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Still working on pasta sauce. So far I’ve put 20 qts of juice in the pot. 🥴 Will make sure I find paste tomatoes for the garden from now on.

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Necie, those paste tomatoes are some much easier and better tasting for spaghetti sauce and such. 


Miki, I hope you get some much-needed rest. Glad your DH is doing better. 


I have been back and forth with USP all day. I'm tired. I was moving some money around and the I won't say at this time (I must be nice), gave me an old address. He sent me a printed-out label to use, and it had the wrong address on it. So now I have just sent the issue to him to take care of. It is now on him since he made the mistake on the address, he gave me to send papers to.


In the meantime, I am sitting here, trying to calm down and relax. I have gotten nothing done in house I needed to do today. 


Jeepers, I feel your pain. 

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I finally went to pick up my prescriptions today. I'm having trouble staying awake. I think it's my crazy sleep pattern though. Anyway, I had 3 scripts from the ENT. One (Prednisone) arrived yesterday and I got a text to pick up the one (Flonase) while I was in the store today. The other one (Afrin) is still on back order. Three very common drugs have been on backorder for me in the last couple of weeks. Actually Four. My newest blood pressure med was backordered too.  Both the nasal sprays treat nasal decongestion. I don't have that. I think she said it was to help dry up the fluid in my inner ears. Not sure about the prednisone. I know its a steroid. I'm only on it for five days though. To be honest, I was willing to take what ever they gave me in hopes of healing this hole in my ear. I really do not want surgery. Funny but both nasal sprays are also OTC. I didn't look to see if they had any. Didn't think of it. While I was in the store my 'good' ear popped really loud. Scared me half to death. At least I heard it.  :grinning-smiley-044:


I stopped by Wal-Mart to do regular grocery shopping. Sticker shock. They were busy but it was Friday so I guess that might have something to do with it. I don't know but for the first time I notice how rude some of the people were. Especially the 'associates'.  My cashier was put out that I had some heavy items in the buggy and he had to come around and scan them. At least he didn't have to lift them. Just a couple of 8 pack bottles of pop but it was easier to leave them in the buggy and wheel it around to the end of the lane...I thought. The reason I didn't go to the self scan was because I didn't want to lift them in and out of the cart. Also a gallon of bleach, which reminds me. It is getting harder and harder to find regular bleach around here. Nearly all of it says 'low splash' or something like that. It's very thick and not for treating stored water. Just a heads up.


Gordon Food Service is sort of in front of Wal-Mart so I stopped in. I wanted some bulk spices and they have it all there. Since the last time I was there, that store has really gone down hill. It was still pretty well stocked except for the frozen veggies. They were few and far between. But the store was in disarray. It's a very small store. They left a lot of the big shipping labels on many of spice bottles and I had to search around for ones without them. The spice containers are pretty big like you'd get at Sam's. But I didn't want bottles with those big packing labels all over them. Especially the ones that were touching the spice labels. I'm wondering now if I wouldn't have done better going to Sam's or Costco. The cashier was surly there too. I said a couple of words to her and she completely ignored me. Infact, now that I think of it, I don't think she even looked at me.


I still need to go winter jacket shopping. I think I'm pressing my luck waiting. Its been in the 60's but we did have snow once. I've been warned. I hate clothes shopping but I need to try a jacket on before I buy. They all seem to run different. 


So that was my big adventure for the day. Sorry you had a trying day too Littlesister. I'm thinking no one wants to work for a living now and they resent customers. 


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I see some jackets online I like but half of the reviews say it runs too small and the other half says it runs too big. I'm a little picky about my winter jacket. It has to have a 'fur' lined hood, knitted cuffs at the bottom of the sleeves and long enough to cover my butt. It gets cold, snowy and windy in northern Ohio in the winter. I need the cuffs not only to keep the wind out, but I have short arms and without the cuffs, the sleeves land an inch or two below my finger tips. I don't care about the brand though. 


