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Miki, are we tiring you out?  I have times I tell myself I need to take a day and rest. Then later I am back at it again. I will take short breaks and sometimes a couple of hours then it's back to work.  Got dinner done and GS's is in fridge for him when he gets home from work. Just heat and eat.  He gets off at 2am so he will eat, shower and hit the car and go to bed. I think he has 2 doctor appointments tomorrow morning but don't know yet if he's off work or not. Pending weather, I will have him helping me with wood stacking again.  Hopefully we can get it all done but it will be a late start and still a lot of wood to stack. I'm on the 3ed rack and it is halfway filled. So, it will take the 4th rack and enough to fill that also.  I'm good for a couple of years. This wood is not seasoned yet. 

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Going to bed!  :offtobed:  


But enjoyed catching up here on MrsS.  Y'all are busy as normal.  I have Women's Bible Study tomorrow...if I can function!  :imoksmiley:


Morning functioning hasn't been real good.  We're having 60-75* weather  - still have snow all over but in-the-sunshine, that's what the thermometer says on the porch.  So why aren't people signing up to ride horses????   I NEED to ride!  It's been weeks and weeks!  Friday/Sat it's predicted to snow again.  Aaaargh! 


MtRider  ..... :hi:  

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There was a signup to ride here, but I was not on line that day and it filled up before I did get back.  :sigh:

Do what you can.  What else can you do?

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Mt. Rider, I hope you can get that ride in before snow. They keep saying snow here tonight, but I am still thinking Northern VA. But will believe it when I see it. 


Taking it easy with my neck today. But working in bedroom closet still but doing much lighter stuff. Trying to organize emergency things right now. I have baskets for all the flashlights and those battery holders for the batteries which I need to refill again with some I am low on. I also have some rechargeable batteries that I need to finish charging. I am looking around for a really good solar battery charger. I want to have all batteries charged and ready to go. I did finally find some size C & D rechargeable batteries but need to get those charged up as well. I keep both onetime use and the rechargeable ones on hand. I have those scattered everywhere. So, putting the rechargeable ones in a basket with the charger which is electric. But all I have right now. I do have a few AA & AAA that charge by way of USB. I have those covered.  It is a lot of things like this I am trying to organize all in one place.

So today is just gathering things into one place and putting them in baskets on shelves. 

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Hello ladies!  Thinking about everyone today - glad I stopped in.  Chainsaw Mary (aka Chicken Whisperer) sez hello.  Had a bad spell for a while, what with all my surgeries in quick succession I got pretty run-down. I finally went to my doc, feeling overwhelmed. Told her enough is enough; time for me to start fighting to get my life back.  Doc said OK, and pulled all the stops.  Seems to be working; I had not felt like myself for months, now my sense of humor and optimism has returned.  Losing weight, going to physical therapy and occupational therapy and getting more things done around the place.  Even one-handed!  Ive figured out work arounds for tasks and need to call Mary for help only occasionally.  


Mary has had her arthriris in hips get pretty bad.  All the goofy weather does not help.  Her docs did a scan and found "spots" in her lung.  Could be scar from covid, could be damage from bronchitis. emphysema, or undiagnosed pneumonia.  Her docs do not think it is cancer, want more tests.  We shall see what happens.  But she needs help occasionally when her knees and/or hips refuse to work.


God is merciful....we have ailments that complement each other, so together we make one "whole" person!  


Our chickens are producing more than average...8 to 12 eggs a day!  We currently have 13 1/2 dozen in the fridge so I contacted church to see if they knew anyone who would like free eggs.  We give them away but  are still over run so I hope they can help.  We do not want to sell them.  Strangers could see what we have and decide to come back later to get "their share" of our stuff.  Some of our neighbors have moral lapses that way, so we do not want to tempt them more than their ability to resist. 


Our old pastor knew several families who were glad to get extra produce, and that he donated game to (he loved hunting).  When we ordered our chickens he asked what we would do with all the eggs...we said we planned on giving them away.  He said he'd help us with surpluses.  BUT we have a new pastor now, so I went thru the office.  


