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Watcha doing today?

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I'll walk first.
Clean baths and sweep at Church and then pick up in parking lot.
Clean and clean out fridge.
Do personal year end filing.
Cook burgers.
That's enough.


You all have a relaxing weekend!

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Got pressure cooker going early this morning.  And went through a couple of boxes. Going to have to make another Good Will trip soon. 

Raining here now and yes, I should have bought in more wood yesterday. But it was really cold out. Now it is raining. But it is supposed to be near 60* today. So will not start the wood stove back up today. 

GS has a cold, so I let him sleep on couch last night. Don't think it would be a good idea for him to sleep in a cold car with a cold as I don't want him to get pneumonia either. He's been coughing and sneezing as well as a stuffy nose. No fever so just a cold. I have been spraying everything down with Lysol and forcing him to wash his hands all the time. Don't even come into my kitchen without washing your hands. He is hardheaded when it comes to something as simple as washing hands to not spreading germs around. 

I woke up early this morning to my ear being all wet. My ear was draining and feels weird this morning. It doesn't hurt or anything just still feels wet deep down inside. I might have gotten water in it when I took a shower, and I forgot what to put in it to dry it up. I will take care of it later. 


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On 1/3/2024 at 11:14 AM, Littlesister said:

Jeepers, do you have anyone that can call your phone while you are in the hotel room. If so, do that to see if it fell behind something. If you don't hear it ring, then when you go to house have someone call the number there if you don't see it. That's what I do when I misplace my phone. 


My cell phone is mostly a camera, then a few store apps, and sometimes use the text feature to "talk" to my son. But, the main reason I got a "smart" phone to replace the little flip-phone that I had was because a game I used to be able to play on my computer through FB's gaming platform, left the FB platform because there were too many bugs and glitches happening and the players were pounding on the game's developers to fix what was actually FB's responsibilty to fix but they weren't!


Anyway, since I don't use it as a "phone" (most of the time) I do not have the ringer turned on so I would not be able to find a "lost" phone that way. :(

But I did have to replace that phone back in Aug/Sept because the charging port wasn't working, and the model of phone I had could not be charged by placing it on a charging platform instead of using the cable. :sigh:


However, it was that time of the year when everything was on sale for "back to school" needs - including cell phones. I went on the AT&T site and found a slightly newer model of the phone I had and got it on sale for a very reasonable price! I took it to the local AT&T store and they helped by moving the sim card over, but, unfortunately we were not able to transfer the info on the old/broken phone over to the new one. 


Soooooooooooooooo.................... I am right in there with you ladies who have recently had to re-enter all kinds of data - phone numbers, etc - into a new phone. What a PITA it is having to do that! But, it is done! However, I keep finding that I have to add contacts and phone numbers that I had forgotten were in the old phone. I think we may be all caught up now, but I wouldn't put a bet on it as a sure thing! :P

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I only got a cell phone because I live alone and often travel alone. Basically for safety reasons. Then I found I could text and not have to actually talk to people. Then I discovered the camera. Great for capturing ideas to bring home. I have a couple of games I play that were already on the phone. I have never paid for an app. and I don't ever foresee me paying for any. Now, the main reason I use it for (other than talking to sons) is for LISTS. I have a list for every thing on that phone. Especially for shopping. I keep a running list for that. I also have lists of things to-do and measurements for the Indy house. And prep books I have so I don't buy them again...BTDT. And movies, for the same reason. 


My only saving grace is that I have all of that stuff on Word documents in a big folder on the computer. I often (not often enough though) copy it all to a thumb drive. I just have to take the time now to get it all transferred back in the new phone. And yep, it's been a pain in the rear! I think I'm almost done too.


I never wanted to upgrade. I was fighting it. There are still things I can't figure out how to do like moving things around where I want them and saving contacts. I think the most I lost was my time. And aggravation. But I'm back to the basics and right now I'm not going to fight it.  

