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I got ahold of State Farm...finally. I can't believe he answered the phone today. They said they would look into extending me for another month. We'll see. 


That will give me time to get moved back in etc. I wasn't looking forward to moving while sick. I was only going to ask for two weeks. Either way I'm okay to move anytime. The house is livable. I've lived in it in worse conditions. But there would still be workmen in there and I wasn't looking forward to that either. 


Just looking around, there isn't as much in here as I thought there was. It's all doable. I just need to get all of those darn curtains ironed and see what is still useable. I might need to order more. I do need curtains up to the windows while I'm there though! Maybe some cheap blinds to pull down.  

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Feel better soon Jeepers!  Have been settling in with puppy, Ruby isn't sure what to think I feel she is stressed she's excessively drooling which is weird, and looking every bit like one of my kids when I brought home a new baby so I'm making sure everyone is giving her extra attention before petting or playing with the puppy. We have decided to name her Amber


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Amber is gorgeous. She looks so soft! I wouldn't be able to keep my hands off of her. Those little feetz... Sigh.

Yep, drooling is a sign of stress. Mine used to do during a thunder storm. Lots of lovin' and she will adjust. 


Ruby and Amber. Both of them 'gems'   :wub:

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That is a cute puppy. I like the name Amber.  And poor Ruby might be a bit jealous right now. But she will get past it. 


I really need to step up my game around here. So much to do, go through and have things done a little at a time on the outside lights, well will be the first thing, and new storm doors and hinges for the front door. Speaking of hinges, I need to find where I put them. Then an electrician to run electric to the shed. Once I do that, I will be looking to get a small air conditioner for it. Then I can store things in it that I won't have to worry about it being too hot. The garden shed doesn't get that hot but this newer one does for some reason. Might be because it is at the end of driveway and the sun blares down on it in the afternoon. 


Got the dishes put away this morning and did some other things that I needed to get done. Got all the Christmas boxes in the living room. So, will be working on getting all the Christmas stuff packed away between other things I am doing tomorrow. I forgot to ask GS to get the water and wood pellets out of trunk of car. I will get him to do that in the morning. I think he said he is off work tomorrow and going to DMV and somewhere else. But I forgot where else he said. Need to get the rest of the canning jars out of the shed. I want to use those first before using what is set up in garage storage. 

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Praying for you all that are sick.  :(    So far, DH and I are fine.  Not that we mix with many people. 


I had a busy day yesterday but still managed to drive old truck into the village to fill with gas.  I rarely do that so I keep forgetting how to use the charge card.  Lady patiently helped me.  Drove back...changing from 4-wheel to 2-wheel and back again for our driveway.  Old vehicle and you have to get out and manually lock the wheel hubs.  Took care of the ducks/goose before I drove up to the house.  Poor dog did not get a road walk but she has a sizable fenced yard. 


Had a lot of spasms....they've been increasing...last nite while sleeping -OW!   Wake up to get off of one fiery hip and switch to the other side.  Stretching it out helps relieve the spasms.   :sigh:   I have been able to get back to sleep after easing the pain.  Not sure how many times I switch sides.  This morning I could barely walk- even with the quad cane.  Eventually I could move around and I began taking loads of laundry down stairs to garage/basement.  Pushing clothes thru washer and dryer....hauling clothes up to put away or hang in bathroom to dry.  Thigh muscles quivering with fatigue or malfunction or whatever.  Then in a while, I'd go down the stairs to laundry again.  We somehow got way behind and had 3 big loads and a blanket DH did yesterday.  I began last nite with a load in washer.  Whew!  I got the last load upstairs / put away by the time DH got back from his work.  Sunny day tho and up from nearly 0* to 45* in the sun.


I did take time out to talk to a friend on the phone.  We had leftovers tonite to use them up so that was easy.  I called mom early - 7pm her time.  ........ :sigh:  Then she called me at 9 or 10 her time.....forgetting that we'd already talked until I reminded her that she (the phone) rode in my pocket while I carried the laundry basket down/up the stairs.  Then she remembered.  She says it's loud noise when I stick the phone in my pocket.  She was able to tell me what they had to eat today.....don't know if it was accurate but....  :sigh:


Tonite  ...very soon...I'm going to bed.  I've already taken Flexeril  - anti muscle spasm pill. 


Tomorrow afternoon....temperature 40* hopefully and sunny.....I get to RIDE!  The wrangler is just going to take me out cuz they know I NEED the ride.  Hopefully I can get 2 rides in quickly.  Last ride I had was in VA.....more than 4 wks ago.  Doesn't seem that long but this happens in the winter: off season.


You all be careful with being sick and all!  :fever:   Treat yourselves as you would treat your loved ones!!!!  :bev:   :mornincoffee:   :fever:  :wub:


MtRider  :offtobed: 

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Such a sweet puppy @Becca_Anne!  I hope Ruby settles quickly and befriends the pup.

@Mt_Rider, I flip back and forth all night, also.  More to do with shoulder pain, than hip.


