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3 hours ago, Phoenix said:

I have heard, you don’t need a receipt, to return something to Home Depot, they can look up your account and the item # and verify the purchase.  IDK if Lowe’s does the same thing.  

Thank You Phoenix. That's good to know!  I'm still deciding what to do with that monstrosity I bought. Now that I have a new floor in, I'm half afraid it will get damaged if the fridge is removed. And It really is too big for a garage fridge. I'm leaning toward leaving it and letting someone else decide if they want to keep it or not. Plus right now we have 6 inches of snow on the ground and I don't want anyone running in and out of the house right now.  Sigh. I was thinking all package appliances were standard size. Note to self...they aren't.


And BTW...

WELCOME. WELCOME, WELCOME to Mrs. Survival!  :hi:

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GS wanted me to go with him to Food Lion late this afternoon. He was buying groceries for him and wanted my help. They had reduced the whole turkeys to 39 cents a lb. So that is what I bought. So, cooking a whole turkey instead of just a breast. I couldn't pass that price up. What we don't eat, I will up. It's just not that many of us to buy a whole turkey any longer but I will take care of that issue. That turkey saved me $49.82. Can't beat that savings. Might have to get another one for making turkey soup to can also. 

Tried out the new indoor grill tonight. That thing works great. It is the Nija grill with a thermometer. It also dehydrates. So tomorrow I am going to try dehydrating celery in it. Hope it does well as it will be great for smaller batches of things I want to dehydrate. 

It has been really cold here today. I think maybe one of the coldest days yet. So got the wood stove going. 

Edited by Littlesister
Hit that button again.
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Took DH to orthopedic appt. yesterday-all is well.
Bunch of chores at home.


Today, I will walk in a few minutes.
DH has a transport service coming at 10 to take him for 3 appts. about 100 miles away. He will be gone most of the day.
I have many chores at home for the day.
I'm just tired as are many of you!

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Miki, hope all goes well at doctors for your DH.  I know you are getting tired. You do a lot of stuff helping people out taking them to stores and such and then working around at church as such. I am still thinking about getting back into the food ministry but not till sometime after first of year. January I will be doing a lot of canning and dehydrating. So that month is going to take a lot of my time. So will see how things go come February. GS got his labs done and they called him, and he missed the call. He called back and left a message so hoping all is well and he gets into the Coast Guard. But calling today when the labs were just done yesterday afternoon seems fast. Hope his liver counts are good. That is what the holdup is for Coast Guard. 

I think just about everyone on here is getting tired and weary. Jeepers with all she has encountered over the past year and others with illnesses and such. As for me I am just hanging in there till next year. And then things are going to change. I am hoping the interest rates will drop and it will be a good time to sell the house and get out of this area. It is getting worse with the over developing, as well as a lot of other things that can happen if war comes here or worse. Just not the best place to be. But I will deal with that as it comes. 

Hopefully next year will be a time of much needed rest from preparing for hard times and the Lord will give us that break. I would be happy with just gardening, sewing and other things I enjoy doing without worrying about where the next bomb will fall or EMP's, high prices and such. Just to be able to sit back and relax and do the things I enjoy doing. Though I still am dealing with a sink replacement in garage but that is an easy fix. 

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I think everyone is really tired. And weary. We all have had our share of trials this year. I don't know if next year will be any better but I can't wait to see this one gone.


The last 2-3 times the fed met they didn't raise interest rates and I heard they might even lower them next year to help curb inflation. I don't know how that works. Just what I heard from financial analysists. I hope they stay stable at least until I sell the house. Selfishly, I want people to afford to get a loan. 


Speaking of the house, the Project Manager called today and wants to try to schedule a final walk through either tomorrow or Friday. I'll be so glad to get out of this hotel but it's a little scary too. I've been here so long it's sort of like home. Familiar I guess you could say. And I have no furniture at the house except for a twin bed and a table and chairs. It's just another major adjustment to get used to. Kinda like graduating from high school. You've waited for it for so long and suddenly it's time to go. That kind of scary.


