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Congrats on the baby girl!!! I was secretly hoping for a boy. Boys are so much rowdy fun. Just so she is healthy! 


Mt. Rider, could plastic be installed from the inside of the porch? I wouldn't want to put a lot of money into a rental either. It sounds like the cabin was built for a vacation spot. It's certainly served you well all these years though. I used that plastic you put on a window and use a blow dryer to shrink it tight. That has always worked well for me on windows inside the house. It's clear plastic that you don't even notice. It shrinks to a tight fit. I'll probably do it on a couple of windows here this winter. In fact I think I'll pick up a couple of boxes to have on hand just in case. I know as winter progresses, it can sometimes be hard to find. 


I finished the coat closet and entry way and got them mopped. I have one really big picture to hang on the wall yet. I might wait until I get help making it level though. I need more hands. I've made so many unnecessary holes in the dinning room walls because things weren't level. Sigh. I have a laser but I need someone to hold it up while I mark the wall. I think I need to do some YouTube searches on solo picture hanging. Then there are 13 windows to hang a curtain rod up to. Still no curtains. Luckily the bathroom I use has no window.  :sEm_blush:


I'm searching for a place to store light bulbs. I desperately need a utility room that I don't have. Major flaw here. 


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1 hour ago, Jeepers said:

I’m searching for a place to store light bulbs. I desperately need a utility room that I don't have. Major flaw here. 

I have 3 junk drawers in my kitchen. Two are smaller ones below my microwave and next to the fridge. One is specifically for light bulbs... if I have overflow, they get put on top of the fridge. The other is for *tools*... hammer, screwdrivers, nails/screws, scissors, hooks, etc. If I had an attached garage, I would put a small cabinet out there just for those type things.

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On 10/18/2024 at 11:04 PM, Necie said:

At the farm.
The camper has been INVADED!! LADYBUGS! 🐞 🐞 🐞 🐞 Hundreds of them. I tried spaying... did you know it only kills them on contact? So I vacuumed... the floor, the walls, the ceiling... with the little handheld. Sprayed more. Smacking them with one of my flip-flops.🩴 Ladybug guts everywhere. 🤢  More spray. Googled... vinegar works best to deter them... DE to kill. Mom is bringing vinegar when she comes up tomorrow. Said they also don’t like citrus. I sprayed OdoBan Citrus... I also don’t like citrus... 🤢 Can’t figure out where they’re coming from... except *outside*. Don’t think I’m gonna get much sleep tonight. 😒

I returned to Dad's house yesterday and discovered a "mini" invasion. They were on the porch ceiling and in windows. There were some on the kitchen ceiling circling the light fixture and some doing the same in the dining room. I don't like bug spray, but used the only can of bug spray that I could find: wasp & hornet spray. I only used it on the porch, since that was where the largest numbers were. I didn't see anything smelly or nasty, but the spray left nasty looking residue on the windows that had to be wiped down today. As I type this, the ones in the dining room are circling the light fixture again. I didnt find a good solution for them yet and really don't want to have to climb a ladder. Every so often, one flies away and lands somewhere else. That seems to be the only easy opportunity that I have to kill them.


I hope that your infestation has gone away, @Necie!

(You know... those beetles probably saw your avatar and thought that they were welcome to move in!)

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My junk drawers are already full of junk. My kitchen is small. One drawer has paper, pens, pencils, tape etc. in it. Another has dish rags and dish towels. Another two has kitchen utensils. One for pot holders.  Oh, and one has the knives, forks and spoons. I'm out of kitchen drawers. 


I might take the boxes of kleenex out of the linen closet and put them in there. Then find room for all of those. 


I want to get a rolling type of tool box for the garage. I have tools all over the house right now. I got rid of the old one when I moved. It was metal and rusty. I want a plastic type one now. 

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I still have Ohio news pop up on my phone and they were warning of the lady bug and boxwood beetle infestation coming soon. 


It said that the lady bugs want to get inside to get warm but that only adds to their demise. Seems like when they warm up, their metabolism rises and burns off their fat supply quickly causing them to starve to death. Who knew. So maybe fire up the heat to hasten the process. 


