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Littlesister, I have thought seriously about changing agents but I'm hoping I only need to be here a few more months. Then I won't have to start all over with someone new. State Farm agents are all over the place in my area. And my reputation might precede me too. I'm not difficult but I do drop in the office if I feel it necessary to be heard. :shrug:  Will be nice to be able to say. "You're fired!" to the one I have now. I have thought about sending him dead flowers when I'm gone but I don't want to be charged with harassment. My luck being what it is. I am going to send a nice bouquet to this hotel when I leave. They have all been super nice to me. And the verdict is still out on my construction company. We'll see how they end up whether or not they get my posies. I haven't forgotten how they got me a new furnace before State Farm finally okayed it. I was freezing and they cared.    


The hotel manager just came to my door to tell me I just got reserved until the end of the month and my charge card will be reimbursed. They called the company. She said the company got nasty with her and made her fill out all sorts of new forms etc. Next time I talk to the construction company I'm going to tell them to work on getting a bathroom and my microwave and refrigerator installed if possible. That way I will have some place to live even if I have to stay there during the rest of construction. 


And my day just got better. :rolleyes:  The real reason the manager stopped by was to give out Halloween candy. We were standing at the door talking about my 'situation' and I passed out cold. I think I did it twice. I skinned up my knee and I might have hit my head as I have a headache now. Scared her half to death and she called for help. They got me up and on to a chair and over to the bed. Another embarrassing moment in my life. I'm almost sure its the blood pressure med Amlodipine. I've been watching it and I always feel better when I'm not on it. I messaged my doctor about changing that med. I'm already on a low dose of it. They are supposed to respond within 48 hours. We'll see. If not, I'll drop in on him too. Regardless, I'm not taking it any more. On the up side I didn't pee my pants or vomit so I'm taking that as a positive. I hope 2024 is uneventful. I've had it for this year. As my SIL used to say, 'I want to hermitize myself'. 

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Jeepers, I hope you are doing better now. That was not good. I am hoping you will only have one month left in that hotel.  The contractors should be able to get a bathroom and at least some of the kitchen done so you can move back in. That is how it was done in my house during construction. They couldn't start the second bathroom till they finished the master bath. Kitchen wasn't too bad since it was just sink and countertop. I had what I needed to stay there.  


Not a lot going on this afternoon and now all the little gobbling's are hopefully in bed for school tomorrow. Hopefully no stomach aches. 

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Straighten up the house this morning and will soon be going to garage to work. It's cold today and a bit windy. Hoping I don't have to light the heater out there yet. Will just keep the garage door closed. Still a lot to go through but it is getting to be smaller piles of stuff. Getting down to what do I do with it pile. I think most of it will be a trash pile. 


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Well, guess who has another hole in her head. :hi:



I went back to Costco to have my hearing tested today. When she looked in my ears she was stunned and told me to go to an ENT and not a regular doctor. It seems like after that "cleaning" two weeks ago, I was left with my right ear still blocked and my left ear with what looks like a rather large perforated eardrum. No wonder it was excruciatingly painful.  I got a message from my doctor wanting to see me concerning my blood pressure and passing out yesterday and I will ask him for a referral to an ENT. I go in next week. At least I don't have any pain. But I can hardly hear anything. Someone just shoot me now.  


One good thing about Costco (other than free hearing tests) is they give you pictures of what they see in your ears with that otoscope. So I do have before and after pictures. 


Here is what she saw today. Not sure what that big white thing on the right is. I changed my name on the picture. 


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Jeepers, when you first said something on here about how rough she was cleaning out your ear and how painful it was, I had that feeling that she perforated your ear drum. Yes, you really do need to see an ENT. Just hope they can fix the issue with no permeant damage. 


Went through a lot of things in garage. It is cold out there today. I have a lot of things to put in shed in that medal cabinet GS and I put out there. 


Now I need to make space temporally for GS's stuff from his apartment. Seems his mother told him to bring it all here and she will come down and get it to store in one of her outhouses. So, here I am trying to clear things out of my garage, and she is telling GS to bring his mess here. And nope, I was not asked about this. This is the story of my life. I am just a dumping ground for my family, and it has gotten old. So, I will see how long it takes her to pick it all up and then it will go to a secondhand store. Salvation Army more than likely. And I will give them one week to pick it up before it goes. I will never get my house together at this rate. No wonder I am so tired. 

