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My rugs came today. I didn't think they would be here that quick. Just ordered them 3 days ago. 


Need to take an Amazon package to a neighbor. I don't know her, and she doesn't live in my neighborhood but she's not too far down the road.  Amazon driver couldn't read the correct address.  Street address is totally different than mine. 


Getting a lot done in the kitchen. Hoping to have it finished when I get home tomorrow. 

My knee seems to be holding up and doing better but when I overdo it, it gets sore. So having to stop and rest it now and again. I didn't wear the brace today and I think maybe that wasn't a good idea. But it's not too bad right now. 

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Oh My Gosh. I'm a little bit excited. My realtor said the other people are still interested in the house! We just finished negotiating. They gave a run down of the major things that need repaired. The big things are the driveway, the windows, the basement wall that is bowing in, mold in the attic. Unsafe air conditioner and sump pump discharging out in the yard beside the house. Plus about 6 other minor things. 

I listened and started figuring it up in my head. The driveway alone will cost  $15,000 easy. It's big and can hold 6+ cars and is sunken in. The windows another $10,000 easy. The basement between $10,000 - $15,000 depending on the foundation and structure. Another $5,000 for the rest. The only hitch will be if they can get the loan. The appraisal has been done but no one has heard anything. 


They said if I take off $20,000 from the asking price they will buy it. I thought about it for a half a minute. Oh Heck Yeah! The only other stipulation was if I would close on or about the 10th. YES! So it looks like it might get out of here before the election after all. Maybe. 


Please pray that they get the loan. Please. :pray:

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:pray::pray::pray: That the loan goes through and they except everything.  That is great.  I will definitely be keeping you in prayer. That house has to go, and you need to be in Indy once and for all. 

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Just got a notice that went into effect for both Northeast Tennessee and Southwest VA.  They are now under a boil water notice. The notice said this is an incomplete list as there may be others coming. It says Smyth County: St. Claires Creek- if you have running water. South Fork-All Customers.  Broadford & Rich Valley- anyone that experienced a loss in water pressure on October 1st or 2ed. A waterline break in Kingsport has led to outages and a boil water advisory is in effect for the area. There are a lot of counties listed on it. It is stating on WCYB 5 news.  Check with your water company to see if anyone is on that list. There are a lot of counties that were affected by Helena. Plus, the broken water main and the low pressure in some areas. 

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:pray:  for Jeeper's house sale!  :cheer:  


My trip over to MO went very well.  It was LONG with 2 flights but it was calm and fine.  Really - no turbulence, surprising over the mountains!  No issues on plane change.  All assistance with my wheelchair and STUFF went fine.   :amen:   


I'm up a bit late for MO time but kinda normal for CO time.  But I'm going to shut off the light soon.  All ready for bed - just trying to catch up here with y'all.  Had a wretched time playing catch-up with Hawaiian Duolingo tonight.  Tried to put a "streak hold"  (228 days straight - no missing days of study) but I pushed a wrong button in the hurry of VERY early Tues morning before I left - so I wouldn't miss that day and start with Day Zero.  But somehow I'm back on track without starting over.  Silly thing to worry about but.... :shrug: 


It's been fun with Friend and her dh.  He fetched me from the KC airport - they live quite a ways from there.  I've got the guest room - which comes COMPLETE WITH A CAT!  :lol:   Cat is next to me and I'm about to join the main activity of sleeping quite soon.  Tonite when I called Mom...Friend and I both were talking to her.  We had a ball since Mom has also known Friend since we were in Kindergarten together.   Friend enjoys my mom since her's had some issues that were not great.  So after I left for college, she 'borrowed' my mom for advice.  I know mom had a great time talking with both of us tonite.  :)  


Friend's dh will be leaving on a business trip - the reason they flew me out here.  If my neck will ease off...got super sore from plane trip....we'll be off doing a few things.  

So far, I've had a lot of pain.  Took a nap today.  It's a long trip but not nearly as long as our Maui trip. 


We ate pawpaw's today.  Tasty. 


I need to join cat in sleeping in bed - not up with computer.....  :whistling: 


Take care, y'all!

MtRider ....  :offtobed: 

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Mt. Rider, glad you got to your friend's house safe and with an easy plane trip as well. 