Sons are having multiple issues of the nature kind too. Woodpeckers are making themselves known. I had a time with those destructive...(bleep). Probably why some of his neighbors have decorative owls at their house. Then squirrels got into his wall. They had to have pest control out for that. They think they came in from the #$%& woodpecker holes. I can't stand woodpeckers. They will peck your place to pieces! Then a HUGE fly died back behind one of their toilets. But not before depositing thousands (maybe a slight exageration) of eggs. Eggs hatched all at once. Two fly strips and what ever spray they could find, has finally gotten rid of most of them. Now they have a great big hornet nest on the house. I told them I'd come and spray it. That hornet and wasp spray shoots out a nice long stream. But it's way up on the top part of their two story house. I'd need a ladder and the spray. I told then to call the exterminator back out. I ain't quite that stoopid. They have oak trees all in their yard. They can't leave their cars parked in the driveway because of them. Squirrels again. They hide the acorns up in the car engine and son has to get up under there and get them (acorns) out. They seem to like the fan area the best. The cat took care of the mouse in the basement. So far the chipmunks are cute. They don't live in the country. They are looking forward to winter.  :D


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Wow! when nature calls, they all come running. Hope your son can get rid of all that mess soon.  My issue is with my neighbor behind me. They will not clean up behind their dogs and the flies are everywhere. Some of the neighbors are complaining and I can't open my back windows for the smell. 2 large dogs again and they think cleaning up behind them is a waste of time. There are several plus piles all by the fence at my line of the yard. Yep, I know what I need to do. More dog repellent and those things that give off a reminting noise that we were using to keep the rabbits out of the garden. I am going to be pulling those out again and get them set up. They worked not just for the rabbits but the dogs they had before these 2 dogs stayed away from the fence line to do their business. Never have been able to use my back yard due do poop smell in the spring, summer and fall. It is aggravating to say the least. The bad part is otherwise they are good neighbors. They just won't clean up behind the dogs. 


Went to the pawn shop today after they picked up the hutch.  It was funny about the got junk people. I was told on the phone it would be $98 after the second call for NC.  When they got here to pick up the hutch the guy was saying it was $349 plus a hazard fee for the glass of $20.  I told him what the girl said, and I wasn't going to pay that price that I would just let bulk pick up take it and I would spend the day cleaning glass up off the street for free. So, he explained that they were out of Canada and service basically all over the world. So somehow, I had talked to someone from Canada and got the Canadian price. He called his supervisor and told him what I said plus the fact I am on a fixed income helped out. So, I got the $98 price, and he waved the $20 hazard fee for glass. The one guy was interested in it and said it should sale in their place. I figured that was what they were doing. But it is a convince to get it out of the house. At least they didn't send someone here for the tune of $600 to come from NC. on that first call. 

Took pictures of the Japanese figurines I wanted to get rid of and an old Olive wood chest set. Along with a few other Knick knacks. I took the chest set in and he said to bring 2 of the figurines and he would see if he could take them to sell. Now he wants me to bring all of the things I want to sell back Friday when his wife is there to see them. So will be getting those out of the house soon. I have already rapped most of them in bubble wrap. And boxed them up to go. So, I will wait till Friday to get them out of the door.  Overall, it has been a good day getting rid of things today. 


Jeepers, we were all hoping for a boy this time around, but we will take another little girl also. Maybe the next one will be a boy. It's a 50/50 chance. One way to look at it is that she already has everything she needs for a girl.

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Glad you finally got rid of that hutch at your price!  But sheesh. Canada and N.C. pricing for a Virginia pick up. Gotta watch everything these days. I'm sure it was worth it just to get it out of your house. 


You mentioned the weight. I was looking at the rack that has some of my canned goods on it. It is massively heavy too. Yikes. I'm going to have to monitor that too. And I was going to leave some 5 gal water bottles in there. I might need to rethink all of that. 


Good luck with your figurines too. That sounds very promising! 


And yep, at least your GD is all set up for a girl now. By the time the third one rolls around, it will need all new clothes anyway. And the big stuff works either way. 

