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Same here, sounds like Mr. Miki is doing great. Yes, cheering him on to a full recovery. 


Nothing got done in shed or garage today. Mostly the running around I had to do. Grocery store, then getting things in car to take to the church. I forgot to log out so was still on here when I got home a bit ago. Stayed at church awhile to talk with some of the ones that was there. They are still in need of more food. Just not enough people are donating. I took in a lot, but I can only do so much with the food prices now. Gave money for chickens and turkeys also. I let them shop for the meat. 

Decided dinner will be leftovers tonight and tomorrow I will make pepper steak. I'm tired just from running around getting things done and tomorrow I have to go to doctor for that test. Must remember about the cameras at all the schools. I try to go at least 5 miles below the blinking school lights. They say those cameras are not right with the timing of the schools. Yep, you can be fined $100 which that money goes to Maryland and not VA. What's up with that? It does not go through the police, nor does it go against your insurance unless you try to fight it. So, I'm being very careful as I don't want a ticket coming in the mail. 

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Going to walk, shortly.
Then pick up friend with 2 cats to have spayed.
Will spend several hours in town waiting to pick up cats. Hopefully will get some things accomplished.
Once home, I will get DH and vote.
Catch up on what DH needs.

I'm tired. 4.5 hours sleep. Yawn

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Still feeling sloooow. 🥴

Started making pasta sauce yesterday. Harvest time was so crazy busy that I burnt the first batch of sauce when picking tomatoes. So I just decided I’d can the juice and make sauce later. 😉 I’ve got over 100 qts of juice sitting in my dining room. 😂 Did the same thing with blueberries... 6 half gallons of juice that need to be turned into syrup/jelly. 

My sister and mom are coming down in a bit. Sis is getting canned venison and frozen burger to take back to Georgia with her. That’ll help clear a bit of shelf and freezer space to deal with this year’s harvest. DS2 is in charge of that. They have 9 tags to fill. DS1 and DD help to *finance*, my mom provides the hunting ground, and I process. We all eat good. 🤤 



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Was up early this morning to head to doctor for stress test. She hinted all was well but will find out more from doctor in Jan. Then went to vote. 

Came home had late breakfast and then started getting some paperwork taken care of. Turned on TV and yep, it's done. So now I need new garage sink, new TV, and the ice maker quit but it might be that when I tried to turn off cold water in garage it is also connected with the ice maker. Will deal with it all later. 


Might lay down for an hour as the meds they put in the IV is making me sleepy. Still not out of my system. Couldn't do the tread mill because of my knee. So, they went the other route and gave me meds to speed up my heart rate. 


Need to wash GS's blankets or just let him do it. Though I think I need to teach him how to do all that the right way. Yeah, you should see him washing his clothes. 


Need to go through the Christmas stuff to see what I want to keep, and the rest is going to GD and DD. What's left will be another Goodwill trip. 


Will start back on the garage and shed on Thursday. GD coming over tomorrow for the day to go through the Christmas things while I play with the baby. Plus, I do have a few things I need to take care of. 


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I had a doctor appointment after my last passing out episode and after my ear fiasco.


Blood Pressure was 190/112. He didn't like that. Yeah well, neither did I. He agreed to change my BP meds. Not much choice really because I'm not taking that Amlodipine any more. I gave it a number of tests and every time I went back on it I passed out. He asked what all I've taken in the past. I don't remember those long names from way back then. They have my chart right there on the computer. Dude, scroll down. I told him I think it was an ACE inhibitor. He scrunched up his face and said I don't need to be on something like that. Whatever. It was just what the previous NP in that office prescribed. I wasn't asking for it. Anyway, he prescribed Zestril. My Dr. Google says it's an ACE inhibitor and can cause...fainting. <_<  We'll see. I have to go back to see his nurse in 2 weeks to check my BP and do a blood draw. He is concerned about my kidneys. Frankly muh dear, so am I.  Said if I get a headache or any heart symptoms to go to the ER.