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Been canning all day today.  Pulled out more green peppers to use to can something else but not sure what yet. I already did the unstuffed green peppers. That turned out good, but I don't think I will put the Italian seasoning in it next time. But it is still good. I always tend to follow a new recipe to the letter the first time then next time I tweet it a bit. But overall, it is good. 

While canning the insurance person called. So, I put speaker on so I could hear him while I was canning. I was told a few years ago that I couldn't get long term health care after I think it was 65 at that time. Well after reading some post, I decided to check that out. Yes, I can get it and am working on that now. With DD living in another state and that possibility that my GD that lives here could get transferred, that leaves me on my own with no help from family. So decided to check it out. I will be covered for nursing home, 24/7 home nursing care also. And home nursing care is the one I am wanting. Not going into a nursing home around here. 


I hate having to buy a new cell phone. Having to start over is no fun. But had no choice a few months ago. Mine was dying a slow death. I didn't get a smart phone. Too much to deal with on them. I stuck with an android. I can do almost anything on an android that I could on a smart phone. And for what I use mine for a smart phone made no since to me.

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 I had to go pickup a prescription and stopped by the house. Don't tell I said this but... I think they are done with everything they are going to do.  :o   Of course it isn't all done to all of my qualifications, but I never expected it to be. Small things like they used clear calk around a bathroom sink instead of white. Clear doesn't really hide the cracks. Yeah, I'm picky.  :rolleyes:   But nothing I can't either replace or live with. What ever it is, is better than it was. Even before the epic flood! 


I got most of the Jeep unloaded over there. I had a lot of food and bathroom supplies to carry in. I'm not food stocking but just food that I know I'll be eating while I live there. Mostly canned goods. I unpacked most of it and was ready to put it away when I realized I didn't have any scissors to cut the shelf liner stuff I bought. Sigh.  And besides It was getting dark outside and I don't have curtains of any kind up...so I left. Tomorrow I'll go to Wal-Mart to get some junk drawer supplies like tape, scissors, pens etc. so I can get most of the kitchen put together. Oh, and some cheap pot and pans. Dish rags. Dish towels. There goes another list. Most of my stuff became either wet or moldy and I got rid of it. Or else I was anxious to get the good stuff moved while son had the trailer, that I didn't really think too much about leaving things that I would still need. At any rate, I'm going cheap to just get by. 


I finally went through the many Amazon boxes I have been setting aside. Looked like Christmas all over again in there. I don't think anything got stolen. It really was a help that Amazon tells you when they are shipping and when it's been delivered. I was able to keep up that way. Most of it is for the Indy house so it's going to live in the Jeep and out of the house. Not sure when I'm going back over. I was planning on the 10th. for furniture delivery but there might be an issue with that. The Amish has shutdown through the end of the month to go to Colorado (I think) to go hunting so they closed down shop. LOL.  My furniture might be stuck at their place for a couple of more weeks. I don't care one way or the other. I'm in no rush for it. The owner knows I'm flexible. Easy since I'm not living there yet. I'm sure he wants paid though. 


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Jeepers, you will get there. And much sooner now that things are wrapping up. 

Glad you are getting the phone figured out. 


Finished the canning this evening. Still a lot to get done though. Not much of a dent in freezer yet. Where the green peppers are concerned, I had made the unstuffed peppers and today canned more meat. I kept out 2 more gals. of peppers to can something with but don't know yet. They are in fridge still frozen. Maybe some spaghetti sauce. I am very low on that. Only one jar left. Need to find more recipes for green peppers. 

Won't be canning or anything tomorrow. Church and then funeral home in afternoon. My next-door neighbor passed a few days ago. At least he made it passed covid restrictions. I still haven't gotten over how it was for my DH. Don't know if I ever will but trying hard to let it go. It was what it was but a lot of it was not necessary. And only 2 choices of coffins because they couldn't get any more in. Though I could have gotten a $20,000 to $30,000 one. Yeah, they have some high dollar ones in there. 

