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CrowdStrike Anti-Virus Causes Worldwide Outage

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"CrowdStrike is actively working with customers impacted by a defect found in a single content update for Windows hosts. Mac and Linux hosts are not impacted. This is not a security incident or cyberattack. The issue has been identified, isolated and a fix has been deployed. We refer customers to the support portal for the latest updates and will continue to provide complete and continuous updates on our website. We further recommend organizations ensure they’re communicating with CrowdStrike representatives through official channels. Our team is fully mobilized to ensure the security and stability of CrowdStrike customers."

Effecting Windows Microsoft computers.


Over night.  …   World wide….911 systems down, credit card processing down, many law enforcement facilities down, NCIC down, airports down…..  







Reports are emerging of a widespread Windows failure that is bringing down the systems of the emergency services, banks, airports and more.

Windows machines are reportedly failing to boot, with unconfirmed reports suggesting the problem lies with the software of cybersecurity firm Crowdstrike.

The Down Detector website is showing a sharp uptick in reports of disrupted services, including Microsoft, Visa, Ryanair and many other companies, as shown below:
Troy Hunt, creator of the HaveIBeenPwned website, has also reported on X that he's seeing widespread reports of Windows PCs suffering from the infamous Blue Screen of Death, where they refuse to boot.

"Something super weird happening right now: just been called by several totally different media outlets in the last few minutes, all with Windows machines suddenly BSoD'ing (Blue Screen of Death)," he posted.

U.S. emergency service computers also appear to be affected by the problem. Writing on the Hacker News website, one commenter claims: "My entire emergency department got knocked offline by this. Really scary when you have ambulances coming in and are trying to stabilize a heart attack. 911 is down in Oregon too."

In the U.K. train services are being hit by the failure. "We are currently experiencing widespread IT issues across our entire network," the Southern Railway team posted on X, which is responsible for many of the train services in the south of England.

"We are unable to access driver diagrams at certain locations, leading to potential short-notice cancellations, particularly on the Thameslink and Great Northern networks."

It's not yet clear if this is a cyberattack or some other failure. Unconfirmed reports suggest that Crowdstrike's support engineers have acknowledged the problem is with their software and reverting an update that seemingly caused the issue.



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  • Annarchy changed the title to CrowdStrike Anti-Virus Causes Worldwide Outage

Our dependence on computers world wide is unimaginable.  Y2K pointed out the vulnerability of the grid almost 25 years ago. Now, whether it is from a terrorist attack, human error, or just plain defect, the impact of a grid down situation could have us all in chaos.  

Our greed for ever more technological power may yet bring us back to our roots. 

That said, I admit to a deep feeling of isolation whenever our internet is out (which is often lately). We still have a land line but had a taste recently of that not being able to reach anyone with a cell phone, which happens to be my entire family.  


Now, reading about this latest, world wide, cyber issue it brings up a whole new scenario to prep for…..   fear. 


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I'm a little rushed right now so I haven't read the links yet, but I wil!


I've noticed a few issues lately. I tried to place an order on Amazon during their last day of (can't think of what they call it. Amazon Sale Days?) and I wasn't able to complete the purchase. I wasn't buying anything on sale but if I were, I would have missed out on the sale as I was buying at close to midnight. I had stuff in my cart but I couldn't pull it up to complete a purchase. It was like the cart was disabled. I couldnt even see the items in there. I contacted them via chat but they were of no help. Finally it was after 1:00 AM so I just went to bed. The next day everything was fine. At first I thought it was just the volume load from all the sales. Now I don't think so. I almost asked the "person" in chat if they were being hacked. I know it isn't a real person I was trying to communicate with. Which reminds me, I've noticed a lot of AI reviews on items at Amazon now. 


Then today I got an email notice that my credit card has been frozen...again. I got it unfrozen online with a text message code but this is the second time this month that my card has been frozen due to suspected fraud. I wonder if my bank is being hacked? I appreciate them being diligent about my protection but it is embarrassing when trying to use the card and being denied.


I have errands to run and I'm going to make a stop at the ATM to make a withdrawal for some more cash to have on hand. Just in case. 


