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"Back Home Again In Indiana..."


Necie, hello from a fellow Hoosier. I'll be back in N.W. Indiana soon but I grew up in S.E. Indiana. 

It takes some time to get back into a normal routine after being away. Sort of like coming down from an adrenaline rush. It will happen before you even notice. 

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Wow....everyone is busy and having events.  Many are not good news but hopefully MrMiki's news will be good - done and over!  (((Miki))))  :pray: 


Annarchy has GREAT news!!  Whooooo!  :amen:    Think he's got one foot in the grave and ....it's the MEDS!   :shakinghead: 


 I think I'm going to choose like my MO friend.  She's a retired RN and is getting off most of her pharm meds (carefully) and going herbal.  She's older like us and has been out foraging in her MO lush area for a couple years now.  She's mostly making tinctures and some salves.  I just mailed her a bunch of yarrow that doesn't grow where she is.....but it's all over here in high country.  Finally sat down and stripped the leaves and blossom ends off the stems.  She doesn't need the stems.  Ziplock bags.....took to P.O. to get a mailer envelope. Due to CO's reputation for a certain type of "herb"..... I was trying to stick the clear bags into the mailer before the P.O. guy saw them.  But he had to come out to help me find the right ones and glanced in the open box to check the volume/size.  :buttercup:  So I chatted with him as he stamped and such, about my friend who's and herbalist and make tinctures from plants.  They don't have YARROW in the low country (MO was on the address) and our place has tons of it!  Oye!  :shrug:  


But in return she's sending me stuff from her area that I can tincture.  That sounds like the easiest type of herbal medicine to make.  Takes a while.  Strength can be variable, I'd imagine.  But what ARE we to do if the pharmacies close up {no product from China/India}   I've studies herbal off and on since I was a kid.  Used to ask my great aunts (they were GREAT aunts :wub:  ) about life when they were kids.  I've always known willow bark sort of = aspirin but not as strong/upsetting.  I only have 3 meds anyway and the sinus ones aren't really helping.


Anyway, we still need surgeons and specialists and .....  :pray: for Jeeper's ears!!!   And Ambergris.  And LittleSister's BP issue.  :pray:  


Good to be home, Necie but after being way south, north has changed seasons.  We're still easing into winter but it got down to MINUS 9* (thot it was -6* but DH says no).  The ducks and goose are very unhappy cuz that one severe drop froze their pond.  But we've warmed up to 70's daytime.  So maybe one end might open up.  These birds don't need the east end to get out of the pond.  They use the sides...so maybe we'll be able to let them out for a while yet.  Healthier/happier.  Still below 32* each nite tho. 


MtRider's commentary on life....  :lol: 

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As for my mom......  Thank you all for praying!  Yes, she came home today.  After only a few hours at the hospital, I talked to her last nite and she sounded pretty normal.  So far, nothing has shown on tests to account for her sleeping mostly, thru 48 hrs.  :scratchhead:   Care giver P is going to be there 6 days a week for a couple hours.  (she has another client)  That will be mostly to make sure Mom has something she'll want to eat.  Not fixing herself.  I think that's key cuz she's dropped weight.  Had to buy new clothes- twice. 


We'll see how things go.  She's been fine since yesterday at the hospital.  Once I finally got the right phone number for her room.  Talked to her in afternoon and again in the evening.  And this morning before she went home.  And at our usual time this evening.  ..............we'll see. 


P is going to take Mom's grocery list to the store before she comes tomorrow morning.  Hopefully Mom will remember that not eating can = hospital!  Simple equation....but  :sigh:  there may be more than that underlying.  Too low on calories and nutrient never helped tho.


MtRider  :offtobed:    New bedtime.....12:30am.  Which is 10 min from now...tho I'm In bed with laptop.  Should use my blue-blocker glasses, right? 

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DH got his surgery at 2 pm yesterday. Spent most of the day at the hospital. I did get a walker at the Thrift store. Got home at 4:15- long after dog dinner time.
Watched one short show and shut things down.


Will walk first this morning.

