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Didn't can the Boston butt yet.  But got the unstuffed peppers labeled and put away. Then started washing clothes. Yep, I haven't washed clothes in about 2 weeks. I did wash towels and sheets but not clothes. Was going to do that yesterday while the pressure canners were going but GS beat me to the washing machine. He had to wash his work clothes. 

So today I have been going through all the boxes in living room. That is almost done. I now have a lot of empty plastic totes. But will put those in the attic for the time being. Never know if I might need one again. And I am sure I will need one for something. The 3 that are cracked a bit, or the top is broken, I am going to use those for container gardens this spring. 

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Still coughing my fool head off. I'm taking Mucinex expectorant but it isn't helping. 


I cancelled my doctor appointment for the 15th. and rescheduled for the 26th. That was the next available one they had. It's just a blood pressure check. She takes my BP and tells me it's too high and that's pretty much it. I have a real doctor appointment on Mar. 12th. 


So, I'm making plans to go to Indiana this weekend. I don't want to go. I'm sick and don't want to be around the family with this crud. They are just going to have to understand that I'm only going to be there about 2 days and I'm not hanging around. I might see them one time. I owe them some money and I'll either take it to them or else leave it at the house for them to pick up. I really need to be there to get the furniture. It's been put off long enough and they made special arrangements to get it delivered for me. And I owe them money too. They will only take a downpayment when you order from them. It will be nice to get my dining room fixed up though. I think that is going to be my favorite room in the house. Amish pictures on the walls, hats and crap treasures etc. My happy place.  :AmishMichaelstraw:


I'll tell you what though, I'm scared to death to go over right now. We are getting a bad winter storm at that same time and we know what happened the last time I left the house alone during a winter blast. At least my furnace is new this time. I just can't wait to get over there and back over here again. I'm going to be nervous the entire time I'm gone. I have local iHeart radio stations loaded in an app on my phone so I can check up on the weather. I hope there is no snow over there or else son will have to shovel out the driveway for the delivery guys. He's gonna love that. Not.

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Jeepers, do you know how to shut the water off for your house?   Where your main valve is? 


Shut that off.


Then shut off the water going to the toilet tank, flush the toilet,  flush again....no water in tank or bowl.


Open up faucets to let the water in the lines drain.  Shut faucets off after water stops coming out. 


Then, if you do lose power there's not water flooding the house. 


edited to add: There would still be water in things like your hot water heater and some in the drain lines, but you wouldn't have the flooding issues you had before.

Edited by out_of_the_ordinary
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That would be a good idea OOTO. At least there would be no flooding and hopefully no busted pipes. Empty or otherwise.


Jeepers stay safe when you leave. Put something heavy in back of jeep to help with traction also. Wouldn't hurt to have some kitty litter in the jeep as well for traction just in case. 


Got all the clothes washed, cleaned kitchen and got the unstuffed peppers labeled and put away.  Went to the hardware store to buy those covers for the outside faucets. My old ones didn't hold up this year. While I was in the hardware store, I decided to just look around. They were selling beanie hats with head lights on them. They are USP rechargeable, and you can remove it to wash the beanie. So, I bought one. Those lights have 4 settings and the highest one is really bright. That could come in handy at night if the lights go out or I have to make a run at night to the shed for something. I don't like hats but that one was comfortable. Just have to keep it hidden from GS. He loves beanies. Maybe I will get him one for his birthday. I also bought their last gal. of lamp oil. I had been meaning to buy some and kept forgetting. I am still adding to that a little at a time. It is the same lamp oil that Leman's carry. 

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Jeepers— not sure when you’re leaving, but... we’re supposed to get dumped on this weekend. 🥴 Northern Indiana and southwest/west Michigan. And high winds. It’s supposed to be a mess. Starting tomorrow morning. Going through Saturday. Frigid temps starting Sunday. Drive EXTREMELY careful!! :bighug2:

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I do know how to turn the water off now. And I'm going to!  I can turn off the toilets and under sinks too. Thanks for that reminder.  I'm also going to turn up the heat to about 78 to help keep it warm as long as possible in there.  The worst damage was in the ceiling between the first and second floor. Second was in the walls. Burst pipes are no joke.