Jeepers, I hope you hear back about the house by end of week. 


Took neighbor to doctor this morning and then off to 3 stores and lunch. We had a good time. But going into the stores we both saw that every store was wiped out of paper products. The can goods in all three stores were not bad but slim pickings. All the cleaning supplies in all stores were well stocked. I guess people need to wipe their butts with a ton of TP but don't need to clean those bathrooms after.  This is also the 1st of the month when the food stamps go out. I know the paper products was panic buying but the food I think was the food stamp normal. Going to go back to a store to look around to see if things calmed down in a couple of weeks. 

Time to get back to work on my kitchen cabinets. 

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Mt. Rider, so glad you made it to your friends house with ease! Sounds like you are already having a good time. 


I had a very busy day. I got up early and headed for the PA border. I had to stop and ask for directions twice. My driving app didn't work. I thought I knew where I was going. I'm pretty good with directions but things had changed over there a lot. Then I asked one more time coming home just to make sure. I wanted to take some last pictures of the orange buggies over there. 


Then I stopped at Costco. I just wanted some meds for son. You can only get 3 boxes a day. I now have 15 boxes and will probably get 3 more next week. He has to take a lot of them. Only a dollar a box which is why I go there. I didn't buy anything else. I did look around though. The store was busy, it always is, but everything was well stocked. No empty shelves at all.


I was near Wal-Mart and had a look. I only bought 6 more beans and 6 more rice. I would have bought a case of mushrooms if I had thought of it. But it was all stocked up too. I took notice of all the paper products, diapers and formula. All well stocked. So was the TP, paper towels and paper plates. 


Then I was just a couple of miles from Sam's so I ran in there. It looked great too. The only thing that was missing was Northern TP but there was plenty of all the other brands. I only bought a 12 pack of the square boxes of tissue for $18.?? Didn't really need it but the shelf was loaded with it. I walked the food aisles and nothing was missing. They have plenty of beans and rice. They even have 50 pound bags of rice. And a lot of it. 


I noticed people's shopping carts. You expect them to be loaded down at Costco and Sam's but they weren't. I think that was the biggest surprise of all. No one is panic buying up here. I looked. 


I got home around 4:00 and started canning the last of the salsa. I'll get 16 half pints if they all seal. 


Here are a few. 




























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Jeepers, sounds like you had a productive day.  I love those pictures of the Amish. Buggies are great.  Good gas mileage and fertilizer all at the same time. 


It was a joke around here with 30 or more people in a store on Oct. 1st.  They had carts overflowing both in the cart and below the carts and some pulling and pushing 2 carts. They are still trying to get the stores stocked up around here. There is a reason they call it prepping. You buy a little at a time to build up to a point you don't need to panic. It just goes to show people never learn that things happen, and you need to be ready for it and not wait till it happens. This time was a huge laugh around here from a lot of people when the strike ended, and nothing had a chance to happen. But this will happen again.


Finished cleaning the kitchen cabinets this morning and getting ready to put the rug down in living room. I will have to wait on the dining room till I get that dining room table either sold or call Samaritans purse or call 1-800-got junk. And I already know they are expensive. But it's got to go. It is really way too big for that dining room. Once I get the run-in living room down, I will start moving the old living room furniture into it. Then I can take it from there. Need to get some boxes in car and head to Good Will. The trunk is already full. So, these will go in the back seat. Maybe one in front seat depending on how much room. I am just glad to be getting rid of this stuff. It has really added up over the course of 40 years. 

Edited by Littlesister
Hit save again to soon.
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The title company called me. They want me to sign some papers. They are in a very congested area in an unfamiliar suburb from me so they are going to send out a notary to my house on the 9th at 6:00pm. Nice! 


Then on the 10th we will all meet up and do the transfer. I'm not sure what all that will involve. Just handing over the keys I suppose. Hope I don't have to drive down there for that but I sure will! I think I'll do a trial run this weekend too make sure I find it and don't hold anything up. I wasn't aware it was a two parter. 


I think it's finally going to happen for me!  I'm not celebrating until I walk out of the final signing. I think i just can't believe it might be happening. Two years...

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Yes! About half way between New Wilmington and Volant just off of 208. I don't know what the road is but there used to be a little Amish schoolhouse where you turn north off of 208 but it isn't there now. Ithink it's a little closer to New Wilmington than Volant.


