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Been doing some housecleaning and did a bit of Christmas shopping. So got some of that off my list. Still a bit more to get done but not too bad this year. Trying to get things everyone can actually use. Gift cards for grocery stores. Diapers for the baby as well as clothes to grow into. And I am coming out cheaper this year. Hitting some heaty sells. 

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Glad everyone had a nice Thanksgiving! We did too. I undecorated for fall today and put up the big Christmas tree in the foyer. Tomorrow the kids will get the decorations down for me. We are also setting up the guest room and that meant moving things out of that room so it was  a busy day. I did take some time to relax and read today too.

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Busy couple of days. 

Yesterday was a typical Thanksgiving... the Lions lost. 😡 😂


Actually, it was a very not-typical Thanksgiving. First time I’ve had Thanksgiving in probably 20 years. DD usually does it. She requested that I do it this year. Not sure why, but I’m glad she did. It was fun!! We had 7 adults and 3 kids. Although, DGD(12) keeps getting closer to being an adult than a kid. She was helping in the kitchen more than doing kid stuff. She sliced up all the summer sausage and cheeses and did that tray with crackers, and put together the relish tray for me. Then she helped DD make deviled eggs. DD had text me when she was half way here and said she forgot them, so I tossed a dozen in a pot and had them ready to peel when she got here. She said she felt bad about forgetting them, but was glad she did cuz she got to make them again with her niece.:wub:


DS1 spent the night. On the way taking him home this morning, we stopped at a local meat market. Looking around we saw fish... perch— $20/lb!!! bluegill—$16/lb!!! I turned to DS and kinda whispered “omg... we got a fortune in our freezers!!” We both got a giggle outa that. :008Laughing:

Then we stopped at DS2’s and dropped off some stuff that DDIL forgot yesterday. 
Then we stopped at a local Amish store and found a couple of good deals. :happy0203: I’ll post about that in Pinching Pennies.


Got him home and went in to visit with mom and dad. Mom had found an estate sale she wanted to go to. It was 1:00 and my youngest sister was supposed to be there at 2-2:30, so I said: If ya wanna go, let’s go so we can get back before sis gets here. She was really wanting to get out of the house, so DS stayed with dad and we went. Good sale... spent too much. :laughkick:


Got back to mom’s and pulled in right behind my sis and BIL. Sis and I had a good visit. She came out and sat in my van with me *while I had a cig*. 😉 Talked about all sorts of stuff. And I did a thang... :whistling: :bounce::faint3::hapydancsmil: Will post about that *elsewhere*. :wink(2): :behindsofa:


Stopped back at DS2’s to drop off a pair of slacks that DIL had my mom sew up a ripped seam for her. Then... home!! Now I’m sitting on my butt being lazy! :coffeescreen:





pics of: DDIL, me, DD and DD and DGD making deviled eggs 🥰 





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What am I doing today?  Freeeeezing!  :frozen:  Didn't start the pellet stove cuz warm sunshine was coming in the window.  Sunshine lied.  When I got dressed to go down for evening feeding, I put on ski overpants and scarf-hat and 2nd stocking hat,wool knee high sox, boots, etc.  - I didn't know it would be THAT COLD!  Thermometer lied.  Said 30*.  Nuh uh!  Good thing I usually overdress for cold in the fall while my body's adjusting.


Dog and I walked down the driveway that was, once again, full of snow.  Not much but...   I had to transfer duck water (not yet frozen except the top) from outside bucket to inside pan.  Put down their food pan outside and give a hefty portion tonite.  Then dropped more straw for insulation.  Lucky they have 'downy blankets' naturally.  In that amount of time, my fingers in my second best gloves were FREEZING!  FEELS like subzero down here at the road/barnyard.  Even that much change in elevation means in the evening, the colder air falls down into the valley area.  Great in hot summer!  Now..not so much!


Still had to give dog a walk....a short walk.  Literally, I had to keep stopping to shift my fingers into the palm of the gloves to keep them from frostbite.  They were hurting.  When I walk the dog, the hand near 'our side' ditch has the retractable leash and the ski pole/walking stick in the other.  On the way back, it switches cuz we only walk on our side of the road.  (cuz the other side has blind corners that are a lot less safe for the zooming pickup trucks.) 