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All three ATMs I am normally able to use in in the row between the church and the credit union were fritzing out today.  While I got money out of one of them, it only gave me $80 of the $200 I requested.  I wrote down the details of the incident on the receipt and will be checking my account to make sure only $80 was removed from the account once I can get in contact with it, which is not possible right now.

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Our bank card got hacked yesterday.  DH had to drive into 'town' and shred one/get a new one.  He was still dealing with notifying those that regularly are paid thru that card (utilities, Compassion International, etc.)  this morning.  I don't THINK it was connected to this issue tho - since it was a hack for a certain amount and not a malfunction.


BUT....  :blink:    this certainly does show "how to shut down the world" . :runcirclsmiley2:  We're getting so very entwined that you pull one thread and the whole carpet unravels. 

Diversify what you use for exchange of goods/services.  Credit Cards, Debit Cards, Checks (they are still real..lol ), cash, other forms of exchange. 


Is it time to think of foreign currencies?  I know nothing about that though. 


Of course there is always barter using goods/services too. 


MtRider  ... :imoksmiley:    Sheeesh, did the world just tilt...just a little bit?

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I haven't had an issue or heard of anyone having issues around here. My DGD told me about it this morning. Her DH is in Coast Guard, and he told her about it. So now he is on duty as of last night and tonight. But not sure if that is the reason. Thinking maybe they are keeping check on the things on the boats.  So far banks are fine, cell phones are working and such. I have T-Mobil for my internet and cell phone. I also have a landline phone. Everything was working great.  Hope things were not hacked, and it is just a glitch in the system. But DGD said her DH said it happened through a Microsoft update and something else that I can't remember now. Haven't read the above yet but will later this evening.

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I heard there were/are issues here in the Cleveland area. I was in the car and only heard part of it. Some public services were down and some hospitals were having problems. Not the Cleveland Clinic nor University but the one I go to, Metro, was having trouble.  The airport was having problems too. I heard them say to not bother calling them for flight information.  911 still worked though. This is the time I miss TV. 

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I tried to get on two of my local Wal-Mart vision center websites to make an eye exam appointment. I tried numerous times this afternoon and evening but kept getting a page saying, "Sorry, we are having technical issues, but we'll be back in a flash." They are still down and closed for the day. 

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Amazon sent me an E-mail that the highchair I bought has been recalled. So, I had to go on site to say I will destroy it and they will refund my money. So, I did that and then ordered a new one.  The only issue I had was that I had to change my password in order to get back on and had to go through two verification codes. Once I did that, I didn't have any more issues. 

Now I am wondering if I need to change all my passwords. I usually do that for most things but only about once a year. Though everything here was working fine and at least my bank was open, I might not be a bad idea to just change all passwords. You never know. But I am assuming Amazon is because of what happened. Don't know for sure if they were affected by this. 

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Thankfully no issues at my work today but I did need to access the VA system for some paperwork for my stepdad and until after 6 pm the page wouldn't load and kept erroring. I gave up after a few tries and then later tried again and it worked. My mom's dentist texted us they were offline due to this and I had a friend who was flying back home today that was able to make it home thankfully!

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16 hours ago, Mother said:

We still have a land line but had a taste recently of that not being able to reach anyone with a cell phone, which happens to be my entire family.  


I have a landline too - to reach emergency services in case the net goes down. Never really thought of not being able to reach friends or family because they have cell phones! :(

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I also still have my land line phone. That I can use just in case the cell phones won't work for some reason.  We never had any issues from this anti-virus. My bank was still open with no issues. But I am thinking about pulling out more cash. I stopped doing it for a while. But time to pull out some again. 

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That's true midnightmom. I suppose a landline could be inoperable if the carrier were to be compromised. Such as if you have ATT and they go down, your phone would not work then? Maybe have your land line with one company and your cell phone with a different one so maybe at least one of them might work.

But,  🎶 who ya gonna call? 🎶

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I'm just getting around to reading this topic... My daughter had her flight delayed for several hours yesterday and somehow, she ended up in a different city. I haven't had the opportunity to talk to her about that, so I don't have any details.


