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"Bright blessed day...and dogs say goodnight. And I think to myself, what a wonderful world."

I heard Louie Armstrong say that for decades! It's "The bright blessed day, The dark sacred night." 


I sort of questioned it but I actually saw a Lancome (I think it was) ad that had puppies running in a field. So, it must have been right. And dogs saying good night was so sweet. I could get behind that. And wouldn't that be a Wonderful World if they did! I still sing it that way.  :P


"Blinded by the light. Wrapped up like a douche another roamer in the night."  "Blinded by the light. Revved up like a duce, another runner in the night." (Manfred Mann version) It's about a car. Not personal care products. 


Yep I do it. There are many more I've misheard but I was younger back then with no hearing issues. I mentioned the other day at Costco that I find myself reading lips now. She said that was normal and most people do it. I didn't realize I did it until my latest fiasco. When they were testing my ears I realized that I have major issues hearing men's voices in both ears. I couldn't make out the words. That might or might not explain a few issues in my past relationships.  :24:

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Finished canning up the cherry tomato juice pasta sauce yesterday. Out of 7.5 qts of juice and 1.5 qts of veges and stuff, I got 7-24oz jars, plus about 1/2 a pint dumped into the next batch.

Started the next batch with 12 qts of juice. Will add more to it. Only grew regular tomatoes this year— Big Boy, Better Boy, Parks Whopper— so will take a lot more cooking down. I usually grow some paste tomatoes and mix the two, but couldn’t find any at planting time. Will also process veggies today to add to sauce.

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Necie, you did great. I really need to get back into canning. I need to make the soup to can and some other things. But just been one interruption after the other. Maybe after the holidays I can finally get things done I need to get done. 

Haven't heard back from GD yet so I figure I am stuck with all that Christmas stuff in garage till the kids finally get here to take what they want. The clock is ticking and next week it goes by, by. 


Yep, GS is walking a tight rope. He is doing much better, and I am working on his putting things off and how it has consequences when you keep doing that. So, he is now with the free clinic for his health. He has apt. on the 27th for the lab for Coast Guard.  He is still asleep in car so right now I have me time. Will have him splitting wood today to bring up to the patio for when I start up the wood stove. Temps today will be near 80*.  Going to start washing a load of rags and towels shortly. Right now, I am just relaxing with a cup of coffee. 


Jeepers, I have heard that song many times. Good song. 

I am so glad you got the proper care for your ears. That woman at the clinic you went to should be fired for that. I just hope and pray there is no permeant damage, and that ear will heal on its own.  


Time for me soon to call the new primary doctor and get that out of the way. Trying not to have everything so close together. Right now, I have to go back to the heart doctor in Jan. and the Endo doctor in Feb. Then there is still the eye doctor and dentist. Dentist I am looking for a new one. On the eye doctor, the one I had retired and now I am picking out another one. Just going through to see which one will be best for me. They all deal with different things. 


Rats, GS just knocked on the door. But he is in kitchen now getting a cup of coffee. He said he's ready to work right after breakfast. 







Edited by Littlesister
hit save by accident again.
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8 hours ago, Midnightmom said:

@Jeepers Even with my hearings aids I still prefer to turn on closed captioning because there are just some letter combinations that I still can't quite catch without seeing them as I'm listening. Have you ever misheard the lyrics of a song and never found that out until one day you decided to look up the lyrics and read them while the song is playing? It is the same way with some TV/YT videos, etc. I have a very difficult time talking on the telephone as I cannot SEE what they are saying to me. OTOH, sometimes the automatic captioning doesn't work well either and you can wind up reading some very strange stuff and going, "Huh???" :24: :bow: :D


DH was told that his comprehension is down 40% since his last visit to the audiologist.  His hearing is the same.  

7 hours ago, Jeepers said:

"Bright blessed day...and dogs say goodnight. And I think to myself, what a wonderful world."

I heard Louie Armstrong say that for decades! It's "The bright blessed day, The dark sacred night." 


I sort of questioned it but I actually saw a Lancome (I think it was) ad that had puppies running in a field. So, it must have been right. And dogs saying good night was so sweet. I could get behind that. And wouldn't that be a Wonderful World if they did! I still sing it that way.  :P


"Blinded by the light. Wrapped up like a douche another roamer in the night."  "Blinded by the light. Revved up like a duce, another runner in the night." (Manfred Mann version) It's about a car. Not personal care products. 


Yep I do it. There are many more I've misheard but I was younger back then with no hearing issues. I mentioned the other day at Costco that I find myself reading lips now. She said that was normal and most people do it. I didn't realize I did it until my latest fiasco. When they were testing my ears I realized that I have major issues hearing men's voices in both ears. I couldn't make out the words. That might or might not explain a few issues in my past relationships.  :24:


The ants are my friend, they're blowing in the wind.  The ants are blowing in the wind.   LOL


Walked first.
Fed dogs and put them in bedroom.
Handyman here again.
May walk dogs if they go to lunch. Tomorrow should be raining.
Will write military friend as that hasn't been done.
Go to local bank after handyman leaves.
Make muffins if I have any motivation left.
Bible study this evening.

