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13 hours ago, Jeepers said:

Oh and... ahem... Annarchy, 'someone' moved a canning thread over into the Urban farming forum by mistake and can't figure out how to move it back into its proper place. 'She' is feeling very bad about that. Asking for a friend.  Just saying...  :sEm_blush:   

Tell your friend, it’s back where it should be…:thumbs:

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That is so funny. And I had just found it last night when I was reading old post in that urban farming section.  Jeepers that will make your friend very happy to know it is back where it belongs.  Annarchy came to your recue. 


While cleaning out in garage I did find where that little mouse came in at. Right where I thought. Under the garage door. There were some droppings but not much. Got all that cleaned up and bought those other type of mouse catchers. Have one in that area now. The mouse goes into the trap but can't get out. Just pick it up and throw it away. No more sign of it, so it must have gone back outside. But still being careful. I hate those things and don't want it in the house. 


GS texted me a while ago. The job is going great which I figured it would as he already knows everything about that type of work.  Now hoping he will get that lab done on the 27th and the Coast Guard will call him in shortly after they get the results. Just hope his liver counts are back down from having mono. 


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9 hours ago, snapshotmiki said:

@Jeepers, that's  how I am  with  Willie  Nelson!

I get it!  LOL. 


I'm crazy for Mick Jagger too but...oh that Keith Richards.  :0327:

Just think of all the live concerts we are going to go see in Heaven. Front. Row. Seats. baby. And backstage passes. As you can see, they are already practicing getting ready for us. :D   Keith Richards & Willie Nelson & Friends - Dead Flowers (Stones Classic Live) - YouTube



I have chosen four songs for Willie to sing at my funeral.

I Am The Forest

Something You Get Through

It Gets Easier

And ending with  I'll Be Seeing You


Who'll Buy My Memories might be added. Optional. Son already has them all downloaded. 


Won't be a dry eye in the house.  :008Laughing:

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@Jeepers, my favorites are Willie and Louis Armstrong!  I've been enchanted with Willie since I first heard his voice in 1975.  Seen him numerous times, including at Ceasar's Palace in Vegas.  I have a great close up photo I got in 1984.  I was right up at the stage and he looked directly at me.  His voice and smile get me every time!


 Good morning!
Will walk in a few minutes.
Appointment with home insurance agent.
DH has optometrist appointment.
I'm going to lunch with a friend.
Handyman back to finish painting kitchen.
I'm hoping that's it!

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Picked up DS1 yesterday and went to farm to rake leaves. Wind was pretty good. Was going to rake leaves to the east fence row, but wind was blowing straight north. So we went with it and raked them through/over the front fence (stock panel) out to the ditch/road. Wind is supposed to change and be out of the north... will probably blow them back. 😂 Hopefully, the fence will hold most of them back. We cleared a couple of good size grape vines out of the fence row and picked up some downed limbs for the campfire. My uncle stopped over. We’ve had a critter(probably ground hog) get into the basement, through the wall at the top of the stairs. Made a mess. My mom had an *old friend* redo the foundation (rock) around the house and part of the basement. He also did new basement stairs. Did a pretty good job, except sealing back up the wall at the top of the stairs. Would be nice to figure out where the critter is getting in, but my uncle said he’s got some old tin laying around and will fix the wall so at least it can’t get in the house. He also asked if I’d seeded something in the big garden... nope.. was spraying the stuff that keeps seeds from germinating. Said he was thinking about plowing it up now to help keep weeds down next year. Weeds, and especially grass, are awful to try to keep under control. Told him to go for it and that we were also done in the little barnyard garden and the small plot, so he could mow/plow those whenever he wants to. 
Got DS1 home. My mom was just starting supper and DS2 called. Was wondering if we got leaves done.. or he’d work on them a bit today before hunting. I asked him if he was up hunting... no- him and DDIL were working on the deer he got Wednesday to get it down cuz it’s too warm out. Told him I was just leaving Grandma’s and I’d stop on my way home. When I got there, they had it skinned out. So all we had to do was quarter it up and throw it in bags. I brought it home and tossed it in the garage fridge (had to take the pan of sauce out). So I’m gonna have to squeeze working on that in this week. 😳 It’s getting cold after today, so when he gets another, then it can hang til after Thanksgiving. We really need to get a cooler put in his shed. We’ve been *talking* about it for a few years. 😏 

Pic of deer that DS2 got. He’s having it mounted. Only an 8 pt, but DANG —it’s a big one! 😳 Other pic of our raked up *camp site* at the farm.



