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2 hours ago, snapshotmiki said:

Is @Midnightmom around?  Flooded out?  I hope you are safe!


I'm fine here, thank you for asking.

I live in Northern Calif in the Sacramento Valley. Southern Cal is getting all of the rain, not here. The issues we have are mostly high winds and occassionally I-5 gets snow laden through the mountain passes going north into Oregon.

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Went to Food Lion to buy coffee creamer. It was on sale, and I am low on it.  Decided to walk around some of the isles.  Low on paper products. They had 4 Boston butts reduced to less than half price. I must have been crazy with everything I have going on. I bought 2 of them. Will be canning them either tomorrow or Thursday. That will give me enough pork to get me through for a year or a little longer.  Haven't done much today in the line of going through things. Went to bank, Food Lion and then home. Going to watch a bit of TV in a few minutes. Want to finish watching that movie Manifest that I was bin watching the other night. 

Easy day today. 

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Midnightmom, glad you checked in. I knew the rains were in the LA area so I was pretty sure you were safe.  :hug3:


Mt. Rider, I don't know how you do it up there. I could stand the cold but not the shoveling. Take care!  :hug3:


I'm not feeling great. I went over ti Meijers but started feeling sick so I didn't get to look around much. It's either the new BP med or it was because I didn't eat. I'm thinking its the med. Sigh. 


Anyway I did notice that the aisles were very spaced out and there was a lot of empty spaces on the floor. It's a fairly new store so it never was crowded like Walmart  but it looked downright empty. I didn't have a chance to check out the shelves. I'm hearing about a lot of shortages. And eggs are supposed to be sky high. Wish I would gave thought to check them out. 


I picked up a tomato and it was as hard as a rock. Seriously hard!  It was red but felt like a green tomato on the vine. 


I came home and had missed a Fed X delivery. A week ago I ordered some more meds for the fish. They are starting to look droopy again. But this time it seems like I had to sign for the package. That was a first!  So now I have to go pick the package up and show ID. I have one more order to place with them but they are out of the med the fishys need. Hope they make it.  :D



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Jeepers, got to take care of those fish. They are part of the family. Hope you get the back order in before they get really sick. :) Card company keeps messing up my charge card. Every time I go to use it, they decline it. It has a 0 bal. Tried again to rent a movie I wanted to watch. Nope, not happening. They again declined it. But this time when I talked to them someone did try to use it. A dermatologist out of Ohio. Glad that didn't go through. So now that account is closed, and they are issuing a new card. What in the world is going on. Maybe I should go back to renting from Red Box instead of through my prime card. 

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6 hours ago, Jeepers said:

eggs are supposed to be sky high

Now I feel more badly.  I'm 4-H trained that one does not crack farm fresh eggs right into the sizzling fry pan!  You crack them into a small bowl to make sure they ARE fresh and put one by one into the fry pan.  :busted:    The THIRD one was bad this morning.  (Down the toilet with all three and start over).  Rats!  And we've got less egg layers than last spring/summer.  Still eating off last season's eggs.  They're in fridge or waterglass buckets.  We're hoping the last goose was the one laying last summer but we never could figure it out if we had 2 geese or one goose and one gander....and which was which?  Turning a goose upside down is risking getting battered about the head soundly!  We'll know who's the last one left ...eggs = goose.  No eggs= he's the gander!  :tapfoot:  Do we get more little ones again?  :shrug:   


Yes.....I was also wondering about you, Midnight!  My GrS1 is at Stanford but he's assured his mom that they're higher up and not a problem.  :buttercup:  Kid is not quite 21..what's he know?  Right?  But hopefully he is correct and they don't have massive flooding.  Anyone else in CA?  Glad you're fine, Midnight.