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My Galaxy s23 phone is an Android phone too. Very basic. 


My supplemental insurance plan has long term care but I'm not sure what all it is now. It was the best I could buy at the time but I have forgotten what all it offers. I need to check into all of that again. I'm just hoping I don't lose that plan when I move as some plans don't transfer from state to state and this plan is no longer offered. At least that's the way it was when I got it. It's a great plan for just under $300.00 a month and I'd sure hate to lose it.


I remember when your DH passed. That was a horrible time. And I'm sure you are still traumatized from it. I know I would be too. Some things are unforgivable.  :hug3:

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Miki hope you have a good weekend too.

Jeepers glad your new phone is working out. Hope the insurance is transferrable to your new location. I'm researching policies now I think it will be really important to put in place knowing what a mess it can be without it.

Littlesister sounds like you've got great canning projects planned. Hope your GS feels better soon. So sorry about your neighbor :hug3:

I had sewing today and got all my strip blocks done for the donations quilts my guild is making. I just have one more bundle of strips to sew for next weekend. I'll tackle that with my 10 min per day habit I'm building to sew a bit every day. I've exercised every day this month just 10 minutes doing yes2next on you tube walking videos and they are a great way to get started when you're really out of shape. Which I have to admit I am. So I'm working on that with baby steps I want to be able to keep myself strong as I age.

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3 hours ago, Littlesister said:

I hate having to buy a new cell phone. Having to start over is no fun. But had no choice a few months ago. Mine was dying a slow death. I didn't get a smart phone. Too much to deal with on them. I stuck with an android. I can do almost anything on an android that I could on a smart phone. And for what I use mine for a smart phone made no since to me.

Isn't a "smart phone" and an "Android" the same thing? Isn't "Android" the platform a "smart phone" uses??? 

Radiant Max 5G from AT&T


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I thought they were all smart phones too. Mine is a Samsung s23. The last one was a Samsung s11. Some differences but not much. 


One thing that I did remember was someone in the medical field, can't remember who, either my doctor, nurse, receptionist, said to be sure the Samsung started with an "S" so it could be used for medical issues. Something about the "A" series couldn't be used with their system.  :shrug:

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Stayed up late ...catching up on this thread.  Oye!  y'all have had challenges to overcome at the beginning of 2024!  Seems to be straightening out tho.  :pray: 


My update is mostly in Blue Couch.  We've had the annoying 1-3" of snow...repeatedly.  We had enough to warrant paying the snowplow guy and then these bits and dribbles make the driveway so slick.  But who can pay for plowing 2" ????  Got more coming in this week. 


Plus I wasn't here when the melt-water began to form an ice flow from around the corner of the garage....right where the people door is located.  Every year I build a mini dam to keep the water -> ice  -->water  --> ice  from creeping too far.  It melts during the sunny days and flows down the hill.  Some is coming off the ever-growing icicles that hang off the roof on that side of the house.  Where they are too high for me to knock down, they get 5-6' long.  We had to build a cover over the propane connection into the house so when (not if) a monster one finally let loose of the roof, it wouldn't damage the gas line.  :blink: CRASH!!


Mountain living!  So this winter, I'm playing catch-up cuz winter arrived when I was in VA.  DH doesn't even understand these little bits that I do...but appreciates the effects.  He and I had to bring up heavy bags of wood stove pellets today.  The ones from last year came up the stairs to the porch.  He carries over his shoulder (hurts his back tho) and I use the small 2-wheel luggage dolly....lugging up one step at a time.   :knary:   This job is getting to be almost more than either of us can do.  Got the new bags onto the pallet under the porch with the tarp covering them.  Got the bag of cat litter into the back of the car.  Wood pellets can add weight for the back of the vehicle but cat litter can also be used for traction on a slick spot.  The wood pellets just disintegrate to mushy sawdust.  So...that's done.  Got a load of clothes down to the washer/dryer in the midst of going up and down the stairs. 


