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I thought about a fridge exchange but I think I've had it too long. I have thought of a few things I could do. 


1. Leave it and let the new owners keep it or sell it for a smaller one

2. Buy another one and have the delivery guys take the big one to the garage

3. With the fridge in the garage I could sell it myself without people in the house and it would be disconnected

4. See if it would fit in my Indy house (how to get it over there in the winter)

5. See if it would fit at son's house (how to get it over there in the winter) 


I've been giving it a lot of thought. I wouldn't want to ask son to bring his trailer all the way over here in possibly bad weather just for one item. And there is the heavy lifting. I think I need to either leave it or sell it. I'm leaning toward selling it. It is HUGE.  Sigh


Project Manager called at 7:30 this morning. Luckily I can fake an "I'm awake" voice. LOL.  He wants to schedule a walk through. I told him anytime. So sometime Monday afternoon it will happen. I'm making a list. It's a short one but still...


I got most of G-sons Christmas wrapped. I need another roll of paper. I'm going out later to see if I can find one more thing that was on the list. If not I'm not concerned. He will have enough. I went a little overboard because I knew mom and dad are struggling until they can get the other house sold. No need for the little one to feel the pinch yet.  Pffft. That sounded good in my head but I tend to overbuy for him. Easy when you only have one. But only twice a year. Christmas and Birthday. Luckily they are 7 months apart. Rest of the year it's just a book or two. Justifying. :pout: 

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Ended up with 34 loaf size banana breads, 1 bundt and 24 mini loaves. Some will be delivered today and some are in the freezer for later. That is such a big job since it includes packaging and putting them away. I was tired last night!


This morning, I will walk first.
Go deliver banana breads.
Pick up in Church parking lot and mulch around flowers by entrance.
Hopefully rest!


I'm glad you are having a little down time @Becca_Anne.  Best to take care of yourself to help others.

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Becca Anne as Miki said good to have some down time and helping others as well. 


Miki, that's a lot of banana bread. I know you are glad to have that job done. 


My windows came in today. So now waiting for the installers to put them in. Hopefully that will be soon. If I don't hear from them by tomorrow, I will call to see about them getting that set up as soon as possible. 


Today, cleaning up my bedroom and then going to wrap more gifts. Need to move the nightstand so they can get to the window in order to replace that one. The one in living room already has things out of the way. 


Need to go to store soon as I am out of milk, eggs and a couple of other things. Not much to get so should be a fast trip and back. Might start a load of clothes instead of waiting until Monday to wash. Will see how rest of day goes. 

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It is DH's RDO so we went to BJs and spent a fortune.  I'm set on things for a few months.  We also stopped in at a second hand children's store then went out to Outback for lunch.  The toddler was fairly good throughout. 


Everyone commented on the matching ponchos we were wearing (I crocheted them around 20 years ago and hers is a hand-me-down through all the kids.)  even 2 male clerks at BJs brought it up.  It made me feel good about making them, but sad because my wrist doesn't allow quick or dexterous work anymore.  


I took a cooler with us so the cold stuff with be ok through lunch and put it away already.  The rest of it is clogging up my dining room and entry way waiting on me to rest a bit before putting it up.  


DD15 came home, saw the pile of chips and cookies that need arranging into the stash (individual packs in bulk boxes for packing lunches) and told me 'that is the most beautiful pile I've ever seen.'  Apparently I know my family and get the right stuff.  That is a good feeling.  Sometimes I divide bulk items into smaller containers, and sometimes the price of buying them already divided is better than dividing them myself.  She then helped me put the rest of it up.  Half of us want to skip dinner, and she is making a specific (easy) meal for her step-father.   I am fortunate in my children.


Yesterday DSD26 called and said she was engaged and wanted to wait until DD3 is travel worthy to set a date.  We are thrilled.  We can travel with DD3 at any time for this and I am excited that she is entering the next phase in her life.   I hope for grandchildren that I can spoil and not raise soon.  

Edited by euphrasyne
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I haven't gone to BJ's in a while. Need to make that trip at some point. Went to Food Lion and was hoping to find some rye flour there but seems no one has it. GD said she saw it at Amazon, so will check that out. This is my GD in Washington. She has a recipe for rye sourdough starter.  She sent me the recipe, so we are both going to try it if we can get the rye flour. 

Got the last of the gift cards so all shopping is done now. 

Still waiting on the guy to put in the window. Talked with him today and he just got back into town. Said as soon as he gets things settled, he will call to set up an appointment. Hopefully by the first of week. Of course, this is Anderson windows so will see how fast they get here. 


