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From what I have read the beetles do not harm fabric, wood, or food other than fruit if it already has holes in it.  But they do leave behind a nasty smelly sludge all over everything.  

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Already walked and fed dogs.
picked up trash by road at Church.
Took my friend to Tractor Supply for puppy pads and I got a back up bag of dog food.
Now, I'm home and wondering what to do next.
Might start some bread in the crock pot.

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I seem to be having a hard time adjusting to being over here. I'm grateful for this house and for getting rid of that other albatross of a house, but I keep wanting to load up the Jeep with trash to take back to the Ohio dumpster. I think it's going to take me a while to get used to being over here permanently and not going back and forth. I'm not complaining. It's great here. Just different.  :blush:


Sons came over today. They helped to unload the trailer that son had brought to Ohio a couple of days before I sold the house. I told him to not worry about it, I'd get around to it this week a little at a time. But the 3.6 of us got it unloaded and into the garage in no time. It was praying on his mind that it was going to start getting colder and we'd have to do it in the snow. 


The house is full and the garages are full but I have the rest of my life to get to it. The most pressing things are getting trash pick up started out here and some curtains up to the windows. That bubble wrap on the windows doesn't provide much privacy. It's only on the bottom half.  :rolleyes:


GS loved it out here in my big yard. He got the Frisbee stuck in one tree, on the roof and in the gutter. Good times. My long handled tree loppers to the rescue. It's always breezy out here. And he really likes to climb the tree in the front yard. Real boy stuff. He didn't want to go home.  :cloud9:


Once again, I have to get the house garage cleared out before it snows and melts off the car ruining stuff. This garage doesn't have a drain in the floor like the other one did. 


So much to do next summer. Number one is replace all of the window screen wire. Every single one of them has a hole in it. It is nice and breezy out here all the time and I don't think I'll need the AC too much so I'll want the windows open a lot I suspect. And I'd love a slamming screen door just like my granny had. And I definitely need a new step going from the house to the garage. That thing there now is wooden and only about a foot wide. It's hard to manage. I need a platform. Next year will be busy as long as the money holds out. I'm going to have to be careful and not get ahead of myself with that.  :unsure:


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I have some ladybugs around here but since I haven't had a garden this year and not much of one last year thinks to the rabbits. I haven't seen any ladybugs in a long while. 

Kept the baby this morning and the landscape guy came this afternoon. He had a better idea for the garden than where I was going to put it. So now it will be directly behind the house close to the back windows but not against the back of house. I will be able to walk around the whole box. He is going to use the river rock to go in-between the raised bed boxes and move the landscape brick off of the cement patio. The brick is going around all 3 sides and on about 5 inches of the cement. So, he is going to move all of that off the cement and move it out for a raised bed around the patio also. He is going to have a friend of his make me 3-8ft. long wooden raised beds. And the metal ones I have will be used elsewhere. By moving the raised beds from where I was thinking of putting it, won't be seen from the street. It will be sort of hidden and out of the way where you can't see it from either side of the yard. So, when it is all said and done, I will have 5 raised beds plus what will be going around my patio once that is off of the cement and on the ground.  He was looking at my flower beds and next year he is going to be taken over the yard work. The guy I have now will only cut grass and do the edging. He won't do flower beds. So, I will let him finish cutting grass this year which is almost over and then I will hire this guy full time. He does the flower beds, weed eating, trims trees and bushes and all. And since it would cost me more to keep the guy I have now and then have to hire someone else to do the other things. Hiring one guy is cheaper and would make my life easier. Only thing I would be having to do outside is to plant veggies and harvest them when ready. He will do the rest.  

I need to drain my well pump tomorrow or Monday. And go to the pool place to get the oil for the hand pump so I can winterize that also. Then cover the water outlets outside that is to the city water. 

Jeepers, hiring someone to do all the work for the raised beds is not cheap. I can see where it can get expensive.  About $1000 including 3 new wood raised beds in that price. there is a lot of labor moving those landscape brick and redoing them as well as moving all that river rock and setting up 5 raised beds. I like his plan for the setting up of the raised beds much better than mine. 

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Really, with all the work he is going to do and making the plans, I don't think $1000. is bad at all! It's a lot of money but what can you do when you can't do it yourself. I'm in that position too. It's either hire it done or don't get it done at all. Money well spent in my opinion. 