As for enduring our crazy snow and wildfire and ..... at our age.....  Where did I just hear that today?  :busted:   My grief counselor ( G ) when I told him our snow story with DH incapacitated.  No one really to call on.  Most of our neighbors have aged out of the Mts... or just moved closer to their younger generations.  Or died.  We were fully engaged with my folks for 4-5yrs, and now we look around and ...like Little Sister, no one's left that's close by.  Even church.  I'm now mostly getting to know some women that have been there a long time but weren't there previously when I was leading women's Bible study or before the "new" building.  They've come in while we were tied up with my folks and their health issues. 


So G has a point.  Yet....how can we hope to make it on Maui?  Housing is horribly scarce - especially after Lahaina burned.  A LOT of those folks are still living in the hotels.  Governor wants to outlaw AirB&B's - short term rentals and make those owners rent to local folks.  Nice idea but forcing people to change is not the state's business!  Short term rentals to tourists makes a lot more $$ if they can keep them filled.  He might cause local people to lose their 2nd house from not enough $$.  Don't like the gov/ don't trust him....or many of the people in power in Hawai'i.  :mad:   


And HOW could I get all my preps over to the middle of the Pacific!  :0327:   So my answer to counselor.... "I know....I know...I know!!!  But...."   We can live within our means here.  But how do we deal with aging out?  Jeepers has the right idea....when you finally get over near your kin!  Mother is right near family.  Anyone else feel like it's THAT time? 


MtRider  .... need to hit bedtime so I can get to Bible study in the MORNING!  Eewwww!  :offtobed: 

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Thanks for the update @Midnightmom!  I'm glad you are well!

Someone tried to use DH's bank card for $1.56 on Amazon.  I caught it within 1 day so they are sending him a new card.  Weird thing is that he hasn't used that card for 6 months to a year, if he has ever used it @Littlesister.  Wonder how they got the number.  And he has never ordered anything on Amazon.

I used to deal with farm eggs at the dairy when I was making cheesecakes for them.  Definitely, one egg at a time @Mt_Rider!  Only had bad ones a few times, thank goodness!


Already walked. It was chilly!
Taking my friend who doesn't drive, to an eye appt at Walmart doc.
Then to Aldi's and home.
Fellows are supposed to work on re-plumbing under house today.
Maybe I will get to work on the roses today.


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Yes, we all need to watch our bank accounts, what we order on Amazon or other places on the internet much closer than we used to.  They got me not long after I had talked to the bank about my card constantly being blocked. I am glad they are keeping an eye on the cards, but they sure didn't block the one from the Dermatologist in Ohio. But they took it off and sending me a new card also.  We are under Cyber-attacks all the time now. Very hard to keep up now. 


Got 13 pints of Boston Butt pork, and since I used the other canner for 4 jars, I just added 4 quarts of water with it to can. It is one of the ways I store water for bad weather in case of losing our city water. I would have to put extra jars in there to keep those 4 from falling over and possibility of breaking, I just can water in with it. 


Left message for Step granddaughter to call me but have not heard back yet. She is in cyber security and runs her own business now. She watches a lot of things going through for many people and some government, I think. It happens so much all over the US that it keeps her very busy. So, hoping she is ok and will get back with me as soon as she can. 


Thinking about making my soups that I never got around to. Canners are out and the jars are out as well. So might do that Friday, as tomorrow I have run some errands. But will have the meat out of freezer and in fridge to thaw. 

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7 hours ago, snapshotmiki said:

Thanks for the update @Midnightmom!  I'm glad you are well!

Someone tried to use DH's bank card for $1.56 on Amazon.  I caught it within 1 day so they are sending him a new card.  Weird thing is that he hasn't used that card for 6 months to a year, if he has ever used it @Littlesister.  Wonder how they got the number.  And he has never ordered anything on Amazon.

I used to deal with farm eggs at the dairy when I was making cheesecakes for them.  Definitely, one egg at a time @Mt_Rider!  Only had bad ones a few times, thank goodness!


Already walked. It was chilly!
Taking my friend who doesn't drive, to an eye appt at Walmart doc.
Then to Aldi's and home.
Fellows are supposed to work on re-plumbing under house today.
Maybe I will get to work on the roses today.