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Jeepers, I had that hutch for over 32 years. It was very heavy. Those guys were struggling to get it on the truck all by hand. They didn't use anything to help lift it up. It I think weighed over 300 pounds and that was with nothing in it. The 2 glass shelves were 1/4-inch-thick beveled glass and also very heavy. The back of the upper part was all mirror with the sides and 4 doors all that same beveled thick glass. And all lit up. It is why the floor separated from the wall. So, depending on your house and how it is made, think about floor jacks under the areas you want to put your food and water. That will help a lot. Remember a gallon of water equals 8 lbs. So that will help with maybe distributing the water to different areas.  My floor had 3 jacks under it but that is also where the termites had eating through the floor but according to Terminix we had no termites. So that weakened that area of the dining room floor. And yes, Terminix had to replace the floor Joice and the floors. After that fight we dropped them and get someone else. That may have been part of the issue with the weight of the hutch. 


I have an appointment Friday at 11 to take the rest of the Japanese figurines and things to the pawn shop. He wants to get his wife's expert advice on how much they are worth in order to pay me for them. He is honest about his pricing, so I am not too worried about getting a fair price for them. But I already know what they are worth on Ebay also. That gives me an edge to get a bit more money for them. 


I got the dresser that I keep my material in to the new sewing room and the baby's toybox in one corner out of the way but will be easy for the baby to get her toys when she is here. Did that just a little while ago. Seems that is how I work around here these days. It's late but I will get this or that done really fast. Just a couple of things I won't have to do tomorrow. But I will be getting that sewing machine table in there and then I need to call DD to get the measurements on the craft table she's bringing me. From there I will know how to set everything up. 

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Littlesister another girl how wonderful :wub:

MtRider wish there was a better solution for you to block the wind. Having lived where I could see the Continental Divide out my window in the winter I know how that CO wind can bite! Be safe if you do try to put up the plastic. 

Jeepers sounds like you're settling in, always takes a bit to figure out where the new homes are of things. I'm sure you'll figure out where to put everything soon.

Martianchick and Necie hope you both can clear up the bug infestations! 


Got the foundation repair on the damage from the fiber optic people fixed today $4500, unfortunately discovered another area which will be another $4500 and my Chimney now needs re-tuckpointed which he said will come in under $5000 including a chimney cap. He's coming back to do the other wall and then we'll save up for the chimney next year. He said that was safe to wait. So all the $ I got for selling my Rav4 will do to the mason...but he did a good job and it's one more thing I can check off the list. So if you're wondering what I've been up to I've just been hemorrhaging $$$$$......can't seem to get ahead no matter how much I save but I can pay my bills so I'm going to try to focus on gratitude.  :lois:


Also have been clearing my foyer of all the art I brought back with me from my mom's and moving that upstairs so I'll have space to put up the Christmas tree and the house won't look like we are still moving in. Now I will just have 2 rooms in my house that still need processing/cleared. My art room which is full of stuff not all of it art related, and what should be my home office which has all the art plus extra appliances in it upstairs. But the rest of the house has been organized finally and clear of clutter. So making progress even though it is slow.

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6 hours ago, themartianchick said:

(You know... those beetles probably saw your avatar and thought that they were welcome to move in!)


:24:   Good one, Martian!  Necie's BUG!  Can't say how many times I've thot that thing was on my computer!  You'd think I'd know by now but....  :rolleyes:  


We had a quiet day.  I was flat-wore-out from yesterday's crawling around, sorting, and reorganizing.  Today I read Kindle and did just a couple things...like sort and do 2 loads of laundry.  That's up and down....or rather down to basement via outside stairs for laundry and up to main living.  DH did the transfer from washer to dryer.  Hung not-dryer stuff on clothes line on the porch up on main level.


MtRider  ....quite worn out - resting/reading. 

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The thing that worked for the ladybugs was Hot Shot ant-roach-spider spray from Dollar General. The can says good for indoor and outdoor use, and works for 3 months. I sprayed the entire outside of the camper and the inside walls/ceiling/floor and especially around windows, seams, vents, door, etc.
Regular flying insect spray didn’t work... it would kill them with direct contact spraying, but not just the mist in the air. And more kept coming.

Vinegar didn’t work to deter them. I sprayed the outside end of the camper (it was COVERED due to the sun). They did all take off, but within 10 minutes it was covered again.  

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We don't have any lady bugs yet.  Hope they stay farther North!

@Littlesister, are the figurines called Netsukes?  If so, are they ivory or plastic?

@Jeepers, I'm glad that you are getting settled!  