Our vining zucchini was a HUGE success.  It climbed all over the green house then escaped thru the garden into the roadside ditch.  Those zucchini were 3 feet long!!  We will plant them again, we had takers for our surplus squash.  I dehydrated some, too, cutting it in lasagna noodle size strips as I read that it makes an excellent noodle replacement.  It sounded fascinating, and seeing as how I had plenty to experiment with I dried some to try it in the future.  


So tonight for my birthday I'll take a moonlght stroll in my birthday suit to see the chickens. (Mary says not to scare them too bad, yuk-yuk)

We started doing it our 60th birthdays, just for giggles, instead of a polar plunge. Nobody can see (we make sure) and we joke that it shakes the wrinkles out of our birthday suits to keep us young-looking.  :grinning-smiley-044:







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Good to see you, Kappy.  Sorry to hear of all the surgeries (some repeats, unfortunately) :mad:    Rehab is tough! 


But Happy Birthday. :balloons: 


(didn't I just mention Streakers in another thread?)  :lol:  She and C.S. Mary are having some throw-back moments to the 70s. 


We don't have streaking weather...snow all over everywhere but melting with decent sunny days. 


Glad to hear you were able to persevere and keep the garden and critters going.  Wow...such harvest you're having.  I can only dream up here in high mountain country. :sigh: 


MtRider :pc_coffee:

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Kappy, Happy Birthday.  Glad you are doing better and praying that CS Mary does better as the weather warms up.  You are doing really well with your garden and chickens. Lots of eggs. 


Been working on bedroom and closet and hanging pictures. Dusting, mopping floor and such. 

Getting tired now. So, taking a break. Been at it since 6am. Next thing I knew it is after 2pm. Long day. But then I am determined to get things finished. 

GS sent his final labs to the recruiter. So now the waiting game is on if weather for Coast Guard holds out. Hopefully it will warm up enough that they can get people together. Never thought that weather would hold up new recruits. Labs were bad enough. 



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I've just been too busy the last few days!

Kind of back now.

lready walked.
Going with DH to buy him some socks and will stop at the bank.
Make muffins when I come home and take down comforters that have been hanging outside for a few days.
Maybe walk dogs.


We did get better homeowner's insurance.  One thing accomplished!

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Wednesday night, I fell over the baby gate at the bottom of the stairs when it swung the wrong way.  I fell up the stairs.  Now my face looks like the poster child for domestic abuse.

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39 minutes ago, euphrasyne said:

Wednesday night, I fell over the baby gate at the bottom of the stairs when it swung the wrong way.  I fell up the stairs.  Now my face looks like the poster child for domestic abuse.


Oh No! I hope you are ok. At least it was up the stairs and not down.

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Euphrasyne,  Hope you are better now.  You are having to many falls. But at least you fell up the stairs instead of down them. Hope your injuries heal fast. 


Looking at the office today to see where to start at. I have piled up a lot of things in there from bedroom that needed to be gone through and organized. I need to start sewing also but that is on hold for now. Found an outlet for baby blankets. Our church is doing the crisis pregnancy center. So, blankets I have already made I will take to the church. They are wanting diapers, and baby wipes also. Plus, we put money in a baby bottle for the church to pick up other needed things.  I am going to be calling my GD later today about helping me get the dining room table sold on her site. Once that is out of the way I can get the rest of house painted. Or at least I hope to. Still a couple of things to finish up before I start the painting project. 


Miki, you really do stay busy. I need some of your energy right now. I'm slow but I am old. What can I say. 

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I am grateful its not worse.  I fall way too much for my comfort.  I am doing a whole lot of nothing this weekend to compensate.  



Edited by euphrasyne
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That chin looks sore. But at least you will heal up from that soon. Though it will take a couple of weeks. 


Just got home from church a bit ago. Still can't get used to these new hours. But it is starting to grow on me. Half of the church is out with flu, covid, hospital or back home recovering from surgeries and such. They are talking about maybe going back to sitting in car for service for a month and telling everyone to wear a mask only if they want to.  We have one out that has both covid and flu. She is really sick. Our church is a small congregation but with everyone out from illness or one sort or the other we are lucky right now to have at least 20 people in service.  3 are out recovering from knee replacement, others in hospital for one reason or the other and then the ones out with flu or covid. Just praying I don't come down with anything. 

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I hope that your chin heals up soon @euphrasyne!