Walk dogs.

Should be helping out at the cafe for lunch.

Will be checking throughout the day to see how DH is doing.  Maybe visit after lunch.  Try and find out when he will come home.


11 hours ago, Littlesister said:

Will he be in rehab?

I hope he can rehab at home.  He will not be happy without his pack around for an extended time and the doc said he should be able to come home.


11 hours ago, Littlesister said:

We will be having a long talk tomorrow about this

Do you think that will help?  I hope so.


@Jeepers, I am amazed at what you are able to go through with a good attitude!  I know it isn't always, but mostly it is!

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Well, GS spent last night in his car. And yes, in my driveway after I said no. He still has his apartment, but he is out of contacts and didn't want to drive home after dark without his eyeballs. Can't say I blame him on that one but that too is his problem. He knocked on my door at about 10:30 saying he his hungry. Yeah, he missed breakfast so told him there is oatmeal and cereal and to clean up behind him. So that is what he did. He also came in with an altitude. Won't go back to apartment to finish packing things up to bring here so we had a nice talk about that and how all the things I bought him that he is throwing away is the same thing as throwing my money down the toilet and let him know what I thought about it. He said he will never use it again. Well, that doesn't matter pack it up and bring it here. Seems he has an altitude about his mother again and doesn't want any of his stuff going to his mother's house for storage. He is blaming everyone and God for his situation. Seems he took the Bible he took from his parents' house when he went to live with his sister and destroyed it at his apartment at some time. That's when I told him to leave and go to his apartment and pack up and bring his stuff here. The Bible he supposedly destroyed was the one that his great grandparents gave to his father when he was little. So, it wasn't his to destroy. We haven't had that talk yet as he is not in the mood right now, but it is coming. I don't think he liked sleeping in his car last night. He really thought I wouldn't let him do it. It was cold last night. 


I really need a real computer. Keep hitting buttons because of a very small keyboard. 

Moving things from garage today to shed that I want to put in the cabinet out there. Got kitchen cleaned up again this morning and just taking a break to calm down from GS's altitude. He behaved to me and didn't get in my face, but it puts me in a bad mood and on the defensive as I never know how he will start reacting. 

euphrasyne is right, you raise your children the right way but when they are on their own you can only hope they will do right.  Euphrasyne, your children seem to be doing just great. Even the grown-up ones. I didn't raise my GS but my daughter and SIL used the computer games and TV as babysitters instead of spending that time directing their son in a direction that would have taught him about things that would have been stowed into him as he grew up. But instead, he played games that were the type that people killed people such as call of duty and other ones that small children should not have been watching and then there were the TV movies, he watched that was even worse. So instead of learning skills he learned the crap he watched on tv and in those games. And yes, there were games that made call of duty look like a walk in the park. He has no skills at all. 

How do you deal with a child like this? I don't know but I have done my job and tried to turn him around. But it is useless, so now I am turning him away. He just hasn't gotten it yet. 

Sorry for my rant but I now will be dealing with him till he is totally out of his apartment till I can get him out of my driveway. I told him he can't live here and that might be what is going on with him now. He didn't leave my house till 11:00pm. last night to go sleep in his car. 



Edited by Littlesister
hit the save button by accident again.
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Miki, glad your DH did well through the surgery, and he can hopefully come home for rehab. 


Mt. Rider, glad your mom is doing much better and hopefully things will be figured out, so she won't have that happen again. 


Jeepers, I hope you can get into an ENT soon. Primary care doctors really don't know how long it takes to get into a specialist office unless they call to find out. 

You need to find out why your B/p is staying up like it does. It is the reason I decided to see a heart doctor. He is checking out the cause and going to try to get behind it. My B/p meds that I have been on for so long just seem to have stopped working for me. Your body can get used to some types of medication and then it is hard to find the right combination of meds to keep it down. Hopefully they will get you straight. 