Oh crap Necie. That sounds just like last year. That's the route I'll be traveling. Straight across the state on the toll road. I'm planning to leave either Saturday or Sunday. Probably Sunday. Clean house and have supper with sons on Monday. Furniture delivered Tuesday and home on Wednesday. :sigh:  I'm going to be monitoring Cleveland on iHeart radio on my phone. But I just thought that son can get Cleveland TV on their Superbox so he can help monitor too. 


I have supplies in the Jeep incase I get stuck someplace. I always have the Jeep loaded to the gills when I go over so there will be plenty of weight in it. 


This evening I went and got a new battery for the Jeep. I knew it was struggling to start even in 40-50 degree temps so I figured I'd have issues with it next week. It was 60% dead. It was time. It was nice that they took me as a walk in with no appointment. Then I went and got it lubed and oil changed and the radiator flushed. It was past time for that too. One light was out that I didn't even know about. And my tires were only at 20 psi. They filled them up to 35psi.  So the Jeep is as good as I can make it. 


It was fun at the lube place. The guys were all joking around and singing. One asked me if I had a coupon. I didn't so he took my phone and punched one in. That was good for $10.00 off. Nice. He mentioned some other ones then said it's too bad I'm not a senior. Hold the phone Malik. I am a senior. He didn't believe me. He made me get out my drivers license to prove it! Wow, carded at 71. That hasn't happened in...forever. One guy asked me where I got my fake ID.  Indiana. LOL  So I got another 10% off of the final bill. It was a good day. 


Tomorrow I'll go back to the house and finish up the kitchen and start getting the Jeep loaded up.



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Safe travels Jeepers it's really going to be a cold yucky mess so hope it doesn't interfere with your trip. 

Worked late tonight and working on a discharge plan for my stepfather who unfortunately has caught COVID at the hospital. But that may buy us some time to find the right location to move him to. The issue I'm having is the discharge planners send me these facilities that all look the same, they all say they do the same things and yet the facility that kicked him out advertized the same kind of care. How on earth can I tell if they can handle him? And manage to stick under his budget still leaving him with any funds to have a cushion. Not many options. And tons of phone calls I will probably be on the phone most of the day and Saturday making up my mind on what makes sense for his care. What I've learned from all of this? Don't get dementia. Sigh...:imoksmiley:

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Becca Anne  :pray:  for your wisdom in choosing.  We just went thru that with Mom.  As of early Dec, she's in a care home that has 3 levels.  Independent Apartments.  Assisted Living apartments -( kitchenette but not stove.  Microwave/full fridge/sink/cupboards.  )  That's the level Mom is at currently.  Then there is the locked Memory Unit.  More staff.  Meals in their unit, not dining rooms.  Sounds like Door #3 is appropriate for him.  But it may also take some calming meds.    :(  The C virus is not helping the situation.  


Jeepers  :pray:  for your trip in the mess.  :pray:   Maybe double that cuz you're sick too!  But, you sound like you've done what you can to prepare for the trip.  Maybe check with the Amish (phone?) to make sure THEY can make the trip with this horrid weather??  I'm assuming they don't deliver with horses and wagon?  It's exciting to "see" your Indy place coming together!  


Little Sister....hey, at least the young man is washing his own clothes now!  Progress!  I admire your ambition and energy in all that cleaning and canning!  :woohoo: 


We're at MINUS 11* ...last I checked.  Living room with high ceiling is getting cold.  No insulation in the roof.  {sigh}  Gonna go to bed and get warm. 

....and DH has to get his car to mechanic.  Got pulled over and his tail lights were out tonite.  No ticket but good advice to run with his flashing lights on.  That car's electrical system is shutting down.  Hope our guy can find and fix at least the necessary parts. I hope he works on electrical!   One by one we lose power to overhead lights, dashboard lights (DH uses a flashlite to check speedometer after dark) and now this.  Well, we do currently have the $ for it. 


MtRider  :offtobed:   :frozen: 

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Thank you Mt. Rider. I think I've prepped the Jeep as best as I know how.  If I get into trouble I won't hesitate to get a hotel room along the way. I'm pretty sure they won't be delivering furniture in a horse and buggy.  :008Laughing: Wouldn't that be a sight! I think the owner will be driving the van with a couple of Amish helpers. That's the way it was the last time. I also ordered an extra piece for my bedroom so that room will be totally furnished too. It was nice to be able to buy the furniture a little at a time and still be a matching set.  I only have one more bedroom to furnish but will probably do it on the cheap. Maybe even with a daybed. That's way farther in the future. The last name of the owner I work with is named 'Beigle'  (Beagle) so I already took a shine to him right away. LOL  His number is in my phone so I can call if I need too. Good idea!


