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Happy Monday

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Good Morning all.. hope you enjoyed your Mothers Day and everyone did something they wanted to. I had family over

to my place and then later in the day.. I painted, planted and then watched the Finale of Survivor. Had a great day.

Today we have clouds with possible thunder and lightning...I'm going to get wet.

Have a great Monday.

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morning ... we have been having small t-storms going through and i haven't been getting on much cause of it. A friend of ours fix me a mother day supper that was nice of her and got me some candy.

DH has been really sick this week, that he hardly can get out of bed. Poor guy. And he felt so bad about not being able to be with me for mother's day.

We are getting a lot of birds out here this year what a joy that has been and exciting too. we had four male oriole's

well better get off for a bit and get around and do something. and check on the other forms

hope all have a great day.




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Good morning all. Brightest blessings and hope everyone had a great mother's day.

Saturday my DH took me to a chinese restaurant for dinner. Yum! Then he told me that on Sunday he would take us all to a movie and it would be my choice. So on Sunday we went and saw Van Helsing. DD started to scream once and jumped a couple times, and DS didn't scream at all, but he did jump a few times. My neighbor wanted to see that too, but her 8 year old DD is scared by a lot of movies. Even the Scooby-Doo movie. My children are told that it's not real and we always watch the "making of" whenever we can. It was the first movie DS has ever been to, and he was very good, hardly talked, and when he did, it was a whisper!

So I had a fun day. We did something very out of the ordinary for us. (last time DH and I saw a movie at a theater together, it was when Jurassic Park 3 was in theaters!)

Happy Monday all!

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It seems we all had a really nice Mother's Day...

We are having warm weather, with T-storms predicted for every day this week.. very unusual for here, today they are calling for high winds and hail.

Must get busy...

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Good afternoon everyone:

I'm late because I woke up with a headache that took the wind out of my sails. Ya know, nauseous and all that. I finally went back to bed at 9 until about 11, still had the headache but was then able to take something for it. So it's slow going for me today.

I'm finishing up on laundry and cleared the bed in the guestroom so DH could lay out all his camping stuff for his trip later this week with DS#2.


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