@Becca_Anne, I'm sorry you are having so many challenges with your house!

@Mt_Rider, please rest!!!


Way busy, yesterday. After walk, I took my friend to town. We went to Dollar Tree, Dollar General, Verizon store, Lowes, Aldi, Walmart and then home. Did monthly shopping a week early because one never knows what may happen.


Today I will walk with Bo in a bit.
Walk dogs.
Write ebay drafts.
Take ebay photos.
Bible study this evening.
Water roses.
Much easier day!

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Miki, they are porcelain, I think. The elephants were some type of metal, heavy but not cast iron. And a Japanese tea set. That got me a great price. I am trying to sell off as much Knick knacks as possible and just glad the pawn shop would take them. It's hard to sell things like that. Not sure about being Netsukes but she did say another word about them, but I didn't catch it. It sounded like they might put them on E-Bay. I could have done that and maybe got more money for them, but in this economy and then me having to deal with E-Bay, I just wasn't up to messing with it.  I hated to part with them, but I am over dusting all this stuff. I am trying hard to downsize as much as possible and simplify my life. Making the house easier for me to keep clean as well. Less clutter in the house the less clutter for me to clean. And I hate dusting. I am working on the sewing/craft room and taking that as far as I can today to get things in place. Have to wait till DD and SIL brings the craft table to me in order to put the baskets on the shelf's underneath and get all that organized and put away. So, putting things in boxes till I can get that part done. But will all be in the room they are going into. I even had a place for the baby's toy box which is a perfect place for her to play right next to the living room. So, she will have plenty of room to spread out with her toys. 


Need to get with GD to find out when she wants to go furniture shopping. Still need a couch and maybe a chair. Still trying to picture how I want to set up that room. It's not easy with one side being a wall and the opposite side being a 12 ft window. Then on each end very wide doors. But I will get it figured out. Can't be but so hard. 


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@Becca_Anne. Wow. That's a huge chunk of change. At least you know the house isn't going to fall down now. Hope that optic company steps up :angry:. I'm going to be spending a lot next summer $$$. Ugh. All of the trim on the house and garage needs painted for starters. It's peeling pretty badly. I don't want to let it go like I did the other house. The wood there was starting to rot before I got it fixed. Plus a ton of other stuff that needs fixed here. I think I have time before winter to get the trim done right now but I'm going to wait and put the money, from the house sale, in an interest bearing CD for 6 months to earn a little extra. Won't be much but better than nothing. But you are so correct, the bills are getting paid, the house is stable and we have food on the table. Life is good. 


I think I've got all of the addresses changed and phone calls made. If you are ever thinking of moving, make a list of every account you can think of. Then write your account number and the phone number to call. That way it will all be in front of you and no searching around for anything. In fact, go ahead and just do it. Your family will thank you when you are gone! I had it all done except for a couple of insurance things that had the number on the back of the card. I've got that written down now. Seriously, so many different places to call. I was unpleasantly surprised and I thought I was on top of it all.  :blush:


I got the electric company to stop sending a paper bill and changed my phone number and address. Crap. I forgot about the gas account. Always one more. Dang. Then I called the Ohio pharmacy. They are sending me refill requests. Then all of the insurance accounts. I was going to make an appointment with social security but took a chance and called first. They took care of it within about 5 minutes. Including Medicare. Woo-hoo. I was preparing to spend a day down there. One more call to that gas company and I think I am done. With both Ohio and Indiana.  Oh, and I need to set up trash removal yet. Double dang. :grinning-smiley-044:


After the last 2+ years, I'm not complaining about this. This is a piece of cake compared to that fiasco. 

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1 hour ago, Littlesister said:


Miki, they are porcelain, I think. The elephants were some type of metal, heavy but not cast iron. And a Japanese tea set. That got me a great price.


These are the kind of things we deal in at the flea market. There are many different kinds of china, bone china, porcelain, stoneware, etc. Things made in some countries are highly valued— German and English china/tea sets ($$$) especially pre-WWII. For figurines and knick-knacks, anything that is stamped ‘made in occupied Japan’ is very collectible. As is Nippon, which is highly decorated and very old. Mostly dishes/tea sets, but some trinket bowls and hair savers and such. And dragonware. 
Your elephants were probably brass. Anything metal— brass, copper, nickel, pot metal— has SKYROCKETED!! We’re getting 2-4x what it was priced just a year or two ago. 