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I talked to the construction company person today. She wants to know what State Farm wants from them so they will continue to pay for the hotel. I told her they want an estimated finish date. She said it could be 'livable' by the end of November or possibly the end of December. She asked me what I wanted her to tell them. :D  I told her to tell them the end of December. That way maybe it will be done-ish for me to get back in. She sent them and me the email stating that it should be done the end of December. She said that some of it will depend on how soon they can get the materials. Namely the kitchen counter tops. Then my Project Manager called and told me they have one working toilet in upstairs. I told him, "Oh joy, you mean I won't have to pee in a cup any more?" He said, "Only if you don't want to!"  :grinning-smiley-044:  They will be working on removing the tub and replacing it sometime within 7-10 days. He said it should be livable by the end of November but I would be there during some construction. Mostly just painting and flooring. So, come next month I will have a place to stay if State Farm continues to act a fool. Bank of America (India) called and wants to schedule a walk through date. They should call back within two days to set it up. Then they will release the rest of the money so I can give it to the construction company. State Farm said they won't release any more money until construction is all completed. A-holes. Good thing my construction company is covering the cost so far.  :rolleyes:


My doctor messaged me and said it takes a long time to get in to see an ENT. I sort of had that feeling. In the mean time he sent in a script for some ear drops. Pharmacy said they don't have any in stock but should have them by Saturday. But, I'm not sure how he can prescribe drops without seeing my ears. Do I put them in the ear that is stopped up or the one with the hole in it. Or both. Will ask the pharmacist and then the doctor. Hope there is no permanent hearing loss too. Everything sounds like it's under water in my head. Costco audiologist was really p*ssed and said she will always warn her clients to never go to Metro Health to have their ears cleaned. I told her 'good!' 


That picture on the left looks like an ear boob. Crimony.   :008Laughing:


My life pretty much sucks. 

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That picture on the left might be your ear drum. But hard to say with that picture. I really hope you don't lose hearing permanently. That could be a lawsuit. 


Will be moving things out of garage into shed tomorrow. I hate cold weather. But it has to be done. I want my garage back as well as my house. Will have to pull out the Christmas cards before long to get those out of the way. Hard to believe that both Thanksgiving and Christmas will be here before we know it. Time flies when your having fun.


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1 minute ago, Littlesister said:

Time flies when your having fun.

 :24:  Yeah buddy!  


I know you were looking forward to getting your garage and house back in order. :(   It got cold here too and to my surprise, I woke up to a Jeep covered in snow. Of course I had taken my snow brush out and put it someplace sometime ago. It could be in Indiana or it could be in Ohio. I wrapped a plastic grocery store bag around my hand and got the snow off of the windshield. That Jeep is tall. I'm short. My first stop was to Wal-Mart for another one. I probably have 5-6 of them around...someplace. I think son takes one every year because he can never find his either. This miracle snow seems to happen every year around this time and we still don't see it coming.  :grinning-smiley-044:

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Walked first and  paid  bills.

Checked antifreeze for DH's doc appointment this afternoon. DH fell on his back and twisted a bit, landed on his left hip. Cracked it and will have surgery in the morning. Just a couple of screws, we hope.

We never know where a day will lead!

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On 10/31/2023 at 2:34 PM, Jeepers said:

I'll drop in on him too.

 :o  Not LITERALLY, Jeepers dear!  Or maybe that would clarify the situation!  Sheeesh, I'm glad someone was with you when you dropped and not alone in your hotel room! 


And...not so funny.... "my right ear still blocked and my left ear with what looks like a rather large perforated eardrum."   :motz_6:  We knew it.  What you had done to you was NOT NORMAL!  That woman needs to lose her job!!  Send her office those pics and the conclusion.  Oye....I hate incompetence especially in the medical field! 


MtRider  (((Jeepers)))

Edited by Mt_Rider
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So sorry for your dh's fall, Miki!  Yeah, :pray:  it's only a screw or two.  My mom's was the second time - one screw.  When the doctor called in 15 min...Bro panicked.  Thot it had to be bad news.  Then I panicked when Bro called me ..for the same reason.  The first hip took a long time but was a replacement for the ball that broke from the leg bone.  Hope MrMiki has only the simple one.  Rehab for a total hip is not fun.  I lived with my folks while she rehab-ed. 