Most people think the Amish only drive black or gray buggies. And the Amish women down there are the only ones who wear brown bonnets. One year I was there and wanted to buy a brown bonnet. No one sells them. I was in a little quilt shop on 208 I think it's called Byler's and asked an Amish lady. She didn't know where to buy one either. I told her I'd gladly buy hers. She hesitated a minute and went and got it and sold it to me. I have it on a stand in the Indy house in the dining room with my other bonnets. Prize possession! :008Laughing:



Forgot to add, most of the buggy and ladies pictures were taken at a Dollar General store. I sat way back and zoomed in. 


Edited by Jeepers
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Jeepers, I am not going to say congratulations on the house just yet. But it sounds like you are on your way to Indy after the 10th.  I am not going to jinks anything.  


I have been so busy today. I am ready to call it a day but still some things to go through. Dog sitting tomorrow for a bit.  I am having a hard time trying to remember it is just me and I don't need a lot of the things in kitchen now. Still going through the kitchen drawers and what a mess. I am getting it all narrowed down to only what I use a lot. The rest is going. I have knives that are so dull and will not sharpen up no matter what I do. So those are going. Even my steak knives that are over 20 years old have had it. I bought some new ones, so the old ones are biting the dust. GS just about destroyed most of my frying pans so need to get those out and replace some. It's all a slow process and I think I have to many projects going at one time.  I can say one thing: if I get tired of working on one project I can go finish up on another one and go back to the first project later. 

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Thank you Littlesister. That's the way I feel. I'm afraid to celebrate yet. You know my luck. 


I'm starting to pack things up. Again. D-ex keeps saying I shouldn't have anything left to pack. Well, I still had to live here the last 6 months and that meant bathrooms supplied, kitchen cookware, dishes, clothing, canning supplies, cleaning supplies and other things. Granted, not a lot of any one thing but still. My Jeep is roomy but not like a big truck. Dang. It's possible I might have to rent a little U-Haul. I'm going to go through things tonight and maybe make a run to the Salvation Army and dumpster. I'm not complaining! There is no sawdust or mouse poop involved so it's all good. 


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Yes, prayers for Jeepers for sure. It's been a long time coming. 


I got all the kitchen drawers cleaned out and most of the upper cabinets. The bottom cabinets are already done.  I am so sore I can hardly move.  Will wash clothes in the morning before having to go across the street to let the pup out. Then I can come home while she is outside for a while and finish the clothes. 


:pray: for everyone that is traveling for safe trip, lots of fun and safety to come back home again. 


Didn't get the living room rug down yet. I got busy on those kitchen cabinets and just kept on going. I am getting rid of so much stuff. It's just me so only enough for me and when company comes over.  After that it's paper plates and plastic cups. I also need to go to Wal mart to get some bubble wrap.  I have a lot of knack knacks in the China hutch I need to pack up.  Got to get that emptied. My good set of silverware is also in that drawer. Not sure what I want to do yet with that. I think I can sell the Knick Knacks to the pawn shop. they take a lot of that stuff. Might not get much for them but I am not going to keep pulling them out to dust either. Might keep a couple of the birds but that is it. They are porcelain Japanese figurines and birds. 

I wasn't joking when I said I was downsizing. This mess has to go. It's just taking too long to get it done. I am hoping for next week to not be having to take anyone to a doctor, store or GD wanting me to babysit. next week because I am going in nonstop all week. Might not be able to move after I am done but it will get done one way or the other. 

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Littlesister, I know it's a hassle and a lot of work, but you will be so glad when it's done. They say a cluttered house is like a cluttered mind or maybe it's the other way around. I don't remember. But a decluttered house frees your mind too. At least I'm hoping that's true. I'm not there yet.  :sEm_blush:

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:amen:   Yahoooooo, Jeepers!  :pray:  that allllll goes very well and soooon you and ALL your stuff will be permanently in INDY!  I mean c'mon.  How can a Grma properly spoil a grandson if you aren't there full time?  :lol:  


LittleSister, you're really making progress.  Don't forget to favor you knee or it will be talkin' to you!  :) 


Hope Miki is having a good time on her trip. 


