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Got all the Christmas decorations all put away this morning. Talked with 2 of 3 grandchildren and DD. Not sure where the one that lives here is. But they are probably out getting boxes for their Christmas decorations. They had a live tree, and everyone passed some decorations to them. From all sides of the family. 


Had one jar of chicken that didn't seal. So that was put in fridge early this morning. So only 5 jars of chicken. But there is more in freezer. Just cleaning up today and then tonight I will get some green peppers out of freezer to thaw in fridge. Then make the unstuffed peppers tomorrow. Later today will pay a bill to put in mail tomorrow and check all my deposits. Will be calling the well guy in the morning also as well as a plumber for sink and gas leak. 

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Littlesister, that gas leak scares me. Any little spark could set it off causing an explosion. Including flipping on a light switch or opening and closing a garage door. Could you call your gas company? Please don't delay on that one. I've been seeing a couple of house explosions in the past few months.  


Michigan House Explosion Kills 4, Injures 2 Others (people.com)

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Already took care of the gas leak. GS helped me move the dryer and it was a very small leak around a connection. Yep, Found DH's stuff to fix leaks and now it is fixed. No more gas leak. DH was the gas man and taught me a lot about natural gas. So, no more gas smell either. I used the dryer after fixing it and no issues. 

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19 hours ago, snapshotmiki said:

Woke up at 3:30 to smoke alarm chirping. Got up and changed battery.

I was innocently sitting at my computer a week or so ago :pc_coffee: when I heard a chirp/tone that I wasn't  familiar with. I thought it was my cell phone trying to get my attention to deliver an alert of some kind, but I could not find and indication of it, so I did what any normal person (whoever said I was "normal") would do, I called the phone company and asked what setting(s) need to be changed/adjusted. As I was talking to the rep, the tone sounded again and I asked him if he could hear it. "Yes," he said, he could, BUT it did not sound like a telephone alert. It sounded more like a smoke detector or a carbon monoxide alarm. 

He was correct!

But, the thing is, this apt is all electric! I notified maintenance and found out that there had been a rash of the batteries in these devices going bad. They replaced all of the units in all of the apts - not because any appliances are gas, but because the apts are federally subsidized and they had to meet requirements. Anyway, that is my little misadventure with safety alarms. :P

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Good morning! Will dehydrate sweet potatoes for dog treats, soon.
Walk in a while and walk dogs.
Dust house and sweep.
Write my friend in military.
Work on year ending books.
Fairly easy day!


It'll sure wake you up if you're sleeping @Midnightmom!  LOL

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I replaced all of my carbon monoxide detectors and fire alarms about 4 months ago. Had one that was replaced over a year ago because of the wood stove. Didn't want to use it till I had a fire alarm and carbon monoxide detector set up for that. Now they are all replaced. 

Scrubbed down the kitchen this morning. Will be mopping the kitchen floor in a bit. Waiting for GS to get his coffee and eat before doing that. He just woke up. 

Not sure what else I am going to do yet. But something tells me to bring more wood up to the house.  We could be in for some snow if what I heard was right. So will be getting things together just in case. It could just be a dusting if we get any at all. But we have been known to get a good couple of inches also. It's just been a few years since that has happened. 

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Getting really cold outside. Got the firewood stacked and ready to go for when it gets colder. Probably tomorrow morning will start a fire in wood stove if it is still cold. I only use it when it gets really cold. Wanting to stretch my wood right now. Hopefully the well guy will be here first of the week. He's getting things together. Still looking for someone to replace the garage sink. It has to be someone that can tear out a cabinet and the sink. Then put in a new utility sink. I think I will call the guy that put in the ramp for DH to see if he does things like that. Hope he can as he is good at what he does. Might talk to him also about a lean too for firewood, but one that could be enclosed. That way I won't have to use my garden shed as a woodshed. But will see what he says. Trying to figure out a few things around here has not been easy to plan out. But will get there soon. 

GS said he will bring more firewood into garage tomorrow if he is off work. He has worked every day since last Saturday with no time off. So, he thinks he will be off tomorrow. Said he will help me with some other things as well. He must be getting hungry for real food. 

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Glad the gas leak is fixed Littlesister! 

I've had a headache all day, my reward for exercising and drinking water before I had my coffee I guess :grinning-smiley-044: Oh well I'll stick with my new habits and chalk it up to detoxifying from all the sugar over the holidays.



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Glad your tests are all done @Mt_Rider!

@Becca_Anne, when I went off table sugar a few days ago, I felt like an addict for the first 2 days.  Wanted to crawl out of my skin and hyper.  Now, I'm fine and am aware that sugar directly affects my sleep.  It doesn't matter when I have it.