Speaking of Mom.....she's been in the hospital since last nite in the ER.  She's has these 'spells' where she sleeps thru 48 hrs or more.  Doesn't really eat.  Assume she gets up for bathroom...  She didn't answer my usual evening call on Monday.  On Tues, her caretaker called Bro yesterday and said she was still in bed; couldn't get her to eat.  So he and niece came over and tried to feed her.  She ate a bit.  Wasn't real coherent.  Just said she's too tired to get up.  I talked with her over the phone.  Got her a bit more alert.  Then told her to see if she could get to the bathroom...just thru a nearby door from her bed.  Even with their help, she could not.  Not even to a bedside commode. 


So I told Bro....no choice.  Have to get her to ER.  By ambulance cuz can't get her in their vehicles.  She's actually done this hibernation before a couple times.  But you have to first rule out anything physical.  By today, I've talked to her x2.  Both times very clear and on point.  :shrug:     Bro was getting ready for a tranfer to assisted living and now.....  But he's changing the home health aide to come 6 days a week instead of 4.  She slumps down in activity when no one is around.  A senior place with folks closer to her age might be helpful but...she likes her own apartment.  She's somewhat a loner but can enjoy conversation with friends too.  :shrug:  


So....that was stressful.  Thot for a while I might have to make a quick trip East.  I'm barely out of the effects of the last trips I took.  But if I need to....  :shrug:


MtRider    :offtobed: 

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1 hour ago, Mt_Rider said:

 :o  Not LITERALLY, Jeepers dear!  Or maybe that would clarify the situation!  Sheeesh, I'm glad someone was with you when you dropped and not alone in your hotel room! 


And...not so funny.... "my right ear still blocked and my left ear with what looks like a rather large perforated eardrum."   :motz_6:  We knew it.  What you had done to you was NOT NORMAL!  That woman needs to lose her job!!  Send her office those pics and the conclusion.  Oye....I hate incompetence especially in the medical field! 


MtRider  (((Jeepers)))

Oops, no not DROP in!  I sashay in, do a dramatic twirl, snap my fingers and strut out with my head bobbing a mile a minute. Um-humm. I have perfected that move. Kinda like a dance routine. I have the Bee Gees Night Fever playing in my head as I strut. Visions of John Travolta and I dancing...By then I have forgotten what I was about to rail about. Hate when that happens.


Although I can drop in, in an instant.  :faint3:<== Jeepers doing her stop, drop and roll dropping in move. 


I need to look up eardrums. I thought they were flat. Mine is bulged.  :shrug:

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Mt. Rider, are they able to take her to adult day care? That way she could get out and be around other people her age. They usually have activities for them to do. She could be accompanied or dropped off. She seemed to be doing so much better when they were taking small trips together and she was getting out more. :hug3:

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Miki, praying for your DH to do well with surgery and it be a fast recovery. 


Mt. Rider, might be that adult day care would be good for your mom. If not every day at least 2 or 3 times a week. Hopefully she will pull through what's putting down and out like that. 


Jeepers, passing out.  Could have been high blood pressure. Hope they can get you straightened out soon.  Wonder if the ear issue could have anything to do with passing out but thinking more along the high blood pressure line. 


Prayers going out for all of you.  These days it's not good to be falling, passing out or anything else. 


One of those nights I just can't sleep. Don't know why I picked up that habit. Hopefully it won't last long. 



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I hope you feel better soon, @Ambergris!

@Jeepers, please stay on your feet or sitting down.  No passing out or falling!

@Mt_Rider, I hope your mom is feeling better by now!


I believe that we all could use a caretaker 24/7.  LOL


This morning, I will walk first.  If I don't take care of me, I can't take care of DH.

Feed dogs and cat.

Go to thrift store and buy a walker.  I'm sure VA will supply one, but it will come from Jackson and through their channels so I don't know how long it will take.

Take DH's list of goodies to him in hospital.  Mostly cookies, gum and candy, phone charger.  I had a bag packed for him with undies, socks and toothbrush, etc.  It's been in his room since his last visit.

Still don't have a time for surgery.

When I do get home, it is dog walk day.

Hopefully, that will be a wrap!

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Thanks Miki. I'm staying glued to the bed today. I still feel a little 'off'.


Oh no Ambergris. What is wrong?