I had to stop several times to blow on my fingers.  My double head covering of an open face ski mask with a (toboggan) stocking hat was not overkill.  The down vest might have been...cuz I had to vent a bit.  Ya don't want to overheat/sweat and try to stay warm.  :grinning-smiley-044:


Since DH is at work, we had to walk the last 10th of mile UP the steep driveway.  I got dog to run around several times to keep her warm in the short/flat coat of fur she has.  Not hard to do that!  I was slow going up the driveway.  Trying to start/warm up my old pickup just isn't worth the time.  Old Fords do not like cold weather and are fussy starting in summer!  Can't go start it...go back in warm house til it warms up.  No....gotta sit on the cold seat freezing with my foot "just so" on the accelerator.  Bad as saddling a mule!  Hmph!


Thermometer said 20* by the time we climbed the "mountain".  By that time I was sweating inside my coat and stuff but fingers freezing.  Got us up the stairs and inside.  Lukewarm shower got body temp back to normal.  I think I did dishes or something for my cold hands.  Definitely time to switch to the #1 leather insulated gloves. 


..... checked our weather: estimated my area Felt Like Minus 1*  Sure did!   We're at 10* now.  


MtRider    :frozen: 

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Good morning!
Will walk first.
Pick up trash from parking lot at Church.
Shovel leaves out of gutters uphill from our house.
Hit local Dollar General for a few bargains.
Decorate front porch- I put up tree yesterday.
Wrap a couple of gifts to mail out.


@Necie, Wonderful photos!  Looks like you all had so much fun!

@Mt_Rider, That is too cold for this FL girl!

@Jeepers, I hope you have had a wonderful time and are home soon and safely!

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Getting things together to start decorating. I have everything sitting in the Livingroom right now. 

Now I am just sitting here looking at my sewing machine and wondering when I am going to finish the bathroom curtains. That has to get done. 

Sat down this morning and paid bills so that is out of the way. 

Fixed turkey bacon and eggs for breakfast this morning then cleaned up kitchen. Went through my seeds to see what I have as I have ordered me a Christmas present.  3 raised garden beds on the black Friday sales. That along with doing the plastic tubs in the old lawn chairs will help with Rabbit issues. Don't know why I feel a rush to get things done. But something deep down keeps telling me to getter done now. So, working on it as best I can. 

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Mt Rider Brrr :frozen: that sounds quite nippy! Glad you made it back up the hill ok. I have to warm up like that too when I get cold it goes all the way to my bones and only hot water seems to work to warm up. 

Necie that looks like a wonderful family gathering :wub:

Miki glad you got your tree up 

Littlesister raised garden beds is a great gift to yourself :) I bought some seeds this week for pure enjoyment, some blue poppies, and a frilly red popp anyd ground cherries. I am planning on doubling my garden next year we'll see how that goes. I want herbs and flowers and more veggis. 

I made my Christmas ornaments this morning for the Mrs S Ornament exchange. Have such fun doing that every year. I also got all my Christmas cards ready to mail. Packages are starting to arrive so time to start wrapping!

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Will be starting to decorate house on Monday.  Monday, I think is also Cyber Monday so will be checking out Christmas gifts. GS wants a set of books that I am looking for. Don't think they are sold as a set yet. So will see what I can get. At least it would be a start and can be added on to over time. 


Got supper done and kitchen cleaned up so just relaxing right now. Got bills paid and sent out a Birthday card for SGD in CA. One of my credit cards is loaded with points so might use those for some Christmas gifts as well. need to use them at some point so this would be a good time. That would be great for gift cards. 


Miki, I like the tree.  My cats would never mess with the tree but would crawl under it to take a nap. The dogs never went around it. So, we had no issues with the pets.

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Home safe from TX……… hard, strong headwinds, lt, rt, and head on, both ways… my mileage sucked….usually 28 mpg, going there, 20, coming back , I finally got up to 22 mpg.  Storm headed east.  Sigh….  Today, Snowing on Mt. Graham, Sierra Vista and the northern part of the Catalina Mtns.  Cold here, (I’m whining because the house heater is at 76° and the floors still feel really cold….). 


She keeps her house at 78°… we shut our bedroom door and opened the window, but, the rest of her house is hot….  I spent a lot of time outside with the dogs…….  :knary:

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Annarchy, glad you are now home safe and sound. We had those hard winds last night. It was brutal. Wow! 78* in house is hot.  I have mine on 67 right now, trying to get used to it and once that happens, I will put it down to 66* I want to try to keep it at 65* if I can. But will see what happens. But I will also have the wood stove going as well. 

