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1 hour ago, Littlesister said:

Also, I have not heard this but someone in my neighborhood said that the Golden gate bridge collapsed. He said that about 40 people were killed as there were cars on it when it went down. I haven't had the news on yet and can't seem to find anything on the internet about it. So, this is iffy at best. Going to check into it in a bit. 


I pray that everyone that was in line of the hurricane came through it ok. 

I didn't find snything about the Golden Gate Bridge, but decided to do a search for ANY bridge collapse and found this:




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The Golden Gate Bridge is the one in CA. I think links to San Franscico CA.  But it turns out that was not the bridge that collapsed. 

Martin Chick, yes that was one and the other one I think my neighbor was talking about was not the Golden Gate bridge, but the Bay Bridge did collapse after a trucker caught fire. It was a gasoline truck carrying 8,600 gals of gasoline. The truck ignited after he hit something, and it caught fire causing that bridge to collapse. No one was killed but the driver was taken to a hospital for injuries. The Bay Bridge is also in CA. It is an interchange near the Bay bridge or something. 

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Interstate 40 is closed at the Tennessee-North Carolina border near the Pigeon River Gorge after flooding and a mudslide overtook the highway.

The interstate, a major thoroughfare through the Southern Appalachians, is closed in both directions, according to the Tennessee Department of Transportation.

I-40 East is closed from Mile Marker 432 in Tennessee until Mile Marker 3 in North Carolina. I-40 West is closed starting at Mile Marker 3 in North Carolina through Mile Marker 435 in Tennessee.

A mudslide on the North Carolina side resulted in a partial collapse of the highway, according to Kelse Edwards, a communications director for the North Carolina Department of Transportation. Photos of the dramatic collapse circulated on social media.

There is no timeline for how long it will take to assess the damage or repair the roadway.




North Cove NC


This video isn't available now But it tells the location of a problem. 

Howard Frankland Bridge in Tampa Bay, Florida, on Thursday, September 24, 2024, as Hurricane Helene approaches.




So probably a lot of bridges were damaged.  I hope they FIND damage before letting people drive over them.


Gonna be a total mess...and with winter just around the corner...  :pray: 


MtRider  :pc_coffee:

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I knew about the NC/Tennessee roads and bridges. My DD lives off Rt. 71 and all that lives along there were watching that very closely as for some it could affect getting to and from work. SIL works 45 minutes from home toward Rocky Mount and they were also watching a lot of things there as well.  It was all very bad news. And now makes me rethink about where I want to move. I will be looking into where the rivers are for sure. But I do want to be close to some sort of water source as I do want well water for both the house and for watering a garden. 

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My aunt lives in Asheville, NC and has been able to get a text out today that she is ok. So I am relieved. She lives in a apt building that is on high ground thankfully. This is honestly one of the worst natural disasters our country has seen I believe the recovery will be massive. I had previously considered NC as a potential place when we were looking to move, glad now I didn't. We did pick up a lot of rain here but no local flooding and KY wasn't flooded either when I drove down there on the quilt trip bus on Sat. Making apple butter today and thankful for those I care about being safe.

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Becca Anne, I heard that because of the bridge and road collapse that Ashville is disconnected from everything. No road in or out of that city because of the bridge going into Tennesse.  Just not sure how that would be possible as there has to be other ways to get in and out of Ashland. But then Ashland is not on my list of what cities I am looking at in NC. It might be more toward S.C. 

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Haven't done a lot today but have moved a few things around and almost got everything out of the living room. Need to clean the windows in there and then mop the floor. I ordered the rug for that room and as soon as it comes in, I will get that put down and then go ahead and get a couch. Then I will take it from there. I also bought the same rug for the dining room as well. I have hardwood floors in there and in a craft sewing room, it would be easier to keep from getting the floors messed up. With just me, I have one of those nonelectric brooms that you just push across the floor, and it picks up everything. So won't need the big vacuum all the time. 

Figured out on the organizing a bit better also in garage. Still a lot to go through out there. But it's getting there.  

