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Saturday, the first one in September

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Hi all... hey snowie.. how are you? I decided to pop in for a quick moment. I am on my way to the nursing home to pick up my ex for a visit with the kids. He continues to go downhill and doesn't remember much anymore. He has Alzeimers, at the age of 47 and requires constant supervision. I try to get him over to the house everyother week to visit with the kids.

The summer has gone by so quickly, it's hard to believe that it will be a year this month that my brother Pat passed away from liver cancer, at the age of 47.

I have been working hard outside all summer, long hours in the hot sun.

My son starts his last year of high school on Tuesday, and my daughter is working full time as a manager of a pizza place.

I hope you are all keeping well, I think of you often.

Enjoy your Saturday.



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I'm still sitting around in my robe (it's 10 here) but it's Saturday and that's okay.

We've had some really hard, extended rains that have pretty much wiped out my dahlias. The black eyed susans are still going strong. I'm picking tomatoes, cucumbers, zucchini and the pumpkins are forming. Next year I'll get the garden going earlier and hopefully it will do better.

My husband is on call this weekend and is out picking up equipment right now. Hopefully he won't have to work too much this weekend. You can't plan going anywhere because he might have to pick up and leave. Thankfully it is only every 3 weeks.

Snowmom: Good news about your son's second interview. Hope it works out. A job is a job.

Briget: Good to hear from you. Are you all sun tanned?

Lois: It's nice having your family together.


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Good evening all, did not get in to check the site this morning,dh decided to play around with his nero cd burnern thingy on the computer, and screwed the whole thing up. Just got it backup, I have been going through withdrawal all day not being able to check the postings here and check NOAA on the progress of Frances. I have not turned the tv off of the weather channel all day.

Spent the day being busy to keep my mind off of the computer. Did up all the laundry, went outside and took all of my garden statues and what nots and placed them in the garage, took all of my patio furniture in, then went out to the garage and brought in enough things that we would need to put in the refrigerator/freezer to get us through until this storms subsides. Filled water bottles to put in the freezer to form ice,to help keep everything cold in case of power outage for the upcoming bad weather. Went to store and got several loafs of bread and more milk and some Sunny D. and colas.... now we just have to sit and wait. They are expecting the remanants of hurricane Frances to move through our area by late Monday into Tuesday and Wednesday. AS of right now they are saying 5t inches or more rain expected, and possible tornadoes......


Well everyone take care and hope everyone is safe, will check in tomorrow, UNless DH plays with the computer again......

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Evening everyone...


Had a busy day today. Went this morning to run errands in town. I'm finally making a bit of money now so I could actually buy some things we needed. So nice to be flush again!


Went to the thrift store and pickedup some shirts for both little kids, and some jeans for little DD. Her little legs are so short I don't do a lot of jeans for her, but they are good to have for the winter.


Decided to go to the library and look for a book. I'm reading a series now and we are missing book 7. Thankfully the library had it. Then we went over to the farmer's market and I had a ball. I didn't buy much, cause I need to organize the freezers, but I did get several cantaloupes (they go FAST here!), a few lbs of green peppers, some onions, some tomatoes and some cukes. Then we went to safeway and walmart to get groceries and school supplies.


When I got to walmart, the school supply area was totally decimated. I picked from what they had, and then went to find the front end manager. I said "Whoever ordered your school supplies..." and he smiles and says "Did a great job, they're sold out!" He's trying to joke with me, which I did appreciate, but then I said "Do you realize Aguilar District hasn't started school yet?" The look of panic on his face was, umm, priceless. I mean, I normally don't wait until the last minute, but due to finances I had to this year. Most people around here do NOT plan ahead at all, and this guy was obviously smart enough to know that, LOL. He did ask what was on my list that I couldn't find, and went and hunted those items down for me. I'm thinking someone else will be ordering school supplies next year, LOL. It was the best customer service I've ever had at that walmart, though.


Then I came home and collapsed! We had some lunch, and then I threw the green peppers in the food processor and got them frozen. We ate so late I just cut up a couple of cantaloupes for dinner, LOL.


OK...back to work, and I still have to put the onions up and get some beans on to cook.


unike, hope ya'll don't get more rain than you need.

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