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Sheeesh!  Thanks for the clarification, Mother!  It's been decades since I lived in the middle of  the country and there sure were no BITING "Ladybugs" back then.  :runcirclsmiley2:  We used to collect them and watch them in a jar of milkweed.  They chewed plants, not people.  They did swarm ...probably in the fall.  But not inside - only on their food plants/weeds and on the sunny side of buildings.  They were fun. 


Lady Beetles do NOT sound like a fond childhood memory!!!  :darthduck:   I found several articles explaining the invasion of these Asian BEETLES.  AND they leave a smelly gooo?  :yuk:  








This data paints a whole new level of pain for Necie!  You have my great sympathy and prayer that you can rid your little trailer of these beasties! 


MtRider  :blink: 

Edited by Mt_Rider
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I haven't seen any of those types of bugs here, but I will be paying much more attention to the type of bugs around here. I am hoping with having raised beds, that I will be able to control bugs much better and keep the rabbits out of my garden next year. I am really happy that the landscaper talked me into changing my plans on the raised bed location. It will be so much harder to see it from the street on either side of the house. I am on a corner lot and no privacy other than the other side of the patio. I still want a fence, but it is at the bottom of the list right now and moving is still on the table for later down the line. As long as DGD and her DH are still living here I feel I need to stay put to help them when they need me. And with a second baby on the way, they will want my help a bit more than usual for the first few months. 


I am finishing up on the dehydrating this afternoon. Once that is done, I might think about other things to dehydrate. Just not sure of what yet. But right now, it is onions and celery. I go through a lot of those. I have never dehydrated potatoes before but will be looking at my book about doing those. I have a bit more potatoes than I can use up before they go bad. So, looking to do that maybe on either Tuesday or Thursday. 

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Midnightmom, I already have the wire, and he already knew that needed to be done. So was glad of that. He should be starting on it in a week. I think Monday week. He and his crew are working on a project for someone now. So, when they finish up there, they will be starting on mine. I have most everything he will need already but might have to buy more topsoil. I checked on that this morning and I have 6 huge bags now. I will wait to see how far that goes. he even mentioned the cardboard to put down in the bottom of the beds. Yep, I'm covered for that also. I can't wait to have it all done. I am ready for a good size garden next spring. And I will start doing a winter garden next fall. 

I have the last of the celery in the dehydrator. That will be going all night. got 8 trays going and tomorrow I will be doing onions again. I have those chopped up and in fridge ready to go into the dehydrator when the celery comes out. Might do some more carrots if I can find a good sale on them. The last ones I bought weren't that great. So going to be a bit pickier this time. Getting ready to set up my Aero Garden again also. Had to take it all down for the moving around of furniture and such. So, time to set that back up. I want real lettuce and not that half rotten lettuce in the store. I won't buy lettuce in a store anymore. 

I could not get anyone to take the China hutch. Been trying for over 2 months to sell it and no one will take it. Samaritan's purse is not taken furniture, and I tried salvation army and another place, and they won't take it either. As much as I hate to do it. My GSIL is getting 3 guys to come with him tomorrow afternoon to take it to the street for bulk pick up. I hate to do it that way, but I can't use it. And the floor was starting to sink down again. I had that floor jacked up. The hutch is just way too heavy for this house. The jacks are warrantied so will need to call them back to jack the floor jacks up again. And I can't put the rug down till the hutch is gone. So, after that is out of the house, I can start on the office and get things out of that bedroom. I feel like it is taken forever but it's just getting the things I need to go out of my way. So hopefully the hutch is the last thing to go till I get my couch and then I need to move out the old furniture. Hopefully by that time Samaritan's purse or salvation army will take furniture again. 

My next-door neighbor said something a few days ago about us going out and doing things on Monday. But I have too much to get done and she hasn't said anything more. She goes out almost every day doing something, so she really doesn't need for me to take her anywhere. We just go out to do fun things and have lunch but next week will work better for me. I need to be at DGD's house early on Wednesday morning to keep the baby as she has a doctor appointment. She is supposed to find out if the baby will be a girl or boy. So, I have something to look forward to when she gets home from the doctor. Then I will start buying new baby things. Just waiting to see what the baby will be. Girl or boy. I am hoping she will have a boy this time.