But I'll have a lot to keep me busy there. Cleaning and clearing out more stuff. I need to get some sort of curtains up too. Still lots to do before it goes on the market. I have to get my stuff out of there regardless of when I sell. I'm hoping for Mar.- Apr. We can still get blizzards in March. Anyway, March and April are only 3-4 months away. It's going to take a couple of months to get the rest of my stuff packed up. Then there is the garage. I will probably rent a little U-Haul now that I have the hitch. I can get a lot of stuff in one of those and just be done with it. Pack up everything and store it in the garage until I get a load. Then son can take the rest in his truck/trailer. The biggest things I'll have are a table and four chairs, two leaves and the twin bed and mattresses. I realty don't even care about the bed.  I'm starting to hate being by myself and doing all of the work alone again. I'm just getting cranky tonight. 

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Jeepers, I am with you on the interest rates. I really do hope they come down where houses are concerned. Right now, is not the time to buy nor sale. I hit the right time for the remodel but not to sell the house and buy a new one. But I still have plenty of time to get the house downsized and do some things I need to do before I start looking for a house. Moving to NC would get me out of this high taxed area of VA. Suffolk has gone crazy with high taxes. In NC you don't pay personal property tax and the real estate tax is much cheaper. I have an idea of what I am looking for, it's just finding it in the right place. 


Got the kitchen floor mopped and towels washed and dried. Just need to get them put away. Tomorrow is another day. The kids will be here on Sunday for Christmas. Won't be cooking a lot but will cook the turkey and ham on Saturday. Since DD and SIL are leaving Sunday evening and GD, and her DH will be leaving to go to church Sunday night. I am just going to have maybe sandwiches, chips and dip and a few other things. So not really a meal since they won't be here that long. Took me a long time to make my DD understand I don't drive well after dark and that would be a 2 and a half hours of night driving. And since I really don't know the area well, I didn't want to chance it. Plus, my GS has to work on Sunday evening. So, no spending the night and coming back the next day. And I could have gotten GS to do the driving, but he doesn't have glasses and needs to see the eye doctor before he can get more contacts. He's blind as a bat for distance driving. As it turned out all the changes in what we were going to do for Christmas was that my GD and her DH wanted his parents to come to my daughter's house for Christmas and they said no as his little brother plays ball in school and they are having the play offs. So that was why everything kept getting changed around. GD and her DH are spending Christmas with his parents and going to my DD's house on Friday and coming back on Saturday morning. Seems they didn't tell me what was going on and the real reason no one could get it together. But GS works and I would not trust his car to make it to his mother's house. Sometimes you have to knock her in the head to make her understand things. Next year will hopefully be much better. 



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I took the Christmas tree down yesterday morning. Easy job as no decorations on it. I just couldn't take the cat messing with it for one more day. I feel so much better and so much less stress without DH yelling at the cat every other minute! I did put 4 flameless candles in the window so there is something there.
Also made brownies while DH was at his doc appt. He was gone most of the day.  His appt. was for rheumatoid arthritis and went fine.

13 hours ago, Jeepers said:

I've been here so long it's sort of like home. Familiar I guess you could say.


I meant for this to go after.  LOL  I'm so glad that you will have packing and such to concentrate on once you are home.  Should make the time go faster!

Today I have a doc appt. here in my little town.
Walk dogs.
Haircut this afternoon.
Easiest day in awhile!

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I am at work today and it is pretty laid back... My family celebrated Christmas last weekend, so the holiday hustle has ended for us. We've had 2 funerals for relatives on my husband's side of the family, so I have been cooking to meet the needs of the holiday gathering and two repasts. All I want on December 25th is to sleep in and stay in my pajamas all day. Like Jeepers, I can't wait to put 2023 in the rearview mirror. I have plans to leave my job at the end of January, so that should help to make 2024 a happy new year.