He looked in my ears and became very serious. He kept saying he was sorry. It certainly isn't his fault but I didn't say that. I just said, 'Thank you.' I want him to stay mad at the situation and think about it. He said one is now impacted and the other eardrum is perforated. Yep. He mentioned cleaning out the impacted one. He said they have those alligator clips where he could grab ahold of it and pull it out while looking through the otoscope. I told him at the first hint it was going to double me up in pain again, he was stopping. He went to look for the clip and couldn't find it. Good. I think he thought better of the idea. I told him I looked everything up online and I knew what he was talking about and that I knew an ENT could use lidocaine in the ear to dull the pain. He was trying to help but I'm not in any pain right now and I'd like to enjoy it for a little while longer. He prescribed more ear med. He gave me a referral to an ENT. I asked for a prescription for the "RSVP" shot. Dang, it's RSV. I knew it as soon as I said it. They didn't let on. Probably hear it a lot...I told myself.


So, after that, I went to the pharmacy for the two meds. They are out of the BP med. Hopefully it will come in tomorrow.  Yes, that is starting to happen. Last week it took 2 days to get my ear med. To be fair, I didn't shop around for it. The pharmacist really questioned my needing more of the ear med. I explained that to begin with the bottles are minuscule and I was putting the med in both ears. Also since it is packaged for eyes, I can't see how many drops I'm trying to get in ear. It calls for 1 drop. And I'm supposed to put it in every 4 hours. From that little bottle. It's only 5ml. I just squeeze until I feel something cold. Seriously, it's the best one person can do. He wasn't chastising me though. He is just concerned the insurance won't allow more. That won't surprise me. Whatever on that too. I do have a second bottle squirreled away...just in case. I'll go get some dog antifungal ear med if I have to. :pout: I'm thinking that might be a good idea to have on hand anyway. I asked the pharmacist for that "RSVP" shot. :sEm_blush:  They didn't let on either. I got the shot and, BTW, you don't need a prescription for it. I have the pneumonia, shingles and now the RSV so I'm done. Except for the tetanus shot I will always keep that one up to date. I need an immunization record log.  


Still with me? It was a busy day. I called the ENT office. They are booked until January BUT they had a cancellation just this morning. My luck is always either really bad or really good. No half-a$$ normal stuff around here. So now I get to go tomorrow late after noon and it is in one of the suburbs that I'm comfortable driving around in. I just need to Google map it. I had planned to go to Lehman's tomorrow because I want to replenish my lamp oil with their stuff and I need a canner weight. Tomorrow because Wednesday is senior citizen discount day. But when she said the next appointment wasn't until sometime in January I quickly changed my mind about Lehman's. 


On the way home/hotel I was behind a truck and it's back tire was going flat. I honked and gestured and he finally pulled over for a crazy wild woman in Jeep. He got out of the truck and I rolled the passenger window down to warn him about his tire. I didn't want him to have a blow out or to ruin his tire. He was so thankful! He had no idea. I had the warm fuzzies all the home. Nice feeling to help someone out. Then it hit me. He was right beside my Jeep with my window down and my purse was right there on the seat beside that open window a mere arms length away from him. :banghead:   So much for keeping my head on a swivel. Moron.


I just got a text from a dentist office wishing me (Rita) a Happy Birthday. Not my office and I'm not a Rita. I told them Rita must have changed her number but "Cheers to Rita" where ever she may be.  They said sorry and "Cheers to Rita too!"   LOL   So, HAPPY BIRTHDAY RITA! :bdaycake:


I'm going to do nothing the rest of the day. 



And I forgot to vote. Sigh.


Edited by Jeepers
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@Jeepers So happy that you got to fill a cancelled appt with the ENT! I hope he can unblock that impacted ear and offer some hope for the other one.




According to Dr. Google: 


Lisinopril is the generic equivalent to Zestril (generics usually cost less)

Lisinopril belongs to a class of medications called angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors. It works by relaxing blood vessels and helping the heart to pump blood that carries oxygen to the different parts of the body more efficiently.


"Fun" fact: Why can't you eat bananas with lisinopril? :whistling:

ACE inhibitors, such as captopril, enalapril, lisinopril, perindopril, and ramipril are designed to lower blood pressure, so if you take them while eating a lot of bananas you could inadvertently send your potassium levels through the roof which can lead to an irregular heart-beat.