Snapshotmiki, hubby's card was always getting hacked and we were told they were getting it from gas stations. He never orders anything online. We always use my card if we order online. Now hubby doesn't pay at the pump he goes inside. We also have it set up through the bank we are notified via text when our cards are being charged. We were told by the Fraud department that they do little charges for several months and if nothing happens they hit the account with a large charge.

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23 minutes ago, mommato3boys said:



Snapshotmiki, hubby's card was always getting hacked and we were told they were getting it from gas stations. He never orders anything online. We always use my card if we order online. Now hubby doesn't pay at the pump he goes inside. We also have it set up through the bank we are notified via text when our cards are being charged. We were told by the Fraud department that they do little charges for several months and if nothing happens they hit the account with a large charge.

He can't  use his  card. Tremors  are so bad he can't put numbers in. He thinks he  hasn't  used it in a year or more. I don't know. 

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2 hours ago, Littlesister said:

Got 13 pints of Boston Butt pork, and since I used the other canner for 4 jars, I just added 4 quarts of water with it to can. It is one of the ways I store water for bad weather in case of losing our city water. I would have to put extra jars in there to keep those 4 from falling over and possibility of breaking, I just can water in with it. 

That is a good idea, but it's even better because a pressure canner needs a minimum number of jars to use up the "air space" in a canner to ensure it can come up to the correct pressure for canning safely. Check w/ the manufacturer of your canner to see what the minimum number of jars should be.

ETA: According to this info, you would have been fine with the number of jars you had in the canner. 

I might suggest though, if there is ever a time when you don't have empty jars to pun in the canner that you use a rack that is for water bath canning. That should also  keep the jars from knocking into each other.

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I have the old Mirror canners. Can't get parts anymore. So, looking into a new one other than Mirror. They hold 9 pints and 8 quarts. They still work really well.  But I worry about having to get parts at some point so need to get something soon. My water bath canner won't fit in my canners. But do have a way to take care of that issue. 

I have some errands to run tomorrow, and Friday I am going to start canning soups. I've put that off long enough and I am very low on my soups. Then I will start canning the dry beans That I have. I would rather have some navy bean soups and things already made up and canned than spending forever soaking beans and using a lot of water at a time if water becomes an issue. I'm not using my quart jars as much now that it is just me. So, starting to can water again using the quart jars. I have a cart load of jars. But might need to buy more widemouthed pints. I use those mostly for canning meat. 

I now have chicken, turkey, beef, and now pork. So, lots of choices. 

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What parts do you need? My Miro (sp) canner uses my same Presto gaskets. I've had that canner since the 70's-80's and it's still good. I did upgrade to a Presto with a gauge and a weight. It's a game changer. I can keep an eye on the gauge while the weight maintains the pressure. I did have to buy a different weight for it though.


I thought very seriously about an All American canner but they are just too heavy and I'm too short to be reaching behind a hot canner to mess with the toggles. Plus the price!

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Jeepers it's the weights that are starting to go bad now. I keep gluing them together but that only holds for about 4 or 5 uses and I have to redo it. Those are the jogglers as well. It's only the 10lb ones as those are the ones, I use the most. They still work but those canners are really old. I have my eye on one from For Jars, but they are out right now. So just waiting till they get those in. They are much lighter than the ones I have now. I am also short and getting older so lighter is better. Just have to watch the height for between burner and range hood. 


I need to do inventory of everything I have. So been trying to get very organized. I am not the best organizer, but I am getting there. Also trying to get everything solar charged up and ready. I have several of the small solar chargers I use2 of them all the time for my cell phone. I listen to news and such on it all day while working on stuff.  Guess because I can move it from room to room. This house became a mess when I started the remodel. I was bad enough when I had to move some furniture around for DH. Wheelchair and porta potty and such. So had gotten that all back together just in time to mess it all up again. I packed up so much and stuffed stuff here and there. In one of the sheds and closets. Got 2 closets cleaned out and now working on my bedroom closet. Garage is on hold till better weather. It's too cold to work out there right now. And I still have to finish stacking wood. I was going to get GS to help on his day off, but he caught a cold and is down in the dumps right now. He really doesn't have much in the line of energy so just letting him rest on his days off this week. To cold out there right now anyway. 