Was up at 4:30 this morning.
Will clean baths and dust house first.
Maybe sweep house, too.
Will walk after. It's raining until 11 am or so. Upper 40's for high.
I have a couple of phone calls to make and then finish watching Equalizer 3 on Netflix.



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Got a call early this morning that my next-door neighbor passed away. He had been in and out of the hospital for a couple of years or more. He did get to come home for Christmas from hospital and then had to go back. Two days after he went back to hospital he ended up in ICU and it just went downhill from there. 

That family needs some serious prayers as his hospital bills were over half a million dollars. Don't know what type of insurance they had but it doesn't seem like it paid very well. But in all, at least he isn't suffering anymore. He had been through the ringer ten times over.  Nothing left of him but a shell. Skin and bones. 


Going to pick up RX in a bit. It is really cold outside this morning. I think it made it back up to 29* now. Heavy frost. 


Grandson has strained his muscle in ankle playing on the skateboard. So, he has been limping pretty bad the past few days. I'm going to give him a muscle relaxer and put a wrap on it to see if that helps.  It had been years since he played on one and he should have gone easy on it. Kids never learn even when they are grown. But that to will heal. He is getting a promotion and has only been on this job just over a month now. He will be the team leader working just under the manager. They don't call them assistant managers there. 

Will start working on cleaning out my bedroom closet after I get home from store. It is still packed up from stuff all over the house for the construction on house. Time to get that job done. 

Edited by Littlesister
hit wrong key again.
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My front yard is becoming a parking lot.  But I know it is only temporary. But they will be having family coming in from out of town also. Hopefully most of them will park on street. Most people do. I already have their daughter's old car parked in front of my house. Been there now for 3 or 4 years. They abandoned it there; I think. 

Flat tires and the car got so hot inside that it is falling apart around the front window. Hope the window doesn't fall out next. They need to have it towed to a dump. 

Went to Harris Teeter to pick up RX and got my copy of all the RX's for 2023 for taxes. So that much is out of the way.  I said I wasn't shopping for anymore groceries, but I couldn't resist some of the good sales. Talked with one of the stockers for a bit. I think he was one of the managers as he was removing a lot of items from the shelves. He told me they were going on the clearance table, and you know I will be back to go through it. We were talking about the prices going up so high and he said there will be more shortages and higher prices. And that it will not end till we get a new president, and he was worried about another fraudulent voting system. Guess we will see come November. 

Getting ready to clean out the bedroom closet. Bought a pizza for lunch. So, lunch is now over and it's back to work. 

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Littlesister, sorry to hear about your neighbor. Prayers for his family, loved ones and friends  :pray:


Project Manager called and said he thinks there is an issue (of course there is) with the hot water heater and wondered if I could go check if there is any hot water. There isn't. So a plumber is going out today. He wanted me to check because they are 2 hours away. No problem for me to run by. I had a look around. I was so surprised by how much of my stuff is still in the house. I thought I had it cleared out better. But they piled stuff in the one bedroom from some of the little rooms so they could lay carpets and seeing a lot of it in one place made me realize I have a lot more work to do inside it house. Plus that garage. I'm not complaining though. That house has come a long way and I'm grateful. Just getting that basement cleared out...:0327:


In the meantime, I have misplaced my phone. Dang it. I did a quick scan around last night and it wasn't where I always put it. Sigh. So if I didn't happen to have left it at the house then I'm going to have to buy a new one. I don't want to. I don't want to have to figure out a new phone right now plus lose the stuff I had programed in. And $$$. Hope it's at the house. :(


It's starting to get cold here now. But, even though it's January we still haven't had any snow and for the next week we are staying in the mid 30's with a couple of 40 degree days. 


I went food shopping yesterday. Prices were horrible but I got enough for the hotel and a good stock up of canned and condiment supplies of food for the house. Whenever I'm ready to go over there it will be ready except for refrigerator foods. I think I need a skillet and a pot too. Will check out Dollar Tree/General for that stuff.

I feel like a little bird getting ready to fledge. Standing on the edge of my little nest flapping my flabby old wingsimage.jpeg.   <== Jeepers  :008Laughing: 


I bought a few things to get the bathrooms set up too. Shower curtain and bath mat etc. I want it to look nice but I'm not decorating. I forgot drawer liner but I'll get that today. I have to go back over tomorrow for another Amazon order. I finally got my long sleeve tee shirts ordered. I nearly made a mistake with them though. I started to order from Michaels but when I looked at the shipping I nearly choked. Eight tee shirts for $80.00 just for shipping! I saw it just in time. Anyway, I ordered from Amazon for free shipping and the price was even lower. Same Gilden shirts. Two days and they will be here. Actually tomorrow.