My credit union was hacked on June 29th or 30th and it took until this past Monday to regain normal access to the account online. It was a ransomware attack, where someone gains control of the system and then will only relinquish control if a ransom has been paid. The ransom is usually in the millions.


Dad's landline is dead today. It might have been dead yesterday, as he doesn't get many calls and I only pick it up when it rings. Today, I left Dad alone and returned to my own house for a few hours. I called to remind him to take his meds and the line rang off the hook. I reached him on the Amazon Echo instead. When I returned to his house, he insisted that the phone never rang. I tested it and he was right. The phones are all dead if you pick them up, but the line seems to ring when you call in.


In other news, my new mobile phone came yesterday. It is with another carrier and might just be another piece of the puzzle for widespread outages and such.

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Have you figured out why your dad's land line went dead, Martian???   We have land line but if something happens to wherever our calls route thru to others....  I guess that would be the problem.  We finally figured out (pressed to do so) how to get our one cell phone to connect thru WiFi at our 'remote' cabin.   Whooeee....we're catching up to the modern world.  :grinning-smiley-044:


Anyone else feeling more than a little  :imoksmiley:regarding this delicate house-of-cards our modern civilization is built upon? 


MtRider  ....well, it's a nice ride if we can keep it.   (didn't the Founders say something similar about the constitution?)

Edited by Mt_Rider
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PS....just found out that Right Now is when our whole Maui family is flying over to Japan + a brief time in Korea.  They did get as far as O'ahu tonite. Their #1 Son is joining them from CA and has been able to catch his flight.  His plan is to get to Maui (take care of house/pets) and get back to CA to continue college. 


So right in the middle of airport computer meltdowns.....everyone is flying all over the place!!!  Ack!  It would be too ironic for our Korean daughters to get stuck in Korea - and don't really know the language anymore.   I "know of" several folks who are half way to not-where-they-intended.  Alternate airlines are busy - those not using the particular system that was affected. 


MtRider  .... :pray:   hope they get this straightened out. 

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Prayers for your kids safe travel Mt. Rider.  :pray: 


Our airport, Cleveland Hopkins International was shut down yesterday. I heard the toll road wouldn't accept EZPass too. It was really hit or miss over here. 911 still operated and son got his radiation Friday so all was fine for us. 


I am very apprehensive about our vulnerability. Mostly for selfish reasons. I'm afraid a big (EMP type) event will happen and I'll get stuck over here. I wouldn't care so much if I'm in Indy. I could walk away from this place. Not literally walk, but I could turn my back on this place if I absolutely had to. I have enough over there that I could survive. And I want to be with my family if the grid goes down. I'm so close to leaving now...


Depending on the weather and my health on any given day, I could possibly walk to their house from mine in one day. Its about 15 miles I think. Believe it or not, it would be easier for me to walk it than the 3 of them. I plan to get bikes for GS and I next summer. So that would help me get to their house. But then again, the supplies are at my house. Along with the septic and well. If it happens, it had better be a nice cool fall day.  :rolleyes:

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Our DD will be flying from IL to CA early Tuesday morning to be with our oldest son who is having surgery on Wednesday.  I sure hope that all goes as planned. 🙏

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8 hours ago, Mt_Rider said:

Have you figured out why your dad's land line went dead, Martian???   We have land line but if something happens to wherever our calls route thru to others....  I guess that would be the problem.  We finally figured out (pressed to do so) how to get our one cell phone to connect thru WiFi at our 'remote' cabin.   Whooeee....we're catching up to the modern world.  :grinning-smiley-044:


Anyone else feeling more than a little  :imoksmiley:regarding this delicate house-of-cards our modern civilization is built upon? 


MtRider  ....well, it's a nice ride if we can keep it.   (didn't the Founders say something similar about the constitution?)

We aren't exactly sure as to why the phone is dead. I did call the phone company and they are sending someone out tomorrow (Monday). He doesn't get many phone calls and most of those are scammy, fake Medicare ones. There was a bad storm the other day and there was a lot of lightning and tornadoes in the surrounding areas. Maybe that knocked something out. Dad also has an abundance of what we called Radio Shack wire, back when I worked for phone company. The house has one phone jack and dad spliced it all over the house after I grew up and moved out. When I was a kid, the only phone was in the kitchen!