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1 hour ago, Annarchy said:

She keeps her house at 78°… we shut our bedroom door and opened the window, but, the rest of her house is hot….  I spent a lot of time outside

I know the feeling.  When I was at Mom's house in CO...while trying to get things sorted and packed, etc, I was up and down all those stairs and it was summer.  I had bedroom in basement and had to retreat there before I overheated! 

We're nearly at zero* and will undoubtedly mean subzero tonite.  I'm not ready for this!  ..... I say that every year but so far, survived. 


Pretty tree!  I love Christmas trees!

Wow, Little Sister - raised beds will be wonderful next season.  :thumbs:   And we all know why gardens are so important.  


MtRider :frozen: 

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Walk dogs.
Undecorate front porch.


I'm a little depressed. Cat chewed the Christmas tree lights wire completely in half. Fixing it isn't really the problem. The cat will just do it again. Not real sure what to do at this point. Suppose I shouldn't have believed DH when he said it would be fine to put up a tree. Of course, he wanted the cat in the house, so he said what I wanted to hear.

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Miki, you can use a dog cage or keep kitty locked in a room till time to take the tree down. I don't know any other solution. You can also put kitty outside till the holidays are over, but it might be getting too cold for her to be outside too long. Other than that, they do have those sprays to keep dogs off of things but not sure if it will work for the cat. Lots of chew toys around and spankings for sure. 

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Went to Church this morning and we now have the youngest new deacon. He was ordained into the church as a deacon this morning. He is 22 years old and a good kid. I think he will do well in life. 


Came home to meet GS at door. Ready to come in for breakfast and coffee. Which he would get his act together. He also is now 22 years old and no responsibility for nothing. But on the good side at least he now has a job. 

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Boring day yesterday. Took longer than I thought to thaw out the venison. Did get quite a bit of crocheting done while I waited. Ended up getting 7 qts of venison done at 7:30 last night. Finishing that up today and may start a batch of soup to can tomorrow. Or... I might start it tomorrow. 😂 Winter is down time... no rush to do anything.


Oh... and it’s snowing out!! Grrrr

Edited by Necie
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3 hours ago, Littlesister said:

Miki, you can use a dog cage or keep kitty locked in a room till time to take the tree down. I don't know any other solution. You can also put kitty outside till the holidays are over, but it might be getting too cold for her to be outside too long. Other than that, they do have those sprays to keep dogs off of things but not sure if it will work for the cat. Lots of chew toys around and spankings for sure. 

I vote for all those solutions, but DH wanted the cat inside.  And loose.  We will see.  Going to get a ghost pepper and see if that will slow him down.

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Just turned the canner off. Another 7 qts of venison. Not enough left for another batch, so tomorrow I’m gonna finish it in pints. Hopefully, I’ll get 8-10. Then I gotta start soup and grind. Then start on the next one. :bounce:

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I'm finally home/hotel. I know I'll miss posts but hope to catch soon. Please don't think I'm ignoring you!


It was a good trip and I got everything done at the house that I had planned to do! Fortunately, I didn't plan to do anything so...success. :D  Actually I did get some towels laundered to be able to bathe when I get back in my house. And I finally got the right side of my garage cleared out enough so falling snow from my car won't ruin anything, so that was good. I got those two holes repaired in my dinning room wall. I painted over them and the next day it all looks glossy. I must have got something other than eggshell paint because it looks so shiny where I painted. Now I have a whole quart of expensive paint that I can't use. Sigh. I want to paint a couple of lamps so maybe I can use it on those. 


I helped son's get most of the rest of the stuff out of their old house. What a mess they had too. It should have been all packed up by now. Nuff said. Only a few totes in the attic left but then the back yard and storage shed. "We" are going to hire 1-800-GOT-JUNK and call it done. I'll tell you they are expensive but they are very good and fast. What's ya gonna do. I keep telling myself that he helped me move. Ugh.


Then we went furniture shopping. I told them when they got in a new house I'd help with some furniture.




Anyway, I had thought about a couch and a couple of recliners like I have. They had other ideas. Imagine that.  LOL  They wanted some sectional thing that had a chaise thing on one end and some contraption that pulls out to make a sort of bed thing. Seems their style is a tad different from this old woman's. In the end it was cheaper than what I had planned on so we were all happy! They chose that couch thing over my idea of a freezer for Christmas, Who'd a thunkit. Sigh.


