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I have been saving my big yellow 35lb Tidy Cats cat litter buckets as they empty.   I've been using one in my office with a 13 gallon trash bag and I love it.  I have enough bins for all the small bins around the house, so I am replacing them all with the big yellow buckets.  So today I am painting, papering, or fabric covering them so I can place them.  


I have more than enough and I'm also using them to sort toys.  

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Euphrasyne I used to do the same thing when I had cats. They came in handy for a lot of things. Still have some in garden shed that is used for garden stuff. I like your idea of covering them and using them for trash cans. Painting or covering them with fabric is a good idea. They are better than those small trashcans that don't really hold much trash.


The wood will be delivered around noon today. So just waiting on that right now. Already did a few things this morning. Washing up the jars of pork and got those put away and cleaned up a little in pantry. Though still have some things to do in there. Need to run out to garden shed and pull out the wheel barrel. Will do that soon. Going to be a busy weekend.

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GS and I got over one and a half cords of wood stacked. Need to buy a couple more of the wood stackers. We put a dent in it but still more to stack. We took a break, and I am sitting here drinking water right now. Will go out in a bit to cover it all up. I think the cold weather is starting to come in. Yeah, got muscles I forgot about. I am a bit sore right now. 

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Miki, I might be facing that issue in Indiana too.  


Went to the house today. I got the Jeep loaded down as well as I could. There is just a little room left. I kept reminding myself that I'm going to have to unload it all when I get over there. Ugh. I'm just going to stick it all in the garage and be done with it. I'm not having son come over to help. Not with my cooties.


Most of the kitchen is done. I got everything put away but I didn't get the cabinets lined. It takes so much time that I don't see any progress. Now, I'll just move the stuff, put the liner down and reload. At least everything has a home now. I'm going light and so far, half of the cabinets are still empty. I also went cheap so if I don't want to move anything it won't matter. I still want it to look nice though. I think I have everything I need at the house for the kitchen and bathrooms except I need aluminum foil, plastic wrap and salt/pepper shakers. Will hit the Dollar Tree when I get back. I thought all of my food would fit in the little kitchen pantry but I forgot about spaghetti and sauce. I need to buy some of that too. Next week I'll work on getting some window covers up.  I need a bottle of Old English scratch cover for the woodwork around the windows too. I have a never ending list. And that stuff you put under a rug to hold it down. Tape? I have throw rugs at the front and garage door to protect the floor from dirt and scratches but they don't lie perfectly flat.


All I have to do in the morning is swing in Dunkin Donuts up the street for a traveling latte and fill up the gas tank on the way to the toll road entrance. I have a nice blanket, boots, hat, mittens and extra socks packed. In the front seat are a couple of bottles of Gator Ade and some water. Some snack crackers and two apples. Also I'll take my leftover mandarin oranges. I bought a turkey, bacon, ranch sandwich today at Arby's and didn't eat it so I'll take that along too. I have 2 of the medicine reminders full. I think that's it. One good thing about when we have to get rerouted in an emergency, is the state police give us an escort through the whole trip. Especially when on the toll road. BTDT twice. So I'm not worried about getting lost. I'll fill the gas tank back up then I hit the Indy boarder. That's half way. The wind will probably wreak havoc on the gas milage. 


The house is good to live in right now. I'm only staying at the hotel for my own convenience. But it will be nice to be able to move back in with it all set up. Except for cleaning...:0327:.   Men are messy pigs.


The house was warm and cozy.  :thumbs:  

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Jeepers, sounds like you are getting it all together for the trip soon. Just please, please take it slow and easy if the weather is really bad. 

Prayers for your safety both going and coming back to Ohio. 


GS and I had dinner and I laid on the couch for a bit. Yeah, I fell asleep. Stacking wood will take it out of you. We got the wood covered with a tarp in the wind and it tried to take off like a sail. Wind got under it as we were pulling it over the wood pile. But we managed to get it down and secured. So, won't stack anymore till the wood stackers come in. The first pile of wood I bought last year I have gone through all but maybe a 1/4 of it left. Will use that first. 

I have been sniffling and sneezing with a bit of a cough all day today. Hope I'm not catching GS's cold. He still has a bit of a cough but not bad now. But I am afraid he may have given it to me. So, Church tomorrow is pending. Not going to church sneezing and coughing and then giving it to people there. I will watch church service on Facebook since we have it on there now. 

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Jeepers, I am sending prayers with you.  Be safe   Ine home feeling much better. :hug3:

um, did you turn off the water just in case? 

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Yes, I did turn the water off. Fortunately, I had my project manager show me how about 3 months ago. A little valve in the basement. :D


I also turned up the heat 78 to keep the house as warm as possible for as long as possible. My gas bill will be outrageous next month but it will be worth if 'something' goes wrong. I'll be back in 3-4 days so it won't be for long. I suppose as long as I have that house, I'll worry about it in the winter. 

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Jeepers. 👍. I was pretty sure you wouldn’t leave it to chance.   By the way, I love the vision of God being your copilot. :happy0203:

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WINDY and chilly here today.  Around 20* above zero.  That was surprising that we didn't go below last nite.  Still hovering around 20* now.  But the wind across the snow fields is raw!  :frozen:  Pellet stove blazing all day.  Furnace is nigh on to useless...well, it does heat the back rooms. 


Mom reports that it's dreary and raining at her location outside of D.C.  She doesn't like all the noise of it hitting her windows all night.  I think she's feeling locked in...but who wants to go out in that stuff? 


I've gotten a few tiny areas cleared/organized.  But ya know?  You have to look behind you.  Disorder jumps in and messes it up again!  :rolleyes: 


MtRider  ... :offtobed:  

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7 hours ago, Jeepers said:

Actually more like I'm His co-pilot. He seems to know a little more than I do.  :D

That is so true.  We always seem to be reading His map and trying to see His path for us.   Good thing He knows where we are going. :happy0203:

Safe journey, Jeepers.