Littlesister I think it was just the opposite. I think my blood pressure bottomed out because of that one B.P. med I'm on. I think it takes it down too low. I have noticed when I take it like I should, I feel horrible. I get hot and sweaty and nauseous and my ears go deaf and the next thing I know I'm on the ground. I usually have a couple of minutes warning but not this time. Two other times when it happened and someone was around, they said my face was as white as chalk. He started me out on 10 mg. of Amlodipine earlier this year and had to lower it to 5 mg. I just don't think it is a good fit for me. It also causes flushing which I noticed I have. A couple of times when I was having a hot flash I looked in the mirror and my cheeks were rosy red. I need to remember to tell him that. I take two B.P. meds so I need to look up the other one too. Calling Dr. Google again.

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Blood pressure meds are like many things. You might go through a few before they find the right fit. I hope the doctor can find one that works for you also. 

My new heart doctor upped mine to 300mg from 150mg. It is doing nothing. But he is also trying to find out why my blood pressure is up. Yes, there is a reason for everything. That is one of the main reasons he wants a stress test and Ecko done. I had the Ecko done but have to go back for the stress test on the 7th. They didn't have a doctor there and there has to be one there to do the stress test. But that's ok as when I left the office, I saw a brand-new Goodwill store. I am going to check it out after the test.  His office is on the other side of where I live. So going to take advantage of some of the stores over there since I have to be there anyway. Saves on gas that way. I do the same thing when I see the primary doctor also. Afterwards I hit up the stores in Churchland. I am 15-minute drive from Churchland and about a 30-minute drive from heart doctor. So, do everything I want to do after the appointment. Getting ready to start working in garage again. Was waiting for it to warm up a bit outside. Moving some things to shed today. More stuff to trash and to Goodwill. 

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Vacation is over and I’m back home in Indiana. My niece and her husband closed on their new house near McCaysville, GA. We moved my sister’s stuff from near Liberty, NC to the new house. They’ll all be out of Florida by Thanksgiving. Niece and her husband lost their house on Pine Island from hurricane Ian. Sister is up here in Michigan for a couple of weeks seeing family and then will head down to help move stuff from Cape Coral.

But anyhow, I’m home... and have seemed to lost all ambition. 🥴 Hopefully I can find some motivation next week. I hate this cold weather. 

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20 hours ago, Jeepers said:

My doctor messaged me and said it takes a long time to get in to see an ENT. I sort of had that feeling. In the mean time he sent in a script for some ear drops. Pharmacy said they don't have any in stock but should have them by Saturday. But, I'm not sure how he can prescribe drops without seeing my ears. Do I put them in the ear that is stopped up or the one with the hole in it. Or both. Will ask the pharmacist and then the doctor. Hope there is no permanent hearing loss too. Everything sounds like it's under water in my head. Costco audiologist was really p*ssed and said she will always warn her clients to never go to Metro Health to have their ears cleaned. I told her 'good!' 

If'n I was half the cantankerous woman that you are, I would be calliing every ENT in the area and explaining the "emergency" situation you are in to see if they could see me ASAP. :D :whistling:



17 hours ago, Mt_Rider said:

And...not so funny.... "my right ear still blocked and my left ear with what looks like a rather large perforated eardrum."   :motz_6:  We knew it.  What you had done to you was NOT NORMAL!  That woman needs to lose her job!!  Send her office those pics and the conclusion.  Oye....I hate incompetence especially in the medical field! 

Not only would I be sending them the pics, but I would be putting them on notice that they will be paying for the ENT and whatever medically necessary actions he takes to treat your condition - which is quite clearly their fault!  :groooansmileyf:



23 hours ago, Littlesister said:

Now I need to make space temporally for GS's stuff from his apartment.


What did I miss??? I thought his stove was working again and he had a job interview recently. Did he get himself evicted for non-payment of rent, or are you storing (temporarily) his belongings because he finall has a date for going to basic training?

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My family...is what it is and nothing I do will change anyone else on an adult level.  The kids at home are on track for what I want them to learn.  The kids away from home know what I have said and are living their lives as they see fit--which is the best possible outcome.   The other family....I mostly try to avoid.  My views do not need to be everyone's views.    This is a hard pill to swallow, but I love my children and everyone deserves to make their own decisions.  