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39 minutes ago, snapshotmiki said:

The ants are my friend, they're blowing in the wind.  The ants are blowing in the wind.   LOL

You picked a fine time to leave me loose wheel?  Four hundred children and the crops in the field! LOL 

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Y'all are killing me with misheard words!  :24:   "loose wheel...four hundred children...."  :008Laughing:

My Mom singing lustily as a little girl:  Dashing thru the snow, and the one horse opened it's leg.  Ore' the fields we go...laughing all the way.  :scratchhead: 


Oye...hearing issues.  I didn't know I had them until I went to the cognitive therapist.  Within 10 minutes he put a piece of paper in front of his mouth and said make the noise I'm making.  I could imitate a few but some I couldn't.  He said: you're lip reading!  :o  Really?  So off I went to the audiologist.  I hear no low tones, half the mid tones and no high tones.  Wow. 


With hearing aides....the world is a much more clatter-y place.  All sorts of new sounds I have to go investigate....now what is THAT noise!  Yeah, I still use the close captioning too, Midnight.  But it's made a tremendous difference at our Women's Bible study.  I think, with all the older women, we should make a circle rather than 2 long tables joined.  You can see further than you can hear.   I quickly adjust my devices louder when it's someone at the far end from me.  I know others who get fill in remarks from the person sitting next to them.   And we laugh a lot so that covers up sound too. 


DH always knows when I forgot to put them in cuz I'm saying 'what?' a lot.  Then when I put them in, I talk much softer and HE can't hear me.  He'll be one of those old duffers who never get hearing aides tho.  Eh?  Whadya say? 


MtRider  ....not sure why my computer opened MrsS this morning?  I must have hit the wrong button but...while I was here....  a good laugh!  :) 

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Necie, Congrats on your canning session! I love to can and I really miss it. What size jars are 24 ounces?  One and 1/2 pints? I don't remember. 


My family is getting tired of repeating themselves. And I'm getting tired of saying. 'huh?' it gets frustrating.  What really bothers me is G-son. I had a little private talk with him the last time they were over here. I explained what the word 'ignore' meant. And that I was just hard of hearing and sometimes I don't hear him but I would never ignore him on purpose. He got it but mom and dad will probably have to remind him. It's nice to have those little serious talks though. Makes us both feel grown up. :rolleyes:


The ants are my friend, they're blowing in the wind....   :24:


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Honey, vodka is not your friend.  


But don't give up! You can do this. I KNOW you are stronger than this. You have too many people who love you and care about you and depend on you. The person who needs you the most is yourself. You matter and we all will be pulling for you to get this behind you. Get it out of your house and don't look back. Get help...it's out there and do not isolate yourself. Get a sponsor who will come to you. You are not alone in this struggle. And don't let one little 'slip' define you. Start fresh tomorrow and put that vodka back in the bottle where it belongs. 


You can do this! And believe me, we all care about you!  :hug3:

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1 hour ago, euphrasyne said:


vodka.  i lost Wednesday.  

Today I reclaim reality.  The struggle is real.  It means a lot to me.  

Today is Day 1. Every day is Day 1. Just keep repeating and don’t give up. Repeat. Repeat. Repeat.
I have been repeating for 10 yrs, 11 months, 2 days. And am doing it again today. God willing, again tomorrow.


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6 minutes ago, Necie said:

Today is Day 1. Every day is Day 1. Just keep repeating and don’t give up. Repeat. Repeat. Repeat.
I have been repeating for 10 yrs, 11 months, 2 days. And am doing it again today. God willing, again tomorrow.


That resonates a lot.  

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Congrats Necie! And yes, one day at a time. 


I don't speak from experience but I have been to many many meetings as I held the hands of a lot of my friends and family members getting them through the door. That first step is the hardest. Both literally and physically. I've gotten them through the door. Whether or not they stay is up to them. Most do. I became a regular at AA meetings and many people assumed I was one of them and that was an honor. 

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Euphrasyne, what everyone has said. We all stand behind you on this. Vodka is not the answer.  I am not that far from you. If you need to get away, I am here. We can go have lunch to get your mind off of things or whatever it takes. But like Jeepers said get rid of the bottle. You have to many people that love you and River needs you. And even what Necie said. Today is day one and every day is Day one. You can do this.  We all love you here and we are here for you.  :grouphug: :gathering: 

Take it to God. He is always there for you. 


Been taken care of business today. GS had put in for more jobs today as well. Hope something comes up soon...