@Littlesister, if we have 20 at Church, it is a good day!


Yesterday was Church and no laptop.
Walked dogs and did laundry as plumber was coming today to re-plumb under house. Texted yesterday evening that he won't be here until Friday, so laundry is done early.


Walked this morning.
Ran to Post office and hardware store-mouse poison.
Cleaned bathrooms and dusted house.
Done for the day, mostly.
I'm tired. I think it's the weather. I don't care for cooler weather!

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I'm doing fine. Just very tired. Either I'm finally crashing or it's the new BP med. Either way, I'm just rolling with the flow. I do have to get the lead out soon and get to packing up more junk.


I'm finding more stuff that they need to fix. That's agrevating. I just keep seeing dollar signs flowing out the door as far as resale goes. 


One thing I know is, an empty house is a cold house. It's been in the mid 30's here and I had to turn up the heat to 70 and it's still cold in here. I guess furniture and bedding etc. Really helps hold in the heat. Probably why I'm so sleepy all the time. I just want to snuggle down in this big old twin size bed.  LOL. Good thing I'm not a sprawler.  


I miss not having internet. I haven't been out to buy a new computer yet. I haven't been out anywhere lately. Glad I have Old Time Radio on the phone. It plays all day. I'm in love with Dick Powell playing Richard Diamond.  :sEm_blush:


Fortunately I had most of the kitchen and bathroom set up before I came back, so I have everything I need. That may not be the best though because I'm not getting out and being active. Darned if you do...


Thinking about you all and hope to get back in the swing of things soon. It's difficult typing on this little phone. Excuse the mistakes. Autocorrect is being busy. I noticed my computer autocorrect has changed all of my borders to boarders. Kinda the same thing though when ya think about it. :whistling:

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Jeepers, glad to see you posting again. You will get there; it just takes time. I am still working on a lot of things, and getting ready to empty out the China hutch so I can get it sold. After that I will buy the new farmhouse table, I want for the den but will move the couch and love seat back into what will be my den later after GS moves out. I refuse to buy a new couch, or anything till his Grubby, nasty little hands have moved out. He will not wash his hands and uses my bar stools for a napkin. Yeah, I need to clean the bar stool seats again for the 5th time. It is really getting old. 


Today I mopped floors, cleaned bathrooms and dusted. Then went through a few things and got that organized and put away. Cleaned kitchen. And I am done for the day. Stayed up really late last night binge watching tv. So early to bed for me tonight. 

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Hi everyone.  It's been busy in our little SNOWY corner of CO.  Fri nite DH had come home from working with his client.  Had already started to snow and we'd been warned....storm coming.  DH went to stand up and sudden low back pain nearly knocked him to his knees.  :o  What's that?  Not his usual back pain.  He began to look stuff up - doctor stuff and decided it's probably a kidney stone.  [familiar topic around here]  So he drank some apple cider vinegar for two days and made a face every time.  But that particular pain has been greatly reduced.  :shrug:  


However, since bending over and movement was quite painful, and it snowed for 2 days.....guess who had to dig the vehicles out?  :0327:   I took it slowy and carefully.  I dug the car out entirely on Sat.  About 6" at that point but it was pouring-down-snow the whole time.  I also dug out the truck...just the cab windows/doors and windshield.  Then I drove the truck down below (very slick on the hill even in 4-wheel)  and shoved it out of the way of impending snowplow guy...but near the road if we HAD to get out.  I was down to a Tshirt and long-sleeve shirt by then :knary:  and on my second pair of gloves.  Wet heavy snow!  Checked on birds in duckhouse and added feed.  Water ok.  Dragged myself up the driveway and 15 stairs.  And I was STILL having a lot more "fun" than DH at that point.  :(   He was in pain.  I stuck a 12" ruler into the growing "wedding cake" = snow piling up on our round picnic table just out the back door. 


AND at the very beginning of this heavy snow, I plugged in our battery power station to have full back up for the pellet stove.  The snow was coming down sticky and if the heavy-laden pine limbs broke amidst power lines all over the county .... we'd lose power.  We didn't but I'm still surprised!  :amen:  Exactly the conditions we bought it for!!  