It just now dawned on me that I think the furniture making shop is down south of the Shipshewana area. Either there or the Elkhart area. I forget which. But that could be a problem.  


One of my inside lights was out on the Jeep and I didn't even realize it. Just a light bulb was an easy fix for that though. And I noticed my "no passenger air bag' light was on tonight too. The air conditioner is broken along with the CD player. I think it's going to need a brake job soon. It feels like they are starting to grab. And there is still the bumper issue. I see trouble ahead in the next year or two for old BOB. :(


Stay warm and safe everyone!

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Will run to local grocery for bananas for DH.
Walk after.
Take ebay photos for DH.
I want to try making oat soup with a handful of noodles.  Basically veggie soup with a few oats and a small handful of noodles.  


10 hours ago, Jeepers said:

It was a good day. 

That is great news!  Where do you take your jeep to get such great service and so many things done?


Praying for you @Becca_Anne, for your decision!

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Jeepers, have a safe trip to Indy. Praying all goes well with trip to and from and for the Ohio house that all will be good when you get back. 


Becca Anne: prayers that you will find the right solution for your Stepfather. I know that is a hard thing to have to go through.  


Wow! Mt. Rider, glad your DH didn't get a ticket. Sounds like he needs an electrical over hall.  Hopefully they can find the problem. Stay warm girl. 


Canning the Boston butts in a few. Had a couple of things to get done first and then decided to sit down and drink coffee and get on here. What can I say. I needed me some coffee. I have some more of those small thin steaks I am canning today also. Might get maybe 4 jars. Found those in freezer. So, to the canner they go.  I don't have to keep a couple of heavy bottles on top of freezer now. So, it is slowly getting emptied.  

Will start the soups hopefully on Monday. Need to take a break and catch up on housework also. At least all the laundry is done now. 



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Miki, I went to National Tire and Battery (NTB) to get the battery. They were very nice with a really big waiting area. They had three sections divided off (one huge room) each with a TV going and a free coffee bar. I took a sweet tea in with me so I didn't want coffee. They also had a big play table with toys on it for kids. It looked like the waiting area was set up with covid in mind. Spread out. It took them about an hour to change the battery but I didn't have an appointment. I just went in and told them my battery was low and cranking hard and I was afraid it wouldn't start in the upcoming cold front coming through. He tested the battery and agreed before they changed it. It was on it's last leg. It probably wouldn't have made it next week without a jump start. Or two.


Then I went to a drive thru lube shop called Valvoline. I started going there when our Jiffy Lubes closed down. I stayed with them because they do all kinds of things like changing light bulbs etc. that some lube shops don't do. At that time my head light was out and I didn't know where to go other than a repair shop $$$.  It was expensive but I really got the works. Interior light fixed, air filter, oil filter, wiper blades, radiator flush (new antifreeze) something called a differential and all of the fluids either changed out or topped off. All of that and I never left the Jeep and was out in about a half an hour. It never dawns on me to ask for a senior discount or coupons. I later learned Valvoline does batteries too. They also do tire rotations.


While I'm at it, I always go to a Conrads to get my brake jobs done and my tires. I have had appointments there and I've done a walk in. Depends on if they are busy or not at the time I go in. I always just wait there for them to do the job. Usually about an hour. One time I went in thinking I needed a brake job and when they took the tires off they discovered that I didn't need one after all. The pads were fine. I appreciated that. One time I limped in with a flat tire and they got me two new ones right away and sent me on my way. I go to Rad Air to get minor repairs done to the Jeep like when my window came off the tract and when I needed new hydraulic things that hold the back window up. My local Siril's does my body work. Sometimes it's hard being a woman alone, to know where to go. Over the years I got it figured out. I'm going to miss Ohio shopping.

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Jeepers, maybe once or twice a year you can make a trip to Ohio to shop. Maybe have your DIL go with you. That is what my DD and I are doing now. But we go to NC because they have a monster outlet and other neat places to go. We are planning a trip for this spring.