Euphrasyne, sounds like you had a good day. But a lot to put away. But at least that is out of the way for a while. I bet those ponchos were cute.



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Good morning!
Will walk first.
Clean bathrooms and sweep at Church.
Water and fertilize the newly mulched flowers at Church.
Walk dogs.
Do a bunch of misc. stuff on my list.
You all have a good weekend!


17 hours ago, Littlesister said:

I know you are glad to have that job done. 

Amen!  Perhaps, another job that I won't do in the future by myself.  We will see.


16 hours ago, euphrasyne said:

Yesterday DSD26 called and said she was engaged


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Not even sure where I left off... 

Finished the venison sausage. Cheated on the last batch, but it worked. And only took 3 hrs instead of 28. 🙄

Thursday went Christmas shopping. Got a start on it. Figure I have two more trips to do— one with DD and one with my mom. 
Yesterday I wrapped 20+ little gifts for Christmas at mom and dad’s tomorrow. My nieces and nephews, in all their 30-something wisdom, decided not to do a gift exchange for the littles (4 mo-16 yrs) this year. 😳 I’m pretty sure the children weren’t consulted. Wellllll... Aunt Necie isn’t putting up with THAT!! 😉 Dollar Tree to the rescue and at least they get to tear Christmas paper off something! 
Rearranged some furniture and got the tree put up. Kids are coming down today to decorate it and make rock candy and cookies. 



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Congratulations on your DD's engagement euphrasyne. You are going to be a busy mom for a bit. 


Necie, I guess times are tight. But even something small from Dollar Tree is something.  But I am sure they have their reasons. But at least you can come to the rescue to help out. 


Working on house. Going to try to hang a couple of pictures back on wall. Had to remove them for the remodel and never got all of them back up. Still waiting for the window guy to call me back to install the new windows. Don't think that will happen before Monday though. 


When my DGD in Washington said she wanted to do rye bread, she couldn't find any rye flour anywhere in any store. So, when I went to the store, I looked for it here. Nope no rye flour at the stores I went to. But saw she can order online at Amazon. I went ahead and ordered some for me also as I do make rye bread now and again. Only got a one lb. bag as I don't do rye as often as I do other breads. Also, so there was no wheat flour either. Used to see both in the stores all the time when I was making bread weekly. 



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1 hour ago, Littlesister said:

Necie, I guess times are tight. But even something small from Dollar Tree is something.  But I am sure they have their reasons. But at least you can come to the rescue to help out. 

They are goofy!!
One niece told her mom (my sis) that she only wants handmade gifts for her kids for Christmas. I guess they are doing the *minimalist* thing. My sis isn’t *crafty*. 

On our message board, a nephew said “Our kids have enough toys.” 
Only one niece, who has 4 kids, is tight on money. I remember that. But for Christmas exchange we set a $10 limit. I’d find things between $5-10. I could find $20ish (3 kids) so all kids could have a little something to open at our big family Christmas.

IMO, they just don’t seem to be thinking how the kids will feel not getting a present... when it’s a tradition that has always been done... for over 50 yrs. 


1 hour ago, Littlesister said:

When my DGD in Washington said she wanted to do rye bread, she couldn't find any rye flour anywhere in any store. So, when I went to the store, I looked for it here. Nope no rye flour at the stores I went to. But saw she can order online at Amazon. I went ahead and ordered some for me also as I do make rye bread now and again. Only got a one lb. bag as I don't do rye as often as I do other breads. Also, so there was no wheat flour either. Used to see both in the stores all the time when I was making bread weekly. 

I guess I’m lucky to live real close to Amish county. I can get any kind of flour that I need. I love to bake. I find AP, WW, and baker’s $20/50#. Specialty flours, I buy 5-10# at a time, usually about $1/#. 
It’s funny... the notions people have about the Amish. They do bake bread— to sell for ~$5 a loaf. 😉 But if you watch their carts in the store... a lot of junk food. I saw one once that had a $50 bag of flour in the bottom of her cart, and 4-5 regular loaves in the top. They bake bread to sell, but serve their own family cheap store bought. 😂

Edited by Necie
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Kinda strange giving gifts to adults and not to the children. For Christmas. Christmas is more about the kids than the adults IMHO. Suppose the littles will probably feel left out with others getting gifts but not them. Good for you for giving them something to unwrap! In this case it's the thought that really does count. 