After work, I have a rental property to inspect and a gift to drop off.  I will stop by the grocery store and then head home to clean. I suppose that I should do laundry, if I want to have enough clean pairs of pajamas to get me through Tuesday! Tomorrow should be a short day at work and I plan to relax for the holiday weekend! I have loaded my Kindle with novels and have plenty of firewood. 

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Themartinchick, I am with you on that one. Most everyone will be here for a little while. More of a eat, open gifts and leave. And of course, leave me with the mess to clean up on my own. That is how it has always been. I'm used to it. But on Christmas day, I have the house to myself for the most part. GS not only has to work Christmas eve but also Christmas day. It's Food Lion and they will be open for holiday hours as far as I know. But he stocks so they must feel it can't wait till Tuesday. But that does give me most of the day to just sit back and relax. And GS got a promotion. He will now be head of the stockers which is just under the manager. And a good size raise to go with it. Hopefully he will start paying off those bills. 

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Got a grocery order from Kroger today.  I scored a 2# standing rib roast for $5.99lb.  We're having Prime Rib for Christmas day.  DD15 flies out on Saturday, so it will just be the 3 of us here until New Years. 


DH is done with work until the second week of January, so he will be home for all meals for awhile.  He always has a bunch of use it or lose it vacation days leftover at the end of the year.  Today he let me sleep in and has been watching the toddler for most of the day and picking up the groceries.   It has been very quiet and relaxing so I am reading.


Tonight I will wrap presents and clean DH's office where the xmas tree is.  

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I went to store and picked up the rest of the food for Christmas lunch. So, Saturday I will cook both the turkey and the ham. Then let it cool to slice for sandwiches and such. So, grocery shopping is done unless I decide to add something to it. Bought shrimp and snowcap legs for GS for his dinner. But he does have to share. My DH always made sure he had those two items for his Christmas dinner but always made enough for everyone. So, keeping up with tradition as much as possible but that will change at some point. Now to keep him out of the fridge. I hid the shrimp and crab legs as best I could. But he will be forewarned. Candy and cookies are hidden for now. Yes, he will get into the food if I don't watch him. Gee, wonder what he would do if I put a lock and chain on the fridge?


GS also got his lab results back. Liver counts are down and normal. So, in the Coast Guard he goes. He just has to wait to see doctor again on the 10th of January to get the results to send to his recruiting officer. :cele: He needs this. And I hope they can teach him something. Though his Vit. D is low but I figured it still was because he won't take his Vit. D pills. But that won't keep him out of the Coast Guard. 

Busy day tomorrow. Getting house cleaned, sheets washed, clean bathrooms and a bit of picking up. Then I will be cooking on Saturday. So, everything is about ready.

Christmas day is a rest day for me. We can have leftovers to eat, and I can just sit by a fire if it is cold and read and relax. GS will be working some on Christmas day as well as Christmas eve. So, I will have part of Christmas day to myself. Looking forward to that.  I really wish my GD from Washington could come here for Christmas. But she would have to take off work and can't afford to do that right now. Hopefully next year the whole family can get together for Christmas. 



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@littlesister your GS is going to an amazing place if he can manage it.   
DH was with the army then NNSY for over 30 years now (one sold to the other)  and it is awesome.  The perks are indescribable and amazing.   The quality of life is potent.  We live happily on a single income with 4 kids because of it.  

Edited by euphrasyne
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Congrats on your G-sons liver test! One step closer...