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I didn't do a lot today either. I was going to take a trip over to PA Amish country but was too tired. It's only 1.5 hours away. But it is raining. We are still getting rain from Helene but it's mostly just a drizzle. A cold drizzle.


I picked up a prescription. Everytime I pick one up the price has gone up. Then I dropped off some trash. I accumulate more trash for just one person. Then dropped off a small bundle at the recycle dumpster. Stopped in at Wal-Mart for some more small packages of rice and a loaf of bread. Also some clear label cartridges for the Dynmo label maker. I want to label the DVD bookshelves but I didn't want to use the white ones. Hopefully the clear ones will blend in better and not stick out like a sore thumb. I label everything. :sEm_blush: 


Then I stopped by the Dollar Tree. I should have skipped that. They have bags of Halloween candy out. I bought some. I don't even like sweet things any more. But I bought 4 assorted bags. :scratchhead:  I got some sour patch kids candy that I do like. And some mints. It was all cheap but I'm not sure what i was thinking. I also got a bunch of crossword/word search books. That's what I went for in the first place. I also bought some cookies and crackers at Wal-Mart. It is so unlike me to buy those things. But there it is. 


Came home and ate the rest of the salad I had left over and fell asleep. Now it's almost 11:00pm and I'm wide awake. Figures. :grinning-smiley-044:

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Well.....I thot I was all packed to go on Tues.  But I forgot about a few things...and I'm pushing the limit already.  I think I'll have to eliminate the coat.  Mebbe.  I have to rethink how many shirts I threw in...  I always over-pack but then, I have to adjust to my not-temperature-regulating body.  I just keep changing clothes all the time.  Put on a sweater...take off sweater and put on shorts.  Put on long pants.  Put sweater back on.  All. Day. Long.  :sSig_help2:   I'm trying not to bring a third suitcase.  I'm hoping the large one doesn't come to pieces this trip.  If we could find the other one in our storage, I'd use that.  Tried to find it for Maui trip but ...not happening.  We need a storage-garage sale.  That didn't happen this summer either.  :sigh: 


With the Boy Scout mentality, I'm always packing for the unexpected.  Like getting stuck at an airport.  I bring a Bivy Bag....a "sleeping bag" the size of a large fist.  Even if I didn't sleep - and if I didn't have a buddy, I'd be right next to where there was staff - I could at least lay down in a sanitary way.  Have I ever had to sleep at an airport? 


YES!  Sort of...nearly.   My last trip out East in November last year.  I was stuck all day and into the night....4 boarding passes and not one of the planes got off the ground.  Got on the runway once but pilot didn't like the feel of the brakes so we returned without take off.  Fortunately tho, I was given a hotel room/meal/shuttle ride to and from the hotel.  But it was only me.  If there were a ton of folks in the same situation - it would be bivouac time at the airport. 


So truly, my life experiences have turned me into this crazy old prepper/Boyscout.  So I have SAK, and mini-pliers and Leatherman tool  (in CHECKED BAGS OF COURSE) and Gatorade (keeps me from passing out when I stand up) and rain jackets and leather gloves (we will be riding horses) and ....and.....and....  Cuz if a SITUATION comes up....and they always do!!!!.... I've got some "tools"  to work with.  "tools" = using a very broad definition!  Not to mention Health, Medical, First Aid.......  More "tools". 


MtRider  ..... now I just have to figure out which of my "tools" I NEED fit in  :ph34r:

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@Mt_Rider. I know about airport layovers. I seemed to always get stuck in Denver. For hours and hours and hours. When that happens, there is never any staff around. They don't show up until time to board. They must have their own lounge. Of course they aren't waiting that whole time. Eight hour shift and they are out of there. 


The worst is being layed over in a foreign country. It happened to us in Greece but at least we were with a group of people. 