I have been wanting a guitar for a couple of years. Since I can't play a guitar, I just wanted a small cheap one. Well, the guitar shop was down the parking lot from the furniture store and I was throwing all kinds of hints. We ended up in there! Woo-hoo. I found one I could sort of get my hands around. I paid for it and son found a flaw on it. Nothing big but unacceptable. Long story...I'm getting a new one shipped next week. I walked out empty handed and G-son walked out with a Ukulele.  :D 


I'm glad to be back because the trip is getting longer and longer. Tomorrow AM is the walk through in the house for BofA to release the rest of my money. Hopefully. 


I fully expect to be evicted from the hotel in a couple of days and I'm okay with that. Total reconstruction of the house should be done within a week or two. I'm tired and need sleep.   :offtobed:



Forgot to add. We had a great Thanksgiving with enough leftovers to get us all through the weekend.  


Edited by Jeepers
Posted too soon
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Yep, you hit the save button like I do by accident. 

Jeepers, so glad you made it home safe and that you were able to get a lot done.

Hope your Thanksgiving was full of fun and memories. 


I just finished a partway deep clean on the kitchen. I really need to get kitchen cabinets cleaned out. It has been a long while since I did that. I had emptied the bottom cabinets for the remodel but not the top ones. So, time to clean all that up. There are some things I want to move from top cabinets to a bottom cabinet to make it easier for me to reach without having to climb up on a stool to reach it. I can reach the bottom shelves and the front part of the second shelve but then need the step stool to reach further back and the top shelves as well. I am fixing to move GS's mess to his car soon. He is starting to leave his clothes everywhere and my living room is not it. He is living in his car but comes into shower, eat and wash clothes. But now he's getting messy again. Time to real him in again.

My retirement money that I have moved around should be hitting my bank soon. Once that is done, I Have 3 things I need to get done. One is the garage sink, check back on the well pump I trying to get so that can be set up like I want and get the front door repaired. Will be taking cash out as well but have to do that a little at a time. Just took some out not to long ago. Also, will be putting car in shop to have it serviced. It is coming up on the 50,000-mile check soon. After that I will just wait on everything else that I need to get done. But those are the main things. 

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Will walk first.

Go to hardware store for mulch for Church flower bed.

Local grocery for DH's bananas and then Post office.

Cut carrots for dog treats.

Order a pair of shoes for me.

List a couple of items on ebay.

Undecorate porch from Fall.

That's enough for Monday!

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Good thing I came on home Sunday to be here for the walk through at the house today. I didn't have to be here for it but I wanted to be Plan B "just in case." They were supposed to arrive between  8:00 - 10:00. They called me at 7:15 saying they were in the area and if they could come on over. Sheesh. Luckily, I was just ready to leave the hotel but was still a little less than 30 minutes away. My project manager is an hour away. I KNEW I needed to be here. I called the Project Manager and told him to not bother making the trip up here because it would be over before he could get here. So I went on over and showed the guy around. I played like Vanna White and pointed everything out.   :D


The guy said he would turn in his report and pictures and I should hear something from BofA by the end of the week. He estimated that it was 85% complete. I figure 95% complete. But I get where he was coming from. He said it didn't matter if the materials were on site or if they were ordered. It only counts if it is installed and completed. Fair enough because theoretically, I could take the materials and run. If we have to do another inspection when it's 100% complete then so be it because the inspector is local and they come fast. Not like State Farm sending a guy up from Texas.  :rolleyes: 


Not sure what I will do today. Nothing planned. I'm thinking just chillaxing.


Oh, it's cyber Monday! Change of plans. I need a few things. Especially some long sleeve tee shirts. My Indy house didn't seem to be heated evenly. Some rooms were chillier than others so long sleeve tee shirts would have really helped. I think I have one...somewhere.  Michael's have them for $7.98 with a cuff on the sleeve for pushing them up, which I always do. I think I have to pay for shipping though. Anyway, gonna check them out. 

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Going to our investor's office today to see how much Bidenomics has depleted our savings this year. Then it's onto the indoor shooting range for my birthday. Depending on Bidenomics red ink, we may not be shooting very many bullets today. Finally, onto a buffet dinner. :hapydancsmil:

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