Project Manager caller this morning wanting to do another walk through. No problem. The contractor came too. There are just a few minor details that need to be done. Mostly replacing light switch/socket covers that were cracked and affixing the sliding glass door curtain pull thingy to the wall and painting over a smudge on a cabinet. Also a bracket for the basement plug-ins. Really little things. He is repairing the garage floor drain today. So for all intents and purposes, it should be done by tomorrow or Monday. Can you believe it! I asked if they wouldn't inform the insurance company until the first. That way they can't kick me out of the hotel like tomorrow. I'm scheduled to be here until Dec. 31 and I don't want any surprises. They said no problem. They had me sign the paper and date it for January 2nd. They still have to schedule a final walk through with the electric and plumbing from the city. They replaced all of the bathroom and kitchen plug-ins with GFI switches too. So now everything will be up to code. Something that it wasn't before the big flood. Contractor told me to be sure to mention that to the new buyers. All new plumbing and electric. Something a new buyer won't even have to think about for 30 years. I'm going to have to get an agent who can really talk the house up.  Sigh. 


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Yep, those are great reasons to up the price of the house. I hope you get more than what you have put into it as well as what you have gone through. You deserve it. 

Euphrasyne, My DD was in Coast Guard. Now my GD's DH is in the Coast Guard. He went in this past year. As soon as he starts climbing the ladder sort of speak my GD is going to be a stay-at-home mom. Though she works from home anyway but will be quitting her job at some point to raise the kids. Yep, they are planning baby number 2 around June of next year. So that baby will be born around April or May of 2025. 

And GS came home early, and I didn't hear him come in. Yep, he started into Christmas food, but I caught him before he opened anything. 

One of my neighbors came over for a bit.  She said her and her DH passed me on the road and waved but I didn't see them. She thought something was wrong and came over to check on me. I really didn't see them. They have a white truck but then so does over half the neighborhood. 


And on top of everything else. My GS kept saying he was working tomorrow, Sat. and Sunday evening. Turns out he is off all 3 days for Christmas. I'm still not going to my DD's house for Christmas as they are coming here anyway on Christmas eve. Not going to change plans again. And gas dropped down to $3.79 for 2 days and went up to $3.89. I didn't check to see if it went up again or not. But they are saying it is going up. So, I really don't want to spend the money on gas to go to NC and back. I think I am just too tired to travel this year.


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I went to Wal-Mart. First time back since the woman hit me. I thought about it but it didn't bother me. The place was packed and I told myself I'd go on in if I found a parking spot close enough where I didn't have to walk too far. The lot was packed. A car pulled out about 6 spaces from the door. I took it as an omen and went in.


To be honest, I only went because I was feeling guilty and ashamed of myself. The other day when I was at the doctor's office I noticed they had a tree set up in the corner. It was one of the most pitiful trees I've ever seen. Pretty ugly. No ornaments and no lights. I smirked and took a picture of it because I thought it was funny.  I kept looking at the thing and I then I notice a sign by it. I walked over and read it. It said something like 'Don't be cold this winter. If you need something to keep you warm, please help yourself to anything on the tree'. I could have kicked myself in the pants. The tree is for the needy.  :sad-smiley-012: 


So I went in Wally-World and spent some time picking out some scarves, gloves, ear warmers, hats and house socks in men's, women's and children's sizes. Tomorrow before my ear doctor appointment I'm going over and decorate that tree (if they let me) that I made fun of. Maybe they will want to help too. Shame is a great motivator.  :sigh:


                                           Before                                                    After. Note, that a lot of other people donated! This is not all mine!

  image.jpeg     image.jpeg


   All of these coats are free too. I didn't donate to those. 



The receptionist helped hang the goodies. Things go all around the back of the tree too. She said they would pull the tree out so people could get behind it. I put those big sock things (muk luks)  around the floor with Wal-Mart bags as a tree skirt. LOL.  She said it was much appreciated because by the next two weeks or so, it would all be gone. I didn't realize there was such a need in my little town. :(  My doctor might be a lousy doctor but I think he has a big heart for doing this.


Bet I won't be making fun of another Charlie Brown Christmas tree. :sEm_blush:




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Glad your GS liver test came back good Littlesister! 