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I get it. I bought a Presto because I needed a second canner and now I only use the Presto. 


I've heard the forjars one is good too. They came out after I bought the Presto. IMO, I'd get one that has a dial gauge and the weighted thingy that has the pressure options. Sorry I can't post pictures on this phone. But not the one that just sits on top of the canner. Like a rocker. Get one where you can chose between 5,10,15 pounds of pressure. That way it will maintain the pressure automatically. Of course you still have to watch it! But once it sets itself with the dial gauge it maintains pretty well without constant watching. They come where you add weights or one that is solid round that you choose the pound you want and set it on the canner. Most new canner just come with that rocker. My weight was $20.00 at Lehmans but well worth it.


I'm in the same position with the house. I keep trying to remind myself that you have to make a mess to clean a mess. I've got the first part of that down very well.  :D

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15 hours ago, snapshotmiki said:

Definitely, one egg at a time @Mt_Rider!


I know, right?  :busted:   Good thing my sense of smell has never been very good.  (except for something burning...)   We had a duck sitting on an egg one season.  Been sitting a long while.  I reached in to feel the egg and it exploded in my hand.  Pheeewwwwwweeeee!  That was definitely never gonna be a duckling.  I went directly down to the pond to wash that off my hands. 


Well...we snowed very hard for a very short time.  But it happened to be right when we were all driving in to church for Women's Bible Study this morning.  Some were shocked to find the snow after driving from their house to the church.  We had it all the way.  But once we all got started, the sun came out and melted a good portion of what had been coming down.  LOL  Can't figure weather in the mountains.  I was glad to be able to attend but....I told DH 3 times:  "You can turn around and take us back home if this is too slick."  As he caught the side of the road cuz you couldn't see where the road was.  We slid around for probably a very long :sSig_help2: 30 seconds before he got control again.  :blink:  But all was fine.  :amen:  


MtRider ...only had to sweep our way up the steps when we arrived home.  Then it quit.  :amen: 

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Will walk in a few minutes.
Taking DH to audiologist in a while.
Then to salvage grocery on the way home.
Rest a little and then Bible study tonight.

Having the last of my Tortilla Soup (that isn't frozen) for dinner.

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Getting ready to head back out to finish up on my errands. Going in two different directions so passing house on the way to State Farm and pulled into my driveway just in time to see my neighbor's dog made an escape. Yep, she got :busted: and now she is in her I'm :sorry:mode. No goodies and will be back in her collar again. They have an electric fence for her, but she doesn't always put her collar on. She is usually good about staying in the yard but not today. Caught her down the street. But at least she comes to me when called.

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Well today I am making a list of meals that I can put in the freezer. I was offered a contract job with the Department of Health and Human Services yesterday. It is about an 18 month contract so we will be eating a lot of freezer meals. I am trying to come up with 30 ground beef, 30 chicken, 30 pork and 30 seafood recipes. 

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That is great Mommato3boys. I am still debating a part time job just for something to do. Not that I don't have enough to keep me busy but that is all at home stuff. Part time job would at least get me out of the house for a bit. Won't do it though until they call GS into Coast Guard. He saw his recruiting officer today. They wanted the physical copy of his labs so had to in to see the recruiter. So now it will be a wait and see. Recruiter has to send it to the asmac place in Petersburg. From there I think they will call him to go there to take the test and get the physical. Right now, he is nerve wrecked about the traffic issues. People speeding, running red lights, you name it. Said he was almost hit twice. He's not a happy camper right now.  But now he knows why I want to move out of this area. That is just one of a couple of reasons. 


I forgot to mention eggs are already going up in price. As to how fast they will keep going up I don't know. But since the price of eggs are going up and we don't know for how long. I got an e-mail for the oval easy eggs from Plesant Hill Grain. So ordered to cans with a promo code Eggs25. I will pull out the oldest of those and put these back for another time when they arrive. Will use those depending on how bad the egg situation gets. Just trying to keep ahead of inflation. 