It was horrible shopping in Wal-Mart today. Everything I touched seemed to shock me! Not just the prices.  LOL. Some of the shocks actually hurt a little bit. I wonder if it is the nylon windbreaker I was wearing. It is lined. It mostly happened in the food aisles. Very unpleasant. A couple of times I even got shocked on the cart. And I'd go up to a shelf at try to quickly touch something and quickly back away. People probably wondered about me. I hate to get shocked. 

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I have had that happen to me many times. I hate it also. It's the electricity that is generated from the nylon I think in the jackets we wear. Then the metal shelving units we touch shock us. I like the nylon as it makes for a good windbreaker. So, when I am wearing mine, I quickly touch the metal shelve and pull away fast and that seems to help when going through the store. 


Today I am washing blankets, sheets, towels, rags and clothes. I am way behind on things in the house right now. So today is cleaning day. 

Also taking measurements of garage windows for the curtains. I want to get those made as soon as I get garage cleaned out and windows washed. That I can do in the evenings after supper is done and kitchen cleaned up. 

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Already walked.
Cleaned bathrooms at Church and swept floors. Straightened out hymnals.
Picked up my friend and took her to local stores.
Made up a gallon jar of white gravy mix, yesterday. Today, I will make a small amount. When we want flavors, I just add boullion. DH wants white gravy to go on the McGriddle muffins I made yesterday.
Need to package and freeze some of the muffins.
Slice carrots for dog treats.
Work on getting Christmas cards ready to go.


I hate getting shocked, too!  I get out of my car and then touch the key on the door and it grounds out?  I'm going to try keeping a key in hand at the store and see if it works the same.  Folks will probably think I'm manic, but maybe...

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21 hours ago, Jeepers said:

I stopped by Wal-Mart to do regular grocery shopping. Sticker shock. They were busy but it was Friday so I guess that might have something to do with it. I don't know but for the first time I notice how rude some of the people were. Especially the 'associates'.  My cashier was put out that I had some heavy items in the buggy and he had to come around and scan them. At least he didn't have to lift them. Just a couple of 8 back bottles of pop but it was easier to leave them in the buggy and wheel it around to the end of the lane...I thought. The reason I didn't go to the self scan was because I didn't want to lift them in and out of the cart. Also a gallon of bleach, which reminds me. It is getting harder and harder to find regular bleach around here. Nearly all of it says 'low splash' or something like that. It's very thick and not for treating stored water. Just a heads up.



The WMarts around here have a "scanning gun" at the check out registers, don't yours? Or maybe you didn't think to look? If they do, it's a good way to avoid those grumpy cashiers, etc. 

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Yeah, our Wal-Marts have those scanning guns too. I really like those. But I had a lot of little things in the buggy and if I had done it myself, I would have to dug through everything getting to the pop to scan it first so I could get it scanned in the bottom so I could get all of that little bagged stuff put back on top of the bottles. There is a madness to my shopping plan. By going through a cashier, I could have all of the little things on the conveyer belt for him to scan while the pop in the bottom of the buggy, was available to scan with out either one of us messing with it. Plus...it's his job. :pout:


I got home and he had put my head of lettuce in with the loaf of bread and during their ride home, in the backseat of my Jeep, the lettuce fell in love with the bread. At some point they became 'companionable' (my hearing being what it is, I was oblivious to the fact) and the result wasn't pretty for the bread. She was rather disheveled looking. BTDT.

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I sometimes when putting groceries in car will rebag some things because cashiers don't know how to bag groceries the proper way. I have also asked them not to put certain items in with other items.  Yes, I used to work in both a grocery store and a bakery and things just are not to be bagged with certain other things. We were taught how to properly bag groceries back in those days. They don't do that now. 


Got blankets washed and dried as well as towels, and rags. Just need to put the rags back in the rag bin. 