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Celery is done and jarred up. Onions are in dehydrator now. So glad that job is finished for a while.  Clothes are in the wash, and I am ready to mop the kitchen floor as soon as I finish my coffee. Been a long morning already. Hoping to get a lot done today. I have a list of things I need to get done today. GSIL will be here later this afternoon with 3 other guys to take the China Hutch to the street for bulk pick up. I am going to put a notice up on the Nansemond Shores app that says free for the taken. Hopefully someone will get it before Thursday which is bulk trash pickup. Good luck to anyone that can move the beast from the curb. That thing weighs a ton. 

Thinking about making some jerky in the next few days. Haven't made any in a long while. So might be good to get some made up. 

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I brought my unused cardboard boxes with me, with the idea to use them in a garden or landscaping too. They are sort of small but still folded down and very heavy, so they didn't take up a lot of space to bring. 


Sorry your hutch didn't sell but at least you tried. Hopefully someone will be able to use it. Glad you didn't have to pay to get it gone! 


I'm taking it slow. The heating pad and Advil has been my best friend the last couple of days. I lifted 20 heavy cement stepping stones that were bugging me. They were in a bed in the front yard beside the walkway to the house. They looked out of place and served no purpose. Just sort of in the middle of the landscape bed in an arc shape. And you'd have to keep sweeping mulch off of them. Anyway, they have been wearing on my mind and I wasn't sure if I could even remove them. Not sure what I'll do with them, but they are out of my sight at the back of the garage. 


I'm starting on a couple of small closets. Mainly linen closet and coat closet. Both are really small and not overwhelming. And they need to be done too. All I have left to do in the linen closet is find some first aid stuff for some simple boo-boo care. Mainly bandaids, peroxide and Bactine etc. I have the stuff but who knows where!?  


I had designated areas all over the place in Ohio. I don't have that here. I really need a utility area over here that I don't have. I think I'm going to have to fix up something in the garage. But it freezes out there so I don't know. I have some figuring out to do. :scratchhead:


It will be fine when I get it figured out, I think. But getting to that point with everything in the middle of every room is tough. Daunting. Heck, I've been daunted for 2 years so nothing new.  :grinning-smiley-044:

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Jeepers, you will get there.  We can have a contest on who gets their house together first. So far it has only taken me 2 and a half years to get this mess done. But I think I just might see the light at the end of the tunnel now that I have a landscape guy to do the flower beds. I just can't do it all. The China hutch is now on the curb in front yard, and I put a free to good home on the Nansemond shores app. Maybe if someone sees it before bulk pick up on Thursday, they will take it and maybe even get another 32 years use out of it. That thing cost me 3 floor jacks and the floor was sinking under it again. Now the floor at least has come back up to its normal place at the wall with that weight off of it. I really wish I could have sold it but no buyers. Samaritans purse wasn't taken furniture, Salvation Army not taken furniture, and anywhere else I would have to bring it to them. That wasn't going to happen. And 1-800-got junk wanted around $600 to take it off my hands. Not paying that much money to remove it. Not when I have curb side bulk pick up. 

I have really had a busy day today.  Got the celery out of dehydrator and jarred up, onions are still going and yep, my house smells of onions. Washed 2 loads of clothes, mopped the kitchen floor and foyer floor. Called next-door neighbor and told her to get dressed we are going to lunch. So, we went to Olive Garden and then to Walmart for her to pick up an RX for her dog. Came home and got the pad and the rug down in the new sewing room. Tomorrow is another day. 

I am beat.  More like dead tired. 

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LOL littlesister! It took me 3 years just to pack up one house. 1-800-Got-Junk is good. But they are very expensive IMO. I had to use them but I had a house full of furniture I didn't want plus three big appliances. They were a huge help but I paid for it.  :(


You got a lot done today! 

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1-800-got junk is a good thing but yes, they charge way too much for what I had. It was in dining room ready to go. Just take the top off the bottom and out the front door. And I said $600 was way too much. But that is their price. And it wouldn't surprise me if half the stuff they pick up they don't sell and make even more money. 


I called it quits this evening. Easy dinner tonight salmon and broccoli. Easy clean up and quick. 

Got the rug down on floor but it needs to settle before I start moving my sewing machine table and such in there. I do have the one dresser that I will be using for some of my sewing stuff. DD will be bringing me the craft table next time they come here. Then I can start full swing with organizing and clearing out the front bedroom. My DGD wants to know if I will put my desk in the sewing/craft room. That is something I am not sure of yet. It's a good size desk and I don't want to junk that room up with too much furniture.