Edited by Littlesister
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MT3B, Congrats on your new job!


I finally got my fish meds. They were delivered to Advance Auto Parts (guess they are a drop off station). Sort of glad because they didn't get left on my porch and APA is right down the street. I didn't have to show any ID though. I guess anyone could have said they were me and got the package. Anyway, I only want to make one more small order and then I'm done...famous last words. Assuming they can get the meds in. I discovered one of my fish can tolerate something other than Cipro so I want to get her the alternative med, just in case. Her vet isn't always easy to work with. 


Last Thanksgiving when I was in Indy I went to KFC for their cole slaw. They were out of Pepsi. Today I went to KFC here in Ohio for a pot pie and they didn't have any Pepsi. BTW, as soon as my butt hits the car seat I automatically become absolutely parched. It's like Pavlov's dog. You've seen dogs hanging their head out of a car window with their tongue hanging out? Soon as I pull out of the driveway that's me. Anyway, they had a sign in the window that said they prefer cash but if you pay with a credit card and the amount is over $25.00 then you must present the card and a driver's license. I've never paid for fast food with a credit card so that seemed odd to me. Don't know if that also applied to using an app or not. I'm thinking they are concerned with hackers too.


I've heard that "they" are trying to get people to use up their cash to get the money back into the banks and out of people's hands. Don't know. I also heard one guy tried to cash his paycheck for cash at a Chase bank and the teller told him they didn't have the cash on hand. It was either in New York or California. Can't remember which. 


If they can't secure our credit cards from hackers then I wonder how they plan to secure our digital bank accounts? 


Have lots of errands to catch up with tomorrow.

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Haven't had that issue here yet but sure it's going to trickle down the pipes soon enough. I forgot about my Kroger trip to return that cough syrup that was recalled. So might do that tomorrow. Might go by back to take out a bit of cash as I don't use a credit card for food either. Though I am now taking more precautions after the old e-mail and my credit card issue. GS has lost his ever-loving pea picking mind. He just ordered Suchi at the cost of $60. Glad he thinks money grows on trees. He best learn to make it at home. 

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Beautiful day today. 60*, sun is out, a bit windy. Got woke up last night by lightning, BIG thunder boomers and pouring rain. UNBELIEVABLE!! Thunder storm in February... and at night at that!!



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It's supposed to get up to 75 degrees here, today!  Yay!

Congratulations @mommato3boys!  You'll be busy making up those meals.

I'm glad that your GS is moving ahead with the military @Littlesister!  That will be a relief when he goes in.

That sure sounds correct @Jeepers, about getting cash back to banks.  Sad!


Walked first.
Going out to prune the roses as I keep putting it off, so doing it today.
Walk dogs after.
That's it. Easy day!

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Went through a few things this morning and now just debating heading out to Kroger to return that cough syrup.  Then back home to work on bedroom closet some more. Want to totally empty the closet and debate painting it or not. Really not in the mood to paint. But will see what happens there.  Going to look into closet organizers as soon as I figure out a few things. It is a walk-in closet so just need to figure out the best way to utilize it. It has 2 shelves that go all the way around the closet. So does have good storage space if I can utilize it the right way. 


Miki, we must have been typing at the same time. 

Yes, I can't wait for them to call him into boot camp. Just hope his parents come here to send him off. I don't like the idea of where I may have to drop him off at a bus station. Not the safest place to be. 

I know he will do well once he gets settled in there. I think they will give him a 2 or 3 week leave after boot camp and then off to CA for 3 months of school. Unless he changes his mind on what he wants to do in there. Then he would be shipped off elsewhere. Told him to live on base that would be free for him, and he can get those bills paid off quicker that way. 


Wish I had 70* weather today. I want to finish stacking the wood. I need to get the rest of it off my driveway. 

Edited by Littlesister
added on.
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