Picture it...1971. I had a nightmare trip to Japan. I left Indianapolis on time but our plane broke down in Chicago, which meant waiting hours for the next flight out. That made us late arriving in CA. More hours waiting to catch a flight to Tokyo. By this time we had spent an entire day waiting in airports. Then came the 12 hour flight to Tokyo. After many more hours in the Tokyo airport there was no connecting flight to Fukuoka that day/evening/night, who knew by then. So they put us up in a hotel somewhere in Tokyo. I asked for an early morning wake-up call. The call was a knock on the door saying the shuttle bus was waiting on us. Who was we? My 7 month old baby and me. Just the two of us. A white haired blue eyed baby that everyone wanted to touch. A real anomaly in Asia. I love him but he wasn't a lot of help. I was either too young or too tired or too stupid to be afraid. I was 19 years old. It's been 53 years ago and I still remember every bit of it. BTW, absolutely no one spoke English. One guy offered me one word. Fire. A cigarette. :D  Good old days. The Hindenburg would have been faster and safer. 


So girlfriend, at least you aren't going to Japan.  :24:

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Wow, Jeepers, that must have been a nightmare of a trip.  

Jeepers:  hopefully all will go well for you and with any luck, no layovers. Keeping you and Ambergris in prayers for a safe trip both to and back home again. 


I kept the baby this morning so DGD could go get her hair cut. She bought lunch back with her. So, we had lunch and GGD had her first organic cheerios. She went after those and begged for more. They don't taste like the regular cheerios with all the sugar and chemical they put it those. Sort of on the bland side but she loved them. So that is her new snack. I had gotten 2 boxes when they were on sale a few days ago. So DGD took those home for her. She is running all over the place but when I took her outside to play, she was not sure about walking and wouldn't let go of my finger. She's not as sturdy on grass. I bought her a pair of shoes, but they haven't come in yet and GD can't find her other pair. I think she would be able to walk on grass better with shoes right now. 


I am getting ready to clean the floor in the living room and dining room in a bit. Late start today but was having fun with the GGB. Need to get ready for the rugs to go down when they get here. Then I will go back to the furniture store to get the couch. I am so ready to get this house clean and back together again. 


The news on my cell phone is coming in like crazy.  Massive Verizon cellphone outages nationwide. Seems they don't have a solution for it yet. It started about 3 hours ago. Seems things are getting crazier these days. 

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@Littlesister, my verizon phone is still working, so far.

@themartianchick, Cedar Key looks a lot like Anna Maria Island right now.  Totally devastated!  Months before they reopen the island to visitors.

@Mt_Rider, I hope both of our travels go well!  Between the political climate and DH's health, I feel like I should cancel everything and hide in my room, but I know I am not supposed to live in fear, so off I go.


Walked first and walked dogs.
Securing some valuables, etc. for when I am gone to IL.
Doing laundry now.
Ran around town looking for a certain charge cord for phone (cat action).
Changed out small propane tank for grill- didn't want to leave it empty.
Messing around a little with packing.
Will do a pedicure tonight.

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 I finally caved.  I tried to take 1 personal item (purse inside a shopping bag with PB&J sandwich, folding cane, etc.) +   1 carryon suitcase  and 1 medium checked bag.  :sigh:  Then I changed out the medium checked bag for the large suitcase. :sigh:   THEN I reluctantly added a small fold-up checked bag too - so I could get my coat in there ...and riding boots, and ......  


I do intend to go over everything one more time and see if I can retract some excess.... mebbe.  :grinning-smiley-044:


All laundry is done.  DH bought frozen pot pies and such so he doesn't have to bother cooking if he doesn't feel like it.  He's at least as capable as I am to cook.  We both cook.  But...he'd going to be resting his back a lot.  And walk the dog....  They'll keep each other company.  He doesn't have to work unless they call him in for an emergency care situation.  Even then, he doesn't have to say yes.  The rest would do his back good after hauling me to doctors for three and a half weeks. 


MtRider  ...back to sorting and ....  (probably adding instead of subtracting...)  :rolleyes: 

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Mt. Rider: prayers for a safe trip and a safe return home. And for your DH to get that much needed back rest.  