Got the canning done. 13 pints of pork and 3 pints of beef. So, tomorrow is house cleaning and now dog sitting on top of it. But GS is off tomorrow so I will send him over to let the dog out and play with her a bit before letting her back in house. I just have to remind him to give her a goodie when she goes in. She won't let him forget it though. 

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Change of plans on the house cleaning.  Will be stacking 2 cords of wood instead. That should finish me off for a day. I'm tired now. I think my sugar is dropping. Need to check it. I did eat breakfast but not lunch. So will grab something in a bit. 

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We did a little rearranging today. We live in an OLD house that needs some TLC and a lot of winterizing. This is our first winter here and it will be be a winter of plugging holes. So we have opted to move hubby's computer to the back of the house into the spare bedroom which is on the southside of the house. It is much easier to heat and keep warm. The living room is on the north side of the house :frozen:I will be picking up caulk and weather stripping and maybe spray foam insulation in hopes of cutting down on the amount of wind that is seeping in around the door and windows. For the next week plastic and fleece blankets will have to do. 


Starting Feburary I am doing a grocery challenge of $20 a week per person. For us that would mean $40 a week. So now I am searching for recipes that have 5 or less ingredients and lean heavy on dry beans and rice. It is cheaper now to buy a bag of frozen peppers and onions that buying fresh peppers and onions. I was reading an article on inflation and this gentleman was tracking 60 different emergency food storage items like spam and canned soups. Since he started writing his blog in 2008 through 2023 inflation on these items have been 95%. So the grocery challenge of $20 a week per person so be interesting and challenging especially since my egg supplier is not producing much right now. Wish me luck.

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8 minutes ago, mommato3boys said:

Starting Feburary I am doing a grocery challenge of $20 a week per person.

MT3B, can I ask please that you share that challenge with us , perhaps in the kitchen forum?  I wouldn’t mind trying that challenge myself though I’m not sure, with my specialized needs, I could get that low.  Still, any challenge that has us being frugal would be a good one. 

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11 minutes ago, Mother said:

MT3B, can I ask please that you share that challenge with us , perhaps in the kitchen forum?  I wouldn’t mind trying that challenge myself though I’m not sure, with my specialized needs, I could get that low.  Still, any challenge that has us being frugal would be a good one. 



While you were typing this I had already started a topic "Grocery Challenge" in the Kitchen forum. 

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Is it spring yet?  It's coming our way for the severe cold weather, but with rain so far. But I am betting there will be sleet mixed in with it. I will have to have GS sleeping in house again. He went back to sleeping in car, but it will be way too cold for that. And he comes in at least twice during the night to use bathroom and then goes back out to car. I don't want the garage door opened at all during this cold spell. Will need to talk to him when he gets home from work tonight. Though tonight will be a warmer night. 

I will be busting my butt to get as much wood stacked as I can. With GS's help it will at least go much faster. Need to get wheel barrel out of shed in the morning and remove the cover from the rack also. I want to move the older wood to use first that is what will get moved up to house. Maybe about a quarter of a cord left. 

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I'm not saying I have one more day until the kitchen is done at the house again. It never works out that way. I keep bringing stuff in and rearranging it. I like to organize things.


Today I went to Meijers and did a little bit more stocking up. Not a lot but I needed drinks and I filled up the freezer with fast freezer meals. First thing I did was to pick up some Ricola cough drops. Then finished my shopping. I got kinda sick while I was waiting in line to check out. I started coughing really badly. I think my throat went dry and it kept triggering a cough and a gag reflex. I left the line and hid out in the card section and dug through the cart for the cough drops. Of course they were on the bottom. But I ate 4 of them and it really helped with the cough enough to get myself through the store. I didn't want to just leave the cart because I had a lot of fridge/freezer stuff in it. People probably thought I had the plague. A couple of days ago I thought I was doing better. But it has come back with a vengeance. Now I'm back to the cough, sneezing, chills and stuffed up head. My nose is so stuffed up, I'm actually having trouble breathing. Dang.  When I get back I'm planning to go to a walk in clinic unless dr will do a phone conference.  I'm done. 