And Ambergris on your trip!!!  At one point in life, I had folks around me saying that they were going to stamp my forehead with the sign:  This End UP!  :pray:  That all your needs for this trip can be fulfilled. 


I'm doing well in MO.  Cat-the-roommate has come looking for me and I have to remember that tho my laptop says it's 9:38pm, here in MO it's an hour later than that. 

We took a trip to K's chiro today.  My neck has been seriously bound up since I got here so he cracked my neck left, then right.  Yeah, better.  Add I bought a chair cushion at Dollar store.  Maybe that will be thin enough for my pillow!  That's what messes with my neck....I have VERY think pillows.  Slept on my coat-for-pillow last night and that was better but ...we'll try the chair thing tonite.  Very fussy neck - too many injuries.  Good time tho. 


MtRider  :wave:    Take care, y'all.

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Just popping in to let you all know Ben's surgery today went well. Took forever as he didn't even go in until 3 pm, then the recovery time and hadn't eaten all day so afterwards I took him to get some food then we had to drive home but everything went smoothly and he's not even hurting much he only gets tylenol and ibuprofen. I'm really relieved that's all done now we can all just focus on recovery.

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Becca Anne, Glad that your son's ear surgery went really well. Now for the full recovery. 


Mt. Rider, glad you are having a great time at your friend's house. And that you got your neck taken care of. I know how that can be. I have that issue from an old injury that caused me to have surgery. I also have to use a thin pillow. Those are a bit hard to find. 


I got the rug in the living room and just making sure it is set like I want before moving furniture back into that room. Right now, it is totally empty.  I will be babying my knee and having the brace on it before I move any furniture. I don't have any help and neighbors around here don't help neighbors. So, I am on my own. But I have done it before, and I will do it again. Just need to be more careful and slower at getting it done. 


I did start to empty a little bit of the China hutch but still a lot of things to pack up. I really need to go to Walmart to get the bubble wrap. Then I can totally empty that out and hopefull get it sold. 

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@Becca_Anne. So glad Ben's ear surgery went so well and that he is having little pain! Awesome! Now you can relax for a little while. You had a busy autumn taking care of other people. And the house. Hope the foundation is an easy fix! 


@Littlesister. Is your GSIL available? He would be a big help moving furniture. I know people in my family are more than willing to help, but you have time to ask first.  I got rid of a lot of my knick-knacks too. About all I have left is the pottery in the dinning room. It still needs dusted though. I want to make a housekeeping schedule for next year. Basically a general maintenance plan. One for inside and one for outside. That way everything will get done atleast once a year without fail. I want to make it like a planner. I started to make a list of everything I wanted to put on it and then all h3ll broke loose here and now it's somewhere in a computer somewhere. Hopefully I'll be able to find it again soon. 

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Jeepers, that is what I want to do is make a daily list of things that need to be done each day, both inside and outside. I am hoping by the end of the year or first of the year all this will be finished and then I can get a list going. 

As for GSIL, I have to be able to catch him when he is not on duty or out to sea for a week or so. right now, he is in N.C. I am hoping to be able to use him next week depending on his work schedule. Right now, I am trying to get the folds out of the rug before I can put anything back into that room. Once I get those out and get it situated, I am good to go. I have furniture everywhere right now. half in dining room and half in the foyer. I do make messes when trying to do something. And that rug is heavy, but I managed it just right with the placement of it. 

I am tired and have also run back and forth to a neighbor's house to let her pup out. Just let her back in about 20 minutes ago. Need to fix some dinner or something quick to eat shortly and start back on working on kitchen again.  My knee held out so hopefully it is starting to heal. 















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I was making a monthly *flabbergasted. Or rather a list to make one. I remember one was to flip the mattress in January and June. One month was to deep clean the kitchen. Another month deep clean the bathrooms etc. Just something to keep a rotating schedule so I don't get too far behind. 


Outside was in October bring the patio furniture and yard hose in. 


Once a year have furnace and AC checked. I had a 5 year maintenance plan too but I don't remember what was on it. Maybe have gutters cleaned? I don't remember. 



* LOL. I don't know what I typed to get the word flabbergasted up there. I think I was trying to type the word planner. :008Laughing: My phone's autocorrect is horrible.

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