I don't know what is going on with Verizon cell service. They talked about it this morning but maybe it is in a confined area.  I don't know if it's been resolved yet or not. Had something going on this afternoon. 


I have a mac computer that I never use. Haven't been on it since 2020. I forgot about it, and it had been packed up for the construction. Well, when I got my charge card bill, I had a $599 charge for the Mac that I not only had not been on, but they used my old e-mail address that google closed down because I couldn't get on it as it was hacked over 3 years ago. I called my charge card and did a fraud alert.  Seems it was mackeeper which I had never heard of. The charge card company sent me a letter saying they can't find any fraud as they had my name, address and email and that everything checked out. I went through the whole thing, and I would never pay for an antivirus at that price. They put the charge back on my card. I told them I was going online to find out what this mackeeper is, they said don't do that but to call them. It's like google can't talk to a person. So, I went online and found out it had to do with the mac I had not been on since 2020. I pulled out the mac, plugged it in and found it on that computer. I had to use the live text thing to find out what happened. Seems I got that last year to the tune of $459 that I didn't catch last year on my card. (my bad). But anyway, we were back and forth on it. They said it was a two-year thing and I did order it. Nope not for that price. So, I told them the whole story after they said they sent me messages. When asked what e mail they used that answered that question. I was hacked through my old email address, and it is also on the dark web. This company is going to talk with their managers as they said I can stop future payments, but they cannot refund my money. So will see what the manager says in a couple of days. I told them my age and since they put me in a financial bind, I will now have to decide rather to pay rent, eat this month or pay them. Let's see if that gets my money back. My charge card said they can claim fraud if I can proof that my old email was hacked. Told them that I can't talk to a person and unless they have a phone number, I can call to get a person then I will prove it. Well, they gave me a number and nope I don't get to talk to a person. I wonder what else will happen because of this old hacked email.

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Found out more about the Verizon phones. It seems it was isolated and that you could use the Wi-Fi service. Then it said T-Mobil was affected but mine was working fine. Not sure what was going on.  Said a lot of the Verizon phones would have something coming up saying SOS or something and also when someone would try to call someone it said out of service. Whatever is or was going on sounded a bit crazy. 


Will be very busy tomorrow working on the living room to finish getting it cleaned and ready before the rugs come in. Then back to working on cleaning out the kitchen cabinets. Seems there is never a dull moment around here. 



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Jeepers, there has been no news today on Verizon or T Mobil. Might have had something to do with the hurricane or something. But the news source said nothing about what has happened nor if it has been fixed. This was all on Newsweek. 


We got rain late yesterday afternoon and during the night. Very cloudy now and looking like it is trying to clear up. 


Working on living room waiting for floor to dry so I can put a second coat of the Bona wax on it. If we don't get any more rain I will wash the living room windows. 

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@Littlesister, I pray that you can recover your money.  


Will do a walking video today.
Must go to Post office to mail a book.
Already paid bills.
Will make Italian rollups for train ride dinner.
Make 2 pots of coffee for DH so he is stocked up for staying alone.
Set up 18 nebulizer cups with solution for DH.
I should pack my back pack.
Take Church mail to friend.
Water roses.
Check BOB for DH and set by door (just in case).

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Miki, have a safe trip. I didn't realize you were going anywhere. Sounds like you have it all planned out and ready to go. 


Got the living room ready for the rug but didn't get the windows washed yet. Been raining and blowing toward the windows so will see how tomorrow goes on that. 

Going through some things in pantry and moving some things to kitchen cabinet. Everything is low in the kitchen so past time to move things around. I have some grits and a few other things I need to put into canning jars and seal those up. Then put back in pantry. Otherwise, that room is done. I have been working on cleaning out the kitchen cabinets a little at a time. So, when I got to the one that I keep the food to use first in, it was almost empty. That might be a good thing as it all got used up first. So just moving things around and cleaning the cabinets out. 