"Amlodipine is a calcium channel blocker. It works by affecting the movement of calcium into the cells of the heart and blood vessels. This relaxes the blood vessels and lowers blood pressure, and increases the supply of blood and oxygen to the heart while reducing its workload."


Did you eat a lot of grapefruit when you were taking the Amlodipine??? :feedme: :yum3:

"Having large amounts of grapefruit or grapefruit juice can increase the concentration of amlodipine in your body and make side effects worse." :bow:


Sooooooooooooooooo they both work by "relaxing" the blood vessels. I guess you could choose which one to take and which one to avoid based on whether you prefer bananas over grapefruit (or vice sersa)!!!   :eclipsee_Victoria: :24: :24::24: 




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I don't think I ate any grapefruit at all. Maybe 1-2 of those little cups per year. I like it but avoided it because of the statin I'm on. Not supposed to eat grapefruit on that either. I didn't know about the Amlodipine but I wasn't eating grapefruit anyway. Regardless, I'm not taking the Amlodipine. We do not play well together. I asked the woman who was here with me if I slowly sunk to the floor or just passed out. She said I was talking to her and just fell to the floor. Just like that. She said I was totally unresponsive. They were getting ready to call the ambulance when I came to. I do remember coming to and telling them to not call anyone because I knew it was my BP med. By that time there were 3  people at my door. I always feel it coming on but it happened so fast this time I didn't have time to get on the floor. At least not voluntarily. :D  This was the last straw because I went down on a tile floor and also hit my head on a door frame. I didn't really get hurt but I could have. Glad I was in my own room too. He prescribed 10 mg and told me to take a half of one. 


It scared her so bad. It was Halloween night so I guess I was the fright entertainment for the night.     BOO!:faint3:

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I can't take Ace inhibitors. They pulled me off of those because of severe cough. And when I say severe cough, I mean almost nonstop.


Jeepers, I am so glad you can get into the ENT tomorrow. Hopefully they can get you straight with those ears. 


Whatever the dye was they used when I took the stress test made me really sleepy. I was getting sleepy in the office. Usually, they use iodine and tell you to drink lots of water to flush it out all day. But this was something else. Then a bit later they gave me the one to speed up my heart rate. That felt really weird. Lots of pressure it felt like. So, on the way home I stopped and voted. In and out fast on that one. Came home ate breakfast and got some paperwork together that I need to get done and then laid on couch and fell asleep. I was going to lay on couch and watch tv but that didn't happen. So, need to go tv shopping. But will wait till DD and SIL come in this weekend to go with me to bring it home and set it up. 

My daughter just texted me and said black Friday deals are coming. Will check out BJ's and Sam's club first. Then take it from there. I want to go back to that place we got the old one from, but I heard they are out of business. The one I had to replace for the bedroom, I ordered online. Got a good deal on that one. And I want another Samsung as those lasted the longest.  Had the big one over 17 years or more. 

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Jeepers we were typing at the same time. Just glad you didn't hit your head hard and I really pray you can get the meds straight. Sounds like your BP drops fast at times. Not a good situation. 

At least I haven't had that situation. My issue now is very low blood sugar. So, have to keep something on me when I am out and about just in case. I grab something sweet to bring it back up. I need to go to pharmacy to get those sugar pills or whatever they call it keep in my purse. 

And speaking of purse. I always put mine on the floorboard and not the front seat. It's harder for someone to grab through an open window. 

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Jeepers What are the drops they are having you use called? I'm guessing they have numbing med and maybe antibiotics in them so the antifungal med is probably not the right med and is most likely designed to be used on an intact eardrum. Once you have a perforation introducing anything else other than what they prescribed could be dangerous as that is an area that can get infected really easily. I hope the ENT can get you in fast. 


Annarchy I'm so sorry about your friend :hug3:


Littlesister and Midnightmom yes glucose tabs are really good to keep in a vehicle or your purse so you have them handy when you're not home near food. Low blood sugar is nothing to mess with

Miki glad your DH is doing so well after his surgery

Necie I'm happy for you that you have so much to put up! I froze some things this year and made some applebutter but didn't can as much as I would have liked.


Nothing new really to report here same old same old. Enjoying the cool autumn breeze right now and having my cup of coffee. The garden is put to bed and looking forward to the cozy winter months and hopefully working on my quilt.


