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Questions about the "sudden onset" of the current "flu-like" episodes happening now (July 2024)

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@Jeepers and anyone else suddenly having "explosions" at "both ends."  :yuk:


  1. Do you have any ideas where/how you "caught" (became infected with) this bug???
  2. Any idea of an incubation time for this thing?
  3. How have you treated it? Home remedies, Doc visits, OTC meds, Rx's?
  4. How long did it last? Are there lingering effects?


My IHSS worker had to call off this morning because this same thing hit her at 4AM and woke her out of a deep sleep. I told her I would try to find out some info for her, BUT, I also need to know how compromised I might be to developing this thing myself!


Prompt replies would be appreciated. TYVM

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I have no idea where I got it. I've been shopping and around the attic clean out crew. 


Mine lasted about 3 days. I think I'm starting to get over it now. So from start to finish will be about 5 days. The worst was nausea and I had some stomach pains. Like sharp pains and also a heavy feeling in my stomach. Diaherrea was explosive and urgent. 


I usually don't go the doctor for minor things unless it lingers. I didn't. 


I tried to stay hydrated because I knew I was losing a lot of fluid. Some Gatorade and some Liquid IV drinks. I also took some OTC Nauzene and some UpSpring Stomach Settle that I get at Meijers. 


If I could have just rested, it might have gone away faster but I had too much to do with deadlines. 


I think it's just one of those things you have to let run its course. It isn't horrible. Mostly just like the regular intestinal flu. Diaherrea was inconvenient but not horrible. Stomach ache/pain was the worst.

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I know with Listeria, you have fever, muscle aches, chills and diarrhea and nausea.  So, if the only symptoms are diarrhea and nausea or vomiting it could be a stomach flu that is going around. 

I went to Harris Teeter today to pick up my RX and the veggie section was a wipe out. They had some things but there has been a long list of fresh veggies that have been recalled and I think some fruits as well because of listeria. I have been trying to be very careful with making the baby food and staying with organic and frozen as much as possible. Getting a bit picky for myself as well. I wanted to hit the farm market today but was cancelled due to rain. I think they said the veggies with listeria is from one farm but not sure which one. It is an issue over several states. 

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We are currently fine from infection.   Falling issues are another thing.  The cats are in on this time.


Edited by euphrasyne
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Oh no Euphrasyne! 


I'm pretty sure it isn't listeria because it doesn't seem to be that bad. I didn't have a fever. My heat is from the POTS. Also no aches nor chills. 


My stomach is basically sore. And it feels like bad hunger pangs sometimes with lots of grumbling.  Nothing has been horrible. Basic flu like symptoms. Mostly stomach issues with this. I was/am concerned about being around son. If it wasn't for the movers arriving tomorrow, I wouldn't go. 

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Jeepers, if you still have symptoms, I would not go around your son as his immune system right now would not be good with being on chemo. I would just go do what you need to for the movers, maybe you could be with your GS if you don't think you might be contagious. He doesn't need to get it as he would not be able to be near his dad. But it does sound like that stomach flu. Not the listeria. You don't seem to have the full symptoms for that one. 

Have a safe trip and praying for a safe return also. 

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