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5 hours ago, Necie said:

The thing that worked for the ladybugs was Hot Shot ant-roach-spider spray from Dollar General. The can says good for indoor and outdoor use, and works for 3 months. I sprayed the entire outside of the camper and the inside walls/ceiling/floor and especially around windows, seams, vents, door, etc.
Regular flying insect spray didn’t work... it would kill them with direct contact spraying, but not just the mist in the air. And more kept coming.

Vinegar didn’t work to deter them. I sprayed the outside end of the camper (it was COVERED due to the sun). They did all take off, but within 10 minutes it was covered again.  

That is good to know, @Necie!  I left a small nightlight on last night and wedged a piece of a mouse glue trap below it. I was trying to replicate a flea trap that I'd used once. The ladybugs were congregating around ceiling light fixtures, so I thought that it might work. Instead of catching ladybugs, I caught 2 boxelder bugs. This morning, I got out a small ladder and used the same sticky trap to manually trap individual bugs. It worked pretty quickly, left no chemicals behind and the bugs weren't squished. They didn't seem to try to fly away and once they were stuck...Well, that was that! There are still a couple of them that were out of reach, but I plan to try to get them later. It is nice to not see them creeping around on the ceiling.

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Lady bugs are good for a garden but definitely not in a house. Glad you got the issue solved. 


Necie, none of them were occupied Japan. I do have a German tea pot that my DH's mom and dad bought back one for each of the boys when they visited in German. That I am keeping. It is about 50 years old or older. Don't know what it is worth but much more than what I just sold. My DD said she wants that one day. So, it will be her's at some point. 


I am making a list of things I need to get together like batteries and flashlights and such as they are all over the place in, I think almost every room in the house. I want them in one place in a basket or dresser drawer where I can get to them when needed. There are a lot of other things I need to do that with also. Just get things into one place and organized where I will know what I have or need. Things really got scattered when I started the remodel and then the kids moving in. But it is starting to come together now. 

I need to get up into that attic also. But will hopefully get there before it gets really cold weather. I am scheming and planning. What can I say. 

Once all this is done, I will make a need to replace list. A new computer, printer, living room suit, etc. I will be buying that on a what do I need first basis. 

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I need to make a prep list too. Solar lights to begin with. I can't find any of my flash lights and I can't find my rechargeable batteries. Lots of other things too I'm sure. I did buy one of those Battery Daddy cases and I keep it filled up. So I have batteries but I'd like some rechargeable ones. Maybe with a solar charger. I need to get a list going. 

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12 hours ago, snapshotmiki said:

@Mt_Rider, please rest!!!


I truly AM resting.  Went out on the porch to get my allotment of sunshine and vit D.  I was either in bed reading or sitting in LR chair on computer.  Made myself some grab N eat food from whatever is in the fridge.  Washed out the current/empty olive oil bottle so as not to mix much older oil with what we will be pouring into it from a Too Large container.  That was about the extent of labor today.  Talked on phone to friend and Mom. 


Oh....I did dog walk...which is actually good to keep my systems running smoothly.  Got a surprise on that walk.  Remember the saga of the beavers trying to build their dam at the outlet of our pond.  The creek extends for miles up and down stream from our place.  Beavers loved our pond but they were given eviction notice when they tried to dam up the outlet (property managers had to help too).  Would have put the driveway under a LOT of water.  So they toodled up stream just a bit and built a perfect half circle dam up on an 'empty' property.  I've watched their efforts cuz my dog walk goes right by there.  But I've never actually seen them again.  They completed their work in time for last winter.....and still didn't see them at all this summer. 


Today was the first day since before MO trip that dog and I had gotten that far.  (4 tenths of a mile...that far)  :blink:   Um....  :scratchhead:   what am I looking at?   What I'm NOT looking at is the big pine tree which fell victim to the beaver's new "pond and dam".  It had been growing creek side but with the water backing up, it was now water locked.  Water logged.  Gradually all the needles turned brown-rusty color.  It drowned.  But today - it was GONE!  


It didn't take much detective work to see the "sharpened pencil" type of beaver gnawing that had toppled this poor tree.   I have never seen the actual pair of beavers since they left our pond but today, I found clear evidence that at least one of them is still there. 