That being said, River is amazing on preschool, DD 15 is doing well in HS, and I am reading a lot of brain fluff to distract me from current events.  DH has lost so much weight that he has gone form XXXL to L.   We have a plan in place for X-mas and before, and we are supporting all the kids as best we can. 


We had 2 days without any form of internet and it was enlightening...A contractor tore up a fiberoptic cable and it was bad.  It was a good learning experience on what we had on and off the network.  




Edited by euphrasyne
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Wow, everyone…so much drama!  

Jeepers, a law suit for the harm they caused…FYI, Lady… Drs had him on 2 different BP meds, plus heart meds.  He got fed up & quit them all, except the low dose aspirin.  All I heard from him the last month is how well he feels, cleared the mind fog, more energy, got rid of his balance issues, and… taking his BP daily…it dropped to normal.  IDK.  I’m having a hard time keeping up with him now. :rolleyes:


Ambergris, :pray: you get well soon.


Miki, tough, taking care of our loved ones & providing support… same to Mt_Rider…


Euphrasyne, I have family similar… years of crap… I’ve left them behind…I don’t want or need their issues or beliefs… 


Dinner tonight was Mexican zucchini/corn/onion/tomato with a touch of tomato bullion, topped with Mexican cheese-yellow.  Cala va citas…my spelling sucks for Mexican words.  Thinly sliced beef, sautéed with mild green chili, a touch of onion pwd, salt & pepper, served on a corn tortilla or flour tortilla with an avocado mushed up with a dash of salt.  

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Ambergris, hope you are feeling better soon.


Miki, hope your DH's surgery went well. Will he be in rehab?


Jeepers I hope you get into an ENT soon.  And hoping you are feeling better from the incident yesterday.


GS is still here. He still has his apartment but dropped stuff off and stayed. He is raiding the kitchen again like before and I will be the one cleaning up his messes again. This will get nipped in the bud as he thinks he is going to push his way back into my house. We will be having a long talk tomorrow about this. He is sleeping in his car tonight and I am pushing him out the door by 9pm.  And he locked both sets of keys in his car and had to call a locksmith to get into the car. That is going to cost him dearly.  His bank account is locked because of the overdraft. Every check that gets deposited in bank they take for payment of the overdraft. He now owes $487 or something like that. He also got the $200 from the state and bank took it. He is going to really learn the hard way.  His mother will be here on the 12th to pack his stuff into her car to take back to her house. All I can say is it best happen because I'm tired of storing everyone's mess. 


euphrasyne, you are right about family. There is no changing them. GS is the worse of the lot. DD is hyper now. Said her thyroid is now on the high side and they have her I think she said hormones or something. She has gone nuts. Can't sit still for nothing now. Think they need to take those meds from her. 


Tomorrow it is back to working in garage and getting a few other things done. 

GS got approved for food stamps after they said he didn't because of no job. He's looking much harder now for work. Hope something comes through soon.


euphrasyne, was your DD able to use all that material?  I wish I could sew like she does.  I am sure River is enjoying that blanket if it is finished. Might have been enough for both of them to have one. 




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I'm taking notes. Insurance will cover an ENT. If not, I will go after them. First step is going to be showing those pictures to my dr. Actually the first step was probably with that audiologist. She wasn't at all amused. Glad Costco gives pictures. The ear drops arrived at the pharmacy this evening. Too late to pick them up. I'm not 100% sure if I will use them or not. Will talk to the pharmacist first. I have a dr. appointment next week so I might wait. It's only a few days away and I'm not in any pain. I wish I could find one B.P. med for me. Even taking two of them doesn't help stabilize it. I still don't feel great. I had to go sit down while making a salad. I must have slept through Housekeeping. I think today was my day. They probably looked in and saw me piled up in the bed and left.  The only time I feel half way decent is if I'm off all of my meds. We need a forum to talk about medical issues. 


Euphrasyne, you are right about family. The only changes they will make is to go after some other family member who will buy into their crap. You gave your older kids a good foundation and how they use it is up to them. That's the best any of us can hope for. Not always easy for some of us who want to micromanage and just be helpful. :sEm_blush:.  But we/they all have to learn from our own mistakes (hopefully) and mature. When I'm in Indiana I don't have any internet and so far no TV. After about the second day I don't even think about it. I suppose I could go to son's house and use theirs but as I said, I don't even think to do that. Congrats on hubbies weight loss!





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