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LOL Miki. I've mellowed a lot over the years. I am pretty easy going, going into a situation. But I can be h3ll on wheels if I get crossed or rather talked down to. I don't like to be patronized. As my tag line says, "Don't start nuthin...won't be nuthin"  But if sumpin' comes up...yikes. I'm mouthy and quick.  :D  


Thanks Littlesister. I have never had my BP normal. If it does get in the normal range I tend to pass out. I think it's been high for so long that my body has adjusted to it. The other BP pill I take is mostly a diuretic I think. It could be an issue too. I could be totally wrong and it might be my imagination but, I think it might be some of the cause of all of the UTI's I've been having. I never used to have them like this before. Maybe one every five years or more. Hope your BP gets straightened out too!


I looked up the ear med he prescribed it is primarily for the eyes but works on ears too. Not really sure what it is supposed to do for me. Dr. Google says its an antibacterial. Also a steroid. Probably end up with muscular ears being on the 'roid'.  We all know my luck.  

image.jpeg  <== Jeepers after a week on the ear steroids. 


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4 hours ago, Littlesister said:

but I now will be dealing with him till he is totally out of his apartment till I can get him out of my driveway.


@Littlesister You are being abused by everyone in your family, even the children (daughter) you raised correctly. :(


Apparently no one in your family is going to stand up for you so YOU are going to have to decide when enough is enough and stop enabling them. Perhaps you can find an Al-Anon meeting near you somewhere. You need a support system that will help you break out of this cycle and is it crystal clear that your extended family is not it.


I am so sorry that you are going through this, but if you remember, I faced a similar situation with my younger son. (BTW- he has finally come to his senses and has had himself in rehab for almost a year now. He's got his 9mo sober coin, and has moved to San Antonio, TX for the job opportunities there, etc, but he will still be attending some type of support group. BTW - his rehab costs have been covered by the VA - another reason for that GS of yours to get his butt into whichever branch of the military will have him.)



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3 hours ago, Midnightmom said:


@Littlesister You are being abused by everyone in your family, even the children (daughter) you raised correctly. :(


Apparently no one in your family is going to stand up for you so YOU are going to have to decide when enough is enough and stop enabling them. Perhaps you can find an Al-Anon meeting near you somewhere. You need a support system that will help you break out of this cycle and is it crystal clear that your extended family is not it.


I am so sorry that you are going through this, but if you remember, I faced a similar situation with my younger son. (BTW- he has finally come to his senses and has had himself in rehab for almost a year now. He's got his 9mo sober coin, and has moved to San Antonio, TX for the job opportunities there, etc, but he will still be attending some type of support group. BTW - his rehab costs have been covered by the VA - another reason for that GS of yours to get his butt into whichever branch of the military will have him.)



What she  said!

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GS came back from his apartment with more of his things but not much of it. He offered to wash my car and I let him do it.  Later he told me to come sit down as he had something to say to me.  He apologized for how he has acted but this time he seemed different about it, like he was trying to reach out for help. But I still don't trust him. He said he destroyed that Bible 3 weeks ago. I don't know what was going on then, but he said he was mad at himself, God and his parents. Said he was praying but God wasn't answering, and he just got mad about everything. So, I think he is about to hit rock bottom and I am going to step aside and let it happen. It is what he needs to have happen before he wakes up and smells the roses. We talked for a while, and he said something is going on inside of him and he doesn't know what to do or what it is. We talked about a lot of things and how he grew up and what happened in his life to make him the way he is today. He has a lot going on from his past that he really needs to put behind him. Right now, he is sleeping in his car again. And we will see what happens tomorrow. I will not be easy on him and told him so as well as I have heard his apologies before and that I am not sure that he really means it this time. I will not budge and let him live here again. That is not going to happen, and it might be his way of getting me to let him live here again. He needs professional help, but I cannot afford it, and all Don't know where to start on that one. So, praying that the Coast Guard will call him in very soon. And then maybe he can get the help he needs through VA. At least they will tame his anger issues which have gotten better over time, but he still now and then has outburst. Because he tore up the Bible he had, I am making him every evening sit down and watch the Bible on TV.  So far so good and he had questions. He plans on watching more tomorrow evening. Then he has to go to his car after. Hoping he is thinking about his actions and the consequences of them. 