Will walk first - a little later/ 28 degrees out right now.
Walk dogs.
Then stay home today doing a few little chores.
Will bake a butternut squash and cook my collard greens.
Nice day! But cold.

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Coughing hard with bouts of sneezing fits setting off a very active case of diarrhea and you have an interesting night. All night. Sheesh. I'm thankful I have a bathroom with running water. So, it could be worse. What ever is going around shows no mercy. 


I'm planning to be all better by the 9th. so I can go to Indy for furniture delivery. That's the plan. :unsure: 

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When you look at older sick manuals or even cookbooks you often see ways to deal with bowel issues.  Rarely do you see ways to deal with mouth/nose issues.  Mucus is a fact of life that must be delt with.  I'm not sure why there is a predisposition against it, but it is reality,  Why is it reviled into oblivion?   Sickroom preps need to deal with it.  Anyone who deals with the sick need to be prepped for it.  It is currently a fact in our house and I will not pretend we do not exist because of it. It is my most needed prep to date.  LEARN FROM ME.  Everyone needs endless tissues or a bucket/bowl.    The mucus must be contained and removed.  Disgusting, but real.  


Also, What are we doing today? surviving the current situation whatever that may be. You go girl!  Life is hard and you are harder.  








Edited by euphrasyne
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Mine is finally breaking up. I had a big stack of fast food napkins that I save. They are all gone. I got the box of tissues from the Jeep and they are all gone. I've moved on to toilet paper now. Used mostly from sneezing and runny nose. Fortunately I have large amounts of paper products stashed everywhere. Even panty liners. :sEm_blush: TMI? They are very handy during coughing and sneezing spells especially in the middle of the night. Highly recommended unless you just like to do lots of laundry.


I think a lot of the revulsion to the mucus issue is the sound. Coughing it up, spitting it out and gagging.  :0327: 

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I keep Mucinex on hand for the mucus issues. It does help to break it up and dry it up depending on which one of them you use. Otherwise maybe Vicks vapor rub to help break it up as well as help with the cough.


Got the canners going and more jars in the dishwasher. I bought the ones in from the shed, so all needed to be washed. Canning the little bit of beef, I was able to buy the other day. Then getting things ready to start emptying the freezers. I still want to get an upright freezer for other things. Once the big freezer is empty. I will use that for the things that I want to can but can't get to right away or for huge sales that I can stock up things on. The upright freezer I want for making readymade meals like the TV dinners you see in the stores. I like to make up my own TV dinners and freeze them. But the chest freezer doesn't work as well for things like that. I also want to start freezing eggs but again I need an upright freezer for that as well. Not easy to dig down into a chest freezer to get what you need. 

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I use my upright freezer for ready made meals too. I love it for that. Every time I go to Indy I start eating out of that freezer right away because I don't have any bread to make a sandwich. And I'm usually hungry by the time I get there. I have a lot of meals planned just no time over there to get them made. I looked at them in the stores for ideas too. But I do have tuna noodle casserole, chili and shepherds pie that I always eat. From freezer to microwave to table is about 10-12 minutes. By the time I get in the house, turn on the water, potty and get a drink, it is ready. 


I've been making lists all day while 'bedridden.' Got a canning list started and a freezer meal list started. I need a kitchen. And time.  LOL

I think 2024 is going to be my prep year. I hope! 

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3 hours ago, Jeepers said:

Coughing hard with bouts of sneezing fits setting off a very active case of diarrhea and you have an interesting night. All night. Sheesh. I'm thankful I have a bathroom with running water. So, it could be worse. What ever is going around shows no mercy. 


Patriot Nurse says it is the latest C o v i d variation.

Here's the title so you can look it up if you are interested.  "JN1 Variant Unveiled: COVID's Next Dark Winter?"

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Got the steaks canned and are on counter still. Will put them away after church tomorrow.  I am going to can some chicken thighs that I found in the outside freezer to the old fridge. So, will those after church tomorrow. Those are now in fridge to thaw. I want to do something different with them but not sure what yet. 


Going to try that recipe from Sutton Daze. Unstuffed pepper soup. I checked and I already have everything I need to make it. I still have a huge load of green peppers in freezer. So now that will give me something to do with them and get them out of the freezer. Just cook up some rice when I am ready to heat it up for a meal and done. 


I am not going to add anything to my preps next year. Just use up what I have in the way of canning everything from freezer. So, back to not grocery shopping other than for bread, milk and eggs. I have enough meat canned now and with what I will be canning from freezer to last me a couple of years and then I can take it from there. 


Going to spend time practicing on skills and such. Learning new skills and organizing what I have and then from there I can add to what I don't have or am very low on. I think prices are going to get really bad next year as well as gas. 

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:pray:   for all of you who are sick.  Does not sound fun!  :(  


I DID get a lovely horse ride today.  When I woke, I used 2 canes to walk.  Flexeril did help my sleep but oye, the leg muscles just quivering!!!  I have well developed leg muscles from activities all my life.  Then - they just up and quit on me!  Hmph!!  It gets better as I sit....walk a bit....sit...etc.  I could walk from car to mounting ramp at the ranch.  Lovely day with sunshine....but dressed for the cold while we're in the wooded areas.   I had layers and I was comfortable. 