But I spent the day getting the little pantry in the kitchen all organized. I'm lovin' that little pantry!  I'm keeping all of my food in it instead of the big one in the hall. I can keep it manageable that way and not go over board. In theory. I put the shelves in then didn't like it, then moved them around again and again. I can waste more time doing little piddly things like that. But now it's done. Next will be the refrigerator. None of the shelves are in it and none of the door compartments either. Hope I can figure it out. I need to figure out how to get ice from the maker too. :rolleyes:


I got half of the Jeep loaded up. It started snowing really hard so I left. The wind was getting bad too. 


The furniture guy called. I expressed my concern with the weather. He thinks they will run but will call me on Monday if they can't make it. Kinda too late for me though because I'm leaving here on Sunday. 


I talked to son about the weather. He is going to keep me updated too. He is calling Sunday morning to advise me on the weather over there. I heard on the radio that they have banned large trucks and empty semis on the toll road because of high winds. If this delivery doesn't pan out then DIL will do the next one. At the time they are supposed to deliver this Tuesday, she will be taking G-son to school 30 miles away from my house. If there is a next time, we will schedule around her time allowance. I told son I wasn't coming around them at all this time. After hearing me coughing, he agreed. So, I plan to be in and out over there.


While I was at Meijers one of my items I scanned didn't take. The screen said I needed to wait for help. It was just a box of tea. So the assistant came over and did something to the machine and it ran a video of me actually trying to scan the box to prove I wasn't doing something shady. Seeing myself scanning my products was creepy. I assumed they had cameras but this one was up close and personal. 

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6 hours ago, Jeepers said:

I started coughing really badly. I think my throat went dry and it kept triggering a cough and a gag reflex. I left the line and hid out in the card section and dug through the cart for the cough drops. Of course they were on the bottom. But I ate 4 of them and it really helped with the cough enough to get myself through the store. I didn't want to just leave the cart because I had a lot of fridge/freezer stuff in it. People probably thought I had the plague. A couple of days ago I thought I was doing better. But it has come back with a vengeance. Now I'm back to the cough, sneezing, chills and stuffed up head. My nose is so stuffed up, I'm actually having trouble breathing.


Jeeps - I know don't know if you were aware of a "mystery disease" that was affecting dogs this past summer, but it put pooches into respiratory distress and some of them had to be put on oxygen. A lot of dogs were lost prior to discovering that oxygen tanks helped the dogs through the infection.


My point is, this vid explains some OTC and herbal remedies to help calm those respiratory episodes and I think the solutions would probably work on human "animals" as well. The tricky part would be figuring out the dosage! I have time-stamped the vid to start at the into to the various treatment options. Maybe it will be helpful: maybe ti won't. :scratchhead:



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Thanks @Midnightmom!  I wrote down what was listed.  I always get licorice cough drops for me.

I hope you get into a clinic and that you feel better soon @Jeepers.  Please be careful driving!

I hope your sleeting is over, now @out_of_the_ordinary


Not doing a lot today! Haha. Always find stuff to do.
Will walk after I feed dogs.
Take ebay photos for DH.
Walk dogs.
Make the oat soup that I didn't, yesterday.
Maybe do a load of laundry, later.


You still there @Mt_Rider?  I know you are cold out there!



Edited by snapshotmiki
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47 minutes ago, snapshotmiki said:

Thanks @Midnightmom!  I wrote down what was listed.  I always get licorice cough drops for me.


I can't take licorice. It's the kiss of death for people with high blood pressure.


I think I have Kennel Cough. :D 


I have heard about the mystery disease going around with dogs. To be honest, I didn't give it a lot of thought because I don't have a dog and I'm not around any presently. I thought I was a little better protected because I have been vaxed for pneumonia and recently for RSV. Whatever I have seems to be cycling. I think I'm starting to feel a little better then I'm right back to square one again. 


I've never ever been a cougher. Now I sound like a heavy smoker. The episode in Meijers was kind of scary because I was afraid I was going to throw up from the throat tickle. Ricola helped pretty fast. But I ate four of them at once. 


I've been avoiding 'that' clinic for a number of reasons but when I get back to Ohio I'm going in. If it becomes worse I will go to the clinic son's use over there. I just want this trip over with. The timing is lousy. I ordered the furniture about four months ago and this is the week they decide to deliver.  :sigh:  

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