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May 3, 1973

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Morning all.... happy birthday to your son, Dee.... hi ya


Off to work this morning... the strike was settle at the very last minute, last night.. managed to avert a strike that would have immobilized our entire province.. all unions were walking off in support.. but now it looks like I will be starting my first day of grounds.. hope you all have a wonderful Monday..



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Let's see...


On May 3, 1973 my sis was getting ready to graduate at the end of the month.


I was finishing up my Sophomore year.


And Darlene was *just* turning 30!!!!!!


(For the *FIRST* time!!!!)



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It is about 41 with a high of 50 expected... the sun is out though... We have DS's big truck for what ever we might need to do, but uses a lot of gas, so won't do much.

Dee, tell your DS Happy birthday for me.

Snowmom, good luck with your newsletter.

Brigid, glad you were able to get to your ground work.

Cat, if you get a nasal spray with saline solution in it, and pour out about half, add coloilal silver and use it frequently throught out the day and tomorrow, itshould clear up the sinus infection.

Hope you all have a great day.

Edited to add, WiccadStargazer, I hope all goes really well with you new store, it can be a challenge, but you can make it. On the crafts you should get at least 10% for shelf space on the sale of items.


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Good morning everyone

I've had my leisurely cups of coffee and breakfast, mopped the kitchen, dining room floor and the bathrooms are next. Then I'll dust and vacuum and who knows about the rest of the day.

Dee: Hope your son has a great birthday. My DS#2 turned 31 in February. It's hard to believe. He looks so young when we are together somewhere people often ask him if he is going to school.

Snowmom: So glad your son and grandsons could be with you last weekend. Hope the newsletter goes well.

Brigid: Glad things worked out. Let us know how it goes.

Cat: Hope you're feeling better.

Star: It must be exciting to prepare your space. Blue sounds very peaceful. I used to get a massage about once a month from a lady who worked out of her home (she was single so it worked for her). I loved those days. She had a hot tub installed in her back yard under the trees outside the massage room door so I'd get in there first and relax, then on to the massage. DH gave me a gift certificate for massage here and it was good. This person played wonderful classical music in the massage room of her bed and breakfast. It's really something to treat yourself to if you can. Locally we have quite a group of alternative medicine women who have grouped together for advertisements to inform people what their services are.


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Good afternoon!


I finally got my schedule re-arranged so now I wont get here till the afternoon, but that's OK. Igot SO MUCH done this morning! Now I can concentrate on work without thinking "I really should be doing something else..."


Mainly all I did was clean the kitchen and the living room, but they were both in dire need of a deep cleaning. The kitchen isn't completely done, but I'm happy with what I got done. I also finished cleaning the bathroom.


Had an argument with oldest DD yesterday. She threw a fit about cleaning the bathroom (and didn't finish). She seems to think that she has no obligations in the house. I'm not quite sure how to deal with this situation, because at this point, there's not a lot I can take away from her as punishment. We don't have TV, she lives far away from her friends so grounding wouldn't work, she doesn't have a phone or playstation or anything like that. I can't afford to pay her an allowance. She does help with her younger sibs, but she thinks if she plays with them for a little while that should be all she has to do.


Unfortunately, and something I can't change, is that her two closest friends don't have many responsibilities. BF #1 is an only child (well almost, her next oldest sister is 13 yrs older, has a family of her own), and her mom's not real big on keeping a clean house or stuff like that. With it being just the two of them, I suppose there's not really much to do anyway. BF #2 lives with mom, grandpa and gramma in a big old dysfunctional family situation and gramma does the lion's share of the work. So she sees that they don't have any responsibilities. I try to explain to her that I don't do this to punish her, I do this because she's a member of this family and has a responsibility to it, plus she will need to know HOW to do this stuff when she gets out on her own.


Ahh, the joys of adolescence!

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