That was about it for both of us!  :0327:   ...Except evening feeding for birds and I walked the dog a ways.  Our temperature dropped this evening... :frozen:  


MtRider  :offtobed:    .....late!  So late again!  :gaah:  

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Mt. Rider, I have to say living in the mountains is a hard way to live with those steps. Have you thought about a ramp that you can role the wood pellets up and down on. It would make things so much easier for you and your DH. You could easily roll a wheel barrel up and down a ramp also. Something to think about. 


I asked my GS about the difference in the android and smart phone. He said there are some differences in how they work and something about certain apps. And a few other things that I can't remember now. For me I just don't want anything that is smarter than me. If I can't figure out how to use it, then it's too smart.


And for all those getting ice and snow, be careful when out and about. Don't need anyone falling and getting hurt. 


Went to church this morning and came home to GS saying he is coughing up yellow and green. Not good but not covid so that part is good. He also is running a low-grade fever. So got him on an antibiotic, Tylenol and musinx to break it up. Took his temp. a few minutes ago and it is back to normal now. So, the Tylenol is working. Jumped all over him for going outside barefooted and not washing his hands. I hope he is getting the idea now. 

Not going to do a lot today as I will be in and out today anyway. But after I get back from the funeral home, I will get kitchen cleaned back up from canning yesterday. Need to wash the jars, label and put those in pantry. Since one gal. of green peppers make up about 6 cups of peppers, I am going to use another bag and make more unstuffed peppers, but this time with a tweak to them. The exact recipe was good, but I prefer not to add the Italian seasoning to it. I still have 3 lbs. of hamburger in fridge, so will start that job tomorrow. Then get beans on to soak overnight and start canning beans and ham. While the unstuffed peppers are in canner, I will go ahead and cut some ham up in very small pieces for the beans and have that ready to go. Then pull out all the chicken that is in freezers and get that canned. Going to be a long month of canning. 

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When my Nighbor and I went to the funeral home, it was a normal viewing. family could be in there with friends and that funeral home was crowded. They had 3 rooms of different families that lost loved ones.  But that was at least a good thing for neighbor. 

For my DH family was not allowed to be in there with friends. And only 10 friends at a time and they were run through like a herd of cattle. No pictures of him and they wouldn't even let me put his wedding ring on him. Said it would get lost. So was glad things are getting back to normal where that is concerned. But it still makes me sick to know I had to change the plans DH and I made for each of us because covid ruled. But it was what it was. Just hope no one ever has to go through that again. I know of others that went through what I did, and they still talk about how it was back then. Having to totally change the plans you made ahead of time to make things easier and then have to change them after a loved one dies is not easy.

GS did go to work but his temp. was back to normal. Told him to take the Tylenol with him to work in case he needs it later. He took the Mucinex also. So must be helping. If he gives it to me, you all might have to come bail me out of jail. He has been forewarned. :sad-smiley-012: Yep, he best not share it with me. I have too much around here to do.

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I slept in this morning. Hubby had no plans for going out to clear the snow because it was still coming down. We received 7+ inches in CNY and it was the wet, heavy stuff! He held out for about an hour and then got antsy about it. I think that he was afraid that the neighbors would think that he was being lazy. I ended up helping for a little over an hour. He worked the snowblower and I cleared those annoying patches that build up on surfaces due to the wheels of the snowblower. I made soup, chicken salad, and unstuffed peppers yesterday, so I spent the rest of the day watching Amazon Prime and folding clothes. I love low-key days!

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1 hour ago, Littlesister said:

If he gives it to me, you all might have to come bail me out of jail. He has been forewarned. :sad-smiley-012: Yep, he best not share it with me. I have too much around here to do.