I also put in another med order that I said I wasn't going to do. I was stunned by the look of the shelves in the medical area in both Wal-Marts I go to up here and also at Meijers. Very low and picked over. None of the 3 stores I went to had the Debrox ear cleaning solution. Doctor recommended by both GP and ENT doctors, BTW. They had some of the boxes with the irrigation bulb included but I don't need that. Not earth shattering but still. Will try a regular pharmacy. I don't need it. Just want to have it on hand. Also no Flonase or Afrin nasal sprays anywhere either. Not a need but a want. Of the 'meds' I wanted to order online, of the five I was interested in, only one was available. They said there was a "National Shortage" I believe it. I'll check back in with  them occasionally. I wasn't about to add my name to a list to be notified! 

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Had to stop on the closet. My shoulder is killing me. Took some Aleve and used one of those salonpas patches on it. Hopefully it will stop hurting soon. Think I lifted up a box that was a bit too heavy. GS finally woke up. Going to take him to store shortly to help him buy some things and something for his ankle. He always wants me to go with him now to help him with sales and such. He really doesn't know how to shop for food. To him it's just a price. To me it cost too much and wait for the sales. I really need to finish the closet but will let shoulder calm down first. Then it's back to canning. 


Jeepers, do you have anyone that can call your phone while you are in the hotel room. If so, do that to see if it fell behind something. If you don't hear it ring, then when you go to house have someone call the number there if you don't see it. That's what I do when I misplace my phone. 

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Sorry your shoulder is acting up again. :(


Front desk would call it but I'm sure it isn't in here. It's always in my purse, jacket pocket, on the bedside table charging or right beside me. Not much room for it to be missing in here. Sometimes I leave it in the car by mistake. I looked last night but didn't see it. I'll scour it in a few minutes when I leave the room. Now that I think of it, I'm sure it isn't at the house because I had a call on it on the way back from the house. If it isn't someplace in the car then it fell out someplace while I was doing errands. I hate losing things like that.  


I have so much important business info in it because of the house issues plus lots and lots of lists. And G-son stuff. Nearly 99% of it is also on my computer so not a lot will be lost forever. But it's going to be a pain in the butt if I have to start all over and transfer it all back in. A new phone will be an upgrade and I was hoping to delay that until I get moved. I really don't want to learn anything new right now. I do not find that exciting. 


I emailed my project manager and some family to alert them to email me if they need me. 


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Hope you find your phone Jeepers. I once lost mine in the crack of the seat in the car between the middle and the seat so it wasn't easy to find it. Lucky it had the ringer on so I could hear it but be sure to check around your seat in case it slipped down somewhere strange in the vehicle.


Today was a horrible stressful day. See my post in the Blue Couch

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Thanks Becca_Anne. I all but tore the car apart. It can't get in the crack of the seat because I use the cheap one piece seat covers from Wal-Mart. I thought I might have braked too fast and threw it forward off of the seat. Nope. Under the seat? Nope. All I discovered was that my car is filthy. Sigh. I'll go get another one tomorrow I suppose.  I'll have to figure out a new phone and try to get info back in it. I'm also going to try to find a new deeper purse. I'm thinking it fell out of mine. I never liked that purse anyway. 

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Will walk first.
Taking DH to get his ears cleaned today. Apparently, the new hearing aids he was given about 6 months ago cause wax to build up. So, this will be an every few months procedure.
Walmart to pick up my new glasses and a computer mouse for DH. 
Once home, will pick up friend and take her to local grocery.
That's about it. Got the whole house cleaned yesterday, so less to do, today!


I'm sorry about your phone, @Jeepers!  Did you happen to call your local Police Dept. or Courthouse?  I have found 2 phones, 2 credit cards and a new registration while walking.  I turn them in at the Courthouse and they attempt to locate the owners.  Just another thought.

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Jeepers, sorry about the phone. Did you check under bed and emptied your purse to see if maybe you dropped in another area of purse. What about pants or jacket pockets? There are all kinds of places you won't expect to find a phone. Ask me how I know.  Could you have dropped it on the ground going from jeep to hotel room. You could check to see if anyone turned it in to the office. I know about having to get a new phone. It's a pain. I had to do that about 3 or 4 months ago. I hate having to learn new things like that. 


Going through more boxes today. That is mostly what I will be doing today. GS is working this afternoon. So will have the house to myself today. He is still asleep in his car. I can't believe he stays warm but when I look in his window to check on him. He doesn't have a shirt on. And he said he is fine and not cold. The car is in a sunny location of the driveway. So, I guess that helps. 