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When 1-800-Got-Junk do a big job like a house clear out, they bring big dump trucks and throw stuff in. They used 2 of them for my house and both were FULL. They didn't salvage anything. And they were super fast. I can recommend them for major jobs but not so much for a few items. 


I'm still eating out of my freezer a lot. A year or two ago I made big batches of 3 different meals ahead (chili, shepherd's pie and tuna noodle casserole) and every time I came over, I ate them. I find I'm still eating them. In a couple of weeks, when I can find the kitchen, I want to make some more. Mainly some beef and noodles and chicken and noodles. One thing I learned was to make the meals soupier than you think. They firm up a lot over time. And go easy on the meat. The hamburger in the chili and shepherd's pie seemed to have grown.  They are really good and fast though. They are over 2 years old and still taste like fresh but I did wrap them up well and used the Food Saver on them. 

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There is snow in the high country.  And we've gotten less than a half inch - twice.  :frozen:  Winter cometh. 


Got in to town today for appt.  Pick up a few groceries - actually I sat in car with dog and DH did the shopping.  I'm still feeling the fatigue of the MO trip.  Glad we're not dealing with a lot of animals in these years.  I miss them a lot tho.  :(  


Suitcases (empty) are still sitting in Living room, waiting for a home somewhere.  They are in front of the pellet stove and .....did I mention SNOW?   I wonder....looking up from this chair....  Maybe I can get them up into the loft area - wrapped well in large trash bags.  SO much dust up there.  Yeah, I think we can try that.  I'd need DH's help with that "high wire act".  Not today or tomorrow but ...at least I have a plan.


Hmmm ....my mom said we should wrap the open porch with that heavy duty "Saran wrap" stuff that the movers used.  Comes in wide roll with a handle.  We'd have to leave the stairway open but just on 3 sides would really make a difference with heating this place.  And still be able to SEE what's what out there!  She was joking but the more I think about it...... There is a lot of wire fencing around the bottom to keep things from tipping off the edge.  I might be able to stiffen the lower part with CARDBOARD BOXES!  :buttercup:  Yeah, I also have "a couple" of those too.  Won't work if we can't keep the snow/rain off the porch tho.  It would mean .....the peak of the porch roof is really high.... ????  


OK...so I've got two things to ponder over.   And look up where to find those large rolls of that stuff.


MtRider ...industrial Saran wrap.  Hmmm....  

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Mt_Rider,  have you considered clear plexiglas or rigid greenhouse plastic?  Both are long lasting and more windowlike and you might not have to worry about tears like you could with rolls of softer plastic.  Plus, if put up with clips or screws they could be taken down and stored in the summer if needed.  

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Mother that sounds like a better option than saran wrap.  Mt. Rider, you need to think about that option. Might even be able to make something up for the door area that you can just slide back and forth on the really cold snowy days. 


I have been doing a bit of house cleaning this morning. More of a catch-up issue on normal housework. Don't have as much energy today as I did yesterday.  I was hoping someone driving by would take the China hutch. But no bites yet. It will be gone Thursday no matter what. That is trash and bulk pick up day. I really hated to have to just put it on the curve, but I had exalted all my options. But DGD did talk me into keeping the table. it is the perfect size that I was going to buy a farmhouse table at. DGD wants to distress it. I will think about it. She is talking about just the base and not the top of table. Though the table is stained a dark I think maybe a bit darker than walnut. I keep a tablecloth on it along with a clear plastic tablecloth that I can just wipe down and protect the tablecloth. The table is protected by a special made pad. So, it should work out for a regular table. If not, then I can take it from there on what to do. She did suggest replacing the chairs. They are Cain chairs in excellent condition. They don't fit in with farmhouse decor. So will be looking for 2 benches and 2 chairs when I can get back out to look for a couch. 

Going to be working on my sewing/office room this afternoon. The rug still hasn't laid out fully so will be getting that worked on in a bit. Then start moving things into the room. Working on plans for how I want to set it up and will be looking for a new light fixture hopefully before DD and SIL come back in for a weekend visit. SIL said he will replace the light. I need to replace the one in foyer also. So might try to find lights for both. Will get with DGD as when it comes to furniture and light fixtures, she is my good luck charm. We work well together as a team for that type of stuff. 