I am going with him to the apartment tomorrow to help him pack up. Then coming back home and work on garage. Hopefully I can get it finished in a few days. 


Gee I need to get me organized and make a list of things to get done each day and stick to it. To many interruptions. 

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Hold strong, Little Sister.  He needs someone who is still speaking to him...but speaking truth in love.  Tough love.  Things he should have learned before he was 10 yrs old.  Video game babysitters - not good.  Too bad about that heritage Bible. :(  :pray:  


I did not sleep last nite, despite taking 1/2 Unisom.......and another 1/2 at about 3am.  :sigh:   I just could not get sleepy.   All this about my mom, I think.  So I made oatmeal for DH and I.  After he got ready and left for work, I went to bed at 9am.  Slept til 3pm.  Felt ok.  Did some things and the evening chores of walking dog and shutting ducks/goose into their house for the night.  Our pond that did a QUICK FREEZE on the night it got down to minus 9*, is melting off again.  I think the birds will be able to swim around tomorrow....which will further break up the skin of ice.  ....then....depends on the temperatures.  We usually don't get all the way into Nov.


Tomorrow afternoon, I have a horse ride.  Missed last week cuz weather was rotten cold and snow and they canceled everything.  Neeeed this ride.  R leg is not really cooperating so my dog walks are awkward.  Not going too far. 


Mom was fine tonite and got very sleepy early.  Yeah, the 'whatever' wore her out.  I keep giving her ideas to eat...and she's interested but then forgets.  Chocolate Ensure is too strong and ...thick.  Then add milk or even vanilla ice cream and have a malt.  She's just worn out with fixing food all her life.  But is pretty picky if others cook.  Not meaning to be so picky but ....she's mostly eaten her own cooking for decades.  :shrug:   And she's forgetting the extras that make a  difference:  put Parmesan cheese on spaghetti if it's tasteless.  Oh...I could have done that.  :sigh:   :pray:  :pray:  :pray:        None of those surrounding her right now, KNOWS her like I do.  


MtRider ....begin the night time stuff ....  :0327:      'Nite y'all' 



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Sorry your mom and family are struggling right now Mt. Rider.   :hug3:


I found that Boost tastes a little bit better than Ensure. Especially if it is ice cold. I buy the Rich Chocolate variety. At one time I could get it at the Dollar Tree for $1.25 a bottle. They didn't have any last month. Must be a hit or miss deal. If the doctor says she needs it, perhaps she could get a prescription from him sent to her pharmacy at a discount price through Medicare.  I'm not saying she can't afford it!!!  Just throwing the info out there for anyone who needs it. It happened that way with my FIL. Needed Ensure, doctor wrote a prescription for it, pharmacy filled it every month at a big discount. 

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DH is zipping around with his walker! We are getting set up for physical therapy today and will start Monday.
I'm really happy he is doing so well and is so motivated to get well!


This morning, I will walk first and pick up trash in Church parking lot on my way home.
Will clean baths and sweep house.
Next, make some maple sausage McMuffins I saw yesterday.
Have some files to purge.
Water roses and set clocks back.


It's like some of you are being bull riders!  Mt Rider, littlesister, and Jeepers!  Hang on!

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GS was not in driveway when I got up this morning. Seems from checking the EZ pass he went home to apartment at 1 am. So, guess he got cold last night. I am still not budging. I will let him know where the Salvation Army is so he can go there at night to get a hot meal and shower as well. Though he still has his gym membership, and they stay open all night. He can get a shower there as well. Hum seems he didn't want to drive after dark because he is out of contacts and can't see well to drive at night. Well, 1 am is still dark out.  So just more reasons to be cautious of what he is saying. He still has a long way to go. But at least he his starting to open up a bit about his issues. But all I can do mainly is to let him know he needs to try hard to put them behind him and move forward. To start thinking about what he wants to do with his life moving forward. Haven't heard from him yet this morning so he is more than likely sleeping this morning. 