:coffeescreen:      Right?   :pray: for Little Sister and her pesky DGS.  The young man has to learn to help himself so as not to be a royal pain for those around him.  But it does sound like he's making some progress.  :unsure:  Tho baby steps at his age is frustrating.  :hug3:  Hang in there.  



As for a ramp for our stairs........ can't.  We have 15 steps ....steeply rising up to the second floor level of the front side of the cabin.  Underneath is the basement.  It's built into the steep hillside so that the back door opens to ground level.  That would be great but trying to make a ramp to that level would be a nightmare - due to the terrain.  And the rainwater flooding control ditches.  It's good for a quick fire escape since it leads out into the dog's big fenced yard.  {formerly a small dog yard and my dwarf goats yard}  But the upper hillside goes up nearly verticle only a couple yards beyond the back door.  I keep saying that one cannot go more than a hundred feet in any direction from the house without encountering a VERY STEEP up hill or down hill.  :shrug:  


MtRider  :pc_coffee:

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Mt. Rider, I hate to say this but one day you might have to move to a location that better suits your older needs. Those steep hills and steps will get harder for you to get in and out of the house. I hope you do have rails on those steps. If not see if the landlord will install some. That will help. I have seen those grocery carts that are made for steps. They have wheels either on the back or front made just for that. I will have to find where I saw them at again. But maybe something like that will work. I think it is 3 wheels on front or back that just slides right up each step. Although I do envy you. I would love to have a log cabin. 

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I've seen those carts too. I think the shape of the back wheel catches on the edge of the step and helps secure it there so you can pull the cart up. But even with that, pulling it up 15 steps wouldn't be fun.  :(


 image.jpeg    image.jpeg   

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I have 2 small ones like the one on the Left....but just a regular wheel on both sides.  Not the triple.  That's what I was using for the pellet bags.  So it does roll up to the next step....rest...pull - roll up to the next step...rest.....  The only thing to remember:  DON'T get pulled forward and take a header down the steps  I've learned (hopefully remember) to stay focused on those stairs. The stairs do have railings on both sides.  Problem is....rustic means they are just long wooden poles.  Slightly too big around for my small hands to grasp tightly.  A number of people have insisted that I have one hand on a railing every time I'm going up or down.  That was after the trip-and-fall forward UP stairs...and bashed my eye rim cuz both hands were full.  I have put out sincere effort to do that.  I tripped again but was able to hang onto the railing and sort of spun around on that arm till I was sitting on the steps.  Second from the top....#14.  The stairs certainly have been part of an exercise routine these past decades!  Esp on laundry days...yes, that's in the basement.  Exterior stairs only.  Not ever doing laundry on a snowy day!  :grinning-smiley-044:


For things much lighter than a 40# bag of wood pellets, I installed a pulley system.  (buy pulleys...SO many uses!)   One great thing about having a wood cabin, you can do things like that.  I have a large hook on the ground-end of the rope.  We've gone thru several ropes since back when DH had a blood clot in lung and I rigged this system.  It makes a huge difference unloading groceries and such!  The current one has a nylon twisted-strand rope.  Not a good option - especially in our fierce sunshine that breaks down plastics.  It works but it's unraveling the twists in one spot and it's hard on your hands.  Can get nylon/plastic rope burn easily.  I used cotton clothesline a couple of times and it's good while it lasts.  Stretches a bit but that's ok.  Easier on the hands. 


The top end of the rope....after it goes thru the small pulley (which is tied to one of the high cross beam logs for the porch roof above) is secured to the log that's the porch railing.  That way the rope never gets away.  DH comes home with grocery sacks or something.  Not the pellet bags...over the weight limit!  :grinning-smiley-044:  He puts the bag handles on the hook (used one of those very large carabiners they sell at Walmart camping section)  ....or 2 bags if they're light enough for me to lift with the pulley.  It's a small pulley and doesn't give me too much advantage of leverage but....it's certainly better than grabbing the rope directly and doing hand-over-hand method. 