Jeepers I'm so excited for you that your house is almost all done! I hope you can sell it for a great price and get to finish your move by spring. I'm sure you'll be glad to finally finish sorting through it all and put that part behind you. I'm sure the gifts will be appreciated by patients who need them at your Dr's office :wub:

I got my shopping done and only one more day of work before I'm on break until the new year! I'm really looking forward to the time off:hapydancsmil:

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Jeepers, I have never seen a doctor's office do that. He must have a big heart for the needy. That was a great thing you did. You might not have known at first why the tree was bare when you said what you did, but you sure made an ugly tree pretty with useful things for the needy. You will be blessed for that in more ways than you know. 

I always kept cash on me when going to a store and this year when I was out and about, I forgot about the Salvation Army. I didn't have any cash on me. So, I did my shopping and got cash when I checked out. Then was able to contribute to them on the way out. Yeah, I went to the bank and got cash out so I would have it if I saw another red bucket for them. Not many bell ringers this year though. 


Washing sheets and clothes today. And doing a bit of cleaning I didn't finish up yesterday. But almost done. GS is still in car asleep. Hope he stays there awhile. I need my me time for a bit. 

Doubled checked on the food for Christmas Eve and I think I am now covered for everything. And right now, chili is looking good for dinner tonight. Going to put a pot on in a bit and let it simmer when done. Then we can eat whenever. No time on dinner tonight. Might go to Wal Mart later to look around at the sales. Might not buy anything but just to get out of house for a bit. Might take GS with me if he will go and usually these days he will go with me.

Edited by Littlesister
Hit save again before I was done.
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Something is wrong with me. I keep getting emotional and teary-eyed at the drop of a hat these days. That's not like me at all. 


It happened yesterday when I was thanking my contractor. I reminded him how I'll never forget how he pulled for me with the company to get a furnace before State Farm even approved it. I was sick and freezing and he was worried about me. Then at the Christmas tree, the receptionist grabbed me and gave me a big hug. I'm usually the one doing that. It was nice. And emotional. Sigh.


I had a really good day today. After the tree, I went to the ear doctor. My hearing is still very bad. It was before the power washing incident though. I failed the test big time. But the hole is starting to heal on its own. Looks like no surgery will be needed PTL! She said before it was about the size of a pencil eraser and now it's about the size of the lead end. And there is no more fluid behind the other ear. I have to do another round of Prednisone. The doctor thought it would probably be worth doing. When she said that, I thought of a lot of other patients who the doctors and insurance companies think we aren't worth trying for. I've heard about a lot of denials for meds lately.  :sad-smiley-012: I couldn't even get simple Afrin nasal spray from the pharmacy. Still can't. I have to go OTC. I go back on Jan.15th for what will probably be the final time.


I swung by Wendy's for a Dr. Pepper and they gave me a free Frosty. That happens to me a lot. Taco Bell often gives me free drinks when that's all I order. And last week Speedway gas station gave me a free cappuccino. I must look pretty pitiful. Whatever works I guess.


I swung by Old Time Pottery. If you have one in your area, they are worth a look see. The name doesn't do them justice. They have all shapes and sizes of pottery but also dishes, glasses, all kinds of bed linen and throw pillows, baskets and rugs. Lamps and lots of lamp shades. Also about any kind of kitchen gadget you can think of. It isn't high quality stuff. Probably a step or two up from Dollar General. I wasn't looking for anything specific but I did get a tube-ish shaped colander that will fit down in a big pot for steaming and blanching veggies. It has handles but I'm not sure if they will get too hot or not. Guess I'll find out.


The grocery store is right there beside OTP so I stopped in. I told myself that I wasn't going to buy too much more food since I'll have to move it soon. I bought anyway. They used to make up meals a long time ago but every time I went in they were sold out. This time they had everything and I splurged. So, I'm set for food again. It isn't quite home made but it's as close as I can come right now. I'm going to start taking a box or two of canned and containers of food to the house when I go over so I don't have to do it all at once. It will be nice to be able to carry in a few bags from the garage with out having to walk across a parking lot to go get more. I miss my garage. Especially in the winter. Inside the grocery store a guy was playing Christmas songs on an electric guitar. He was really good. I think it put everyone in a good mood. I tipped him, thanked him and cried. Crimony.  :rolleyes:


When I came back to the room the manager had been here and left a mug, hot chocolate mix and candy wrapped up in cellophane and a bow. I went to the front desk and thanked them...and cried. 