Started to feel a bit tired and shaky earlier today. Checked my sugar and yep, it dropped to 64. So, this new medicine is doing its job. And I can now say for sure that the Trulicity my primary doctor put me on was not working. But it sure did a number on my thyroid levels. Got the glucose pills. So, should be ok with those. Small tubes for when I am out and about, and the large ones stay at home, and I can refill the tubes when needed from those. So that should take care of the low sugar levels. 


I was planning a Walmart trip but never made it. So maybe next week I can get there.  

GS finished splitting and stacking wood up by the patio door and that is now covered and ready to go when needed. 

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Canned pasta sauce. DDIL+++ ❤️ and DGS(6) and DGD(4) came down. (Not sure what else to call her.. she’s so much more than a DIL—and her and my son aren’t even married. 😂 They’ve been going out for a couple years and just combined households. He has DGD(12). DIL has been one of my DDs best friends for AGES. She has always called me *Mom* and her kids have always called DD *Auntie* and me and DH *Grandma and Grandpa*. I just love her so much and more. :hug3:) Anyhow, she came down to watch and learn to can. Did a bit of shopping in the fruit cellar. The kids were good and played outside most of the time— other than picking on Grandpa a bit while he was watching football. :laughkick: They wanted to stay the night, but I said not this one and besides I’d see them tomorrow at Great Grandma and Grandpa’s for November/Thanksgiving Sunday dinner. Made macaroni salad for said dinner tomorrow. Then made dinner. Now sitting on my butt!! :coffeescreen:


:hug3: and :kissy:



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Quilt guild today and volunteered to be guild VP next year which means I'll serve as President the year after. I'm a beginner quilter but I can run meetings and since no one else was volunteering I stepped up. It's 12 meetings a year and we do a lot of service work so it feels good to help with that. This week just flew by and honestly it feels like this fall is just evaporating. I'm hoping to get help moving the air conditioners up to the attic. We took them out of the windows 2 wks ago but they are all just sitting in the rooms now..my family just isn't proactive about things like this. And this week I need to get my tire fixed it keeps losing air so that will be my big priority Monday. Firestone is just down the street so hopefully they can figure out where the leak is and let me know if I need new tires.

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Speaking of cars, I have to go get mine inspected next week. Not sure I need an oil change yet though. Need to check the milage on that. I use Synthetic oil so I can go over a year before needing to change it out. I forgot how long I can go before changing it. I think it is something like 12 to 15,000 miles. I have a sticker on window that tells me when it's time. 


Becca Anne that is great to be VP of the quilting quild. I saw where they are giving quilting lessons at a quilting store down the road from me. I am hoping next year to take some classes. I have quilted before but been a long time and there are still things I could learn to do better. 

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Necie, family is family regardless of how they come to be in our lives. :hug3:


Becca-Anne, congratulations on leading your quilt guild. They are lucky to have you. I'm sure you have already brought some new freshness to the group. Wish I was more outgoing like you are! Hope your tire is an easy fix and maybe they can patch it. Son has done that many times to his tires. If you can, maybe carry a can of that Fix-A-Flat in your car. It really works for leaks (not so much a blow out) But if you are stranded, it will get you to a repair shop and then some. The stuff in the can seals the leak and airs up the tire. Happened to me twice and I was very glad I had it. I highly recommend all ladies carry a can of it in their vehicle. Especially the ones who live by themselves and don't want to (can't afford) AAA. Actually, Fix-A-Flat and 2 bottles of oil saved me a couple of times when I was out galivanting around in Amish country by myself. 

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I was just sitting here thinking about all the Christmas advertising I saw on tv.  I watched a college football game all the way through  today which is a long time for me anymore.  So many Christmas ads before we even get to Thanksgiving.  Almost all of them saying holiday still.  You hardly hear the word Christmas mentioned. When I was a kid we kind of followed the old German customs from my Dads family.  They had so many rules and customs. We always put the tree up Christmas Eve and took it down on the Epiphany. It had to be a real tree.  No gifts under the tree until Christmas Eve. At least there was one kind of cute commercial with John Travolta playing Santa Claus.  I almost didn't recognize him.  I recognized Donna Pescow first and she was only on for about 2 seconds.  After I saw her I realized who Santa had to be.


