still room for some other things but not sure what yet. Went through a few boxes that are sitting around out there as well. Not sure yet what I will keep and what will go but working on it. I am thinking a lot of it will go. Need to clear out the garage within the next month.  

I am really thinking about that couch. I noticed online they are having a sell so might go back to the furniture store tomorrow to see if that couch is on sale. Not sure yet. I really don't want to spend the money right now. But I really do need new furniture. And still haven't sold that dining room set yet. Not sure what I will do with it if it doesn't sell. It's in excellent condition and I have now taken it down to $2000 but still no bites. I feel like I will be giving it away. No body wants that type of furniture anymore. And the hutch is huge. Maybe just need the right buyer with the right house big enough for it. 

Baby is still sick, so DGD is not going to her mom's this weekend. She is still stuffy and sleeping a lot but is eating much better. DGD said she is still a bit stuffy but not as bad. I think they just have sinus issues and not covid. No fever, no sore throat, or anything. Just sinus type issues. 


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I hope you get a buyer for your furniture soon. Selling anything right now is tough. People's money is in short supply. If you are still thinking about that couch it must mean you really want it and not a whim. I know the furniture I bought will last me for the rest of my life so I didn't care (too much) about how much it cost. Within reason! I just knew I wouldn't be replacing it. 


Could the baby be cutting more teeth? 

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@themartianchick odd that they wouldn't approve a tilt table test for you. There are a couple of different kinds. One involves an IV and one doesn't. Mine didn't. They can do a preliminary one in a doctors office. Mine did once and I failed it. That's why they ordered one in the hospital. Or you can sort of do one yourself. They all involve lying down in a darkened quiet room while the BP is monitored. Lie down flat for about 10 minutes and get a resting heart rate/blood pressure. Then stand up, being perfectly still for 3-5 minutes and then retest the BP. While I was standing still I nearly fainted and had to be put back on the exam table immediately. This was in the doctors office. I think you can do it at home that way. The one in the hospital continually monitor your heart rate/BP. After they raised the table on me in a standing position, in about 15 minutes, I passed out while standing upright. Ta Da, POTS. 

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Oye...this storm is gonna be bad in so many ways.  Idiots doing really STUUUPID things, does not help.  Ignorance does not give over much either.  The "oh it will be fine dear".....  Nope!  They predicted this hurricane would be coming in HOT!  They predicted a LOT of rain and storm surge. 


I've got the feeling that there are thousands of people right now saying: Oh crap!  We should have........  We shouldn't have done........ Whoa!  They really meant FEET of water? 


Load for bear with these storms, folks!  This one is covering a wide area with it's effects.  Like tornadoes!  :( 


:pray: for my cousin's DD and family in the center of FL.  :pray:  for Darlene and her family in various parts of FL - Georgia.  :pray: for Ambergris - property and sons.  :pray:  for MartianChick's property.  Who else do we know has connections there?  


Ack...brain fog - Chainsaw Mary and Kappy:pray:   With all those animals/birds.  Can't you see those two bringing them all inside their house? 


For you all up the coast a ways, Little Sister and N. Carolina family....Euphrasyne and family.....  :pray:   cuz the peripheral effects will be strong in this one. 


Hmmm.... I hope the effects are mild by the time it hits the D.C. area...cuz my Bro lives on a boat....and has another one a bit further south.  He'll probably be wading up to his waist to get to his boat in a few days at high tide.  He's BTDT quite a few times.  :pray: 


Who else?


140 mph winds coming ashore as Cat 4 ....which is degrees of magnitude more than Cat 3....  :(  


What does Ryan Hall Y'all say, Jeepers?


MtRider ....  :pray:    :(  

Edited by Mt_Rider
add Kappy/Mary
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My niece, her DH and their 13 month old (29 wk preemie) are in McCayesville, GA (near Darlene). DSIS5 (said niece’s mom) and her DH are about 15 minutes north, just west of Murphy, NC. 
They are both from Florida (DSIS5 moved there when she was 20). They both survived H. Ian(?) a couple years ago. Niece/DH lost their home on Pine Island near Ft. Myers. DSIS5/DH lost part of their business that was also on Pine Island. 

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14 hours ago, Jeepers said:

@themartianchick odd that they wouldn't approve a tilt table test for you. There are a couple of different kinds. One involves an IV and one doesn't. Mine didn't. They can do a preliminary one in a doctors office. Mine did once and I failed it. That's why they ordered one in the hospital. Or you can sort of do one yourself. They all involve lying down in a darkened quiet room while the BP is monitored. Lie down flat for about 10 minutes and get a resting heart rate/blood pressure. Then stand up, being perfectly still for 3-5 minutes and then retest the BP. While I was standing still I nearly fainted and had to be put back on the exam table immediately. This was in the doctors office. I think you can do it at home that way. The one in the hospital continually monitor your heart rate/BP. After they raised the table on me in a standing position, in about 15 minutes, I passed out while standing upright. Ta Da, POTS. 

So, they did have a nurse do a sit-stand blood pressure/pulse oximeter test. However, she didn't wait a few minutes before checking my bp. The only odd finding was that my pulse was 49 beats per minute. That happens a lot in the morning and I have been documenting it, but this was an afternoon appointment. While the doctor was a jerk the last time, he was pretty decent yesterday. I suspect that the lack of results from the sit-stand test led to the decision to wait for a tilt table test. There is a chance that my symptoms are heart-related. I already had a cardiac appointment scheduled for next week. I have no cardiac history, but it was always a possibility given my symptoms.

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