Edited by Necie
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Nice deer. Good size from the looks of the picture. You have a nice huge farm also. 

I really wish DH and I would have been able to buy a small farm in country. But his health said otherwise. So here I am still wishing and to old now to run one.


Working on shed and garage today. DGD texted and asked what I am bringing for Thanksgiving dinner.  Guess I am not getting out of cooking. She still wants me to do the sweet potato casserole and green beans or collards. Might do both. Not sure yet. So back to store to pick up some sweet potatoes and check that I still have everything I need to make the casserole. 

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2 hours ago, Littlesister said:

 You have a nice huge farm also. 

Not huge by any means. Not even big by today’s standards. Small— under 300 acres. Almost would be considered a hobby farm by most. 
It was my Grandpa’s farm. He passed in 2017 (almost 93 yrs young) and my mom and her 3 younger brothers inherited it... split up into sections. My youngest uncle and his wife and kids moved there about 25 yrs ago and built a house on what would be *his section*. So he’s always around. Anyone who wants to can pretty much do anything they want there. One of the uncles lives in Ohio... he and his kids don’t really want anything to do with it. His section is mostly tillable, so he leases it. My mom and youngest uncle also lease some of their tillable ground. The uncle in the back is a PITA... long story, but he stays off everyone else’s sections and everyone stays off his. But the rest of the farm is available to anyone that wants to use it. We don’t really see *property lines*. The old house is there, but still needs a lot of work. We’ve done the basement/foundation, new bathroom, new plumbing. Next, it needs electrical work. Some of those old wires are scary. The house/barns are on my mom’s section, so we do all that work, but everyone either has a key or knows how to get in anyhow. 😉

It’s about 60 miles from my house, so when gas prices skyrocketed, we started staying over instead of doing 2-3 trips a week.

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Canned 16- 24 oz jars of pasta sauce yesterday. One didn’t seal, so in the fridge for the next batch. Today am working on venison. I’m just gonna clean it up, cut it off the bones and throw the whole mess in the freezer. I’ll can it up after Thanksgiving. DD(35) is coming down tomorrow to help me clean the house up for Thanksgiving. Monday or Tuesday I need to go to town. 🤢 Wednesday is prep day. 



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I completely lost Friday. I discovered the Sumo tournament and spent over 4 (FOUR) hours watching it on Youtube. I love Sumo. Odd I know. We got to see a live exhibition when we lived in Japan and I fell in love with it. Turned out our island (Kyushu) was famous for it. Who knew. Then I found an old black and white Japanese movie and then fell asleep. Woke up and here it is Saturday.  Sheesh. 


I plan to go get a pumpkin spice latte and go to the house for a look around and take some pictures. Also move some stuff from upstairs to the downstairs if they have the garage cleaned out enough. Last week it was still full of their stuff. The flooring that we picked out is on back order. I told him to pick something else out that is similar so we don't get delayed. I'm really not picky. Just stay close to budget. State Farm really undercut all of the prices. One example was they only allotted $12.00 for an over the vanity light fixture in a bathroom. So I have had to pick up some of the slack just to find something decent. I'm keeping track of everything though and keeping all of the house finances in a separate account. That house had better sell well. :unsure:


I know it won't sell this winter. But that's sort of okay. It will give me time to paint the upstairs closets and clean out the rest of the garage and garage attic. I thought I'd have the garage done by now but I still can't get in there because of the guys construction materials and kitchen and bathroom stuff being stored out there. Hopefully I can do some of it before it gets too cold to be out there. Landscaping will need to be put in too. There is none out there now. Will let realtor help with that. 