I am getting ready to start moving things to garage. It is now starting to warm up a bit outside.  Picked up in house and put some things away that I needed to get done. Looked at my bedroom closet and shut the door again. Yes, that closet has everything in it stuffed in there from construction. I need to go through that as well. Will leave that for another day as I have got to get the garage finished first. 

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We went to Ikea today.   They had a shopping cart full of textiles to the top for $15. It had cushion covers, towels, hand towels, curtains, sheets, loose fabric, and lace.   It was all neatly folded--that is how much there was.  And it was a big Ikea sized shopping cart.  I showed it to DD15 and she said 'take it out of my allowance, this is mine.'   I got it for her and I'm keeping the towels and a bit of the green flower fabric, but the rest is for her to have fun with.  


River got a huge stuffed puppy --probably 2 ft in length.  She keeps sitting it down and saying 'stay here puppy.'   We have no dogs, so I'm not sure where she learned that, but it is very cute.  We went to Mission BBQ for lunch afterwards and I got a big plate to split with R.  She ate the smoked sausage!   I can barely get her to touch meat that isn't lunchmeat or chicken nuggets and she ate smoked sausage exclaiming yummy!  Multiple pieces.   It was a good day for everything but my wallet.  

Edited by euphrasyne
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Wow Euphrasyne, you had a very productive day! I wish we had an Ikea around me. I've never got to go in one. Same with The Container Store I've heard about. Probably a good thing I have no access to either one. I do love containers. Hope River's puppy learns Sit, Stay fast and no piddles on the floor!  :008Laughing:


I stopped by the house today. It looks about the same but they have installed the microwave (I think) and the dishwasher and stove are sitting in the kitchen. They have to install a whole new electrical outlet for the refrigerator because there are too many already on the existing circuitry or what ever it's called. Also they needed to install a new one because I had them move the refrigerator. He is also installing a new water line. He said the other one didn't look right and the fridge came with a new one so what the heck. They have another dumpster in the driveway for appliance boxes. And they have installed a new bathtub and surround. I'm glad that got done because the old tub was metal (can't think of what that is called either. Enameled cast iron maybe. Very cold when you first get in it and sit down.) and the finish was starting to wear thin in some places showing some of the metal underneath. I thought I might have had to have it refinished. It always looked dirty. I noticed they painted the walk-in closet in the master bedroom too. I thought I was going to have to do that. I will paint the other upstairs closets myself this winter. The creamy beige paint color we chose looks really nice. All things considered, so far I'm very happy with the work they have done. Lots of other things I would change if I was living there but I'm not paying for anymore than I have to. As you ladies here reminded me...it may not be someone else's taste anyway.


I stopped off and got some Preen weed killer stuff to spread around the empty bed. Will do that next week. I want to try to keep the weeds out of the empty bed until next spring. Also picked up a package at the house from Amazon. The last cold snap we had my car hesitated on starting. Battery? I didn't think it was that old. Anyway. yesterday I ordered it and it came today. It's one of those battery jumper things. When something goes wrong with my car over here I'm at the mercy of strangers. Son lives too far away to help. So now along with oil and tools, I have Fix-A-Flat for the tires and a automatic battery jumper thingy that I will keep in the Jeep. Just need to remember to keep it charged up.  :rolleyes:  I also have the normal Get Home Bag of stuff which reminds me that I need to put some warmer clothes in there and some boots. 


Got the ear drops. Very tiny bottles but I got two of them. Close to $70.00. Yikes. They didn't hurt my ears though. I was afraid it would the one with the hole. I'll use one but the other one is going in my med stash. :pout: If he thinks I need more he can write another prescription for it. 

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euphrasyne, that was a great haul. I need to make that trip, but it will be a while yet before I can do it. Don't need towels, material or anything but want to look at the furniture there. DD said they have a couch that has the neck support. I want to check that out. But the one she went to was in NC. So might or might not have it at this one. River is now learning dog training. I hope the pup behaves for her. Even if it is a stuffed animal. No mishaps. That's the best kind. 