You are right about the Amish shopping habits. They buy as much processed food and junk food as we do. I used to take an Amish family shopping and they bought more Chef-Boyardee and chips than I did. And yes, they used food stamps too. We would go to the next town over so no one in their neighborhood would see them.  :D


Congrats to Euphrasyne's DD on her engagement!



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Congratulations Euphrasyne! That's wonderful :wub:

Necie the littles will remember you were the one who brought them gifts. I would be really hurt as a kid if only the adults got gifts.


I think for those who don't want material things a membership to a local children's museum, zoo, aquarium or other activity can be welcome. 


Littlesister I hope that the windows get put in soon.

Miki have a good weekend! You always seem to have lots going on hope you get some rest too.


I went to quilt guild Christmas party today and had a great time. I won the game and came hope with a pile of fat quarters :) Also a fun table decoration a mason jar with fairy lights which is now sitting on my mantle. I was voted in guild vice-president so I will be busy next year with quilt guild duties but I really enjoy it so it won't be much work more like fun. This afternoon I'm baking more cookies and then wrapping gifts. Tomorrow I'll pick up the last of the stocking stuffers and then we will almost be ready for the holidays.

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3 hours ago, Becca_Anne said:

Necie the littles will remember you were the one who brought them gifts. I would be really hurt as a kid if only the adults got gifts.

No... they won’t. :happy0203: My mom is the only one that knows I did it. I had to let her in on it in order to sneak them in. Nobody else will know where they came from. :whistling:

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Euphrasyne, how do you like BJ's?  They just built one in the big town 30 minutes away and I was wondering if they are better than Costco or Sam's. I have been a member of both of them in the past but I just didn't save enough to keep a membership.


We had a cold front come through last night.  The same one that caused tornadoes in Tennessee. I am thankful we had no serious problems from it. It stayed chilly today though and it was pretty breezy.


A friend of mine lost her Mom yesterday.  Her Mom is about 4 years older than me.  I feel so bad since they were very close.  I don't know what I can do to help her.  She works at hospice so she is used to death but your own Mom is a different story.  I hate when folks die around the holidays.


Just think..soon it will be a new year.  I still don't know where 2023 went!

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Momo, I belong to both Sam's and BJ's as well. BJ's is more for people like us. They don't cater to businesses as much as Cosco and Sam's. Prices are about the same for the most part. They do have different items compared to the other two stores. Still need a membership though. They also sell gas as well as propane. They also have sales on gas for your cars. You won't see 25lbs of rice, or sugar or anything there but they do sell it. But in 10lbs bags and such. So, you can get smaller amounts at BJ's. Not sure that is the best way to describe it but I tried. 

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Seems like Christmas plans are now changing. This is going to get old fast. I know that DD lives in another state. And DGD and her DH are trying to visit with both his parents and her parents. Seems I am stuck in the middle.  I get the message mom, DGD is going to spend Christmas with her DH's parents. Ok no problem. So, they are coming here Friday and going back home on Saturday. OK. Well DGS is working on those days. His car won't make it to your house, and I wouldn't want him to chance it. He was coming to your house with me. DD said Well we are coming down there on Sunday as DGD wants to go to come to your house on Sunday. Do you mind cooking something for Sunday. Ok, yes, I could. But this stops me from going to church, but I can do it. So, DD is going back home on Sunday night so it will just be myself and DGS for Christmas day. These kids need to find a plan for all the holidays. I can't keep changing my plans at the drop of a hat. So, now I have to figure out what to fix for Sunday as our Christmas will be on Sunday now. Hope they don't change it again. This is the second time they changed their plans for Christmas. 

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4 hours ago, Littlesister said:

Hope they don't change it again. This is the second time they changed their plans for Christmas. 


You are too accomodating. It is a great way to be, but it also someone who gets "used" a lot. I hope all of your (their?) plans are finally stabilized. :mellow:

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I like BJs.  Their store brand is acceptable and they carry the items I need.  The bonus over other membership stores is that BJs takes coupons --store coupons and manufacturers coupons.   I find them slightly cheaper than Sams, way cheaper than costco as far as membership.  If you wait to renew, you can usually get a 2 card membership (1 for DH, 1 for me) for $20 rather than the usual $55.   We just renewed and the 'you let it expire' incentive to renew came in at $20 for the membership with $20 in 'rewards'  applied to the card.  Basically free.  


I drink a lot of green tea, the cheese is inexpensive, and the beef goes on sale for 4.99 or sometimes 3.99 for roast.  They are also much cheaper on bulk junk food like chips, juice pouches, poptarts.  Jerky is the lowest price anywhere but the Commissary.  Diapers and formula are usually cheaper there also.  