I'm describing this cuz it's some of the ways I've adapted to being weaker than I normally should have been.  If it's hard times, Energy Conservation doesn't just mean conserving things like electricity, etc.   Disability IS hard times and one thing you must save is personal energy.  Any way you can think of....




And yes.....we were much younger when we began living here.  The steeep hills and stairs and ....lots of reasons ....it's not ideal for older, tired folks.  But....the property is grande.  The neighbors are not very close but we know them.  The scenery is great.  And....it would take me as long (or longer) than it's taken Jeepers, to move out of here.  But one day....  Who knows.  Just taking it a day at a time....knowing this place is ideal for many situations but not for all situations.  :shrug: 


MtRider  .....  maybe I can get to sleep earlier tonite?  :buttercup:

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Will walk in a few minutes.
Start laundry.
Work on personal and ebay year end filing.
It's supposed to start raining/ storming around noon and continue through tonight. I have everything charged that I can. Cooking is done for as long as needed. Ready to stay home.


I had never seen those carts with 3 wheels on the back.  Very interesting!

And I agree @Mt_Rider, disabilities are hard times.

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Those carts above are much easier to pull up stairs than the regular 4-wheel carts. It might be worth it to get one for the pellets if you can't use the pully system. That pully system was a great idea. 


This morning: washing clothes and mopped kitchen floor. Getting things together to start more canning. But had a few things to get done this morning first. Need to go out and bring in more firewood. Just waiting for it to get a bit warmer. 


I could stay in my house if my health got bad. And the more I think about it the more I wonder if I should move or stay. Right now, is not the time to buy or sell and I missed that boat on that but needed to get some much need work done on this house first. My aim was to get the things done and then move to NC but not too close to my DD, but close enough that if I needed help, she could come to help me. Got the work done but not in time to move before the housing market went crazy. I hear now the interest rates for a house has gone up 8 to 9% in interest. That is high. So here I stay. 

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Got the firewood into garage, so set for the bad weather we are supposed to get. Although today is a nice day and warmer. So hard to believe we are going to get a bad forecast. But then our weather patterns have been a bit crazy. 

GS left for work, so just taken a break and getting ready to start some other things. I had all my Christmas things still sitting in living room to go through and tighten them up into less totes. Got that done and moved to the side of room. Will go thought the table clothes and things to see what I want to keep and what will go. Or I will keep the ones that I have from the old kitchen table and use to make other things with. But they all need to be separated and gone through. Then just go thought all the wrapping paper and bags to scale those down into one large tote rather than 2 smaller ones. Then that job will be done. Just get them to the shed and into the loft hopefully on a warmer day. 

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I’ve figured out that I’m at a “one and done” point. I can get one thing accomplished and then I’m wiped out for the day. 
Went to town today. Rural King was out of their spring water and their RK brand cheap jeans. Did get my mom her coffee and got mouse trap/bait for the cabin. Walmart was fine... picked up more Alka-Seltzer, Tussin, Imodium. Grabbed 3 gallons of milk, tp for here and at mom’s, a couple loaves of bread and some more liquid smoke (DS2 got 2 more does on New Year’s Eve day— they quartered them and tossed them in their freezer til I can get to them). Then decided to stop at Goodwill to see if I could find DH a pair of jeans there. While looking, he called and said not to rush home— they’re running fiber optic internet past our house and were gonna have both drives blocked for about an hour. So, I found him one pair of jeans... and then *shopped*. I found a NIB air purifier for $25 (normally ~$100) and a marble pastry board (16”x20”) for $15 that perfectly matches my marble rolling pins. (I <ahem> “collect” rolling pins.) Also found 4 pkgs pastry clothes and 6 pkgs cheesecloth for $1/each, so had to grab those. Told DH that it was his fault that I bought things that weren’t on my list!! :24:

Tomorrow, I’m doing nothing but crocheting and making pasta dinner— I haven’t cooked an actual meal since getting home from mom and dad’s 3 days ago. 



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