Jeepers, I hope those ear drops help. But there is still the ear drum to deal with. That will take time to heal up. Sounds like somethings in house are coming along. Just hope they hurry up and get it finished. This has been a long ordeal for you. I have those jumper cables and the flat tire stuff, but I need now to put air in the tires. Cold weather seems to take the air down a bit and my light came on yesterday. I forgot about it today. So still have low tire pressure. I will need to take care of that tomorrow. I was going to move things to the shed today and ended up pulling everything out of the shed. So, garage never got worked on. Seems one thing leads to another. But I have the back seat loaded and the trunk loaded up for Goodwill.  I have decided to get rid of most of the Christmas decorations. Since we are not having Christmas as far as I know at my house. I am not going through the trouble of putting up the big tree or anything. I have the small one that I can use. But lots of Christmas nicknacks and things that I am not going to use and set around on tables and things like I used to. I think I am about over the big meals and decorating the whole house. Just can't decide if that is because DH is no longer here with me or if it's just me getting older and it's too much to deal with. I will ask my DD and DGD first if they want any of it and then take it from there. I will keep some things to decorate with but not all of it.  I have Christmas tablecloths that was for the kitchen table I no longer have so will get rid of those unless they fit DD's table. I think they will fit both of her tables. I will keep the ones for the dining room table. Once that is all out of the shed. It will open it up and be so uncluttered. I have all my emergency things in one place now. So very easy to grab if needed. DD is coming here on the 12th to pick up GS's stuff to take home and I will have her Go through it then. Cold or not I need it out of the shed. Trying hard to organize things and have the garage totally cleared out. I can then keep the air hose and pressure washer in shed instead of garage for winter months. That will help a lot. 

Euphrasyne, any Christmas things that my DD and DGD does not want if you are interested, I will let you go through the rest. Just let me know. I don't know for sure if they will go through it on the 12th or not yet as I haven't said anything to them yet. But as soon as they do. I will let you know.

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River dog training...:008Laughing:


I have a regular set of jumper cables in the Jeep that goes from one vehicle to mine for a jump start but I figured with the battery pack I could do it by myself. At least get it started to get it to a battery store. National Tire And Battery? I used to always go to Sears for a  Die Hard but all of their auto centers around me are gone now. It is scary to me to think about getting stuck someplace by myself and have to wait until a stranger comes by to help. Or rather, to help themself, if you know what I mean. And now it gets dark so early. Only negative I read about this one is as soon as you hook it up, you have to run and start the car right away because the power pack will shut off into some sort of standby mode quickly. Could be interesting. Anyway, it's one of those purchases I hope I never need to use. The guys who change my oil also does my tire pressure. I need to start setting up a schedule for myself for car maintenance. Every 6 month have the oil etc, changed so it will all get looked after. In normal times I don't drive it enough to have it done any sooner. I go by the milage. I'd like to put a folder together to write down when I get new tires, battery, brake job and anything else I have done to it. Because I can never remember. I don't even remember how old the battery is and that would be handy to know right now. I just thought that I could use it to start the riding lawn mowers with it too. Every year the little battery in them goes dead from sitting through the winter. I have even gone out a couple of times week to start it and it still goes dead over night when it gets so cold. Even sitting in the garage. 


I got rid of most of my holiday decorations a few years ago. I kept one medium size tote of balls that are those small antique ones. I only kept them because at the time, son showed some interest in them because they are old. They make reproductions of them now. If he wants them he can have them too. That's all I have left. Other than wrapping paper and bows. I stocked up on those when I heard the Dollar Tree was going up to $1.25. Also I shopped the after Christmas sales. Suffice to say I have wrap and bows. :D  I need some printable address labels though. I don't have any for the other house. Suppose I also need a printer too. :grinning-smiley-044:  Never ends does it. 

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DGD is coming over Wednesday to go through all the Christmas things I am getting rid of. Then on the 12th DD will be here and she can go through what's left. I have some very old ornaments that I am keeping also along with a small tree. Not sure of what else yet until I go though it also. Some of it is in the loft. I have a couple of things a patient gave me when I was working. They are carolers. She made them. Not sure if I will keep those are not yet. 