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Necie, do you think one day you will move to the farm and live in the house. Sounds like a nice area.  You have really been doing a lot of canning. Good job. 


I need to go to store for sweet potatoes. GD wants me to make the sweet potato casserole and green beans for Thanksgiving. Not sure how I will transfer it all to her house yet as she is about 40 minutes from me but will figure it out. Since DD is 2 and a half miles from us, she is bringing paper plates, napkins, plastic silverware, and drinks.  Guess this year will be a paper plate thing. Hope she brings strong ones. 

GS is working this again this evening. 3 pm to 11 pm. This is working well for me. When he gets home, he just pulls into driveway and sleeps in car. He hasn't been helping me as much so he's pretty much living on his own and only gets breakfast and a shower, then out of house.  Will be so glad when he gets that lab for Coast Guard, and they call him in. Maybe then he will learn a few things. 


Going to be working in shed again in a little bit. Got over half of it cleaned out. And the mouse in garage must have left. Nothing with in the traps and no more mouse droppings. I thought at first maybe he got in the house but no sign of it anywhere. Been checking all over the house in corners of closets, under sinks and such and nothing. So, it must have gone back out the way it came in. Still working on a solution for the garage door at that one end that has a crack when door is closed down all the way. 





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Thanks for the reminder, Miki. I need to start my 2024 calendar as well. I already have Dr. appointments lined up for first part of next year and need to write them on the new calendar. Easier to keep up with things that way.


DGD had an emergency and called me to come over. Baby was screaming and in her little seat. Not a happy camper.  She and her DH had just gotten home from store and was bringing in the groceries when her DH played catch with some soda in glass bottles. One got away and he tried to catch it and it cut his hand rather bad. Blood everywhere. So, I grabbed my first aid stuff as I didn't know what GD had and drove 45 minutes to get to her house. Trail of blood all over porch. First thing I thought was yep, stitches. Got in the house and her DH was holding his hand up which was good. Got his hand cleaned up and washed out with peroxide. Yep, he got sick. It could have used a couple of stitches, but he didn't want to go to ER for that. Strei strips are great. Got one of those on the cut and it was in between the fingers. Hard place to put anything. But got that on it and the benzidine ointment and bandaged. Then picked up the baby and got her calmed down and asleep. So hopefully all is good for the night.  She said the baby had not been sleeping and yesterday her DH's father came over and he and her DH took turns walking the floor to quiet the baby down while DGD took a nap. The baby will fight sleep. And did not sleep much last night. Hopefully she will sleep tonight. Or at least most of it. 

I will be going over to GD's house on Tuesday to keep the baby so she can make a cheesecake for Thanksgiving. So, guess I am babysitting at her house on Tuesday so she can get some things done for Thanksgiving dinner. Then Wednesday I will be making the sweet potato casserole and get that put in fridge for Thursday. Not sure what else yet but she wants me to cook up green beans also. That will be fun to take to her house 45 minutes away without it splashing on everything. Guess I will put that in a tall pot to carry over and tie the lid down. 

Yes, do some crazy things for my grandkids. Even the one that gives me trouble. Coast Guard please hurry up and take him off my hands. 

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7 hours ago, Littlesister said:

Necie, do you think one day you will move to the farm and live in the house. Sounds like a nice area.  


No. Not under normal circumstances... and probably not even under abnormal ones. 😂 It would take something absolutely crazy happening. It is a big part of our preps though. I learned a lot of my prepping habits from my grandpa... and his mom, my great-grandma was the original conspiracy theorist!! :laughkick:I come by it honest, for sure! The area is both good and bad. Good that it kinda is out in the middle of nowhere... but, bad that it’s less than half an hour from a *smallish* city— with a military base. 🥴 


Got the deer all cleaned and cut up. Put in bags and labeled to either can or grind and threw them in the freezer. Got 4-2 gallon bags full. Started the hind quarters and rib bones simmering. When tender, will pull those out and add front quarters and neck bones. Will use all that meat and broth to make our venison/veggie/barely soup to can. Was gonna make backstrap for dinner, but... tired and my back hurts. So hubby make chicken and noodles. Backstrap tomorrow. 🤤 

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Necie, I can understand being too close to a city and a military base nearby. 