Then we went to eat at a place we'd been to 1K times...but during C, the family sold and this is now new management.  Kept most of it the same but this is BBQ.  HUGE portions!  I was so tired, I barely ate.  I ate more sometime after we got home.  For the quantity of 2 big meals, price is okay.  Couldn't believe the size of DH's 'chicken-fried steak'.  :blink:   Walking much more smoothly now.  :amen: 


MtRider   :offtobed:  

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Mt. Rider, glad you were able to ride this morning. And that it helped you. Hope things continue to improve. 

GD called this morning, and her DH is on duty. She's coming over to visit with the baby in a little bit. So, canning is on hold for a while. I will do the chicken later. Gotta play with GGD of course. 

Woke up this morning with shoulder killing me. I must have slept on it wrong. It has been giving me issues for a long while, but this morning was crazy. So didn't make it to church. It's bad enough I can't turn my head from side to side very well without pain, but the shoulder clinched it. Not driving today. 



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Just turned the pressure canner off a few minutes ago. So, waiting for pressure to go down. Taking a break tomorrow as I need to get some Christmas boxes back into the shed. Then on Tuesday I make my phone calls. Gas leak (but not too bad) around the dryer, calling the well guy and the plumber I hope can do the gas leak and the garage sink. Once those 3 things are done and out of the way I can start on clearing out the rest of the boxes in house and shed and getting rid of a lot more stuff. Can't wait to get all of that behind me. Then it will be off to the sewing machine if nothing else comes up. Just sewing and canning for a while. 


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Definitely better functioning today.  :amen:  Spent quite a while on the phone with the friend who covered my absence on our church Prayer Requests.  She was busy!  Then when I sent one out last week....no one got it!  :scratchhead:    So she on her computer and me on mine....finally figured out what happened.  There was an additional choice between two options...hadn't been there before.  I just clicked the top one.  That wasn't the right choice.  So...now we know.  


I'm able to talk to my mom every night again.  I do it a bit earlier now.  Have to time it around eating supper.  Or cooking supper.  I did go down to walk dog on the road.  Chilly day with clouds instead of yesterday's sunshine. 


Happy New Year everyone. 

MtRider      :grouphug:   

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Insurance renewed me for another month. I may or may not use it all but it's nice to not be rushed. I'll stay here as long as there are still men in the house working. I can get all of my stuff in one Jeep load now with no problem. 


I've taken the past couple of days off relaxing and recuperating from the creeping crud I came down with by making lists. Lots of lists. I'd be lost without them. Memory and focus are not my strong points. Who knew. :D


I have a pretty long canning list now. I might not get everything done on it but it's a goal to shoot for. I have a year to get it done. Some will have to wait until gardens come in so It doesn't have to get done all at once.


Then I have a list for making homemade freezer TV type dinners. Those should be easier because I won't have to wait on gardens or canners etc. I already have the containers. 


I didn't make a list for dehydrating. There are only a few things I need in that department. Mostly celery. I'd like to try some cherry tomatoes maybe.


I made a list of all the high points I want to give to the realtor to concentrate on when selling the house. 


I made a list of what I want a handyman to do in Indiana. It's a short list to be done as money allows. Actually lot of things but they are small jobs that I'd like done over just a couple of days to keep from hiring a guy multiply times. One trip.


I'm putting off some of the canning recipes I downloaded. I need to write down all the recipes in a Word document to be printed out. I'd like them to be 'recipe card printed out ready.' I don't wanna do it. But I will. Of course everything has to be just so-so.  :rolleyes:

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I've been "brewing" vanilla since June of 2023. Just funneled it into the bottles tonight - two 2oz bottles and all the "used" beans are now cozy together in a larger bottle to make a second round. I'm not really sure WHY I did this as I don't do a whole lot of baking, but now I have it as a back-up to the store bought brands (which are NOT artificial vanilla or vanilla flavoring!) I know it's past Christmas, but I might just bake up some "sugar cookies" anyway just so I can use the vanilla!


George Strait and Phil Robertson


Edited by Midnightmom
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Well, Yeee-Haw, Y'all.  :008Laughing:


I made vanilla last year too and I'm not a baker either. But I've got six little bottles now. I reused the beans too. They say you don't need to use as much with the real stuff. Not sure. 


Another thing I have going is a couple of half gallon jars of vanilla sugar. That stuff is good on everything. Cereal, oatmeal, coffee, tea etc. VERY expensive in the stores and usually made with artificial vanilla flavor. Mine is cheap and easy made with cane sugar and Bourbon Vanilla Beans. 



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I love the song, @Midnightmom!

Good that they renewed you for another month @Jeepers!  I agree with making lots of lists!


I cooked 3 messes of collards last night for a potluck today. Glad I got 3 as they surely cook down.
Woke up at 3:30 to smoke alarm chirping. Got up and changed battery.
I'll walk in a few minutes.
Start laundry.
Help DH with some ebay listings.
Go to potluck and package and freeze whatever collards are left.


Happy New Year!:cele:

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