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Miki, that is a good idea but we have multiple police jurisdictions in this area. Each little suburb has their own police department. There are easily 5-6 districts right in my immediate area. It's hard to describe unless you live in the same area of a big city (Cleveland). Each little town has a City Hall but our courthouse is in downtown Cleveland. I never am sure which town I'm in when I'm out shopping unless I happen to see a sign.  Literally, one side of the street is one town and the other side of the street is another town. It took me a long time to get used to that. But when I did, it's really nice because all of the little places have their own shopping and libraries and food places etc. In Indiana I was used to driving 10+ miles to go to the next town.


Littlesister, No one turned it in at the front desk. I checked all around the outside of my car. Even backed out of the spot and looked. I totally emptied out my purse a number of times thinking I missed something. Also checked my 2 coat pockets. It isn't in there.  Plus the phone is big and hard and hard to miss. There isn't an 'under' the bed in hotels. They are platforms. Probably so we can't hide dead bodies under them. LOL  But I did check around it incase it fell out of my coat pocket. It isn't in the room either. I really think it fell out of my purse someplace because I never just set it down anywhere. 


So, I spent almost 3 hours getting a new phone. Misery. There was a family of 3 doing all sorts of upgrades and transfers etc. ahead of me and only one person waiting on everyone. He was not a multi-tasker. Then we had to wait for the safe to open. :blink:  But it's done now. I had to do an upgrade which I didn't like. The phone is a tad bigger and a lot heavier which I don't like. But it isn't too different and nothing I can't figure out...I think. What I can't DIL will when I go back over. Of course everything is lost from the phone but most of it is backed up on the computer so I just need to type it all back in. I did find a new app I like. It's a radio app that has all kinds of Old Time Radio programs playing 24/7. Right up my alley! I saved 17 stations. Now I can keep the phone plugged in when I'm at the houses and listen to stuff. Also other real radio stations that I like are saved too. I REALLY like talk radio. I guess it's similar to iHeart Radio? It's free with no sign in. "My Tuner, Radio, Podcast, Music, Songs" That alone was almost worth the hassle. Almost. 


We must have had a little freezing rain last night because I had to scrape the car windows off today. Because it took soooo long at the phone store, I didn't get to go purse shopping or go pick up my Amazon shirts at the house. I was too tired. But I still have a Jeep full of stuff for the house that I need to get out and put away because some of it is food and will freeze out there. But tomorrow is another day. 

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Jeepers sorry you couldn't find your old phone but glad you got the new one even if it was a pain and not quite what you wanted. I need a new phone too and not looking forward to dealing with that but it's not an emergency I just have a crack in the cover over the camera lens and I like to take photos on my camera so that's my motivation. Hard to justify that only for a camera but I am saving up for it.


Got my stepfather in a safe temporary place (see Blue Couch for details) so crisis averted for now. I also found out yesterday I'm getting a raise so that was great news! I had a really challenging year last year at work but secured a very large grant for the company so I think I can breathe easier knowing my hard work has been seen and appreciated. Taking down all the ornaments off the trees today and will leave them up with just lights until Saturday when I can have more time to wrangle them into their boxes :happy0203:

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I just have the Samsung 23 upgraded from the Samsung 11. It isn't too much different except it's a little bit bigger. Only by a fraction of and inch and that could just be the case. That little bit makes a difference to the hand though. But it is noticeably heavier. I few things I can't figure out like how to add a phone number contact,  but DIL will do it.  :rolleyes:


:woohoo:  On getting a raise!!!  I'm sure that will be a big help in theses times. It's great that your hard work is paying off for you! Nice to be acknowledged.  


And also wonderful news about getting your stepfather situated in a safe place. That has to be a a huge relief too. Not a bad ending to this week.  :hug3:

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Walked first thing, this morning.
Had a fellow come over to discuss redoing our driveway.
Walked dogs.
Gave bigger dog a bath. Glad that is done.
Washing sheets, comforters and dog blankets.
I am done and it is about to start storming, so will be shutting down lap top soon!


I'll be upgrading soon to a Samsung 23, also @Jeepers.  Not excited about it, but they are going crazy trying to get me to switch to 5G.

@Becca_Anne, congratulations on your raise!  I'm sure it will help!

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This morning I worked on business stuff. I hate that but it must be done.  So now I have everything set up for 2024.  I started doing that in December but was unable to get it finished do to waiting on some paperwork.  The only thing is that for my BC secondary insurance I wanted it to be on auto pay and my bank is being a butt about it. So, need to go to bank and see what is going on with that. Calling them on phone didn't work. 


I had to get a new cell phone a few. months ago. I got the Galaxy Z flip 5 phone. I like it but like you said, had to learn it all over again. 


Taking a break for now and will finish packing up what I am keeping of the Christmas things. Then will get them back to the shed. 


Tomorrow will be a canning day. Will be canning most of the day. More stuff coming out of freezer to the canner. 

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