The next morning I got up and when I looked down at the car from the 2nd floor porch - there was more snow on there than before I'd cleaned it off yesterday.  :gaah:But it was sunny.  Snow is ended.  Snowplow guy has us on his list and the car has to move.  Ducks/goose have to be tended.  So...I dress for sweating again but with snow pants and high snow boots.  The snow was higher than my boots!  I looked out the back door (ground level cuz built into the hill) and my 12" ruler was over-topped and not visible.   Stuck a yardstick into the impressively tall "wedding cake" and it was around 14-15".  :groooansmileyf:  DH was better...a little.  Not enough to help except he cooked.  :feedme: 


So I shoveled and tossed snow til I could just get into the car.  Switched out from my wet leather/lined work gloves again and with a dry pair, put a 5 gal jug of water for ducks/goose into the car.  Drove carefully in lowest gear down over the edge that is our driveway.  Rear end was sliding towards the not-cliff side.  Compensating to straighten and got down.  Shoved that car next to truck.  Let the sun melt off all the snow from the back half of the vehicle.  My arms had enough with shoveling out a portion of the bird pen so they could come out in the sun on Sunday.  Fresh warm water in their bucket.  More food...I'd given them extra the previous nite and they ate to keep warm.  Got down to 10*.  But warm now with sun.  They were glad to be outside. 


So with the empty water jug and a spare pole I grabbed from the back of my truck....both sets of vehicle keys zipped into my pocket....I slowly made it back up the driveway on foot.  Again.  This time I had to stop and sit for a minute on the blue Reliance water jug.  Several times!  I was mostly using the tire tracks to avoid the deeper snow. But I made it.  We ate again and finally I HAD to take a (3 hour) nap.  Woke up and a bit befuddled, I saw it was getting late and needed to walk down and feed, shut birds inside for the night.  So I'm getting dressed again...wet things dried (again) near pellet stove.  DH comes out and didn't know I was up.  He'd already been able to walk down and do the birds and got back up the steep hill.  :happy0203:   Oh yeah.  That was good news.  His back was improving.  Stone passed or what?  Dunno.  But I didn't have to go down!  :amen:  

Today we got plowed out and both vehicles are up here again.  There are mountains of snow piles circling the whole top of driveway.  Haven't had that much in many years.  They stay shaded so it will be summer before they're gone...unless we get really warm again. 


Nearly all our snow has been gone....until this hit.  It's SO much easier when there isn't huge mounds of snow/ice everywhere.  Even the mini- dirt dam I build every year under the porch by the garage door.....didn't hold back the melt-water.  Runs down the hill and around the corner right in front of the people door for the garage.  We're in and out of there every day.  Today it was soupy.  Now I need the thaw so I can shovel more dirt/gravel into that area and begin building the winter "mini - causeway" so we can reach that door without waders.  { no, it's only inches high but annoying every year}  But now the dirt is locked in solid again and I have to find dirt I can shovel.  But...the sun is already melting holes in the snow behind the house.  I'll get dirt from there.  Today I rested cuz DH could do the birds but I did go down and shove more snow off the topper of my truck.  Don't need that caving in with more snow later.  Brought it up again. 


Ain't life fun with weather conditions always keeping ya on your toes!  But DH had to do the exact same thing (except he didn't move my truck so the plowing went badly...not much room for big truck with a blade) while I was in Virginia with the Moving Mom Again issue.  15" that time too.  So this was my turn.  Neither of us do well with that much manual labor!  But  ....  we both survived. 


Another long-winded story of survival  :lol: 

MtRider   :offtobed:  





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Wow, Mt. Rider, I can't even imagine that much snow around here. We have gotten snowed in before but around here 6" and people don't know how to drive in it around here. I have had to shovel snow in past off driveway and porches and that is not an easy job as I am not used to it not having snow around here a lot. I can't even imagine you having to get out there and shovel that much snow.  Good exercise but a lot of hard work and very tiring. 

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That's crazy weather to me @Mt_Rider!  I can't imagine staying in that cold of an area!


Is @Midnightmom around?  Flooded out?  I hope you are safe!


Fairly easy day! Up to 66 degrees and sunny.
Already walked.
Have tortilla soup in the crock pot.
Still have to walk dogs and then I hope to prune the roses.
Maybe make a couple of phone calls.

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