As little sister said, they carry bulk amounts of normal sizes for a lot of things.  Instead of 1 giant jar of sauce, you are buying 3 large/normal jars grouped together.   Ceral is in normal boxes, but there will be 2 grouped in a bigger box.  I was completely out of macaroni, had a coupon, kid was begging, so I bought a 16ct box of Kraft.  One big box that opens into 16 grouped normal size boxes.  It is much more convenient sizing for family use.    They also carry books, seasonal house and toy items, clothing, shoes, and beer.  

Edited by euphrasyne
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Up early to cook for Church fellowship, yesterday. Went to Church and had dinner. Took a plate to a friend and came home. Brought DH food, also.


Today, I will walk in a bit- about 32 right now, so I'm waiting an hour or so.
Laundry next.
Walk dogs.
No other big chores, just a lot of little misc. stuff.

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Christmas at my mom’s (grandma/great-grandma) was a success. Missing a few people. DS2/DDIL and kids didn’t come—DGD(4) woke up with a stuffy/runny nose and cough. Not being sure if it’s a cold or just sinus/allergy due to our stupid crazy weather change (62* Saturday to 35* yesterday), they weren’t chancing it with my dad’s health. Same with one of my nieces, one kid with a cold and one with a UTI. None of my *steps* were there for various reasons. 🙄😡 It hurts Dad. 
On the way home, stopped at DS2’s to skin/quarter deer that he got Saturday morning (buck-9pt), but he didn’t feel like it. So may run up there later today. Goofy kid!- he’s so fickle. Wasn’t gonna take anymore bucks—just does. But he said that this one was with a group of does and trying to push them into the woods. Ticked him off—so BOOM. 😂 He does the same with does that stomp and snort— squealer tattle-tales. Too smart for their own good—BOOM!

So, I pretty much have the day *off*. Not sure what I’ll do. Sit here and crochet (which, I guess, is work 🙄) until I decide to do something else. 😂




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Wow! Necie, you are going to need another freezer at that rate. But having meat in the freezer is a good thing.


Washing clothes and moving some things around for the window in bedroom. Need to get the nightstand moved from under that one window so they can get to it. 

Trying to decide what to cook up for Christmas since I am now doing the cooking. Since they keep changing plans it won't be much but enough, they won't starve either. Next year I am putting my foot down. GS best get his butt to the lab and get that done on his next day off. Then when he gets the results, he best pass that info to the recruiter.  Once he is called into boot camp, I am kicking him totally out of house. I have had enough and now that he wants to bring friends in here unannounced, he has gone too far. So, will also be having a chat with him. He is still in back seat of car asleep. 


Put a roast in slow cooker for dinner tonight.  Right after the first of year I will start back canning again. I really need to go through my pantry and take some food to church for the pantry there. They are low on some things for the needy for Christmas. So again, will shop from my pantry for that. Did that for Thanksgiving also.  It keeps me rotated since now I am the only one that eats it. Trying to cut back on all of that now. Since a lot of the can goods were for the church pantry back before Covid hit and shut down the churches, DH and I had bought cases of veggies and fruit for it as we were both heavily involved with the food ministry. So just trying to get it all to the church little by little now. I can most of my own veggies from garden and don't use the can goods as much from the store. I am going to give them all the cake and brownie mixes as well, though I will keep a box back for Christmas since I am doing the cooking now. 


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1 hour ago, Littlesister said:

Wow! Necie, you are going to need another freezer at that rate. But having meat in the freezer is a good thing.

Nah. It all gets split 4 ways. I feel behind. We normally do 8-10 deer a year. So far, only 3 (plus DGD(12)’s youth hunt doe). Only 3 wks to go, but DS2 has got his bucks, so he’ll start popping does. Might get 2 or 3 in one day. 
So far we’ve each got 5 qts canned, 7# burger, and 10# salami sticks and sausage. Haven’t started on soups yet. The rest will mostly get done in burger and canned.

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Necie, that's great to have enough to split with 4 families. That's a lot of deer meat. 


Still waiting for them to call about the picture window. Can't put tree up there till that is done. So going to call again tomorrow. I need to get that job out of the way. 

Got all the clothes washed and put away. Worked in kitchen a bit and then sat down to watch a movie. It's called Leave the world behind on Netflex. Weird movie but interesting. Sort of gives you a glimpse into how things could go down in this country, but I question that is how it would happen. 

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