Nothing got done in garage or shed as that is at a standstill till the kids come get the Christmas items they want. GD's car only needed a spark plug and a jump. So, it is ok but now she said she isn't coming till next week. Told her mom was going to go through it after she did and take what is left. So now they may come on Sunday. I am not counting on that. As GD's friend is having her baby shower on Sunday and she is going to be over at her house. So, I am stuck till they decide to come get it. After that I am heading to Goodwill. I will not keep waiting for them as they do this every time. They want it but don't come to get it and it's not going back into my shed to store for them.  This is also the last time I ask them if they want anything as this has happened to many times and then I can't get what I need to do done. 


GS started splitting wood to bring up to patio today. He is going to finish that tomorrow. So that job will be out of the way. And I found someone selling firewood so will be ordering a couple of cords of wood soon. 

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Communicating in public became very difficult when the covid masks were mandatory. I couldn't see peoples lips move which meant I couldn't hear them. Strange how that worked. When I watch the closed captions I usually don't watch the person. It could be different on a TV. I usually watch everything on the computer where it's smaller.

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5 hours ago, Mt_Rider said:

With hearing aides....the world is a much more clatter-y place.  All sorts of new sounds I have to go investigate....now what is THAT noise!  Yeah, I still use the close captioning too, Midnight.  But it's made a tremendous difference at our Women's Bible study.  I think, with all the older women, we should make a circle rather than 2 long tables joined.  You can see further than you can hear.   I quickly adjust my devices louder when it's someone at the far end from me.  I know others who get fill in remarks from the person sitting next to them.   And we laugh a lot so that covers up sound too. 

I know! When I get in the car (or take transportation to doctors' offices) my right arm immediately goes up to my ear to turn down the volume on those babies! It greatly eliminates the road noise by doing so. I also turn them down when shopping, BUT, if I need to ask an employee a question or someone tries to talk to me I have to say, "Just a minute; I need to turn my "ears" up. :lol: ) And I am constantly adjusting them while watching videos, etc, online because not all of them have the best audio or the person speaking didn't have the gain on their mic turned up, etc. It's a good thing that YT has a feature that turns CC on/off. Unfortunately, some video creators turn off that feature. :( Sometimes I will try to "listen" anyway, but am not successful about 50% of the time. Their loss. (Revenue$$$)

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45 minutes ago, Jeepers said:

Communicating in public became very difficult when the covid masks were mandatory. I couldn't see peoples lips move which meant I couldn't hear them. Strange how that worked. When I watch the closed captions I usually don't watch the person. It could be different on a TV. I usually watch everything on the computer where it's smaller.

I never wore a face diaper (medical "necessity" - couldn't breathe with my nose obstructed), but most people kept THEIR distance from me. Being in a power (shopping) cart also helped to create the prescribed distance from other people. The most annoying thing was at medical facilities! "Can you please hold that mask away from your face/lips so I can understand what you are saying?" The dentist's office was the most "challenging" of them all. Not onely did they wear a mask, but they also had a full face shield on. (I can understand the face shield. After all, who wants pieces of decaying tooth projectiled at their face as they are "drilling" a cavity! :imoksmiley:

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When I fell off the ladder and ended up in the ER after surgery, I had a trech down my throat and could not talk. I was also cuffed to the bed  because that is what they do to people who are trecheyed so they don't pull it out.  I started signing one handed because I know some sign language.  The nurses freaked out and started to get me an interpreter before I told them I could hear in sign.  


Came to reality cuffed to a bed not knowing what was going on with a tube down my throat and started signing.  It is good to have multiple ways to communicate,  

Edited by euphrasyne
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I know the manual alphabet for the deaf.  And a couple of actual signing words.  I figure if I can spell it out and the other person knows the alphabet, weʻre good.  Slow but precise.   I learned it back in middle school years....to talk to friends in class with no noise.  :busted:    :lol:    Also learned basic Braille for the same reason.  :whistling:  but I donʻt remember much of that.  And with contractions and such... I really would have a hard time reading anything...with my eyes.  Fingertips...Nada!


I have always used hand signals for dogs too.  I talk with my hands so eventually they pick up on that. 


Iʻm in from walking dog 8/10ths of a mile....but the UP hill part of driveway counts twice!  Fed/water/locked up the ducks/goose.  Got dark quick tonite.  Wore both my reflective vest thing on my back and headlamp facing forward.  It wasnʻt dark....I could see the house from the road and all.  But that time where itʻs easy to miss something.  Only one vehicle went by us.  So all is well.   DH came home and weʻre having left over Sweet/Sour Pork with fresh rice. 


MtRider  :pc_coffee:

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I've been exhausted since DH fell November 1st. Doing too much and can't catch up.
Will be raining in a few minutes, so not walking first-probably about 10 am.
At some point may walk dogs, weather permitting.
DH has therapy today- at home.
Still have to make Magus's McDonald muffins.
Maybe finish Christmas cards.
I need to slow down and hopefully today is the day!

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