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Went to bank and then to USP to mail something off. So that is all out of the way. GD will be here around noon to go through all of the Christmas things. I have already put what I am keeping in a corner of living room. No need to put that away as I will be doing a little bit of decorating just now what I used to do. Yes, I was heavy into the decorating the whole house did all the cooking and now have turned it over to the kids. It was time to step back and let the kids take over. I might cook a dish or two to take to GD's house for Thanksgiving but as for Christmas I have no idea if it will be my house, DD's house or GD's house again. Guess it will all get figured out. 

As soon as she goes through all the Christmas things, and it is a lot I will tighten up and wait for DD to go through to see what she wants. Then I pack the rest up for Goodwill.  Goodwill is right around the corner from me, so easier and cheaper with the gas prices to go there than all the way into Churchland to CHKD or Portsmouth for Salvation Army. Though I prefer to give to Salvation Army. 


Midnightmom, thank you for the info for the glucose tabs. I am going to go by store to get some. I really do need those as I am a type 2 diabetic and the new diabetic meds, I am on is working to well. But that can be a good thing. Just need to watch those lows. When reading gets down to 60, I feel really shaky and weak. 


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Yesterday was a rough and long day in town. Lots to do. Glad it's over!


This morning, walked first.
Handyman here working on finishing window install, making 3 interior doors so they will actually latch and putting screens in a couple of bedroom windows.
DH's nurse should show up at some point.
Will walk dogs after.
Hope to make muffins and write a letter to Military friend later.


I seem to just stay tired, lately.  

Nurse was just here and says DH's hip looks great!

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Sorry you had a rough day yesterday but glad your hubby is doing  to so well. 

I got a text that the pharmacy has both meds ready. Surprised me about the ear med.

I'm off to the ENT in a couple of minutes. I only hope she doesn't hurt me. Sigh. 



Crimomy, I just read that. It should have read I'm glad he is doing SO well not TO well. Sorry about that. Didn't mean to give him a set back. :sEm_blush:


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Jeepers, hope all goes well with the ears. 


Miki, sorry for the rough day yesterday, but so glad your DH is doing so much better now. He seems to be coming along really well. 


GD texted me and said her car won't start. It has been sitting idle for a long time so more than likely the battery needs to be charged since it is not old. Or it could be the alternator. But her DH will find out when he gets home.  So, all the Christmas stuff is still sitting in middle of my garage, and I can't do anything till it is all out of the way. GS has gone to Social Services to see about getting Medicaid. I hope he can get it. At least he will have that along with his food stamps. He is still sleeping in his car in my driveway which I really didn't want him to do. But then again maybe his car being there will be a bit more protection for me. He has a better view of what is coming up into the yard from a better angle than I have in that area. With things going on in this world right now it could be a bit better protection for both of us. He comes in for breakfast, use bathroom and then helps me around the house. So far that arrangement is working well. And he seems to be well with that. Better altitude as well. Need to get him to split some of the larger firewood and bring it up to the patio. Still been too warm for a fire but the nights are a bit colder. Not going to start up the wood stove just for nighttime. I can hold off for a bit longer. 

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I had a good experience this time. They were appalled at my ears. They were also very interested in my picture from Costco. I saw a total of 4 different people and they all wanted to see it. They kept a copy to put in my file. I didn't see an MD but rather a Nurse Practitioner. I have always had god luck with NP's. She cleaned out my impacted ear. Very gently! She used one of those suction things 'as seen on Youtube'. It was loud and itchy but no pain at all. She gave me a lot of info that I don't remember but it is all written down. She said it could up to 9 months before the eardrum heals. And if it doesn't, then a tube placed in and if that doesn't work then surgery. That's on down the line though. If I have to have a 'procedure' then they are paying for it. IMO. 


She said to stop the antifungal med and keep the ear dry. I have two boxes of it at the pharmacy waiting for me. I'm going to get it for my stash. She ordered 2 different nasal sprays. One is Flomax.  (It's Flonase. Sheesh. The other is Afrin)   I can get it OTC but it will be cheaper at the pharmacy. Plus I can take Rx off of my taxes. She also ordered Prednisone. The purpose of the meds is to dry up the fluid that is behind that eardrum. 