It is getting really dark outside so must be getting ready to rain again. Been off and on all day. 

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Littlesister you're making great progress. I bet those new rugs will really make the space feel fresh. So sorry about the huge charge on your card! 

Miki have a great trip!

Mt Rider safe travels!

Jeepers that sounds like quite the trip. I went to Japan once for my brother's 1st wedding over 20 yrs ago.


Nothing much new to report just waiting for my work to send me a new computer so I have been working off my phone this week, not fun but I made it work. Put in an order for various basics to top off my supplies anticipating the dock strike having an impact on stores. I'll be working tomorrow and then off until Monday to get my mom's other Cataract surgery done and then Ben's ear the next day, found out that's going to cost me $2200 but to be expected as that's just over our deductible per person, but at least not a lot more. And I have the funds right now so there's that! Small blessings I'll take it

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You are doing such a great job Littlesister! It looks nasty out here today too. We had a few showers but it looks like it could start pouring down at any minute. After today, we aren't expecting any more rain until at least Sunday.


I ran a couple of errands and got all the bills up to date. I went to Meijers and bought some beans. That is the main item I am lacking. I might have plenty in Indy but I'm not sure anymore. So, I have twenty 1 lb packs of rice, fifteen 1 lb packs of great northern beans and fifteen 1 lb packs of pinto beans and 6 packs of black beans sitting in the Jeep floorboard. I can spread the smaller bags out better than one big bag. As soon as I land someplace, I want to can up some bean soup and some pintos for refried beans. Or, put the packs in a bucket and seal them away. I don't even remember what all I have any more. But I'm stocking up the best I can with what room I have. The Jeeps cargo bay is still empty. 


Tomorrow I want to go to Costco for more OTC med for son, the bank and top off the car again. I think that's it. 


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I already have the car topped off and the gas can filled.  Don't need anything from the stores as I just got my eggs and some potatoes to part can and part to dehydrate. So good on that. already had the celery and onions. So back to work on the house as soon as I finish my second cup of coffee. Will get the front Livingroom windows cleaned as soon as the sun is no longer hitting the glass. Yep, we have full sunshine today. I should be outside enjoying it and working in the yard but still not going to push my knee quiet yet. 


Prayers for safe travel for Mt. Rider, Miki and Ambergris. And for Jeepers to get that house sold soon. 


I am thinking about buying a new computer and printer as soon as I can get the sewing and craft room set up. My DGD was wanting to know if I was going to put my office in there also. That will be a wait and see situation as I would like to have this room back for a guest room only. No one moving in again. Been there and done that twice. First time wasn't bad. Second time GS that was a disaster. He's still behaving at his mother's house for now. Just praying he will grow up this time. He starts his new warehouse job today. Not sure if he is working nights or daytime. Will talk with DD tonight. I do worry about him and a warehouse job as he was fired from 3 warehouse jobs while living here. He hates that type of work and not working on going into the Coast Guard now. I think that was never going to happen. 


Well, just finished my coffee so off to work now.



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No walk for me this morning, but I did walk the dogs around. I wish my ribs would heal! Sitting on a train for 16 hours or so will be interesting.

Just some last minute house cleaning and packing left to do.
Then off I go!


I'll be back in 6 days, so don't worry about me and if I don't come back for any reason, don't worry about me.  I'll be fine!

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Miki, have a safe and fun trip. 


Been cleaning out the kitchen cabinets still. I have some foods I am moving to the pantry. Too much of the same foods in one of the cabinets. I only need 2 of each of the things I use a lot in there. So, getting that all organized now. I am trying to catch up on so many things around here that I haven't been able to do for the past 3 years. Still waiting on my rugs. Hope they get here within the next week. 


Keep an eye on the weather as tropical storms are forming in central gulf, Atlantic and Pacific Ocean.  Hopefully none of these won't turn into anything. Both Florida and N.C. could be involved if anything becomes of this. Still too early to tell. 


Wonder if the panic buying is still going on. It was crazy yesterday. 

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