I have to go to the house tomorrow to pick up an Amazon order. I'll probably cry over that too. 

That crying bit is getting old. It's starting to ruin my tough girl image.  :o

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Jeepers you are just seeing things finally coming together for you. You are just starting to feel that weight you have been carrying to get lighter. It's not uncommon for you to cry a bit. It's just stress being released. I have been there myself. Things will calm down and you will be back to your old self soon. 

Glad the hole in the ear is closing up and you won't be facing surgery. 


Everything is now ready for Christmas, and I can now sit back and relax awhile. 

Tomorrow, I start cooking turkey and ham. Need to get an early start on that. Both refrigerators and freezers are now overflowing. Let the canning begin soon. 

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2 hours ago, Jeepers said:

Something is wrong with me. I keep getting emotional and teary-eyed at the drop of a hat these days. That's not like me at all. 

LS has hit on a possibility. You may be feeling relief from worry.  After a year of being ill, dealing with insurance companies, contractors, workmen, losses, and on and on, it could be a let down that would have anyone feeling strange. Then there is the move coming up.  You will be moving from a place you have called home a long time, leaving people who you have gotten to know and who have befriended you. Your house isn’t home any more though it will be a soon as you get settled in there.  Then there is Christmas coming and the whole atmosphere is filled with emotions.  Add to that knowing you will be spending Christmas alone could be adding to the emotions.  I know you made an informed decision on that but it still can have an effect. 

You know what, let the tears flow.  In fact, have yourself a good cry while you are at it. You deserve to cry a little no matter what the cause.  It is a great way to relieve tension and it hurts nothing.  :hug3:

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Whew!  I've overspent my time on MrsS again.....trying to catch up on what I missed while I was in Virginia.  It's like reading a novel with all of us as characters - having interesting lives.  The definition of "interesting" being very broad.  :rolleyes:   Most of us want a bit less 'interesting'. 


Nearly 1am.  I've had a normal day.  I did begin to purge one of our two tiny closets today.  One kitchen garbage sack for trash and one for Thrift Store donation.  Wow...I hadn't even seen some of these things for years.  The shelf is too high to reach easily.  So a lot of it can go...  :hi:   Then a friend called and we hadn't talked except email since before I left so.....the purge was put on hold.  I did walk a full mile tonite with the dog.  With heavy boots and clothes cuz it was cold.  So it was a good day. 


DH agreed to work extra hours in January....until I reminded him that my neuro test was Jan 2.  Then we had to find the 2024 big wall calendar which we'd bought 2 months ago. :scratchhead:  Where did I put it?   But I found it and it will go up in a few days.  We both rely on that so this doesn't happen.  He'll call his work and withdraw from that day.


We have nothing really prepared for Christmas this year.  Our area might get some .....or a lot...of snow over this weekend.  We do have a ham and fixings so it's just us keeping it simple.  Years ago, I'd be frantic if I didn't have a Christmas tree and ....and.....and....  Now, it's disappointing to have relatives so far away.  But I've already enjoyed putting up decorations at Mom's new place...and the Christmas party there too.  So I keep thinking that Christmas is past already.  :buttercup:  Oh well, we'll be home to take calls from Maui and Virginia.  :happy0203:  


MtRider ......  :offtobed: 

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I like Terry Prachet novels.  One of the worst cures in them is 'May you live in interesting times."  One of the books is called Interesting Times.  

  If you are ever in SE VA, feel free to come by.  

Edited by euphrasyne
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