My cell phone is the only working phone here, but it only works when the wifi is operational.If the wifi goes out, we lose cable internet and my ability to make calls. 


I do feel pretty vulnerable out here. I have been feeling that way since I arrived. All of the techy, backup mechanisms that I use so successfully in the city just don't function here. It feels like I'm starting to prep for worst-case scenarios all over again.


Safe travels to your family, Mt Rider!

Edited by themartianchick
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On 7/19/2024 at 3:34 PM, Mt_Rider said:


Diversify what you use for exchange of goods/services.  Credit Cards, Debit Cards, Checks (they are still real..lol ), cash, other forms of exchange. 


Is it time to think of foreign currencies?  I know nothing about that though. 


Of course there is always barter using goods/services too. 


MtRider  ... :imoksmiley:    Sheeesh, did the world just tilt...just a little bit?

Checks are going the way of the dinosaur and if systems are down, then stores can't use ChekSystems to see if your check is good. Although we think of paper checks as a more tangible method of moving money, they have been an electronic transaction since 2004 when Check 21 was enacted. It is one of the reasons why checks are incredibly insecure. If you write a check in a store, you are essentially handing over all of the information that someone needs to transfer every dime out of your account electronically.



I don't really know much about foreign currency... In order to use it, you'd have to pay attention to the exchange rate and then use it with someone who also understands its value. The value fluctuates daily and the internet is where you get the current exchange rates. If the internet is down, where would we get the current exchange rate?

It seems less likely that we'd be able to find someone to spend the money with. As close as I live to Canada, some people don't want to accept Canadian coins. The Canadian dollar is currently worth about 73 cents in the US. When I was a kid, everyone around here was willing to accept any Canadian change, without discounting the value... except for quarters. They jammed up in vending machines. When I travel, I use my credit card almost exclusively and get just a small amount of local currency. My credit card doesn't charge for the currency exchange, though most do charge a fee.


There are some people who stockpile precious metals. That seems problematic, as well. Gold is currently around $2400/ounce and $77 a gram How do you pay for something small with gold? How many people have the equipment to cut a gold coin and then weigh it to get the precise amount of gold to pay with. And...if you have the proper equipment, most people won't trust your scale because it could be weighted against them.


I think that bartering would be the best way to go. Then, each participant in the transaction knows exactly what they are parting with and getting in return.



Edited by themartianchick
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We still use paper checks but only for bills we send, 2-3 a month.  What really bothers me is that we receive dozens and dozens of sheets of paper from Medicare and insurance companies and most of those contain useless pieces of paper that I just toss out.  I am sometimes buried in papers yet we get charged over $3 to receive paper bill statements through the mail from the telephone company.  So far our bank sends free paper monthly statements but who knows when that will also end.  

I primarily use our debit card online but prefer to use cash where possible.  We do not have a credit card.  I check my bank transactions online but I prefer not to set up automatic payments.  I admit to being old fashioned and probably way behind the times.  :shrug:

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So far, my internet is still working. (T-Mobil) land line is with Spectrum.  Though the internet has been a bit slower at times. And when watching TV which is the firestick plus, I have the antenna to at least get the local channels just in case and the tv sometimes loses it and starts to revamp again. But it does come back. So far this is the only issue I am having. 

The strange thing is that I haven't heard a single plane flying over the house in almost a week. So, it must be the airline here is affected because of other states. 


Also, not sure what is going on yet, but Biden has stepped down, so they are saying on some of the news programs. I have also heard that they are talking about Hilary Clinton taken his place. But not sure that is what is going on.  But I guess all we can do is to keep track of what is going on. We do need to know who is going to be running the country till the election.

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Biden didn't step down... He decided not to accept the nomination for the Democratic party to run for president again. He has endorsed Kamala Harris to be the party's nominee. He will continue to run the country until a new president is elected and sworn in in January.

Edited by themartianchick
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