Our weather is still fantastic.  I am enjoying open windows and no heat or air running.


I haven't been in a store for years. Between being handicapped and the covid/flu viruses I have been doing pick up or mail orders. I would probably have culture shock if I went into WMart!

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Our weather is now dropping.  Mid 60's during the day but still not too bad. Just sweater weather. But by the time the sun starts going down it starts to drop to mid 40's.


Waiting for DD and DGD to get here. Should been here soon.  So just waiting on them right now. No need to get started into anything this morning much. Will do that when they leave. And I need the break. Not happy that I am missing church again, but I seem to have to work around their schedules. I can understand that DD lives out of town. But she and DGD are going to a baby shower this afternoon. It is DGD's best friend. She partially lived with DD when they were still living here. She is also having a girl so it will be nice that both babies can grow up together. 


Will be on phone to Anderson Window about the 2 replacement windows tomorrow. Something I should have done a long time ago, but things got in the way. Got the numbers off the corner of each window to give them. That has all the info on them. Love lifetime replacement. Aragon gas leaked out. So, time to replace them. Just pop old ones out and put new ones in and done. 


After the kids go through the Christmas stuff, Then I will be packing up the rest for Goodwill. Putting what I am keeping in Livingroom to decorate with. Won't be a lot of decorating anymore since it is just me and not doing Thanksgiving and still not sure about Christmas yet. But just can't do the full-blown decorating anymore. Too much to have to take down, pack back up and put it all away. Yep, we did a lot of decorating back in the day. 



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Kids left a little while ago to head to the baby shower.  GD and her DH went through as much of the Christmas things as they could but had to leave before they finished as she needed to go home to pump. She started hurting. But she will be back later in week to go through more and then DD took a lot of things, but none of it put much of a dent in it. So, what has been gone through that part is going in car for Goodwill. I am keeping a few things but just not much of it. Found another tiny tree that I will keep for the den. It might be maybe 3 or 4 inches tall. But will work perfect for the den. Then the other one that is about 2 feet tall will be in Livingroom. I don't have a mantel anymore so no need in keeping any of that stuff.  

DD is leaving right after the baby shower to head home. She took all of GS's things back with her to store at her house. I only kept his blankets as he is sleeping in his car. I also kept his towels to use and his hamper for him to put his dirty clothes in. So that emptied my dining room of his things. 

No one wanted the big Christmas tree as it is really old. So that I will put on the curb for someone to take. That happens a lot around here. If you don't want it just to park it on the curb and it will be gone before morning.


Will spend the rest of the day just relaxing as tomorrow I will be very busy again. Seems it never ends.

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DD on her way back to NC.  Baby shower was good.  GD's friend's baby is due in December.  


GS and I went to the Dollar Tree. I had nothing here for snacks for him and I wasn't in the mood to make anything. Could have made brownies or something but just didn't feel like it. So, we went there, and I got him some apple juice and snacks to hold him awhile. I don't like him using my kitchen to cook because he makes a huge mess and doesn't clean up very well. Boys, what can I say. So, it's either I make things, or he does without. But I did make him wait a good while this time. 

Now back home and just sitting around doing nothing when I should be going through all that Christmas stuff and packing it up tighter for Goodwill. But tomorrow is another day. 