Then they took me to get a hearing test. Needless to say I flunked that test. In both ears. NP said the other ear should get a little bit better after the hole heals up. I don't know how that will work but whatever. I have to go back on Dec. 22nd. I will have to see about going to Indy for Christmas. I'm not stressing over that. I have no big plans anyway. All I really care about will getting G-sons presents to him and getting some furniture that will be due around that time.


So that was that. One ear cleaned, new meds and another dr. appointment. At least the place is easy to find and not huge and free easy parking. That's kind of important these days. 


I picked up a pizza on the way home and I'm not doing anything the rest of the evening. I'm tired. Tomorrow is housekeeping day so will use that time to go get my meds.


Edited by Jeepers
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Jeepers, Glad all went well with the ears. Just hope the ear drum heals up on its own. 

Haven't heard back from GD yet so not sure if she got the car running or not. So not sure if she will be here tomorrow or not. But these are some of the reasons I can't get my house and things together. They want but won't come get it. But in her case, she couldn't help the car breaking down. Hopefully it will be gone this weekend. 

Been watching Sutton Daze. She was showing her bedroom pantry. She has me beat. Looks like a room double the size of mine. 


Been very tired today. Don't know if it's the increase in Bp meds or what. Just no energy. 6pm and I am ready for bed. Might be the time change. I hate this time of year when it is dark by 5 to 5:30. 

My cardiologist called and is sending another Bp med to pharmacy for me to start taking with the one I am on. Don't remember what she said on the name of it. I have to again take my Bp for 5 days and send it to him. Then will see from there what is going on. 

So, I need to go to store to pick up my Rx which I already have another one that is ready for pick up. 

I best have energy tomorrow as I have things I really need to get done in the house. Things are piling up again trying to go through things. Seems every time I go through things to either put away or get rid of, I make a big mess. But I guess you have to mess up to clean up. Or so they say.


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Wow....Jeepers.  SOOOO glad you finally got good care for your poor ears!  I hope you can report the damage done by the first person.....she canNOT be allowed to continue!!!  :gaah:     Will pray your healing goes fast and hearing can return!  :pray:   And can balance all meds so you're not dropping to the floor.  WHAT a YEAR you've had!!!!  :pray:  


Annarchy.... :(   :hug3:  :pray:  


Miki...so good to hear of MrMiki's recovery!!!  :amen: 


Little Sister....it's a wonder you know which end is up.  Such busy life with all your kin coming and going.  :)   GS sounds like he's on best behavior.  Hold to your rules with him and :pray:   hopefully he'll catch on to how an adult has to take responsibility for himself.  Good you're watching your health too! 


My mom was very motivated to get to dentist appt. today and was ready and waiting.  Niece took her and they did some of the work.  More will come at the next appt.  She's very pleased with things so far.  Bright and cheerful when we talked tonite.  She'd eaten some Panera soup for supper.  I called a bit earlier and she was ready to go to bed earlier - cuz she has two people coming tomorrow....folks that come to check after you've been in the hospital.  All is well.....today.  :amen: 


We've got a bit of snow and the temp is down again.  DH drove me to Bible study ....so I was assured of getting there and back.  Hmph!  I used to drive commercially for other disabled folks ....way 'back in the day'.  In the big Twin Cities.  Now I'm the one with the chauffeurs!  :buttercup:   Oh well.  Glad he's willing.  At this age, it's so good to have a partner where you can each do what you can still do best....and cover for the other.  :wub:  


MtRider  ....and I'm not best at getting to bed on time.....  :sigh: 

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@Jeepers Even with my hearings aids I still prefer to turn on closed captioning because there are just some letter combinations that I still can't quite catch without seeing them as I'm listening. Have you ever misheard the lyrics of a song and never found that out until one day you decided to look up the lyrics and read them while the song is playing? It is the same way with some TV/YT videos, etc. I have a very difficult time talking on the telephone as I cannot SEE what they are saying to me. OTOH, sometimes the automatic captioning doesn't work well either and you can wind up reading some very strange stuff and going, "Huh???" :24: :bow: :D

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