Wish I had a small farm to go to or even some land away from everything. Far away from a city and military. I'm in a bad situation where I live now. But it is what it is. Bad part is if an EMP does happen I won't be able to get to my daughter's house if the cars don't run and even if I could get it going it could be dangerous trying to get to NC. But would be a chance I would have to take. 


Sounds like a lot of deer meat for Thanksgiving this year. 

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My DH works for the Navy.  For many decades now.  His family mostly does the same.  It is hard to imagine different.  We talk about moving more inland and retiring to a bunker in the middle of the country, but who knows how that will play out.  I hate sand and the beach.  


I grew up in a smaller city with family in the country.  Real country where nothing was near but farmland.  I miss that.  


I am doing a whole lot of nothing this weekend.  DD3 has been getting up at 230am every night for the last 2 weeks and requiring me to sit with her for an hour to go back to bed.  It is exhausting and I hope temporary.  

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Church this morning, then came home to let GS in house. Yep, he was asleep in car, and I just left. He survived but was dying for coffee. Will be going back to church tonight for the Thanksgiving dinner. 


Wow euphrasyne, must be something going on with DD3. Hope she's not stressing over all that is going on in the world today. Kids do not need this type of stress. They need to grow up in a normal world with no war. Nor all the mess going on in the schools these days. Best I can say is to just reassure her as best you can, and I know that is not easy. Don't have the news on when she is around to hear it. That would hopefully help. Can't say that is the reason she keeps waking up but, in this day, and age is hard to say. Just hope it doesn't last long.

I am with you on the sand and the beach. I lived here most of my life and never cared for the sand and beach. Give me the mountains any day. 

I hope you and your DH can retire to the middle of country and find a good bunker. I just want to get out of this rat race and move to the country. A bunker would be a plus though. But would settle for a root cellar and basement. 

Hopefully your DD3 will snap out of whatever is bothering her. Hope it's not bad dreams. Will keep you both in prayer. 






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Yikes, sorry about you GD-DH hand. Could have been a lot worse I suppose. Good thing you were available to fix him up! When I transported food to sons house, I put the pans in a cardboard box and wrapped towels around them to help keep them in place. Setting them on a flat surface like the trunk helped too.  Could the baby have colic?


Y'all reminded me that I need to get a calendar set up soon too. 


DIL called today and asked me to come for Thanksgiving. I think I can make it. I have a dr. appointment Tues morning so I could go over after that. But I have that walk through with the bank at the house on Monday the 27th that I really need to be at. So it will be a short trip with me coming home on Saturday. But doable. This is the first Thanksgiving in their new house so I sorta want to be there for them for that.


I went to the house yesterday. Things are coming along. I imagine a lot more that I just didn't notice. Tub and shower are in. The kitchen cabinets are in along with the counter tops and sink. Appliances are ready. Painting has begun. Not my taste but I don't consider it my house anymore. Nothing fancy but a lot better than before. And close to budget. 


 image.jpeg        image.jpeg

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The kitchen is coming along really nice. I like it. It will be done before you know it. 


Getting ready to leave for church soon. We are having our Thanksgiving church dinner. I made green bean casserole. So that should do fine. All I could think of on short notice. That's what happens when children and grandchildren take up too much of your time. Missed 3 Sundays and surprise. But I got it done. So, all is good. 

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Got home a bit ago from Church. All was really good. Lots of food and a huge turn out for dinner.  I'm tired now and hope I sleep well tonight.  Lots to get done tomorrow. Went to store early on and got the sweet potatoes to make the sweet potato casserole for Thanksgiving Day. Plus, I need to cook up a pot of green beans. Will get things done for that on Wednesday then just have to cook the potatoes and heat up the green beans to take over to GD's house. Might have to reheat them by the time I get to the house though. 

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