Have no idea who owns that parcel of land N. of us.....but they have resident beavers who are rearranging the furniture.  Glad we ran them off our place but it's been interesting.


MtRider   ....back to bed to read for a bit.  Nite all.

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Didn't get as much as I wanted to today.  Two friends from church called and we talked a long while. Though with those calls came bad news. We lost another church member which was a good friend of mine and in my Sunday school class as well. She had been having a hard time medically for a long while.  Then later my DD texted me and we texted back and forth a while. Yep, new baby to be now has a name, Charolette Lynn. Her nick name will be Lottie.  My first GGB name is Josaphine Rose. We call her JoJo or Josie. My GD loves the old names of years ago. Though Lynn is my DD's middle name but don't think my DGD thought of that. Will have to remind her. 

I did get the ceiling fan in dining room cleaned and mopped the hall floor and that was about all I got done today. I will be doing double time next week to catch up. Though my knee has been hurting a bit today so really needed to take the break today. I have been over doing it on that knee. But I need to get this house back together and I don't have time to deal with a knee injury. 


Mt. Rider, get lots of rest and get yourself back together from your trip. You need it. 


Jeepers, you will have your house like you want before you know it. Just don't be dumb and not lesson to your body when it says you've done enough for one day.  

Something I don't do and need to take my own advice. 

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3 hours ago, Littlesister said:

Something I don't do and need to take my own advice. 


:grinning-smiley-044:   I'm not sure there is anyone at MrsS that follows that good advice consistently.  :rolleyes: 


I've been switching back and forth from living room chair to hospital ADJUSTABLE bed for laptop or reading.  ( Since it is popular now for ordinary folks to enjoy the advantage of "hospital beds"....I can just call mine adjustable! ) I've been doing small projects like transferring olive oil into the smaller and fully washed/dried bottle.   Looking at my new device for sealing dry goods into canning jars.  MO friend uses one and I can see the advantage, especially for dehydrated food.  My Go To has been Ziplocks for storing but they are not that good.  I watched K seal up quart jars of dehydrated peppers, carrots, onions, sweet potatoes, etc.  Set the regular canning lid (either size) on the top and push this sealing device down over the lid/top of jar.  Push the button and watch the digital read out for 100%.  I'm not really sure 100 per cent of air is outta there.  :scratchhead:  It would implode, right?   But the lid was tightly on that jar even before she put the ring on.  Like with :canning:   the flats will stay on unless you use the lid lifter.  Like with canning, you don't have to leave the ring on.  A whole different way of storing....saves loads of space.  The HOWEVER......is of course that you must have water to rehydrate most things.  You can eat many of the veg/fruit dehydrated but you must have water to drink yourself then! 


I may or may not have a ride at 11:30am tomorrow.  It came up this afternoon but I don't have confirmation that the other party decided for sure.  So I'll have to get up early tomorrow to check my email from the ranch.


MtRider  :offtobed: 

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I use my Food Saver attachment to vacuum sealed my jars. I recently bought a handheld device and it might be what you are talking about. I haven't had a chance to use it though. I'm hoping it works as well as the electric one so I don't have to drag it out if I want to seal just one or two jars. I don't know what it's called or where it's at. It's black and cylinder shaped. 


Hope you get a ride in tomorrow!

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I do have the handheld one and love it. I have to pull out the Food saver every time, but the handheld one just sits on top of the dehydrator ready to go. Its battery operated and was the reason I bought it. You never know about current going out and for how long. 


DD and SIL will be here in about an hour. They are bringing the craft table. So, I will be very busy all next week clearing out 2 bedrooms and getting them cleaned up and the sewing/craft room in order. I have boxes and such piled up everywhere in the 2 bedrooms all over the floor. The two small cabinets and sewing machine cabinet are now in place in the sewing room. I do have one dresser in there for items and another one that I am debating rather to keep it in front bedroom or move it to the sewing room. Something I can think about later. It has a lot of sewing and craft items in it. So, it is only that one dresser and my desk in that bedroom now. Once I start getting things put away and organized, I can decide on the desk and 2nd dresser.  

Jeepers, I feel for you trying to get your house in order. Going through things and finding where it all needs to go is not always as easy as it seems. 

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