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Been busy.
Yesterday, after walking, I set up DH's pills for the month.
Did 3 loads of laundry.
Made Crockpot bread and cornbread.
Grilled marinated chicken and some burgers.
Glad that one is over.


Already walked this morning.
Will walk dogs, next.
Write some ebay drafts.
Take my friend to local clinic at 1 pm.
Maybe write more drafts or not.

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I have seen people put plastic wrap around their porches. It looks like a clear-ish plastic tarp. It's nailed on with narrow wooden furring straps.  I imagine it would only be good for 1-2 years because of wind. It MIGHT be called Visqueen. It's been a long time since I've seen it though. A plexiglass sounds like a sturdier option. 


I got all of the final utility bills for Ohio paid. Water and sewage is strange. I just got the final bills for them today. I had to wait until everything was cleared by the auditor. They consider the water and sewage as part of the actual house over there. Not sure how that all works but it is finally done. Gas and electric was just a phone call the day after the house sold. Realtor warned me it would take time with water and sewage. It did. Maybe because water and sewage is connected to the underground municipal services?


Anyway, no more water and sewage bills over here and my electric is cheaper because it is an REMC. Gas probably won't change except my windows are a lot more energy efficient over here. At least they close all the way. :D. And even though I only paid $700 a month for mortgage/insurance/property tax, that is gone now. Property tax is about half as much over here and I qualify for a Homestead Exemption Act. Not sure what that is either but I'm on it.  


I just need to see who everyone is using for trash pick up service out here and call them. I still need to contact S.S. and my medical plans to get the address changed. It's amazing who all you need to contact when you move. Some of it needs done for tax purposes. I did remember to get a copy of my Rx meds that I had to pay for out of pocket. I turn that in at the end of the year for a deduction too. 


So I think the last things I have to do is schedule trash pick up, S.S. and insurance address change and I need to tell the electric company to stop sending me a paper bill, it's an auto deduct. I'm scaling back even on paper. 

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Jeepers, it sounds like you are getting things in order and ready to settle down in your new home.  

I called 1-800-got junk again and found out the one I called was not VA but Raleigh, NC. Don't know how that happened but no wonder they wanted to charge me $600. Got the right one for my area. Even though the hutch is on the street, I got to thinking. They use those forklifts on the back of the trucks to pick up bulk items. The top part of the hutch is a mirror in the back and glass on all sides except back. And 2 glass shelves. If they pick that up there will be broken glass all over the street. So, I talked with the Got junk people this afternoon. The cost is only $98. That I can deal with. So, they are picking it up tomorrow afternoon. Big difference in price. So, when I buy my couch, I might be using them again to take the old couches when that time comes. 

Didn't get as much done today as I had hoped to. Just a bit on the tired side today. Guess I over did it yesterday. The onions are jarred up and got the dehydrator washed up and will be starting on blueberries and strawberries in a couple of days. Need to be at DGD's house to keep the baby so she can go to doctor.  Hopefully it will be a reveal day. Boy or girl. 

Will be back home in time for them to pick up the hutch and then I will get started on things in the sewing room again. 

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That sounds like a much better price! No wonder it was going to cost so much. :D. When they took my heavy stuff the guys lifted eveything with those straps they wrap around their arms. Don't know what they are called, and either walked things into the truck or used a dolly to put things in the truck. The back of the trucks had a ramp on them.  When the truck was full, a mesh screen went over the top like a convertible car top, to keep things from flying out.


Can't wait to hear what new baby will be.  :wub:

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Hello everyone.  I was working hard today...  Quite a while ago, we were dealing with a mystery electric outage...and had to keep testing outlets to find The One!  That meant I had to keep shifting furniture, etc out of the way.  :groooansmileyf:  Well, I never did get things put back in the bedroom with the hospital bed.  I had to take out all the books from the bottom 2 shelves.  The outlet (out of just two in that room) was behind the bookshelf.   I'd put books from the lower shelves in a rolling, under bed tote thing.  Flat shallow totes.  I had a lot of canning stuff (heavy) in the other one.  Today I rolled those out and with cleaning the ever-present DUST of log cabins, I finally got books back on shelves.  I spent a lot of time under the hospital bed....so it's fortunate I've got the bed set up high AND placed a piece of linoleum under it so I can slide on my back under there.  Only way to get to the bottom shelves.  Only way the electrician could access the outlet but he was a good sport about it. 