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Feel better Jeepers and have a safe trip! It's really cold here today. We got a light dusting of snow. Finally feels and looks like winter here. I am taking today to just rest and recouperate after all the stress now that I have a place to send my stepdad. I will do laundry and read today.

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We don't have the snow or rain now. In the mid 50's here. Just a slight breeze. Not sure what the temps will be tonight yet. 

Jeepers, stay safe on the roads. Praying for a safe trip to and from. 

Today I am just taking it easy as stacking wood is taxing on the body. Will finish the rest as soon as the wood stackers come in. I ordered 2 of them as I think I will only be filling up one more, but they hold about 2 cords of wood. These are 3 times longer than the one long one I have. So next time I buy wood I will be more prepared with having the things to stack them on. I need to buy more tarps. I have used all 3 of the ones I have. The largest one is covering the wood pile that still needs to be stacked and that didn't quiet cover it on each end. But close enough. 


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Nothing major, yesterday. Church and walk dogs.


Will cover outside faucets , later.
Do last load of laundry when it warms up a little
Walk when it gets up to about 40 degrees.
Will get down to about 16 degrees tonight (now it says 15, going down), with a little icy rain. That's pretty cold for this area. Continued extra cold for about a week, then warm up a little.

Will have a taco salad, this eve made with home canned taco meat and salsa!
You all, have a great week and stay warm!


I feel whiney, talking about my temps and seeing some of yours!

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Miki, you are not whiney about your temps.  We all live in different states. So, weather for one will be way different than someone else. Your temps sound a bit like mine. mid 40's to 50's and then drops down from low 30's to teens at night. But it is winter and not the first time we have been in this kind of weather. It's the prepping for it that we need to know what to do. 


Went through several boxes this morning and getting some things reorganized. Just seems it's taking me forever to get things done. Between canning, house cleaning, washing clothes and now working on stacking wood. It seems I will never get to the end of it. And of course, the weather has stopped me from working in shed, attic and garage. Then by the time it warms up just enough to start back on garage and shed it will be time for the garden also. 

A woman's work is never done. 

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Finished going through all the boxes in living room. Have some things to drop off at Good Will. Now to wait for the weather to warm up enough to put everything away up in the loft in shed. I got rid of a lot of Christmas stuff but glad all the kids wanted it. There was very little that went to Good Will.  I just kept enough to decorate the house a little. Not doing the full-blown decorating that I used to do. As I will more than likely be heading to DD's house for Christmas as soon as they all figure out what they want to do. I'm just along for the ride. 

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I'm still pondering how today's zero degrees caught me by surprise.  I'm a weather person!  But....but Sunday was warming up and then wham!  We were -10* last nite and zero all day today and even now.  :scratchhead: 


Okay, I'll let that alone.  It is what it is. 


With bitter cold, we haven't been outside too much.  Kept ducks/goose inside except "balmy" Sunday.  I've been successful in clutter clearing a few areas.  Unfortunately, while some is getting tossed or donated, some just migrated to other areas.  :busted:   .....reorganization is a work in progress. 


MtRider .... stay warm and safe, everyone.

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17 degrees at 5:30 this morning!

Pretty much staying home, today.
If it's clear and not icy, I might walk over to Courthouse and get DH's tag renewed.
DH is out of bananas, but may be out until tomorrow, if I am unable to walk to store.
I'm considering pressure canning some dried tortellini with spaghetti sauce if I am bored.

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0 with -17 windchill at 9:00 this morning. One more day of this frigid crap. Tomorrow is supposed to be 18*. Maybe I can get home tomorrow or Thursday for a couple of days. No big rush. Just need a break. Mom does too. Her birthday is next week. Supposed to be 40* that day. Her home health aid will be here. Think I’ll get her out of the house and go shopping— she loves shopping as much as I hate it! 😂 

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Been cleaning up in the pantry today. Got a bit of a late start as I had a couple of other things to get done. Dusting and moving the older stuff to front to get used first. Put a good dent in it with using up things in there.  Tonight, I will just relax a bit and read by the wood stove. Temps will start dropping by at least 4pm. Leftovers for dinner tonight. I do have a jar of pork that didn't seal so will do something with that either tonight or tomorrow. Still have some unstuffed peppers to finish eating. 

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Finally above zero   B)  and sunny.  But the wind is kinda strong and bitterly cold!  :frozen: 

Had an appt this afternoon.  I'm beginning the process of getting off a medication.  We'll see if this will work.  It would help if the stuff hits the fan and I can no longer get the med.  I have another 'script for just sinus/allergies.  I've got options with that one so I'm not worried.  However the amantadine that reduces my fatigue levels.... THAT one I'm hoping to stock up on....JIC. 


Hope Jeepers got her furniture all placed into her house today!! 


MtRider  :pc_coffee:

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I hope she did also Mt. Rider.  I think she plans to head back to Ohio tomorrow. 

Prayers for Jeepers to have a safe trip back home. 


Finished cleaning and dusting the pantry. Got some things put away and moved out some things that I had moved in there for Christmas decorations. So, all back where it needed to go. Still need to get the aero gardens out of office and back into the living room. It's all getting done little by little. GS is off I think tomorrow but might be too cold to get the rest of the firewood stacked. The wood stackers are supposed to be here tomorrow but might have to put them together. I ordered them from Lowes so not sure how they will be delivered. Hoping they will already be put together. 

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Not sure about today. It's still iced outside. 13 degrees.
Maybe walk later.
Maybe go to town later to see VA advocate, if she is in the office. We will call first.
This cold is cramping my style!

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