I hate this time change. Wish they would leave it alone as now it will get dark even earlier. 

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My internet is sketchy. We live on a large lake, which means *lakers*. 😏 I think they’ve all came this weekend cuz we have good weather and it’s yard work time. But that means more drawing off our internet. Locals have been complaining about it for years, but the internet companies say they go by residents... Well, vacation/second homes don’t count as residents. 😡 

Anywho.. picked up DS1(Jay-38) yesterday and we went to my Grandpa’s old farm (you’ll all probably hear much more about this as it’s a huge part of our family’s preps) to rake leaves. My sis that’s up from Florida followed and my uncle (lives next door) gave her a couple hour tour of the farm in his Tracker. She hadn’t been there for quite a few years, so got to see all our *improvements*. Then she went to visit one of our other sisters. Jay and I raked til 4 and decided to head home instead of camping over like we usually do. We got over half done, but the leaves weren’t all off, so we’ll go back in a week or two when we get a good, dry day and finish up. So we picked up pizza and headed back to my mom and dad’s. Jay lives there and helps my mom (75) take care of my dad (86) who is mostly home bound and does all her yard work and pretty much anything she asks him. Good kid! 😌 He has a 36’ camper there that has all his stuff in it, but he’s mostly in the house during the day. He’s got his own room/bath inside, but goes to his camper when he just needs a break. 😉

Not sure what I’ll get done today. Still not much ambition. Might go to DS2’s (Tony-37) to give them their souvenir prizes from my vacation. If I can get ahold of him... always busy, busy. He might be hunting today. 🦌 

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No church today and I hate missing but woke up with my neck hurting to the point I can't turn it. Makes it hard to turn my head from side to side and that makes it very hard to turn head to see if cars are coming. I really need to get into physical therapy. I hope I haven't messed up the plate and godiva  bone. Need to get it X-rayed as well as my knee. 

Will be working in garage and shed again shortly. It's warming up outside now. Going to pull out all of the Christmas boxes and move them to the shed. Will put what I am keeping in the living room. I need to go through everything before DGD comes over on Wednesday to take what she wants. Then DD can go through was left and then will pack up the remaining stuff for Goodwill.  I also need to go get air in my tires which is another reason I didn't make it to church this morning. They are really low. 

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GS was a huge help today. He got all of the Christmas stuff out of the shed into the garage for GD to go through on Wed. I am going through first to make sure of what I want to keep. I will still be doing some decorating but just not as much. The Christmas stuff was almost half of the shed. GS did all the lifting of the heavy things. My car is also loaded up with things for Goodwill. Getting rid of a lot of stuff but still more things to go through. Huge dent in shed now. The loft on both sides is almost empty now. 

Taking a break now and then heading out to put air in tires and off to Goodwill. Both trunk and back seat are loaded. 

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Got the air in the tires and dropped off at Goodwill. Need to drop some food off this week at Church for the food pantry. I want to get that there before food is given out.  Had 3 tires that was low. Light is now off for that issue. 

Getting ready to start dinner and then sit down to watch a movie and relax. Tomorrow is another day.

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Heading out to grocery store to pick up a few things I need. This is not a restock but just things that are on sale and I am very low on. I don't really need to get them now, but the sale ends on Tuesday, and I need to get them before then. 


After that will be dropping off food at the food pantry at church. We give out food every 3ed Thursday and we need to make sure everything is stocked up. 


Then coming home to get busy on shed again. We made huge headway in that yesterday.

Edited by Littlesister
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Dh is still doing great (now with cane and sometimes walker). Had therapy today, but I didn't see her do much. Except vitals and records. Did a test to see how long it took him to get from dining room chair to living room recliner.

Yesterday was Church and walk dogs. Not a lot else. I was tired!


Today, walked first.
Handyman here to install security screen door and replace kitchen window. They are still working on the window.
DH's therapy.
Did laundry.
Made a couple of calls for follow up appts. Hoping I'm about done, but we will see.

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