I'm not sure what I'll put in the now-empty rolling tote....something that's currently sitting out..homeless...in the room.  (there are too many candidates for this!)  It also involved a lot of dust...but since I enclose almost everything in clear plastic bags, I could just remove the bag and get a new one.  And I found the sewing machine....which wasn't in a clear bag and hadn't been obvious.  I'm super tired but pleased.  All I'd intended to do is get a spare laptop electric cord plugged in (only 2 outlets in that room) so I can work from the adjustable bed.  I think sitting too long in the living room chair is killing my neck.  So I did get that accomplished. 


LOL  On the plastic "saran wrap" porch idea... not really Saran Wrap.  Industrial strength stuff that they wrap those HEAVY pallets with!  I was researching further for the type that would be resistant to solar rays.  Honestly I doubt I could even manage to do this.  I would have to be on a ladder from the second floor porch ....waaay up to the 3rd floor ( loft ) peak of the roof.  Wrapping around log columns .....one expects rough areas which might start a tear too easily.  To avoid that, I'd have to be wrapping the posts under the clear wrap.  And tho I have an extension ladder that tall....  < sigh >  it really wouldn't be advisable.  The cost would be quite a bit but the savings in heat fuel bills would likely make up the difference.  I could leave the plastic high up there but would likely have to take down the lower part for summer...maybe.  It might only last a year...as Jeepers noted.  That also means a LOT of work for only one or two winters.  Not sure I could pay the ENERGY price.  Not sure DH would like my idea or me climbing up...something he's not comfortable doing.  AND investing in any material of a higher cost like real plastic panels?  Ha!  .....no way for a rental property!  Been here over a quarter of a century so it seems like our own house but....  not.  Also the greenhouse panels as Mother suggested, I'm not sure I could get pieces to span the distance between porch support posts.  Our WIND is another issue.  It's one thing to wrap up a pallet load clinging tightly to the product.  This would be spanning nothing from vertical log post to the next one.  :sigh:    But it would be so lovely to sit in the sun out on the porch and not get battered by wind/rain/snow.  


What I DO have to do is put new mega trash bags over some things ( like luggage ) that we store out there on the porch.  They degrade over the year too.  Unless I can manage to climb up on the fridge and get them into the loft.  No there is no reasonable way to get up there either!  The old fridge was more climbing friendly, being short and squat.  Hmph.  This is an awkward place to live in several ways but...also lovely with pond, stream, ducks/geese, etc.  Also quite a ways out from civilization.....which is good if all HELLO breaks out ...someday.  :pray: 


MtRider   :offtobed: 

Edited by Mt_Rider
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Glad you got the last of the Ohio business finalized, Jeepers! 


And Little Sister - a much better solution for the hutch with all that glass.  Good thing you thot of it! 


You are back in the routine, Miki.  Crockpot bread???  And corn bread???  You do have the most interesting ways of cooking things!  :cook:  :thumbs:  


MtRider   :offtobed:  ....really!

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Ok, here is the big reveal.  Yep, it's another girl.  Maybe the next one will be a boy. Seems in my family it takes 2 girls to have a boy. In DGD's DH's family it is all boys. Girls rule. 


I am back home and a bit tired this morning. Toddlers can sure keep you busy.   I think we read every book that child has. She loves to have you read to her.  I worked with her on her ABC's a bit, but she isn't doing much talking today. She has a bit of a cold. And a bit stuffy. But she was having fun and playing. 


Still trying to get the rug to flatten out more. It's like it has air pockets under it and it doesn't want to lay totally flat. Had that issue with the living room rug but didn't take as long to settle down and flatten out. Maybe by tomorrow it will. I am moving some furniture in there now to help it along the way. 


1-800-got junk called, and they will be here around 2pm. I don't care as long as it's gone before bulk pick up day. I don't want to spend the day out there cleaning up glass. That hutch is heavy. Especially the top part of it. 


Mt. Rider, I didn't realize that the porch in question was a second-floor porch. That would be a bit hard to wrap. Only option for that would be if you could get plexiglass cut to size for each section of the porch and just set them up and maybe clap them together somehow so they wouldn't fall. You could though put heavy plastic on the windows to help with the heat. I have a couple of windows I noticed a bit of wind coming through the other day. I think maybe a calking job is in the making. I need to check to see for sure what is going on. 

I am hoping to get my sewing machine table moved today. If not, then tomorrow for sure. 

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