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Went to mom and dad’s today for our family Thanksgiving dinner. Figured there was 31 there 🥰 and 29 missing 😢. It’s awesome having a big, close family. The cousins (20’s/30’s- 14 of them) are all very close and hang out with each other... even when they don’t have to. :24: And that means that all the grandkids (newborn to 13 yrs old- 19 of them) are growing up together and know each other. Big dinner— got stuffed!! 🤤 Kids/grandkids played some baseball, pushed each other on the tree swings and hammock, walked through the woods, 2 ended up in the lakes 😂 — one after a dog and one *mis-stepped* :laughkick:, then they had a bonfire. 
Decided to do Christmas Sunday dinner December 10. Sister6 is in charge of that. (I was in charge of Thanksgiving.) It takes a lot of the work off Mom. We’ll have a kids (under 18) gift exchange and she’ll figure out some gift game for adults. Always a fun time!!! Hopefully we’ll have snow to play in!! Doubtful that the lakes will be froze over though. 

:hug3: and :kissy:


Edited by Necie
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I haven't been here for a few weeks. Need to catch up!

Dh and I are happy. We got our new generator installed. We never had generators in any of our previous homes. We have lived here almost 8 years and hope to make this our long time home. A home that our kids know as home and our grandkids know as Grammie and PawPaw's.

We had a clog in our plumbing due to toilet paper. DH took care of it.

In another incident, the shower handle came right out of the wall. So dh replaced the handle and hot/ cold knobs. My dh is no plumber but he is very handy. I'm so grateful.  Probably saved us a few hundred dollars. 

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I remember those huge family gatherings for Thanksgiving and Christmas all too well. We used to have about 30 some people here for Thanksgiving and Christmas. But over the years some passed on and things changed. Family got smaller and hopefully through Great grandchildren it will start growing again.

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I got caught up reading again.  :hi: 


DH and I plan to try again this year.  Last year we planned to go to the community Thanksgiving dinner at the 'town hall'.  Except DH got the day wrong....they have it on Wednesday.  So we had to go home and cook a ham.  :rolleyes:   That was the first year without my folks here.  We'll see how this year goes.


It's cold here now.  Good sunshine warms it up but....any wind makes it chilly....or down right bone chilling.  Walking dog every evening but it gets earlier as we head toward  :cheer:   Winter solstice.  THEN we begin to get light longer again.  Slow as that process is....  I go out to the porch and make sure I'm getting sunshine - for Vit D but also for Seasonal Affective stuff.  It works every year since I've left the sunglasses off.  B)  


MtRider  ...tired!  Sleep! 

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Blessedhomemaker71, congrats on your new generator. Hope you never have to use it.  :wink(2):. It's on my looong to-do list too. A handy man is a real asset! My son is a plumber and his mother  ( ==>:hi:) needs two new toilets, a new bathroom vanity and a whole new kitchen sink...for the last three years.  :grinning-smiley-044:  What's that old saying? The cobblers children have no shoes. 



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Started going through the Christmas things to see what else I am keeping, and it is not much. Getting ready to pack the car up as soon as I do lunch. Another Goodwill trip is coming.  Didn't eat breakfast this morning so more like brunch. 

Washing clothes also.  Trying to decide what I want to cook for dinner tonight I need to get something out of freezer soon. 


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Sigh.  The red hen got egg bound yet again.  This has been averaging more than once a week, poor thing.  She's basically been in a constant state of egg-constipation or recovery from egg constipation for a couple of months now.  So today we put her out of her misery.  To me, she was verging on a pet, and letting her go was as far as I thought.  I was sad to see her go.  To H, she is several pounds of good, solid meat. 


She's been plucked out already.  


Sigh.  Only one of my three baby dinosaurs from a year ago is left now.  She's the matriarch and egg-laying queen of the yard, but H's father sent a giant cream-colored beast to be the god-baby's pet a couple of weeks ago, and that one is residing in my yard now too.  I don't know if the beast is male or female, but it's not crowing nor laying.  I also have three dainty little white silkie retirees (one a rooster) who among them put out an egg every other day or so. and three black creole egg-layers about their size who are half-grown, and five babies who have now entered the looks-like-a-dinosaur stage.


Edit:  She had some broken ribs that had healed wrong, as it turns out, and was grossly over-fat.

Edited by Ambergris
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